Don't Go Against My Mommy

C197 There Was No Light in the Study

C197 There Was No Light in the Study

Qin Fei was afraid that Qin Sheng would wait too long, so she took a quick battle bath and came out. However, Qin Sheng was lying on the bed with her eyes closed. She looked very sleepy. She had already fallen asleep at the banquet.    


Qin Fei slept on the bed and carried Qin Sheng into her arms. This girl had indeed lost a lot of weight and it was more comfortable to touch her chubby body in the past.    


"Sheng, don't tell a story today. There will be plenty of opportunities in the future. Now go to sleep." Qin Fei placed her hand on Qin Sheng's back and moved up and down.    


"Mom, will I really have the chance to hear you tell me a story in the future?" Qin Sheng was a little uncertain because she wanted Qin Fei to give her a definite answer again and again.    


Qin Fei said, "Of course."    


After Qin Sheng got an affirmative answer, she finally felt at ease and closed her eyes. She was indeed very tired.    


But Qin Fei did not have the slightest sleepiness. All of this was like a dream to Qin Fei. She did not think that she would appear in this villa and even smell the special wooden fragrance in the room. There was also the person she had missed for a long time here.    


When Qin Fei just turned off the lights, she saw her and Mo and Sheng taking a photo of the three of them. Everything seemed to have happened yesterday.    


At that time, the three of them were very happy and would not be worried about some unimportant things.    


But now, Mo wasn't around, and Sheng wasn't as happy as before. Qin Fei also hid a lot of secrets in her heart that could not be told to outsiders. She did not live a relaxed life.    


Qin Fei thought of the figure she saw on the street the last time. She refused to believe that figure was her illusion. She would rather believe that the smart Mo had escaped from that explosion.    


Qin Fei also knew that this possibility was almost non-existent. It was because of this sober understanding that her body seemed to have been torn apart. Her entire body was riddled with holes. The look of desolation made people feel shocked. However, there was also a deep sense of powerlessness.    


Qin Fei did not know how long she had been lying on the bed. In the end, she really could not sleep and got off the bed. She tiptoed and did not make any sound.    


Her destination was the study. If she wanted to read some books, perhaps she would be able to tell her sleepiness.    


She pushed open the door of the study. Because Lin Yuelin liked heavy curtains, as long as the curtains were pulled, the light would not penetrate in. Therefore, the entire room was dark.    


Qin Fei originally wanted to turn on the light, but before her hand could touch the switch on the wall, she was pressed against the door by a sudden force.    


Qin Fei was caught off guard and screamed. The person pressing on her once again reached out a hand to cover her mouth.    


"Why didn't you sleep so late at night and come to the study? What documents do you want to steal from Ze?" Lin Yuelin could not help but think of the past and said while gnashing his teeth.    


Qin Fei heard the sound and knew who the person who suddenly attacked her was.    


In that instant, Qin Fei thought that she was going to be kidnapped again, and it was in Lin Yuelin's home.    


She did not expect that it was not a bad person, but Lin Yuelin.    


"Lin Yuelin, it's you." Qin Fei let out a sigh of relief.    


"Then who do you think it is?" Lin Yuelin asked back.    


There was dissatisfaction in his cold voice.    


Qin Fei was now immersed in the joy of not having a lover. She did not realize that her position with Lin Yuelin was too ambiguous.    


Gradually, Qin Fei's consciousness returned to her mind. She felt that her entire body was enveloped by Lin Yuelin's aura. There was not a single gap on her body when he pressed on her. The hot breath from her nose was all poured on Qin Fei's face. It made her face so red that it seemed like it was going to drip blood. Luckily it was in the night where she could not see her own hands. Otherwise, she would definitely be laughed at to death.    


Qin Fei randomly found a topic to talk about. "Lin Yuelin, it's so late, why aren't you sleeping?"    


After asking, Qin Fei remembered that Lin Yuelin also asked the same question. Would he think that she was provoking him?    


God was so pitiful. She really wanted to ask this question. After all, no normal person would not sleep so late and stay in the study without turning on the lights.    


"You shouldn't have asked this question. This is my house. Do I need to report to you where I think I am? "Lin Yuelin's hand had already reached Qin Fei's waist. Through the thin pajamas, he could feel the heat. "Qin Fei, why are you running around? Do you think you can arouse my interest?"    


Lin Yuelin's. ___ raised his hand aggressively. Qin Fei was so scared that she could not help but scream. But at this time, everyone was asleep. Even if she called out, without Lin Yuelin's orders, who would dare to save her? Instead, it made his situation awkward.    


"Lin Yuelin, don't go too far." Qin Fei clearly knew that she had nothing to do with Lin Yuelin. She was now Brother Song Ze's wife. Although she admitted that she still had feelings for Lin Yuelin's teasing, she took advantage of the fact that her rationality had not fallen into Lin Yuelin's hands. She quickly pushed Lin Yuelin away and turned on the light in the study room at the same time.    


The entire room suddenly lit up. For a moment, her eyes were still unable to adapt to the intense light.    


Lin Yuelin stood in front of Qin Fei leisurely. He looked at her calmly as if those inappropriate actions just now were not done by him.    


Lin Yuelin came straight to the study after coming back from the banquet. He did not want to do anything and just wanted to find a dark corner to stay.    


He did not expect that Qin Fei would also appear here, breaking his contemplation and loneliness.    


He stood not far away from Qin Fei and quietly looked at her. His eyes seemed to be immersed in ink, and they were black and shiny.    


Qin Fei was wearing the clothes that she wore back then. She originally just wanted to give it a try. She did not think that she would actually be able to find her previous clothes. In these two years, he had never brought a girl home. Didn't they have any thoughts when they saw her pajamas?    


Qin Fei was very casual when she took the pajamas, so the current situation was a little awkward. After all, her pajamas were very sexy. The deep V collar was open all the way to the ravine.    


Qin Fei endured the pressure and casually took out a book from the bookshelf. She turned around and prepared to leave.    


"Do you think it is so easy for me, Lin Yuelin, to come and go as I please?" Lin Yuelin pulled Qin Fei from behind. Qin Fei was not prepared and fell into Lin Yuelin's arms.    


Lin Yuelin held Qin Fei tightly in his arms. He felt her real existence and gentle body fragrance and deeply sighed.    


Qin Fei heard his comfortable voice and was more angry than shocked.    


"Lin Yuelin, you can't do this. We have nothing to do with each other anymore." Qin Fei desperately wanted to struggle out of Lin Yuelin's embrace. She also felt that staying here was the wrong decision. " Let go of me. I already have a husband."    


Lin Yuelin had wanted to hug Qin Fei and love her for a long time, but he could only dream about it. It was not easy for him to be filled with the fragrance. How could he give up so easily?    


"Qin Fei, stop pretending. I know you haven't forgotten about me. Otherwise, you wouldn't have appeared in my study dressed like this." Lin Yuelin smiled coldly. Even if the corners of his mouth were raised, it still made people feel terrifying. "Could it be that Soong Ze also likes your style of rejecting and welcoming, but I'm not him. I won't like it. I like you to be more enthusiastic like before. "    


Qin Fei had followed Soong Ze overseas for two years, and they lived together in the name of husband and wife. It was easy to imagine what kind of things they would do at night.    


As long as he thought about how Qin Fei had been under Soong Ze as well, he really had the urge to kill her.    


Qin Fei did not want to be outdone. She looked at Lin Yuelin with crazy hatred in her eyes.    


But why did he hate her?    


Shouldn't she hate him? He made her unable to fall in love with anyone else. He made her lose Mo, and also made her originally peaceful life disappear forever.    


"Lin Yuelin, it's been two years. You're still so self-righteous. I did not know that you would be in the study, because no one would not turn on the lights in the study. If I knew you were here, I wouldn't have appeared. I think we should have made things clear before. I won't compete with you for Qin Sheng. But she is my daughter, so I can't not see her. So we have to deal with each other. Let bygones be bygones. All we need to do is maintain a friendly facade. Don't let the child get stuck in the middle."    


Lin Yuelin looked coldly at Qin Fei. He wanted to see what kind of ruthless words Qin Fei could say after two years of not seeing each other.    


"Lin Yuelin, my husband is also a young man. I don't lack food. I don't lack clothes. Why did I seduce you? Don't think of me as one of those women who don't care about food. I'm different from them. " Qin Fei threw Lin Yuelin's hand away and ran out.    


Lin Yuelin was the only one left in the empty study. After a long silence, he suddenly raised his hand and punched the wall. The sound of his finger bones hitting the wall was heard.    


"Qin Fei, you are still like this."    


Qin Fei could still hear the sound of fists hitting the wall when she returned to the room. Her heart was trembling.    


She could only tightly hug the sleeping Qin Sheng and try to force herself not to think about these things.    


Because Qin Fei stayed in the villa for a night, the next day she took the initiative to ask to send Qin Sheng to school.    


Lin Yuelin left very early. When Qin Fei thought that she did not need to face his rigid and cold face, she heaved a huge sigh of relief and did not have to restrain herself in the villa anymore.    


"Mom, will you come and pick me up from school in the afternoon? If I come, I think I will see my sister. She is so cute. I want to hug her." Qin Sheng thought of that meatball and smiled until her eyes narrowed into a straight line.    


"Do you really like your younger sister?" There were many children who did not like having another child at home and were afraid that another child would be spoiled by their parents. Qin Fei was also afraid that Qin Sheng would have such thoughts.    


But she did not think that Qin Sheng seemed to be very interested in Soong Yuan.    


"I like it very much. I want to pinch her fleshy cheeks." When Qin Sheng went to England with her father previously, she secretly hugged her little sister. The flesh on her body was soft.    


"Okay. Mom will bring it."    


[This chapter is over]    


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