Don't Go Against My Mommy

C477 When He Saw Du Ning

C477 When He Saw Du Ning

Actually, Du Ning did not drive the car at all, so even if she drove for so many hours, she would not be tired. Her task today was to go for a ride. After going for so long, she finally woke up and felt comfortable.    


"Du Ning, oh Du Ning." Cheng Luo shouted with a hoarse voice. He hoped that Du Ning would give him some face and listen to him. Of course, he knew that this was a fantasy.    


However, with the blessing of God, the car in front of them finally stopped.    


Cheng Luo quickly got off the car and walked up to her, knocking on her glass window.    


Du Ning rolled down the window in puzzlement. Cheng Luo had never seen Du Ning before. So he was about to curse, but the moment the window rolled down, he was stunned. The woman in front of him was a woman who walked out of the Jiangnan water village. Her facial features were indifferent, as if she could not be seen in the crowd. However, you could always find her with a cool smell of water.    


He had never felt this way before. The first time he saw someone, he felt that she was the person he was looking for.    


The moment he saw Du Ning, Cheng Luo felt as if he fell into a fantasy dream. The dream was full of blooming flowers.    


He never believed in the saying of love at first sight, but today it seemed that this sentence was quite accurate. Cheng Luo's pupils dilated, and he was at a loss for what to do.    


At this moment, Du Ning's oil had been filled up. She was ready to go on the road again, so she did not want to continue pestering this infatuated man.    


Cheng Luo realized that she actually closed the window. He immediately slapped the window and shouted, "Du Ning."    


He actually knew his name.    


Du Ning searched her mind according to this face for a moment and found that she did not have this person's memory.    


"Who are you?" Du Ning really did not know where this man came from. The strangest thing was that he actually knew her name.    


"I brought someone to see you, so we need to find a place to talk." After going around in a circle, he finally said everything he wanted to say.    


"Are you guys going or not? If you fill up the gas, then move aside. The car behind us still needs to speed up. Do you have any moral integrity? If you want to chat, find a place to chat." Curses kept coming from behind.    


"I don't know you, so I don't want to talk to you about anything." Du Ning asked the driver to drive the car away.    


"F * ck, we are going to chase the game again." Cheng Luo could only return to his car and continue to follow Du Ning.    


Cheng Luo put in all his effort this time, not only for the mission, but also for the mission. This was the first time he was tempted by a woman. Of course, he wouldn't let her go so easily. Thus, he quickly caught up with Du Ning. Cheng Luo attributed this credit to the power of love.    


Du Ning was originally thinking about who that man was. Since he knew her name, then he must know her. Just now, he said that he wanted to bring someone to meet her. Who exactly was it?    


In the end, Cheng Luo had already caught up with Du Ning's car.    


Du Ning frowned. She originally wanted to go out to relieve her boredom today, but she did not expect to encounter such a troublesome matter. Could she still let people play quietly?    


This time, Cheng Luo could safely get out of the car. Only then did Du Ning seriously look at this man. This man could feel the strength of his body even in a suit. He looked like a bodyguard. She was very worried that it was Luh Cheng who sent him.    


Recently, she also wanted to not do anything against him. She didn't want to make things so big.    


Du Ning asked the driver to honk the horn with all his might. After all, it was the other party's fault to stop the person on the road.    


Lia hesitated for a long time before coming out of the car. She did not know why she suddenly felt a little nervous.    


Du Ning was about to call the police when she saw Lia get out of the car. She immediately stopped all the movements in her hands and even lost the thought in her brain. She seemed to have even forgotten to breathe.    


This little girl in front of her was not her own daughter. Who was she?    


Lia was clearly under Luh Cheng's control and was currently in a sanatorium in America. Why would she suddenly appear here? Du Ning almost thought that this was just a dream. It was God who pitied her for missing her daughter. Giving her a sudden dream, she did not even dare to blink her eyes. She was afraid that once she closed her eyes, her daughter would disappear.    


Lia didn't see Du Ning sitting in the car. She only knew that Uncle Cheng Luo told her to get off the car.    


Du Ning saw that Cheng Luo seemed to be very good with Lia. She was thinking about the relationship between the two of them. Was this man really someone from Luh Cheng's side? But since he was going to waste his time thinking about it, she might as well hug her daughter, who had been in her arms for four years, as soon as possible.    


Du Ning almost instantly opened the car door and ran out of the car. Du Ning stood outside the car and looked at Lia. She was also looking at her. Both of their eyes were filled with complex emotions. You look at me. I look at you. No one dared to take another step forward.    


Cheng Luo knew that the CEO's guess was right. The two of them looked very similar. If anyone said that the two of them were not mother and daughter, he would not believe it. But why were the two of them still standing there? Shouldn't they run to each other? Should they give each other a hug?    


Cheng Luo looked at Lia, who was beside him. This seemingly strong little girl's eyes were already filled with tears, and Du Ning, who was in front of him, also had a doting look on her face.    


"Look after your mother. Why don't you go over?" Cheng Luo could only help Lia from behind. He pushed her.    


Perhaps it was because they hadn't seen each other for a long time, or perhaps it was because of something else, both of them seemed to be very careful.    


However, Cheng Luo didn't think that his good intentions would actually do something bad. His push directly pushed Lia to the ground.    


Falling in front of his mother, it was really shameful for Lia. Right now, she wished she could kill this Uncle Cheng Luo.    


Du Ning saw that Lia had fallen and quickly ran over to pull her up from the ground.    


Cheng Luo scratched his ears and cheeks at the side. It was really embarrassing. He really did not know that the little girl was so weak. He wanted to do something to save her, but he realized that he could not do anything. He could only stand by the side and laugh dryly. Du Ning saw this man push her beloved daughter to the ground and naturally did not have a good expression.    


"Uncle Cheng Luo, don't you know how to be gentle?" Lia, who got up from the ground, looked at him with a reproachful look.    


She did not expect to see her mother, but she thought that when she saw her mother, she would be very beautiful. But Uncle Cheng Luo actually made her lose face in front of her mother. The truth hit him.    


Cheng Luo continued to smile awkwardly. He did not expect to do such a stupid thing. Maybe it was because he liked this woman in front of him very much.    


So his IQ went offline.    


Du Ning did not know whether Cheng Luo was a good or bad person for the time being, so her eyes still had a guarded look. She faintly looked at Cheng Luo with disdain in her eyes.    


She squatted down to help Lia remove the dust on her body and whispered into her ear, "Is this person a good person or a bad person?"    


She originally didn't want to talk about these unpleasant things in front of her daughter, but in the end, she felt that asking her was the most direct.    


"Not good, not bad, but very stupid." Lia smiled and said.    


Du Ning was stunned for a moment and finally reacted. Lia was a lively girl. Since she said so, it meant that Lia still liked Cheng Luo very much. Then Cheng Luo definitely did not cause any harm to Lia.    


"Mom now has a lot of things that she is very curious about. I want to ask you." Du Ning had never thought that she would have the chance to see her daughter.    


Cheng Luo said that if his plan did not succeed, he would not let her see his daughter again. She really did not understand why her daughter would suddenly appear in this place.    


She still did not react and felt that it was like a dream.    


Because they were already very far away from B City, the three of them randomly found a better hotel nearby and stayed there. Cheng Luo went to the room first to see if there were any pinhole cameras. After all, it was a dangerous time now. It was better to be careful.    


After Cheng Luo checked all the corners, he sat down in front of the mother and daughter in peace. "I have already checked all the places. There are no surveillance cameras. You can rest assured."    


Cheng Luo was a professional at monitoring. As long as he said there were no surveillance cameras, there would definitely be no surveillance cameras, unless there was a new type of surveillance that he knew.    


However, Du Ning did not seem to appreciate it. She even looked at Cheng Luo as if he was an idiot. She thought that he was busy with something, but it turned out that he was checking the surveillance. She didn't expect him to do such an unnecessary thing. He was really stupid.    


No wonder Lia had such an evaluation of him. It was really appropriate.    


"Just think about it, how could such a cheap hotel have surveillance cameras?"    


Cheng Luo thought about it. Du Ning's words also had a reason. After all, this was only a temporary stop. The enemy could not have installed the surveillance camera in the hotel by the road so quickly. Furthermore, the enemy did not expect Du Ning to stay in such a poor hotel with such an identity. Therefore, the possibility of placing the surveillance camera in this hotel was even lower.    


Cheng Luo touched his head. Why did his intelligence become zero in front of Du Ning? He clearly wanted to perform well, but he kept letting the woman he liked see a joke.    


Du Ning still did not trust Cheng Luo and asked coldly, "Now you can introduce yourself. Who are you?"    


Cheng Luo did not dare to look into Du Ning's eyes. He did not think that when he liked someone, even someone as bold as him would have such a shy time.    


But what Cheng Luo did not know was that the more he was shy, the more Du Ning felt that he must have something shady in his heart.    


"Don't worry. I'm not a bad person. I'm Lin Yuelin's all-rounded housekeeper." Cheng Luo didn't feel that his housekeeper status wasn't good enough for Du Ning. After all, he liked this job.    


Moreover, if Du Ning was willing, he could also work at the Lin's headquarters. With his ability, he could only be below Lin Yuelin.    


This chapter is over.    


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