Don't Go Against My Mommy

C533 No One Would like You

C533 No One Would like You

Furthermore, Mei Shuang had heard her father talk about her aunt's mother when she was very young. At that time, she had heard about the relationship between the Meng family and her mother, so she felt that what Zhuilei said was true.    


Zhuilei thought of Mei Shuang's identity as a member of the Mei family. He thought that she must have heard about the matter between Uncle Mong and Mei Xue, so it was understandable for her to believe him.    


"Have you heard about the matter between Mei Xue and Uncle Mong?" Zhuilei asked, his eyes were filled with joy. Finally, someone believed him.    


"My father said so. My grandfather also said so," Mei Shuang said.    


"I told you that I personally confirmed the blood relationship between Qin Fei and Uncle Mong. What I said was all science. If you don't believe me, you can test it yourself in the future. " Zhuilei looked at Soong Ze provocatively.    


"Of course we will do it. At that time, even if we wanted to take the test now, we couldn't find Qin Fei and Mong Loong." The balance in Soong Ze's heart was actually leaning towards believing Zhuilei. If it wasn't because Qin Fei wasn't Qin Shi's daughter. Why would Qin Shi treat Qin Fei so badly?    


"Master, can you take us to see Mong Loong?" Qin Mo still believed that seeing was the truth.    


"But I also don't know where Uncle Mong is right now. Uncle Mong is usually elusive. If he doesn't come to find me, I will never find him. Because the technology he uses is much more advanced than mine. " After Zhuilei received the letter, he cut off contact with Mong Loong. He knew that Uncle Mong did this on purpose. ...    


The old kid wanted to play a game with Lin Yuelin. Of course, he wouldn't let them find him so easily.    


"Didn't you say that you and Mong Loong are good friends? Why can't you find his position?" Soong Ze didn't want to hear Zhuilei's explanation. If he wanted to prove himself, then the most direct reason was to lead them to Mong Loong.    


"Alright, I'll work hard." Actually, Zhuilei had not seen Uncle Mong for a long time. He also missed this naughty kid a lot. Since it was already like this, he would take them to find Uncle Mong.    


After getting Zhuilei's permission, everyone let out a sigh of relief.    


As long as Lin Yuelin and Qin Fei were safe, they would be able to bring them out. Of course, Soong Ze wouldn't give this task to Zhuilei. Zhuilei was on Mong Loong's side. Therefore, he had been secretly gathering his men.    


"Ah..." The man's heart moved. It felt like someone was talking about him. Without thinking, he knew it must be Zhuilei. The man took the handkerchief from his assistant and wiped his nose. He was indeed old. His body's immunity was now comparable to before. It was really much weaker.    


"Boss, did you catch a cold?" They used their lives to protect their boss's health, so they saw his health as very important.    


"I didn't. I was too engrossed when I was thinking about the problem, so I forgot to swallow my saliva. I choked on my own saliva." The man had always been thinking about how to test Lin Yuelin's love for Qin Fei.    


"What are the arrangements for those two people now?"    


"Both of them are in the room. There is only one wall between them. Qin Fei had been thinking of ways to tell Lin Yuelin that she was right next door, but the soundproofing here was too good. No matter what method she uses, it is useless." The assistant saw that the boss seemed to care about Lin Yuelin and Qin Fei, although she did not know why. But it was the first time she saw the boss so interested in people. Of course, they were also happy to see it.    


"I think it won't be long before Zhuilei leads a group of people to this place. So you have to do the reception work properly. Don't neglect it." The man knew Zhuilei's character very well. His violent temper would be betrayed if it was provoked by his peers.    


"Don't worry, boss. As long as we don't allow it, flies won't be able to fly in." The assistant said confidently.    


"I just want them to come in, but you still won't let them in. My grandson and granddaughter are inside. " Mong Loong's face revealed a mischievous smile. This was a game. A game to test Lin Yuelin.    


Mong Loong's motto was that life was a game. Since he was in it, he had to enjoy the fun of the game. He was now enjoying the fun of the game, and he hoped that Lin Yuelin would like it as well.    


"Boss, aren't you worried that Miss will refuse to acknowledge you because of this?" The assistant had never seen a father who loved playing like the boss. This was too much fun.    


"Of course I'm worried. Fei Fei's temper is very similar to Mei Xue's. They are very stubborn. If they knew that I kidnapped them, they would definitely not forgive me. Not to mention recognizing me as a father. " Mong Loong had long thought of these consequences, but he was really unwilling to let Lin Yuelin get his daughter. This was his only daughter. In the future, he would let his daughter inherit everything he had. If this man wasn't reliable, wouldn't this man get a big bargain?    


Therefore, regardless of whether she would be angry or not, he would have to come up with some difficult questions to test this man and see if he was worth his daughter entrusting her life to him.    


"I feel that Zhuilei will be able to find me very soon, so quickly implement the first plan." Mong Loong had come up with many plans for the game. He had to complete all the games before Zhuilei could find him. However, he felt that it was too late. After all, with Zhuilei's ability and understanding of him. He should be able to find him very quickly.    


This house was filled with the charm of science. It was said that the soundproofing effect of the room was good. Actually, Uncle Mong had asked someone to modify it. Qin Fei could hear whatever Lin Yuelin said clearly. However, Lin Yuelin did not know what Qin Fei said.    


Qin Fei heard a uniform breath coming from the next door. It was the same sound of Lin Yuelin breathing on top of her head every night. Qin Fei was sure that the person next door was Lin Yuelin and that he was still fine. So she was really relieved. Lin Yuelin had already fallen asleep in peace. This meant that there was really nothing to worry about.    


However, Qin Fei still had some worries and complained, "Yuelin, why can I hear your breathing when you are sleeping, but you can't hear me shouting so loudly?"    


This really made people feel baffled.    


"Yuelin, it has only been a while since I saw you, and I already miss you very much. You slept well, but I can't sleep. "    


Qin Fei looked at her. She did not know who had changed her pajamas. The size was appropriate, but she was not in a good mood.    


She believed that no one would feel good after their wedding was disturbed.    


Lin Yuelin had a nightmare. After waking up, he violently hammered a wall and muttered, Fei Fei, where are you? How are you?    


Qin Fei did not sleep. When she heard the sound of the wall being hammered, she whispered to him and shouted excitedly, "Yuelin, I'm fine. I'm right next door. Don't worry about me."    


Qin Fei now had a feeling that she would not respond to him every day. No matter how hard she shouted, Lin Yuelin could not hear Qin Fei's voice.    


"Fei Fei, it's all my fault. I have implicated you again. You must take good care of yourself. Before you escape to find you, you must not let anything happen to you." This time, Lin Yuelin really did not know who he had offended. However, Qin Fei had never had anything to do with these grudges. So he must have implicated her in this matter.    


Mong Loong saw Qin Fei and Lin Yuelin through the video. When he saw Qin Fei's face, he could not help but think of Mei Xue. Their smiles and frowns were all very similar. If he had come back earlier, everything would not have been like this.    


"Mei Xue, you must have hated me when you died, right? I also hate myself. I can't even protect the woman I love the most. It's useless for me." Mong Loong knew that he would never be able to escape the guilt he felt towards Mei Xue.    


Suddenly, he received a message from Zhuilei on his phone.    


"Uncle Mong, I advise you not to play too much. That is your daughter. You have to understand Baiyi even more. That is, your daughter loves Lin Yuelin, this man, very much. If you do anything bad, your daughter won't let you go."    


Zhuilei knew that Uncle Mong would give all his love to Qin Fei, so he was even more unwilling to let Lin Yuelin marry his daughter. He even let her have a child at such a young age. Zhuilei didn't know how Uncle Mong would torture Lin Yuelin, but he had to warn him in advance. He didn't want ___ to do something that couldn't be salvaged.    


When Zhuilei returned to the headquarters, Mono was the only one there. The rest of them had already left work.    


"Mono, I have something I need your help with." Zhuilei had completely forgotten that he wanted to ask her out to celebrate. Zhuilei's memory had always been very good. He could remember a lot of things, but he would forget what he had said to Mono.    


The bright smile on Mono's face suddenly disappeared after he finished speaking. It seemed like Zhuilei only had work and Mong Loong in his life. This was also the reason why she and Mong Loong didn't get along.    


Sometimes, women who fell in love were really pitiful. She would remember every word of a man seriously for a long time, but she would instantly forget what a man said.    


"You don't seem to be happy. I won't let you get off work late for a long time. It's just for a while. Quickly finish your work and get off work. " Zhuilei could see the dissatisfaction on Mono's face. He thought in his heart that he must make her work overtime. She felt uncomfortable in her heart.    


"Zhuilei, I don't think there will be any woman in this world who will like you. Those who like you are the dumbest fool in this world." A trace of bitterness appeared in Mono's throat. All the members knew her feelings for him. But only he didn't know.    


[This chapter is over]    


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