Don't Go Against My Mommy

C274 Father and Daughter's Cooperation

C274 Father and Daughter's Cooperation

Qin Fei did not want to talk to Lin Yuelin alone, but Lin Yuelin's movements were too fast. Qin Fei could not react at all. Even if she did, she did not have enough strength to break free of Lin Yuelin's confinement.    


Luh Cheng was Qin Fei's elder brother now. As her elder brother, it was not enough to interfere with the matter between her and Lin Yuelin. So in order to avoid arousing suspicion, he could not reach out his hand to grab Qin Fei. Because of this elder brother's identity, there would always be a layer between him and Qin Fei. He would never be able to get close to Baiyi.    


This kind of enlightenment made Luh Cheng's heart feel cold again.    


Qin Fei frowned tightly. Lin Yuelin's hand force was really too strong. It was about to break her hand. She did not know what kind of deep grudge she had with him.    


"Lin Yuelin, this is the Soong's residence, and Brother Luo is still here. I don't want to drag things out with you and make you look like a joke." What Qin Fei hated the most was Lin Yuelin's overbearing attitude that did not seek any opinion from her.    


Lin Yuelin had long been invulnerable to Qin Fei's words. In the past, he retreated because he did not want Qin Fei to be unhappy, but now he could not care less. "You don't even have time to talk to me?"    


Qin Fei glared at him angrily. "Lin Yuelin, we have no relationship. What can we talk about?"    


Luh Cheng did not want to interfere, but in the end, he could not help but say, "Director Lin, don't you see Fei frowning? You are pinching her. Let go of her quickly."    


"Director Luh, since when did the Luh's's business include meddling in other people's business?" Lin Yuelin was also a descendant of an aristocratic family, so he naturally wouldn't lose out to Luh Cheng in terms of manners and manners. The difference between the two of them was whether they were willing or not.    


Lin Yuelin and Luh Cheng stood face to face. Although they did not do anything, it was as if there was a battlefield without smoke between the two of them.    


Qin Sheng ran over and held her father's hand. Although many of her father's actions disappointed her, she had to firmly stand on his side regarding her mother's matter.    


"Mom, I have something to talk to you about just like Dad." Qin Sheng's participation changed the situation of the battle. Lin Yuelin, who was originally at a disadvantage, immediately had an absolute advantage.    


Qin Fei saw that her daughter was not going to help her, so she could only look at Luh Cheng for help. Perhaps he was the only one who could help her now.    


Lin Yuelin and Qin Sheng's eyes collided in the sky. Qin Sheng quickly understood what her father meant. She ran to Luh Cheng's side and hugged his legs tightly. "Uncle Luh, it was my fault just now. I know you are a good person. I beg you, don't interfere in the matter between my parents. Let them settle it themselves, okay? "    


Actually, Qin Sheng had not acted spoiled for a long time, but when needed, she could still perform perfectly.    


Although Luh Cheng knew that this was Qin Sheng's move, he still could not do anything about it. It was obvious that Lin Yuelin had thought of such a shameless method. He looked at Lin Yuelin with disdain.    


Lin Yuelin was actually very innocent. It was obvious that Qin Sheng misunderstood what he meant. Why would Lin Yuelin order his daughter to use such a useless attitude to deal with Luh Cheng?    


Luh Cheng still tried to reason with Qin Sheng. "Sheng, do you also want mother to be happy? If you want mom to be happy, you will know that you and your dad will not be happy if you force her like this."    


Qin Sheng originally wanted to use the tender policy to influence Uncle Luh, but she did not expect that he would not give up even after this. She simply said coldly, "Does Uncle Luh think that he can make Mom happy? She is my mom. I know what she needs the most. She just has little courage and doesn't dare to believe it anymore. "    


Qin Sheng hated the interference of a third party, so she hated Luh Cheng now just like how she hated Qinghuan back then.    


Luh Cheng looked at Qin Sheng in a daze. There was an evil smile on the corner of her mouth. This smile was very similar to Lin Yuelin's. He only had one thought in his mind, and that was that the people of the Lin Family were really not simple. He had known about this since a long time ago. The Lin Family's bloodline inherited tenacity and persistence.    


Qin Fei saw that the matter had already been settled and could only compromise, "Didn't you say you wanted to talk about something? Where do you want to talk about it?"    


Lin Yuelin knew that Qin Fei would definitely compromise. Everything was still under his control. "The location is up to you, but I don't want anyone who doesn't want to do it to participate in our conversation."    


He did not want Luh Cheng to always be there.    


"I have already promised you. Are you not going to let me go?" Qin Fei's eyes coldly nailed onto Lin Yuelin's hand and said unhappily.    


Lin Yuelin let go of her hand and Qin Fei immediately retreated to a meter away from him. His hand still had her warmth.    


"Molt." Qin Fei recently wanted to go to a place that she saw on the Internet of American Clubs and did not have time to go.    


Lin Yuelin and Qin Sheng were very unfamiliar with this place. Qin Fei led the way the whole time, and Luh Cheng was left in Soong's residence by Qin Fei to take care of Soong Yuan.    


Of course, it was not Qin Fei who took the initiative to ask. It was Luh Cheng who took the initiative to take care of Soong Yuan. Although Qin Fei was embarrassed, if there was no familiar person to take care of Soong Yuan, she would definitely be unhappy for another day.    


Moling was a music room, right? Other than light music, there was no other sound. It was quiet and romantic.    


Qin Fei did not say a word ever since she sat down. She quietly stirred the candy that had just been placed in the coffee cup. Qin Sheng saw that her parents did not speak, so she could only drink yogurt at the side. Usually, she would observe her parents' movements at all times.    


In the end, it was Lin Yuelin who broke the silence. "Fei Fei, Luh Cheng is not a simple person. I hope you don't get too close to him."    


He did not know Luh Cheng's ability, but he was able to get so close to Qin Fei in such a short period of time. This was enough to prove that Luh Cheng could not be underestimated.    


Lin Yuelin was afraid that Qin Fei would be hurt because of Luh Cheng.    


Qin Fei did not think that this was the matter that Lin Yuelin wanted to talk to her about. Putting down the spoon in her hand, she sneered, "This seems to be my matter. Does Director Lin even need to care about making friends with me?"    


Qin Sheng saw that Qin Fei did not understand her father's painstaking efforts and helped, "Mother, you believe in father's words. He will not harm you. I also do not know if I like Uncle Luh."    


"Did the two of you come to an agreement?" Qin Fei's attitude was very tough. "But... What if I say no?"    


Lin Yuelin really could not do anything to Qin Fei, who was so stubborn and rebellious. He could only bring out Soong Ze, "I believe that Soong Ze also does not want you to be too close with other men."    


"This does not trouble Director Lin to worry about. Brother Luo is the childhood playmate of Ze and I. He has seen Brother Luo. There will not be anything you are worried about." Qin Fei really looked down on Lin Yuelin's petty thoughts. He always talked dirty about others.    


Lin Yuelin did not believe what Qin Fei said at all. "Even if it is your playmate with Soong Ze, I do not believe that Soong Ze will allow you to be so close to Luh Cheng when he is not around."    


Qin Fei did not want to explain anything to Lin Yuelin. This had nothing to do with him.    


If it was not because he was Qin Sheng's father, she really wanted to pour the coffee in her hand on his head.    


Lin Yuelin suddenly thought of the serious matter he wanted to talk to Qin Fei about today. He took out a newspaper from his pocket and said, "I think you don't want to talk about Luh Cheng with me. That's good. Let's not talk about him. Let's talk about this."    


Qin Fei did not need to look to know what Lin Yuelin was talking about. He clearly said that he would not talk about Luh Cheng, but the newspaper clearly showed that she and Luh Cheng were saving people.    


Lin Yuelin opened his nose and a small flame burned in his eyes.    


Could it be that Lin Yuelin was jealous that she had made it to the headlines?    


"I don't think Soong Ze will allow you to be a hero and take risks with Luh Cheng." Lin Yuelin did not allow it either. Fortunately, nothing happened to her this time. If anything happened to her, he might not be able to do anything.    


"You can't blame Brother Luo for this. I had to go there to find Mo. If it wasn't for me, he wouldn't have been injured." Although Qin Fei was too lazy to explain to Lin Yuelin, she did not allow him to slander Luh Cheng.    


"You also know that it's because you took risks. Why didn't you think about whether you could bear the consequences before doing things?" What Lin Yuelin worried about the most wasn't that she was with Luh Cheng, but that she didn't know how to take good care of him.    


Lin Yuelin, Qin Fei, and Qin Sheng, who were like three families, had the right to attract everyone's attention. The gazes in the music bar would stop on them from time to time.    


Qin Fei knew that she could not beat Lin Yuelin, so she just kept silent. Lin Yuelin could not do anything to the silent Qin Fei.    


The atmosphere was a little strange and quiet. Qin Sheng could not be bothered to care about her father and mother anymore. Anyway, they could not even say a few words before the smell of gunpowder started to spread. It really made her heart break.    


Qin Fei really did not want to stay with Lin Yuelin anymore. She said indifferently, "Lin Yuelin, have you finished what you wanted to say?"    


Lin Yuelin did not know what Qin Fei meant by saying that, so he did not react. Qin Fei had already stood up. "Thank you for your concern, Director Lin. I will pay attention next time. Since there is nothing else, my friends and daughter are still waiting at home. I have to go back. "    


Qin Fei had already turned around and left. Lin Yuelin simply could not find a reason to keep Qin Fei.    


Finally, Qin Sheng stood up and shouted, "Mom, I like this place. Just treat it as sitting with me for a while."    


Actually, Qin Sheng was not sure if she could keep her mother. After all, she had already used her mother's love to help her father many times.    


"Mom, you have been busy with work during this period of time. You come back very late every day, so can you accompany me?" It was a very dignified reason.    


Qin Fei did not take another step and returned to her original position.    


The coffee on the table had already been finished, so the waiter refilled another cup for her. As long as Lin Yuelin was by her side, she would feel uncomfortable. The reason why she kept drinking coffee was just to make herself have something to do.    


[This chapter is over]    


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