Don't Go Against My Mommy

C434 Tricking Little Kids with All Kinds of Tricks

C434 Tricking Little Kids with All Kinds of Tricks

Don't let anything happen to this poor girl.    


Qin Sheng was already used to the role of an elder sister. When she saw a younger sister, she automatically took the role of an elder sister. So she felt very sorry for the girl just now and asked worriedly, "Mom, will she be alright? I saw that there was no blood on her face at all."    


Qin Fei also did not know how to answer her question. After all, none of them knew what kind of illness this girl had. "Mom doesn't know either, but I believe that the heavens are kind to beautiful girls. She will be fine."    


This sentence was also said by Qin Fei for herself.    


All parents in the world had the same heart. She did not know if the parents of this girl were also crazily looking for her. If something happened to her, her parents would definitely be in great pain.    


Lin Yuelin carried Lia to the hospital and quickly entered the resuscitation room.    


He found the best doctor not only because she might know about Mo's matter, but also because the child was in his hands, so he had the responsibility to take care of her.    


Lin Yuelin waited outside and his mood was very chaotic. He could not imagine how he would collapse and blame himself if Qin Sheng or Soong Yuan were inside. If the little girl's parents were here now, it would be even more painful.    


He still did not know which family this girl belonged to.    


Cheng Luo saw Lin Yuelin walking around in front of him and comforted him, "President, don't worry too much. She will be fine. I think she seems to have a congenital heart disease. She should be fine."    


Although Cheng Luo was not a godly doctor, he still had a lot of theoretical knowledge about medicine.    


Lin Yuelin knew that Cheng Luo was just a half-baked doctor. Of course he knew a lot of small pain and illnesses, but looking at the little girl's illness, it seemed to be a little serious. "Are you sure?"    


Just as Cheng Luo decided to correct his name, the lights in the emergency room went out. The door opened and the doctor in charge of forcing came out.    


"Doctor, is she alright?" Lin Yuelin was a little nervous.    


"She's fine. She got scared. As long as we don't let her mood fluctuate too much in the future, it will be fine. She will also have a good rest." The doctor knew Lin Yuelin's name, so he naturally said patiently.    


Cheng Luo was listening to the doctor's analysis from the side. He knew that it was a heart attack. He raised his eyebrows at Lin Yuelin as if he was showing off that he had guessed correctly.    


He was the real all-around butler. The president could not underestimate him.    


"The little girl has congenital heart disease. She can't be provoked anymore. So you adults have to be careful when talking and doing things, don't agitate her. Otherwise, situations like today will happen frequently. If this happens too often... It's very likely that there's no way to save her. " The doctor did not know what kind of relationship the child in the hospital bed had with Lin Yuelin. In any case, it did not matter what kind of relationship it was. It has to do with Lin Yuelin. If it was someone else... He would have scolded him earlier, and he would have said it in such a roundabout way.    


Lin Yuelin glanced at Cheng Luo. He didn't expect Cheng Luo to be right. It seemed like he didn't waste his time looking at the ancient medical skills of the Yellow Emperor.    


Soon, the lia was pushed out of the operating theater. She was already used to it, but she scared Lin Yuelin and his wife.    


Lia thought that she would see Angel when she woke up. After all, she would see him every time she woke up in the sanatorium. But this time, it was Lin Yuelin who woke up. The light in her eyes dimmed instantly.    


"You finally woke up?" Although she was very worried in her heart, her words were still very cold.    


This was Lin Yuelin. To people who had nothing to do with him, this was the attitude of someone who would anger him to death. Cheng Luo had long gotten used to his CEO's clear attitude.    


Although Lia did not like this man, this time it was him who saved her. She knew this, so she nodded. " En. "    


"So you can speak. I thought you might be a mute or something." Lin Yuelin joked.    


"I can speak, and I can speak Mandarin. My Mandarin is very good." After Lia knew that he would not hurt her, she could communicate with him freely.    


"You weren't willing to speak before, so why are you willing to speak now?" Lin Yuelin asked curiously. ...    


"I don't know either. I feel that you give me a very familiar feeling." Lia herself couldn't tell what she felt towards Lin Yuelin, even if he gave off a cold and oppressive feeling. However, it was very similar to Angel. The previous one was the same. But she knew that he was cold inside and warm outside. He had a very kind heart.    


Lia felt that the man in front of her was also a good person. It was just that he was used to being cold to others.    


"Who's your father and mother? I'll send you back?" Lin Yuelin was not in a hurry to find clues about Mo on this little girl. He wanted to gain her trust first. Maybe she would be willing to tell him those things that she knew. Then he would help her find his family first.    


When she heard the words father and mother, a touch of sadness involuntarily flashed across her face. In the past, she did not know who her father and mother were. Now, she finally knew that her mother was asleep, but she could not be with her. As for her father, her mother didn't even mention it. So she didn't know who her father was.    


Thinking of her pitiful background, Lia had the urge to cry.    


"I don't have a father or mother." Lia finally replied.    


Lin Yuelin's heart sank. Although she was not his daughter, he already had two daughters. Moreover, the little girl's age was similar to Sheng's. He felt sorry for the little girl in front of him.    


"How can you grow up without a father and mother? You must have adopted parents, right?" Lin Yuelin thought for a while and asked gently.    


Lia had adopted parents, but after she found out that she had congenital heart disease, she was sent to the sanatorium and never showed up again. She did not know if that was considered as her adoptive parents.    


Lia shook her head with a sad face. Lin Yuelin's question seemed to have attracted all of her sad memories. It turned out that there was no one in this world who cared about her.    


She really didn't know why she lived so pitifully in this world.    


Lin Yuelin saw that her eyes were red and the guilt in his heart was about to explode.    


"Don't you have a guardian?" Lin Yuelin seemed to have thought of something. Could it be that this girl was an orphan? That was why she didn't have a father, mother, or adoptive parents?    


Lin Yuelin's words immediately made Lia cry. Her wound had already scabbed. Or rather, the scab that she thought had scab was now completely removed. It was very painful for her to expose her pain in front of others.    


Lia rarely shed tears in front of Angel, and she didn't like to see her cry. But she didn't know that she would actually cry in front of a stranger, to the point that she also liked to use tears to gain sympathy.    


Lin Yuelin really didn't know that her identity was such a bumpy one. If he knew, he wouldn't have touched upon something that would make her sad again. For a child, it was very cruel to let her think about these painful things.    


"Sorry, I don't know." Lin Yuelin apologized sincerely.    


"Who are you?" Lia had always had this question. Previously, she was afraid to ask, but now she could ask very calmly.    


Lin Yuelin actually did not want to answer these questions, so he looked at Cheng Luo who was standing by the side and watching. He had been standing by the side and did not help at all. He had a grudge against him.    


Feeling the strong resentment of the president, he thought that the president could no longer deal with this beautiful mixed-blood girl and wanted him to help.    


Thus, he stood in front and cleared his throat. "Little girl, let me introduce you to our handsome president."    


Lin Yuelin only glanced at him. Did he need his help to introduce himself? What a busybody.    


However, Cheng Luo was indeed more experienced than him in coaxing children. So since he had made a move, he would not interrupt him.    


"Our president is the most powerful, richest, and most handsome person in this city." Cheng Luo's expression and tone were too exaggerated. Although it was the truth, Lin Yuelin could not bear listening to it anymore.    


He was actually a little shy.    


Lin Yuelin wanted Cheng Luo to roll to the side, but Lisa actually wiped away her tears. She looked at Lin Yuelin with interest and said, He is indeed the most handsome man I have ever seen.    


But in her heart, she thought that if Angel grew up, he would not be the most beautiful, and Angel would definitely be the most beautiful.    


Lin Yuelin realized that this girl was interacting with Cheng Luo, but the main topic of this interaction was him. It was really awkward for him to sit here now.    


"You are such a young foreign girl. You have seen a few men. How do you know he is the most beautiful?" Cheng Luo asked curiously. This girl was very interesting when she spoke.    


"I have seen a lot of men, and I am not a foreigner." Lia did not like his tone of contempt. She already knew that her mother was from China, so she was also from China.    


As for who her father was, who cares?    


Although the time she spent with her mother was short, she understood what kind of world China was from her mouth. She was full of yearning for China's culture, and she was willing to live with her mother in China forever.    


"You are a little girl from China, but your hair is yellow, and your eyes are also very deep. The outline is too three-dimensional." Cheng Luo sighed.    


"What's your name? We are friends now." Cheng Luo knew that the president wanted to get some information from her, so when he saw her relaxed expression, he asked casually.    


"My name is Lia." After Lia said that, she felt regret. She was a Chinaman, so why would she have a foreign name? They would definitely think that she was lying just now.    


[This chapter is over]    


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