Don't Go Against My Mommy

C245 Young Friends

C245 Young Friends

Qin Fei was relieved after knowing that Luh Cheng did not confess to her. Furthermore, Qin Fei found her brother when she was young, which made her feel even more relaxed.    


Qin Fei complained, "Luh, did you recognize me long ago? Why didn't you tell me?"    


No wonder she always felt that Luh Cheng had a familiar smell on him. It turned out that he was her Luh.    


"You blame me. I remembered you the first time I saw you. But you didn't remember me even after such a long time." Luh Cheng pretended to be sad, but in fact, he was really sad. After all, he had always remembered her.    


"Luh, you can't blame me for not recognizing you. You have to blame yourself. When you were young, you didn't like to talk or laugh. You always had a dark face, and I couldn't even say a few words to you every day even though I had to put in a lot of effort. But now, you've changed a lot. How can I connect you with that Luh from before?" Qin Fei really did not know how long Luh Cheng would have to hide it if they did not happen to meet today.    


She had no friends to begin with. She did not know how important it was to have another person she knew. This Luh was really too bad.    


"Am I really different from before?" Luh Cheng's eyes were filled with loneliness.    


His disguise should have been successful. Even Fei Fei felt that he was different. In fact, he did not know that he had really changed. It was just an act.    


Qin Fei did not think about it at all. She nodded instantly. "Of course, it is different. It is like two sides of the sun, one bright and beautiful side and the other dark side."    


In the past, Luh Cheng was naturally the dark side. Now, Luh Cheng was naturally the bright and beautiful side. To be honest, Qin Fei was very happy to see Big Brother Luh Cheng again. She was able to make such a huge change in him.    


When she went home after school and found that Big Brother Luh Cheng had disappeared, she cried for a long time. Her mother told her that Luh Yue had brought Luh Cheng to live in America.    


"Luh, have you and Auntie Luh Yue been living in America ever since we left my house?" Qin Fei really wanted to know if Luh Cheng had been living well all these years, even though it seemed like he was living a good life. However, she still wanted to hear him say it personally.    


"I am now a citizen of the United States." Luh Cheng sighed and said, "Actually, I still like my previous identity as a Han, but because of some things, I have to change my nationality to that of the United States."    


Ever since Luh Cheng went to the United States, Qin Fei had cut off contact with him. She did not expect to see him again one day. ...    


"Why did you think of returning to China this time? It was because of something. Or did you really decide to develop your career in China? " Qin Fei had heard about his recent great move from Lin Yuelin. It seemed that he had acquired three large, old companies overnight. His ambition could be seen from this.    


Qin Fei and Soong Ze had a crush on each other when they were young, and Luh Cheng was her true friend. Although he rarely spoke and did not like to laugh, he would always silently accompany and protect her. At that time, she was especially bold and wasn't afraid of anything no matter what she did. Because she had Luh.    


"When people reach a certain age, they will miss their hometown. Now that I am rich, I have to return to my hometown in glory." Luh Cheng joked.    


In fact, he had wanted to come back many times, but his mother had never let him come back. Now that Luh Yue had passed away, no one could stop him from coming back to the country. He wanted to use the power he had accumulated to get back what belonged to him.    


"Is Auntie Luh Yue still okay now?" Back then, Auntie Luh Yue's health was not good and her mother took care of her. She did not know that she went to America. The medical environment there was so good. Did her body have a certain improvement?    


"My mother just passed away not long ago. She said that after she died, she would bring her back to B City to be buried. This is also the opportunity for me to come back." Now that Luh Yue's death was mentioned, there was no longer any excitement. It was so calm that it was as if an unrelated person had died.    


Since he was young, he only had his mother by his side. The two of them depended on each other. You had me among you, and I had you for so many years. It was already difficult to separate them, but human strength could never surpass the heavens. Luh Yue's body did not work no matter what medicine she used, so she still left.    


It was also Luh Yue's death that made him suddenly change. He turned all his sadness into calmness and happiness. Even though his heart had already festered and become a wound, he still had to maintain the smile in front of him. When he returned to the city, he really wanted to find an opening to vent his anger and create chaos. Subvert! Perhaps only then could he suppress the sadness in the depths of his heart.    


Qin Fei did not think that she would mention Luh Cheng's sad matter and apologized, "Luh, I'm sorry, I did not mean to mention it."    


Luh Cheng said calmly, "It's okay. When one is old, he will die anyway. My mother is very sick. Death is also a form of relief. She is a good woman. She left me a lot of things. "    


Aunt Luh Yue was mother's good sister. When mentioning Aunt Luh Yue, she could not help but think of her mother, Mei Xue. Mei Xue was angered to death by her father and Qin Xiaoxiao. She did not leave anything for her and Qin Fei could not even watch and think about others.    


"Fei Fei, tell me about you. Have you been living well all these years?" Qin Fei had always been Luh Cheng's most distressed girl. He wanted to personally watch the smile on her face. He did not want her to be hurt in the slightest.    


In his heart, he felt that the sun must always be bright and that night could not fall.    


Luh Cheng's words touched Qin Fei's sadness. Was she living well these years? All these years, she had not been living well at all. Her father did not love her anymore. Her mother died and she was chased out by the family. She became a single mother, and she was hurt by the man she loved. All of this was not good. She wanted to throw herself into Luh Cheng's arms and cry without restraint. But she could not. She was now the mother of three children. She was the strongest Qin Fei.    


Luh Cheng stared at Qin Fei without blinking. She bit her lips and endured her emotions. She must have suffered a lot. What right did he have to ask her if she was doing well? Wasn't he the one who had hurt her?    


"Luh." Qin Fei did not want to answer that question, so she changed the topic. "Luh, can I go and pay respects to Auntie Luh Yue? When do you have time to go with me?"    


Auntie Luh Yue also treated her very well back then. She even said that she wanted to let her grow up to be Brother Luh Cheng's wife. It hadn't been so many years since she was born, and she was no longer alive. She hoped that she would be able to meet her mother in another world and then accompany each other.    


"As long as Fei Fei needs it, I will be free at any time." Luh Cheng said half-truthfully, "Furthermore, I also want to see her."    


"Are you free tomorrow morning?" Luh Cheng liked the feeling of being with Qin Fei. At this time, his smile was real. He did not need any disguise. Every emotion came from the bottom of his heart.    


Because of Lin Yuelin's matter, Qin Fei's heart had been stifled. She wanted to tell Aunt Luh Yue about these things and ask her to come up with ideas for her. "Okay, tomorrow morning."    


"I will go to Soong's residence to pick you up tomorrow." Luh Cheng was no longer in the mood to drink anymore. His heart was filled with worry.    


Qin Fei still had a lot of work to do, so she chatted with Luh Cheng for a while before leaving.    


Qin Fei was a very calm woman. She would not bring the emotions in her life to work, so when she returned to the company, she threw away all the emotions that had nothing to do with work and devoted herself to work.    


Busy work could always make people forget some unhappy things. Soong Ze told her not to work anymore. But she insisted on staying in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs because there were many jobs in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. She was as busy as a dog every day. Only in this way could she restrain herself from thinking about Lin Yuelin.    


After Luh Cheng met Qin Fei, he went to the filming site because he was the biggest investor. Therefore, even the director had to be second to him. Luh Cheng had already filmed the beginning many times, but he still felt that it was not possible. A week had passed, and the movie had not made any progress at all.    


Luh Cheng once again flipped open the script written by his mother. This was his mother's painstaking effort. Since he wanted to film it, it must be the most exquisite and the best way to reflect the original intention of writing. Therefore, he would not allow any mistakes. He would come over to supervise on the spot while he was at work.    


The stories in the script were all Luh Yue's personal experiences. It was a silly woman who loved a man deeply for his entire life. However, this man treated her as a fool and played with her for the rest of her life. The male and female characters in the script were all pseudonyms. Luh Yue loved that man for the rest of his life. But in the end, she did not dare to reveal that man's name to the public. She could only use such an obscure name to express her deep love and love.    


"Kakaka, what the hell is going on?" The director shouted angrily.    


This script was a good one, but he didn't know how these actors understood the script.    


Luh Cheng's thoughts were pulled back to reality by the director's loud voice. He turned to the camera and looked at the male and female lead in the camera. He frowned deeply. This was not what his mother wanted at all.    


Luh Cheng said coldly, "If we don't shoot today, we will stop here."    


Qinghuan knew that Luh Cheng was not satisfied with her performance. She could not do anything about Lin Yuelin's matter during this period of time. Although she acted very relieved, she would always think of Lin Yuelin when she was acting. Then, she could not fully immerse herself in the story in the script. Luh Cheng's requirements were much higher than the director's requirements. Even the director said that it was not possible. In Luh Cheng's eyes, it was definitely a mess.    


Qinghuan held the script once again. She had read the script back and forth several times. The male lead of this script was very controversial. Some people said that the male lead had never loved the female lead. Some people said that the male lead loved the female lead, but the male lead also loved other things. The female lead was never the most important. Some people said that the male lead did not know what love was. That was why he did not know how to love the female lead.    


The original script did not have an ending. It was added before Luh Cheng's mother died. The entire script was filled with black tragedy colors, making people feel sad when they saw it.    


[Complete chapter]    


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