Don't Go Against My Mommy

C295 Show Some Color

C295 Show Some Color

Qin Fei thought about how she had bumped into Lin Yuelin today and felt very unhappy. "I went, but he didn't listen to me."    


Qin Sheng seemed to understand why her father didn't answer her phone. Maybe it was because her father was angry that she shouldn't tell her mother about his illness.    


Qin Sheng drank a few more mouthfuls of soup and said, "Mom, I think there must be something that dad is hiding from us."    


Qin Sheng's tone was very certain.    


Qin Fei knew Qin Sheng did not like reading newspapers, so she definitely did not know that Lin Yuelin came back this time with a woman. She knew that Qin Sheng admired her father very much, so she did not want her to know about these things. She was disappointed in Lin Yuelin.    


"Maybe your father just simply caught a cold." The pictures in the newspaper yesterday were very clear. He was wearing very fresh clothes in the winter. She felt cold when she looked at him.    


Qin Sheng was not perfunctory. She shook her head. "Dad has never caught a cold."    


"You have never seen your dad catch a cold, but it does not mean that he will not catch a cold. No matter how powerful he is, he is just a person." Actually, Qin Fei also had the same opinion as Qin Sheng. Lin Yuelin really did not feel right. This sentence was both to comfort Qin Sheng and also to comfort herself.    


Qin Sheng was still angry that Lin Yuelin did not answer her phone a moment ago. After a moment, she began to worry about his health. "Mom, I don't have class tomorrow. Take me to find Dad."    


Qin Fei was not as straightforward as before and agreed immediately. "Okay."    


When everyone in Soong's residence was sleeping peacefully, Lin Yuelin took back his car. The temperature inside the car was as different as heaven and earth compared to the temperature outside. Lin Yuelin, who entered the car, was so comfortable that he was trembling.    


In fact, he used to be in the company at this late hour. After all, the company had a bed to sleep in. However, Mary was at home. If he didn't go back, she definitely wouldn't sleep. Moreover, everyone in the villa had to follow her and couldn't sleep with her.    


Lin Yuelin's body had already reached the limit. He still had to force himself to return to the villa. It was already early in the morning.    


Mary stood outside the door and waited for him. When she saw him, she quickly ran to him. However, she did not get close to him. She stood outside for a long time. Her body was already filled with cold air. She didn't want the cold air from her body to spread to him.    


Lin Yuelin looked at Mary, who was continuously spitting out smoke. He felt a warmth in his heart. It was actually a wonderful feeling to be waited like this.    


Actually, Lin Yuelin could also be moved. It was just that he had received untraceable training since he was young. Therefore, he was used to hiding all his feelings, so he did not know how to express them now.    


Whether it was Cheng Luo or Mary, they had been waiting for him this late at night. It was enough to make him feel strange.    


Cheng Luo looked at the two of them standing in the exposed cold wind. His lips were trembling. "Let's go back to the house. It's too cold outside."    


He actually felt a little heartache for Marry. He did not know if the foreign girls were as stupid as her. They could have waited in the warm room, but she had to wait outside the room.    


Lin Yuelin knew this was also what Cheng Luo told him. No wonder Mary loved to stick to him in the past, but this time she did not come close to him. She was just afraid that he would also feel the cold when she was too cold.    


Even if Lin Yuelin didn't love Mary, he would still feel heartache. After all, she was a woman. After all, she was a woman who would give up her life for him.    


Mary herself didn't know how long she had been standing in the wind. Suddenly, she sneezed.    


In this incident on Saipan, other than Lin Yuelin's poor health, Mary was the same.    


Lin Yuelin looked at Mary, half worried and half guilty.    


Mary smiled and said, "Who is still thinking about me in the middle of the night?"    




"Let's go in." Lin Yuelin's expression was still calm.    


He had no choice. His personality, which did not know how to express emotions, had to change slowly.    


Marry looked at Lin Yuelin's ruthless back as he turned around. Tears almost fell from his eyes. Was it true that no matter what she did for him, she would not be able to move his heart, which was as cold as a thousand years old ice?    


Cheng Luo looked at Mary with some sympathy. "Our CEO is like this. Don't give up so easily. Do your best, I think you can do it."    


In any case, he thought highly of Mary. Since Qin Fei did not appreciate the president's kindness, then there must be a woman to enjoy this excellent man. This Mary was actually a good candidate. At least according to his observations for the past two days, it was like this.    


Mary could not forget Lin Yuelin's cold and disgusted face. Her heart felt like it was being pulled. "Do you think Lin hates women like me?"    


"I already said that our president is like this to every woman. Don't think too much." Cheng Luo was used to the president's annoying look. He just wanted Mary to be able to persist. Maybe she could really replace Qin Fei in the president's heart.    


Mary suddenly changed the topic. "I should be living in the country for a long time. I think I must have a Chinese name. Help me think of one."    


Cheng Luo nodded. "Yeah, I forgot that you don't have a Mandarin name. You should have one."    


Although Cheng Luo was an all-rounded housekeeper, naming was not his specialty. So he laid on the bed and thought of a name for the whole night.    


Mary had basically given up on him. It was better to ask Yuelin tomorrow.    


So early in the morning the next day, Mary pounced on Lin Yuelin. "Lin, I want a name. I want your surname. Can you give me a name?"    


In the ancient culture of China, women followed their husband's surname.    


Of course, Lin Yuelin would not agree with Marry's absurd suggestion.    


"It's okay to name yourself in Mandarin, but you can't have the surname Lin." Lin Yuelin directly refused.    


"I don't have the surname Lin. What is my surname?" Mary had just woken up. She hadn't put on makeup yet, and her face was exceptionally clean. She looked even more innocent and young than after putting on makeup.    


"My surname is Qin." Lin Yuelin didn't know why he would say this, but it was already difficult to accept it.    


"Qin?" Marry vaguely knew from Cheng Luo that the woman Lin Yuelin liked was surnamed Qin.    


Lin Yuelin saw Mary's dissatisfaction, so he said, "If you don't like it, you can change it."    


Cheng Luo had been listening to their conversation from the beginning. He realized that the atmosphere was a little awkward, so he immediately jumped out to mediate the atmosphere. "China's ancient culture is extensive and profound. Why don't we name it by its name?"    


Lin Yuelin nodded. "I agree."    


Marry also became happy. "Then what surname should I take?"    


"Zi Che." Cheng Luo liked poetry very much.    


Lin Yuelin thought about it for a while. This surname no longer existed in the hundreds of families. It sounded a little awkward.    


"I don't like it. I want to change." Mary had been observing Lin Yuelin's expression. She found that he did not seem to like it.    


Cheng Luo said again, "Then Shangguan."    


Shangguan was even worse. Two years ago, he had personally moved down the Shangguan Group.    


"Call him Ouyang." In order to make Cheng Luo shut up, Lin Yuelin directly voiced his opinion.    


Perhaps it was from Lin Yuelin's mouth, but Marry really liked it.    


Cheng Luo saw that the two of them had completely ignored him, and said maliciously, "Then let's call him Ouyang Feng."    


Mary had never seen a TV series in China, so she naturally didn't know what Ouyang Feng was.    


"Lin, can Ouyang Feng do it?"    


Cheng Luo was just joking. He actually took it seriously before the show even started. He hurriedly waved his hand and said, "No, no, just call him Ouyang. Forget about the word 'Feng'."    


"If I don't call him Ouyang Feng, then what should I call him?" Mary felt that the name in Mandarin was so high class that her head started to hurt.    


"Ouyang Fei Fei." Cheng Luo remembered that he had to think about it today. It was like snow and snow, so he said with certainty.    


"Lin, what do you think of this name?" Marry's principle was that Lin Yuelin liked her as long as he liked her.    


"Not good." His Qin Fei was called Fei Fei.    


"Ouyang Qing, right?" Lin Yuelin really hoped that this woman was as clear as she appeared to be. He must not have any bad intentions.    


Cheng Luo compromised and said, "This is indeed good." Could it be that he could not tell what the CEO was thinking? It was because of Qin Fei that he did not want her to be called Ouyang Fei Fei?    


Lin Yuelin did not ask Marry's opinion and directly announced, "Marry, your name in Mandarin from now on will be Ouyang Qing."    


Although Marry liked China's culture, she did not really understand China's culture. As long as it was Lin Yuelin who got his name, she would like it.    


Unlike yesterday's lunch, breakfast ended in a harmonious atmosphere.    


In fact, Lin Yuelin really hoped that Mary would treat him as a friend. If that was the case, he would also be happy to make friends with her.    


When Mary heard Cheng Luo still calling her English name, she scolded him in a low voice, "I have English names. Don't call me English name anymore." ?    


"You got used to it really fast," Cheng Luo said, amused.    


Lin Yuelin did not have so much time to chat with them. He left the villa after breakfast.    


Mary looked at his back and shouted, "Lin, will you come back for lunch?"    


"I have two-thirds of the documents to read today, so I will be very busy. I don't have time to come back, so I might come back very late at night. Don't wait for me anymore." Lin Yuelin spoke as he strode forward. He didn't even turn his head around.    


It was still early when Lin Yuelin arrived at the office. secretary of the president had already prepared today's newspaper on the desk in advance. secretary of the president had already seen it in advance. There was actually entertainment news about the president on it.    


When Lin Yuelin saw the newspaper, he only felt that it was laughable. No newspaper had ever dared to fabricate news on him. This news really had the gall of a bear. He seemed to be a little too kind recently. It made these people forget that Lin Yuelin was the king of the mountain, not a weak and sick cat.    


He immediately called his assistant number one. He had to deal with this matter.    


Assistant No. 1 also read the newspaper and basically guessed what the CEO was looking for him for. Actually, it wasn't just Lin Yuelin who was unhappy. Assistant No. 1 was also the same. He liked Mary, so he wasn't willing to write it randomly in the newspaper.    


"We seem to have been quiet for a long time. Let's teach them a lesson." Lin Yuelin's eyes seemed to be poisoned.    


The entertainment reporters really dared to write anything. If they did not teach them a lesson, they would really treat it as if he did not show his power.    


[This chapter is over]    


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