Don't Go Against My Mommy

C524 Sweet Wedding Dress

C524 Sweet Wedding Dress

Qin Fei suspected that Lin Yuelin had really gone to register for some girls' class. Otherwise, how could he be so tactful?    


She looked at Qin Fei's suspicious gaze. Lin Yuelin was a little puzzled. He did not know what he was suspecting.    


"Yuelin, where do you want to go?" The two of them had been walking along this path for a long time. They had no idea where the end of the path was.    


"The most important thing is not where to go. The most important thing is who to walk with." Lin Yuelin said he was going out for a walk. He just wanted to stay with Qin Fei peacefully. He did not want to have any friends around him, nor did he want to have children with him. It was just him and Qin Fei.    


This feeling was really too good.    


Suddenly, Lin Yuelin remembered that he had promised to bring Qin Fei to try out the wedding dress. It was customized in France and had already been made as soon as possible.Edited by: Lifer, Fingerfox Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio    


"Let's go home. You will also feel wonderful staying at home because I am by your side." After all, she had walked for so long, and her feet were too tired.    


"We can't go home. I still have to take you to the wedding dress shop to try it out." Lin Yuelin ignored Qin Fei's words and directly pulled Qin Fei in the opposite direction.    


Fortunately, the wedding dress store was not very far from the villa. Qin Fei had always thought that it was a very far place, so she was very surprised that Lin Yuelin clearly did not like to waste time. Why did he not call a car?    


"Lin Yuelin, if I continue walking, my legs will be crippled." Qin Fei found it hard to accept.    


"Don't worry. The wedding dress shop is very close. We will be there soon." Lin Yuelin felt that Qin Fei was too impatient, but this kind of impatience made her seem very real.    


Qin Fei thought that the distance Lin Yuelin talked about was only a few minutes. In the end, she walked for half an hour. Wasn't this still called far? It could clearly be called a car. She really didn't know what Lin Yuelin was thinking in his heart.    


"Didn't you complain about my poor health? I walk more and exercise more. I also feel that your physical fitness is too poor. You fainted several times in the middle. I have a wife and still need to serve myself. I'm really sad. " As Lin Yuelin spoke, he had already gone astray.    


"Lin Yuelin, it's better if you don't speak anymore. I really feel like complaining when I hear it." Anything could be associated with that. Lin Yuelin was simply not possessed by a hungry wolf, but by a Maltese.    


"We're really almost there. Did you see the wedding dress shop in front of us?" Lin Yuelin pointed at the huge signboard not far ahead. It was the best wedding shop in the city. Lin Yuelin wanted to give Qin Fei the best things.    


Qin Fei looked up and could finally see her destination. Every step she took now was meaningful. Because she would be one step closer to that place. Lin Yuelin's physical fitness was obviously not that good, but he had been walking all the time today. However, Lin Yuelin's face was not red, and he was not panting. He kept running forward with his long legs.    


When the staff saw Lin Yuelin and Qin Fei, he only felt that the two of them were a perfect match made by heaven. He had no idea that they were here to try on the wedding dress. Lin Yuelin had been lying in the hospital bed before, and these were all done by Soong Ze and Zhuilei.    


Lin Yuelin communicated with the staff in fluent Italian, but Qin Fei could not understand a single word. She could only stand by the side and smile quietly.    


After some communication, she realized that the custom-made expensive wedding dress was a custom-made one. But it was also true. Other than this woman, there seemed to be very few people who could wear the wedding dress to its effect.    


Lin Yuelin saw that Qin Fei kept smiling and knew that she must be very tired, so he whispered to her ear, "Let's go up."    


? There were basically women in the wedding dress shop. They were foreigners, so they naturally admired the beauty of this pair. The man was handsome and unrestrained, and the woman was the typical elegant and dignified Eastern woman.    


Lin Yuelin could understand Italian, so he was very satisfied when he heard their praises. He wanted everyone to envy him because he would have a beautiful and romantic wedding with the angel they talked about.    


When they went upstairs, Lin Yuelin was looking at Qin Fei's side profile. He couldn't help but kiss her in front of everyone. Qin Fei was thinking about something and was shocked by Lin Yuelin's sudden attack.    


She looked at Lin Yuelin very uneasily. There were so many people here, he didn't know how to restrain himself. This gave people the feeling that he wasn't dignified at all, that he wasn't serious at all.    


However, Qin Fei seemed to have forgotten where she was. This was overseas, and that action just now was just a basic friendly etiquette overseas.    


"Lin Yuelin, you better behave yourself. If you continue like this, I will be angry." Qin Fei felt that she had to warn this guy. Otherwise, he would take a mile and take a mile.    


"You are wrong to say that. You can ask any one of them. It is not illegal for me to kiss my own wife like this. Why are you threatening me like this? Lin Yuelin was used to calling his wife "wife. It was very convenient for him to call her wife.    


" There are so many people here. If you are not ashamed, I will be ashamed. " Qin Fei had heard Lin Yuelin call her 'wife' countless times, but she still felt touched when she heard him call her 'wife'.    


"Since you like private situations, your almighty husband will definitely satisfy you." Lin Yuelin and Qin Fei flirted as they went upstairs. Soon, they arrived at the VIP room on the second floor.    


Although they could not understand Italian, they could not understand Italian either. However, they knew that this place was bustling and spacious. One look and they could tell that only VIPs enjoyed this privilege.    


"We're here."    


Lin Yuelin immediately restrained the irregularity on his face and talked with shopping guide seriously.    


"She said our wedding dress is at the most conspicuous place in the innermost part. We can see it when we go in." Lin Yuelin translated for Qin Fei.    




After Lin Yuelin asked about what his best friend wanted to know, he directly pulled Qin Fei in. He spent a lot of money to let an Italian designer who had already sealed his pen design and make it. Lin Yuelin had seen the design drafts, but he had not seen the finished product until now. He was full of expectation just like Qin Fei.    


The two of them walked side by side, holding hands as they walked into the room. The corridor seemed to be very deep.    


Qin Fei and Lin Yuelin's eyes almost stopped on a wedding dress at the same time. Qin Fei stood in front of the wedding dress and could not move her feet. Lin Yuelin knew that this wedding dress was the one he prepared for Qin Fei.    


This designer was really a treasure. Even though he had sealed the pen for so many years, he was still young. The thing she designed was actually so beautiful. She perfectly combined the special elements of the Middle and West. Basically, she could not see the dividing line between the Middle and the West. This was why she was so ingenious.    


"Yuelin, don't say that it's not this wedding dress. I like this wedding dress. No matter how beautiful it is inside, I don't want it." This wedding dress really suited Qin Fei's taste, even though she had not tried it on yet. Qin Fei felt that this wedding dress was tailor-made for her.    


"It's yours. This is what I prepared for you." Lin Yuelin knew that Qin Fei liked it very much, so he immediately relaxed.    


"Yuelin..." Qin Fei's voice was trembling, although she did not want to have a wedding with Lin Yuelin. But as long as it was a woman, she would yearn for a wedding dress. How could she be calm when she saw such a wedding dress that suited her heart? At this moment, Qin Fei tightly grabbed Lin Yuelin's hand, and there were some tears in her eyes. ...    


"Thank you. This wedding dress is beautiful. It is really very beautiful." Qin Fei was not a person with such poor vocabulary, but when faced with such a beautiful wedding dress, it was as if she could not find any good words to describe it. Or perhaps it was because she was too excited now and could not think of anything else in her mind.    


"Don't look at it anymore. Just try it for me and see how my taste is." Lin Yuelin saw Qin Fei's expression and felt very proud in his heart. It was as if all the hard work was worth it.    


Previously, Lin Yuelin had deliberately asked Qin Fei about the feelings of the wedding dress in her heart. He remembered these things. Then he told the designer that he did not expect the designer to really understand Qin Fei's heart. She actually liked it so much.    


"I don't need to try. I just know that this wedding dress is very suitable for me. This is the wedding dress of my dream. Qin Fei was able to find a common point in all of her ideas about this wedding dress." Qin Fei even wanted to meet the designer. She really did not know what kind of inspiration made her design such a wedding dress.    


"Yuelin, I really like it. I really like it." Qin Fei did not know how to describe her current emotional state.    


Qin Fei knew that her husband was omnipotent. She did not expect him to know what she was thinking. He even presented these things in a more perfect way in front of her.    


"Lin Yuelin, can you not be so outstanding? I really feel that I am not worthy of you. Compared to you, I am really worthless." Qin Fei pinched the flesh on Lin Yuelin's waist and pouted.    


"My perfection is useless to other women. My perfection is just to give you a surprise. Other than that, there is no other use. Why is my woman so good? "Lin Yuelin said with deep affection.    


Qin Fei was originally very touched, but after hearing what Lin Yuelin said, she felt that she had never seen anyone more narcissistic than this man.    


"Don't just stand there and be touched. Hurry up and try the wedding dress." No matter how beautiful the dress was, if it was not on Qin Fei, Lin Yuelin would only feel that it was okay.    


"Why are you so anxious? Isn't it still early?" Qin Fei had not even admired enough. When she had admired enough, wouldn't she be able to give it a try?    


However, Qin Fei still could not bear Lin Yuelin's urging. She could only carry the wedding dress and run to the fitting room. Lin Yuelin went to try his black tuxedo.    


This chapter is over.    


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