Don't Go Against My Mommy

C266 A Portrait of Qin Mo

C266 A Portrait of Qin Mo

Qin Fei's head was a little heavy and her eyes could not see clearly. She actually missed the opportunity to find Mo again and again.    


Suddenly Qin Fei had an idea. They might have gone to the parking lot to get the car, so she pulled out her feet and ran.    


The restaurant waiter saw Qin Fei leave and quickly chased after her. There was a rule in the restaurant that no matter if you ate or not, the money must be paid in full.    


Qin Fei's path was blocked and her face was full of anxiety.    


"Madam, you need to pay before you can leave."    


Qin Fei did not know the rules of the restaurant at all, but in order to not let her delay her time, she directly took out her gold card and threw it to her. "Now I can leave, right?"    


Before she could react, Qin Fei directly overturned the waiter. Then she ran towards the underground parking lot. Of course, Qin Fei could not be sure that the child was Mo with just a pair of eyes, but as long as there was a trace of hope. Qin Fei would not let go of him.    


If that child was Mo, if she did not chase after him this time and let him leave, then she would miss Mo again.    


When Qin Fei ran to the garage, she happened to pass by a car and saw a child.    


"Mo, Mo, I am mother." Qin Fei was sure that the child was Mo.    


Qin Fei chased after him, but how could her human speed be compared to the speed of a car? In a short while, Qin Fei was thrown off.    


She had been shouting at the top of her lungs, "Mo, stop the car!"    


Unfortunately, the car still disappeared in the fog under her nose.    


In fact, Angel heard Qin Fei shouting, "Dad, did you hear a woman shouting just now? It sounds so scary."    


Bonn did not hear it, so he felt very confused. "I didn't hear it."    


Qin Fei's line of sight no longer had Qin Mo's figure. She actually watched Qin Mo slip away from under her nose once again.    


It was as if all the strength in her body had been drained, and she weakly sat on the ground. She did not care about her image anymore. She only knew that she had once again missed Mo. She didn't know when the next time she wanted to see Mo again.    


Because the waiter took Qin Fei's gold card, she could not pay without her own password, so she chased after him with great difficulty.    


"This lady, in order to make it convenient for you to pay, I brought the card reader with me. Please enter your secret." The waitress's eyes were very firm. No one could escape from under her nose.    


"The password is 776755." Qin Fei was a money-grubber, but money was compared to children. A child was the most important thing in her life. She had just lost her Mo. Now, her mood was very heavy. She only wanted to calm down by herself. She didn't want to talk to anyone.    


The waiter looked at Qin Fei in shock. Who would directly throw the card to someone else and even say the password so openly? Was she not afraid that she was a bad person?    


"Madam, you should enter it yourself..."    


Before she could finish speaking, she was interrupted by Qin Fei. She looked at her coldly and roared, "I am very annoyed right now. Can you walk further away?"    


The waiter continued to exert his unyielding spirit and continued to ravage Qin Fei, "Madam, you are still..."    


Qin Fei grabbed the gold card in the waiter's hand and angrily said, "Get lost."    


She no longer cared about her own character. She only knew that her emotions were completely out of her control.    


Qin Fei staggered out of the parking lot. The waiter looked at Qin Fei's back with a helpless and aggrieved expression. What kind of bad luck did she have today to actually meet such a strange guest.    


Qin Fei's car stopped outside the restaurant. After she got in the car, she started the engine. Currently, her mind was still full of white dots. She could not think of anything. She regretted that she had only been looking at the child just now. She did not put her mind on adults at all. If she remembered some of the characteristics... It would be easy to find the adults.    


Because Qin Fei did not have any memory of the adults at all. So when she desperately wanted to recall, the memories were all blurry. Qin Fei felt as if something heavy was stuck in her heart and she could not breathe. She urgently needed to talk to someone, but she could not find a suitable candidate. After thinking about it, she still called Soong Ze.    


Qin Fei was still a little excited and could not control her emotions, "Brother Song Ze, I just saw Mo."    


Soong Ze was a little puzzled. After all, ever since he saw a little boy who looked like Qin Mo on the street, he had sent people to search for him desperately. "Have you seen Mo?"    


Logically speaking, he had only seen Mo not long ago. Why did he run from England to China so quickly? It was a really strange trip. Could it be that someone had done it on purpose?    


In the end, Soong Ze still felt that Qin Fei missed him too much. That was why he had hallucinated and thought that someone else's child was Qin Mo. "Fei Fei, can you be sure that it must be Mo?"    


"Brother Song Ze, trust me. I'm sure it's Mo." This time, Qin Fei was very sure because she saw Qin Mo's side profile. Although she was more mature than three years ago, she was his mother and she knew him.    


Soong Ze's eyes became deep and his fingers tapped on the table. He made a rhythmic sound. These things were getting more and more complicated. Could it be that someone was secretly manipulating all of this, constantly attracting the attention of these people? But they just didn't want them to find Qin Mo? What exactly did they want to do?    


Qin Fei was very helpless now. She was a little depressed. "Brother Song Ze, what do you think I should do to find Mo? I miss him so much. I miss him so much."    


"Tell Brother Luo to help you find Mo." Soong Ze had just left the country. There were very important things that he could not leave. Currently, the only person in the country who could be trusted was Luh Cheng.    


Qin Fei only thought of Luh Cheng after Soong Ze's reminder. His strength was comparable to Lin Yuelin's. He would definitely be able to help her. "Why didn't I think of Brother Luo? I can still ask him to help me."    


After hanging up the phone, Qin Fei pulled herself together. It was not easy for her to find traces of Mo. This time, she did not want to wait any longer. She wanted to take the initiative to attack.    


Qin Fei called Luh Cheng and asked him to come and find her. He drove to Soong's residence almost without delay. At this time, Qin Fei had just arrived home not long ago.    


"Fei Fei, you really saw the child's face clearly. Is he Mo?" Like Soong Ze, Luh Cheng doubted Qin Fei's words. Children's mothers usually liked to exaggerate the truth. Besides, he had already sent people to turn the whole city upside down, but they still could not find Mo. How could he still appear in this city?    


Could it be that he knew in advance that these people were looking for him, so he hid overseas and ran back to the country after knowing that they did not find him?    


"Brother Luo, I know it's my Mo. I saw his face." Qin Fei was afraid that Luh Cheng would not believe her and said again and again. " That must be Mo's face, that pair of eyes. I know him. I'm sure it's Mo. "    


Luh Cheng really couldn't figure it out, so he reminded her, "Fei Fei, the haze has been heavy these few days. Could it be that you've seen wrongly?"    


"No, no, I chased him all the way to the parking lot. There's no haze in the parking lot. I definitely won't be mistaken." Qin Fei knew that Luh Cheng did not see it personally. She said that she had seen it and there was no evidence to prove it. She could only keep emphasizing that she really saw it.    


Luh Cheng was very rational and could still help Qin Fei analyze it clearly. "Fei Fei, calm down now. Tell me slowly, what did he look like when you saw Mo?"    


Qin Fei took a deep breath. She knew that only by being calm would she have a greater chance of finding Qin Mo. She forced herself to calm down. She recalled the child she had just seen and began to slowly describe his clothes.    


Luh Cheng frowned from time to time, but he maintained a calm and collected expression. He only kept interrupting Qin Fei's words.    


"Fei Fei, he's wearing a hat and a mask. How did you see his face?" Luh Cheng frowned. He was almost sure that Qin Fei had mistaken him for someone else.    


"It has been so many years. Mo has grown very tall. He was wearing a black hat and a black mask." Qin Fei waved her hands as she spoke.    


When Qin Fei said this, Luh Cheng had been drawing something on the paper. When Qin Fei finished speaking, he lifted the thing on the paper. "Are you talking about this little boy?"    


Luh Cheng had helped the police restore the criminal's face before, so he could restore the charm of a person in the shortest time possible.    


"There is a problem with the clothes you drew." Qin Fei looked at Qin Mo's clothes and shook her head. He was wearing a very simple but very fashionable clothes.    


"Then you can describe it to me in detail. I will just change it." Luh Cheng patiently said. He didn't want to talk about the billions of yuan project. He was probably the only one who came to play games with Qin Fei and told her that he was the only one.    


Perhaps there was also that man, Lin Yuelin.    


Qin Fei had never thought that she would want to find someone through a child's Xiao, but Luh Cheng actually thought of it. She did not know whether it would be useful or not. Anyway, she was a little more relaxed now.    


"Brother Luo, I have troubled you again. I am really sorry, but I really can't find another person to help me."    


Luh Cheng did not pay attention to Qin Fei. At this moment, all his energy was on drawing. The brush in his hand moved quickly, rubbing against the paper and making a hissing sound.    


"The painting is done. Take a look now." This time, Luh Cheng could be said to be full of confidence.    


Qin Fei only took a glance and exclaimed, "It's too similar. It's exactly the same. Brother Luo, you are really amazing."    


"Then I will let my people start searching according to this portrait." Luh Cheng said.    


So Luh Cheng and Qin Fei began to move separately. Qin Fei decided to tell this news to Carrot Cube. She had more eyes on this city.    


[This chapter is over]    


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