Don't Go Against My Mommy

C240 Give Him Another Chance

C240 Give Him Another Chance

In fact, if Qili saw Lin Yuelin, he would know that Lin Yuelin was a monstrous genius who was even more outstanding than him.    


It took the two kids a long time to reach the top of the mountain. Angel and Lia fought side by side. The wind on the top of the mountain suddenly made them look down upon the world.    


Lia, are you happy now? Angel asked.    


Lia smiled and nodded. She was very happy now. As long as she could be with Angel, she would be happy forever.    


"Let's call out our troubles to the mountains. God will hear us." Angel discussed with Lia.    


Lia didn't quite understand what he meant.    


Angel put his hands in the shape of a megaphone and released all his voice: "I want those who hurt me to pay the price, I want to remember those things I lost, I want to get better quickly"    


This sickly body had always troubled him. He did not want anyone to worry about him, but his dignity did not allow him to lower his head in front of this weak body.    


Lia finally understood what he meant. She imitated him and shouted towards the mountain, "I want my parents to not abandon me. I want to become more and more beautiful. I want to be with Angel all the time."    


Qili suddenly felt a little envious of these two little fellows. If they were not in front of him now, he would have copied them and released his worries on the mountain peak.    


Luh Cheng got off the flight from America to B City. The tenderness on his face was like water that could not be melted. This was the real Luh Cheng, and also the real Luh Cheng.    


Perhaps even he himself did not know if tenderness was a disguise or real.    


Li Zheng already knew that Director Luh was going to return to the country, so he waited outside the plane in advance. "Director Luh."    


Luh Cheng's first sentence was, "After I left, what important thing happened here?"    


Li Zheng hesitated for a moment. He did not know if he should tell Luh Cheng about Qin Fei and Lin Yuelin spending three days and three nights together. "Qin Fei seems to..."    


Luh Cheng hated people who spoke hesitantly and looked at him unhappily.    


What Li Zheng could not stand the most was the gentle CEO looking at him with such a fierce look. He immediately said as if he was setting off firecrackers, "Qin Fei and Lin Yuelin thought about it alone for three days and three nights. They seem to get along pretty well."    


"What do you mean by three days and three nights? What do you think?" Luh Cheng's expression showed that he was very interested.    


"They went to the south of the sea to watch the sea. In three days, there was no third person between the two of them. They did not even take two children with them." Li Zheng reported the detailed information he had obtained in detail.    


In fact, Luh Cheng had found out about this earlier than Li Zheng. Otherwise, he wouldn't have returned to the country so quickly.    


"I want you to keep an eye on the domestic business structure and see if these big shots have any latest movements. Who asked you to gossip about other people's private lives? You have to know that you're an assistant, not a paparazzi. " Luh Cheng scolded him angrily.    


Li Zheng felt that it was a little strange. The president was clearly very interested just now, so why did she suddenly change her expression? But what the president said was right. He could not have any doubts.    


He quickly apologized, Sorry, president, I will pay attention.    


"If that's the case, I will recommend you to the newspaper." Luh Cheng left angrily.    


Li Zheng looked at the president's back helplessly. Whether or not he had been possessed recently, no matter what he did, it was all wrong. This CEO was really a weirdo. She always had a smiling face in front of others. But to these subordinates, he was really cruel.    


The information Luh Cheng got about Qin Fei and Lin Yuelin was like this. Three days of being alone was just to draw a final stop to their relationship.    


Luh Cheng originally wanted to use Qin Fei to attack Lin Yuelin, but he did not expect that he had already failed.    


The Song family's company in England was safe and sound. It seemed that Lin Yuelin had withdrawn because of Qin Fei. It seemed that Lin Yuelin was not as cruel and merciless as the rumors said. In his opinion, he even had some soft-hearted feelings.    


Luh Cheng really could not figure out how such a person could become the leader of B City's business world.    


At this time, his phone suddenly vibrated. He took out his phone and saw a message. "A good show is about to happen."    


It was just a few simple words, but it made Luh Cheng feel very good.    


This was sent by Luh Cheng's friend. This friend lived in the darkness. For many years, two people, one in the light, one in the dark. Their cooperation was flawless. He trusted this friend very much, just like how he was confident in himself. As long as he made a move, he wouldn't fail.    


Ever since she parted ways with Lin Yuelin, Qin Fei's life had returned to its original path. Without Lin Yuelin's interference, it was as if she could really forget what had happened before.    


However, fate seemed to be unwilling to let Qin Fei forget it just like that. There was a death sentence coming from the prison where Shangguan Xue was imprisoned.    


When Qin Fei found out about this matter, it was also a morning. The weather was not good. The entire city seemed to be covered by a thick haze. It looked like it was raining but it did not fall for a long time.    


She opened a new day's newspaper and it said, A fire broke out in B City Prison. One dead and three injured.    


Then she saw Shangguan Xue's name on the list of the deceased.    


Qin Fei did not know what she was thinking. She once thought that she had killed Qin Mo. So she deserved to die. But recently, she found out that Qin Mo wasn't dead. Initially, she felt some sympathy for her. After all, she didn't get Lin Yuelin, nor did she hurt Mo. She had even lost the Shangguan Group and her future. In fact, she felt some pity for him.    


So now that she knew Shangguan Xue was dead, she didn't feel happy at all. Her emotions were a little complicated, to the point that she didn't know how to say it.    


Of course, this matter did not bother Qin Fei. She would not disturb her originally smooth life because of the life and death of unrelated people.    


She only hoped that the grudge between her and Shangguan Xue could be settled with her death, and hoped that she would not meet another man called Lin Yuelin in another world. Because he would make her lose everything that she had in the past.    


But Shangguan Xue's death also gave Qin Fei another hint. Her death was too sudden. People would never be able to guess which one would come first.    


She felt that there was no need for a stalemate between her and Lin Yuelin. They clearly loved him so much, why did they push him away? She had worked hard, and he had worked hard too.    


Should she give Lin Yuelin and herself a chance to start over again?    


For several days, Qin Fei had been thinking about this problem. Therefore, she decided to have a good talk with Lin Yuelin. Every time they talked in the past, either he was impatient or she was impatient. They had never been really calm before. That was why there were so many mistakes and misunderstandings between them.    


"Sheng, I will send you back tonight." Qin Fei suddenly said to Qin Sheng.    


She had never found a good reason to see Lin Yuelin. After thinking about it, this was the best reason. Clearly, she had not seen Lin Yuelin yet. As long as she thought about how she was going to meet him soon, she felt inexplicably nervous.    


Qin Sheng immediately nodded her head wildly. "Okay, okay. Dad will definitely be very happy."    


After the last time when Dad and Mom separated, the two of them no longer contacted each other. Her father also did not mention her mother in front of her. Of course, her mother also did not mention her father. Qin Sheng thought that the two of them would become true passers-by from now on.    


Qin Fei was afraid that she would not be able to touch Lin Yuelin if she sent Qin Sheng home today, so she decided to find out first, "Sheng, when does your father usually get off work and go home?"    


"Dad used to come back very early in the past. He would go home after work. But ever since he went to play with mom last time, he got off work very late and passed by 10 o'clock every day." Even Qin Sheng and Lin Yuelin saw him less and less under the same roof.    


Ten o'clock was really too late. Qin Fei thought that she might not be able to see Lin Yuelin today. The expression on her face was heavy with disappointment.    


Qin Sheng saw her mother's expression and knew that she wanted to see her father, so she immediately suggested, "I can let dad come back early. Dad will listen to me."    


Being seen through by an eight year old child, Qin Fei's face immediately turned red. She understood and shirked, "I am not going to see your father. He needs to work. Why did you let him come back so early?"    


"Then what mother means is that I don't need to call father back early?" Qin Sheng blinked her eyes and asked in a sly manner.    


Qin Fei's eyes were somewhat awkward but her voice was very firm, "Of course not."    


"Since that is the case, then I will not call father." Qin Sheng pretended to be regretful.    


Qin Fei slapped herself twice in her heart. Why did she have to suffer because of her face?    


Taking advantage of the time when Qin Fei went upstairs, Qin Sheng secretly sent a message to her father, "Dad, you must come back early. I have a huge surprise for you. You will love me very much."    


Of course, Qin Sheng knew that her father loved her the most. If she could send her mother over, her father would love her very much and love her very much.    


As long as she thought of the scene of her father and mother hugging each other passionately tonight, she would be extremely happy.    


Qin Fei came down shortly and said that she wanted to play hide and seek with them.    


"Sheng, you must hide well. Dumplings are best at finding people." Qin Fei instructed.    


Hence, Qin Sheng fully immersed herself into the game.    


Lin Yuelin, who was working hard, received a text message from Qin Sheng. Just the content alone made him laugh uncontrollably. He did not know what kind of tricks this clever girl was going to play.    


Just as he was about to put down his phone, his phone rang again. There was a new message from Qinghuan.    


Since the last time he saw Qinghuan and Luh Cheng together in the Southern Emperor, he had never contacted her again. She had called him several times to ask him out for a meal. Every time, he refused her because he did not have time.    


He did not know what reason she used to see him this time. He opened the message and saw that this time, she did not use any reason to directly ask him out.    


This chapter is over.    


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