Don't Go Against My Mommy

C276 A Passionate Person

C276 A Passionate Person

Luh Cheng had been waiting for so long that he was irritated. When he saw Qin Sheng and Qin Fei, he was immediately delighted. "Fei Fei, you are back!"    


When Qin Fei arrived at the living room, her gaze automatically looked for the little fat girl. However, she did not see anyone around. "Where's Little Dumpling? Where did he go?"    


Luh Cheng said, "She was too tired from playing and fell asleep."    


Qin Fei smiled brightly. "Brother Luo, I have troubled you for another day."    


Qin Sheng had always been cold to Luh Cheng. She did not understand why her mother's attitude towards him was so much different from her attitude towards her father. She really felt indignant for her father.    


Qin Sheng frowned and her gaze lingered on Qin Fei and Luh Cheng.    


She had seen all of her father's hard work during this period of time, but her mother seemed to be invulnerable. What Qin Sheng feared the most was that her father's heart would be completely broken by her mother. If he gave up... There was really no possibility for him and her mother.    


According to Qin Sheng's recent discoveries, her father seldom mentioned Qin Fei and would not often look for Qin Fei. She felt that her father really could not persist.    


Luh Cheng knew that Qin Sheng was not friendly to him, but adults did not remember petty people. He still wanted her to change her view of him, so he wanted to take the initiative to express goodwill. He did not expect her eyes to be so cold, so he consciously retracted his hand.    


He did not think that Lin Yuelin really had a way with children. He could actually make Qin Sheng hate him so much. However, the more difficult things were, the more interesting it would be. The corner of Luh Cheng's mouth curled up into a charming smile.    


Qin Fei had already returned. Luh Cheng could leave now. After coming out of Soong's residence, Luh Cheng's face darkened. Of course he knew what Lin Yuelin was doing in the United States, but right now, he had no ability to compete with Lin Yuelin. He could only watch him get stronger and stronger.    


At this moment, Lin Yuelin, whom Luh Cheng regarded as a powerful opponent, was on the plane. From the small window, he could see the dense clouds gathering together. It seemed that they were very close to him, but he knew that no matter how hard he tried, he would not be able to touch them at all. Just like Qin Fei.    


How far could the distance on Earth be? No matter how far it was, it would not be far from two hearts that could not be closed. If Lin Yuelin wanted to re-enter Qin Fei's heart, he was afraid that it would take a very, very long time.    


Clearly, they had just boarded the plane, and Lin Yuelin had already begun to crazily miss her. It could even be said that he missed her at all times. It was just that these thoughts were like a flood that had nowhere to vent, and were blocked by a gap called Qin Fei.    


When he came to America again, Lin Yuelin still felt the same way as before, feeling relaxed and happy.    


As soon as he got off the plane, Lin Yuelin glanced at Marry in the crowd. Seventy percent of her resemblance to Qin Fei was enough to make her stand out among the crowd.    


However, Lin Yuelin immediately looked away. He did not want to be entangled with this woman, so he did not want to greet her.    


Actually, Mary knew that Lin Yuelin had returned to America, so she wanted to come and pick him up to give him a surprise. However, when she saw that Lin Yuelin had clearly seen her, she pretended not to see him and turned around to leave. Her back view was so resolute that it could make her cry in an instant.    


"Lin, I have been missing you since you left. But why are you so unwilling to see me?" Although he hadn't known Lin Yuelin for long, Mary, who grew up in the west, had fallen deeply in love with this man.    


Mary could naturally chase after him, but her footsteps were exceptionally heavy, and she couldn't lift him up at all.    


What could she say if she chased after him? Could it be that she fell in love with him at first sight? Although this was the truth, it was nothing to Lin Yuelin. Could it be that she wanted to be with him for the rest of her life, even though this was the truth? However, she knew that there was a woman in Lin Yuelin's heart that would hurt whenever he touched her.    


Mary had been learning Mandarin recently, because she felt that Mandarin love poems were the most moving. She hoped that one day, she would be able to read all of Lin Yuelin's love poems.    


She whispered in a voice only she could hear, "Lin, when can I replace the woman in your heart?"    


An assistant was already waiting for Lin Yuelin outside the airport. Seeing the president's figure, the assistant respectfully said, "President."    


Lin Yuelin nodded and stepped into the car. He said coldly, "Totem Tower."    


After today, the Lin Clan would enter a brand new journey.    


The assistant said with great care, "President, the weather forecast said that it might rain today. The umbrella has been prepared in advance."    


"Who asked you to tell Marry my whereabouts?" Except for his assistant revealing his whereabouts, Lin Yuelin could not think of how she knew.    


The assistant originally thought that the CEO had a good impression of Miss Marry, so she saved her. Only then did she tell her the whereabouts of the CEO. She didn't expect the CEO to be so angry, so she quickly apologized, "Sorry, CEO. There won't be a next time."    


"Have you seen me getting close to any woman in the past two years? Do your job well and don't try to guess my thoughts. No need" Lin Yuelin had been loyal to Qin Fei for a long time. Now, even if she was a Heaven Immortal, she was still in front of him. I'm afraid it won't interest him.    


The Totem Tower was as usual. Even if they cooperated with the Lin Clan, it was not enough for them to cheer. Furthermore, the Americans did not pay much attention to the celebration in China.    


The Totem Tower gathered the top elites from various countries. Of course, Lin Yuelin was the most elite. If no one said it, no one would be able to tell that he had come on a long journey. Even the creases on his suit were still clearly visible. He looked full of energy. His posture was straight and straight.    


Lin Yuelin had been outstanding since he was born. He was outstanding to the point that everyone around him, including himself, felt that there was no woman who was worthy of being on par with him. However, he had always underestimated the power of love. Because he had underestimated him, he had been attacked by love before he was fully prepared to welcome it. Until now, he had yet to recover from his shock.    


Lin Yuelin rode the elevator all the way up and suddenly felt a little lost. His current position was what many people dreamt of. Everyone was trying their best to climb up, but they didn't know that the higher they went, the colder it would be. What was the point of climbing higher? One could only enjoy endless loneliness.    


LIN knew that Lin Yuelin had arrived, so he waited for him at the door.    


Lin Yuelin calmly entered from the door, even though Lin's overall strength was greater than his. However, losing was not a loss. Lin Yuelin's innate king aura was enough to make everyone fear him. Furthermore, he had the confidence that it wouldn't take long for him to replace him.    


Time would give him a satisfactory answer.    


Lin Yuelin and Lin had already agreed on the contract. This time, it was only about signing the contract. The two of them looked at each other and smiled, then lowered their heads to sign the contract.    


After the exchange of the contract was confirmed, the two of them put away the contract, exchanged some polite greetings, and then left very tacitly. They both knew the importance of time, so they were not willing to waste each other's precious time.    


Walking out of Totem Tower, it really rained like the assistant had said. The assistant drove over for a while, so he could only stand at the door and wait. The men and women who came in and out were very curious about Lin Yuelin. They wanted to get close, but they were scared by his cold and arrogant aura.    


A few minutes later, the assistant drove out in front of Lin Yuelin. He held an umbrella and got out of the car.    


"President, are we going back to the hotel now, or?" The assistant asked while holding the umbrella for the president.    


"Other than the hotel, can I go anywhere else?" Lin Yuelin looked coldly at the assistant and questioned.    


He did not know if it was an illusion or not, but the assistant felt that Lin Yuelin, who had returned to the country, was even colder, making it difficult for people to get close to him.    


If he knew that Lin Yuelin had someone in his heart that he couldn't love, he would know that he had given all the warmth to that woman who didn't love him. However, that woman had opened a long wound on his body. No matter what, it couldn't heal. He could only bleed little by little as time passed. Only when his entire body was powerless, until his face became pale.    


The rain became heavier and heavier, exceptionally reflecting Lin Yuelin's mood. In fact, Lin Yuelin urgently wanted to return to America not only because of the contract, but more importantly, no one knew him in this place. He could quietly treat his injuries here and treat the love that Qin Fei gave him.    


In many people's eyes, Lin Yuelin was a successful person, but what was the use of that? Other than money and power, he seemed to be even more lonely and helpless than ordinary people.    


The assistant saw that the atmosphere was too quiet, so she randomly found a topic to chat with the president. "President, how long are you staying in America this time?"    


"The time is uncertain. I'm going to Saban Island to rest and help me book a flight ticket." He heard that a person's trip could make people think of a lot of things, so he hoped that he could do the same.    


In fact, Lin Yuelin could already return to the country now. After signing the contract, there would be an assistant to help with the matters here. He had no work to do at all. But deep down, he was unwilling to return to the country. Anyway, Qin Fei did not want to see him.    


Lin Yuelin made a plane for more than ten hours and directly went to Totem Tower to sign the contract. He had not eaten for an entire day. Although he still did not have the appetite to eat, his body was giving him feedback that he was hungry.    


Lin Yuelin originally wanted to find something to eat to fill his stomach, but he did not expect to see Marry at the hotel entrance. She squatted at the door like a pitiful stray dog.    


Because Marry looked like Qin Fei, for a moment, Lin Yuelin felt a faint pain in his heart. Seeing that she was completely drenched, his compassion completely overflowed.    


Lin Yuelin walked in front of her, hid his emotions, and asked lightly, "Such a heavy rain, what are you doing here?"    


"Lin, do you hate me?" Marry looked up and looked at Lin Yuelin with his dark eyes, as if he wanted to see into his heart.    


Lin Yuelin did not answer, but Mary begged, Lin, I beg you, don't hate me, and don't ignore me.    


This chapter is over.    


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