Don't Go Against My Mommy

C152 Kidnapping

C152 Kidnapping

Mo Huan had never thought that she would become such a vicious woman for Gabe. That person was her best friend. Not only did she not remind her that she might be in danger, she even helped the bad guys harm her.    


Mo Huan looked down on herself from the bottom of her heart.    


The corner of Shangguan Xue's mouth drew an evil smile, "Huan, welcome to my boat. You can rest assured that this matter is known by the heavens. If you know, I know. I will not tell anyone else."    


After Shangguan Xue left with a victorious smile, Mo Huan squatted on the ground in exhaustion. The tip of her nose ached and tears poured out from her eyes.    


Actually, she just did not know what Shangguan Xue was going to do at the beginning but later on she understood. She just wanted to use her identity to invite Qin Fei out. After Qin Fei did not have Lin Yuelin's protection, she could make a move on Qin Fei.    


But she clearly knew that Shangguan Xue wanted to harm Qin Fei, but she still gave her phone to her.    


When did she become the most shameless person in the past?    


Mo Huan fiercely slapped herself.    


"Huan, why are you squatting on the ground? What happened to you?" The closed door was opened once again. This time, it was the light in Mo Huan's heart.    


But now, Mo Huan felt that she was not worthy of her. He was so open and upright, but her heart was so vicious.    


Gabe helped Mo Huan up from the ground and found that her face was full of tears. Her makeup was ruined and she asked worriedly, "Huan, why are you crying?"    


Mo Huan quickly wiped her tears and smiled, "I am embarrassed to let you see me cry. I am fine. I just feel very happy when I think about being your wife soon."    


Gabe knocked on her head, "Little fool, being able to marry you is my happiness."    


Qin Fei heard the maid of honor's low laughter and said shyly, "I remember my mother said before marriage, the bride and the groom should not meet. Otherwise, it would not be good."    


"You are also superstitious?" Gabe laughed and said, "Huan, today is our wedding day. My beautiful bride, if you have any wishes, I want to help you fulfill them."    


"Are you serious?" Happiness came too suddenly, and Mo Huan found it hard to believe.    


Gabe nodded. "This is what I should do."    


Mo Huan could not care less about the people around her. She threw herself into Gabe's arms and tiptoed to kiss him on the lips. After that, she hid her face in his arms.    


Mo Huan's smiling eyes immediately disappeared.    


She saw it clearly. She and Gabe were just acting. Even if he smiled, he could not hide his unhappiness.    


Mo Huan was also very helpless. She only wanted him to stay by her side and ask for nothing.    


At the beginning, Qin Fei was still arguing about Qin Sheng and Qin Mo leaving with her. After that little bit of impulsive energy, she did not want to leave anymore.    


"Where are we going after mom leaves?" As long as mom went, Qin Mo would follow her wherever she went. So no matter what decision his mom made, he would support her.    


"Mom, are we not going to leave with dad this time? Don't worry, I will not betray you this time." Qin Sheng still did not want to leave her father. But seeing her mother crying so sadly, her heart also hurt.    


Qin Fei did not know how to explain the sequence of events to the child. Furthermore, how was she going to tell the child that the mother who cried and wanted to leave earlier was not this calm mother now. The calm mother did not want to leave anymore.    


What kind of problem could be solved if she left? There was always a way out. It would not be too late to leave if there was really no turning point.    


Qin Fei wanted to find Lin Yuelin and communicate amiably with him again.    


"Mom just had a very scary dream, so what Mom said just now was just a dream. We will not leave." Qin Fei could only lie through her teeth.    


"Mom, you cried so hard just now that it made my heart ache." Qin Sheng touched her chest and frowned.    


"Mom, it doesn't matter if you have nightmares or not. As long as it is your decision, you don't need to ask for our opinion. Anyway, we must follow you." Qin Mo was determined to show his loyalty.    


"Alright, Mom knows that you love Mom and Mom also love you." Qin Fei had long regarded these two children as something more important than her own life. She could not imagine what would happen if these two children disappeared in her life. What would happen to her?    


Today was the weekend. Qin Sheng and Qin Mo usually slept very late before waking up. Today was because Qin Fei woke up the two children. After comforting Qin Fei, the two children laid down again and continued to sleep.    


Qin Fei found that ever since that day, Qin Sheng and Qin Mo had become very clingy. No matter what Qin Fei did, they had to follow behind her. Even when she went to the toilet, they would also silently guard the door.    


Qin Fei did not understand, so she advised many times. But there was no use in advising. The two little fellows just had to follow her. It had to be said that because of their teasing, her attention was somewhat divided, so she did not have time to think about it.    


Qin Fei suddenly received a call from Mo Huan. In the end, it was from a hairdresser in the hair salon. He said that Mo Huan's phone had fallen into her shop, so she called according to the call records.    


Qin Fei wanted to help Mo Huan get her phone, so she carried her bag and wanted to go out. When she was putting on her shoes at the entrance, Qin Sheng ran out of nowhere and grabbed Qin Fei's clothes and feet. She said with an injured face, "Mom, are you a liar? You clearly said that you would bring Mo and me wherever you go. You will not leave us."    


Qin Fei thought to herself, 'I never said that I would bring you guys wherever I go. This is clearly a fabrication of your own words.'    


"Sheng, mother isn't leaving. She lost her godmother's phone. I have to go and get it for her." Qin Fei explained helplessly.    


"Why doesn't godmother go and get it herself?" Qin Mo did not understand.    


She did not know what happened between Mo Huan's godmother and her mother. Anyway, her mother had been unhappy ever since she came back from dinner with her godmother. Qin Mo did not like godmother who made her unhappy.    


"Today is the wedding of godmother and Uncle Gabe. Where would she have time? She probably doesn't know that she lost her phone." Qin Fei knew that Mo Huan was a big horse. When they worked together in the past, she always lost her phone.    


"If that's the case, you should go early and come back early. If you don't come back in an hour, I will report the case." Qin Sheng said it very seriously.    


"The Public Security Bureau needs to wait for the population to disappear for 24 hours before setting up the case." Qin Mo had recently watched quite a number of criminal investigation films and had some understanding of some relatively simple laws.    


Qin Fei did not expect that the two little fellows who obediently said goodbye would follow her out the moment she left, wearing shoes at the back of their feet.    


And with the fastest speed, they hid in the trunk of her car.    


The hairdresser said that he was about to rush to the airport for a business trip, so he could not make an appointment at the hairdresser. He directly made an appointment at a fork in the road very close to the airport.    


There were many forks in the road near the airport, but Qin Fei didn't expect that they would meet at a relatively remote junction. Qin Fei didn't think much about it.    


She got out of the car and saw a delicate and pretty woman standing under a Wutong tree.    


Qin Sheng and Qin Mo hid in the trunk of the car and were bored to death. When they found that the car had stopped, they quickly opened the trunk to take a breather.    


Qin Fei walked towards the woman and asked, "May I ask if you are the girl who asked me to take the phone?"    


"Yes, yes, yes, it is me." The woman's gaze sized Qin Fei up and down, "You are called Qin Fei, right?"    


The woman's gaze was somewhat uncomfortable but Qin Fei did not think of any danger. She only felt that this woman was afraid that she would impersonate Qin Fei and take away the phone that she had picked up.    


Qin Fei smiled and nodded, "If it is fake, there should be a photo of me and her inside."    


"You are Qin Fei." The smile of the girl in front of her suddenly became strange. She took out a handkerchief from somewhere and directly covered Qin Fei's mouth.    


When Qin Fei realized the danger, it was already too late. She smelled a faint fragrance from the handkerchief. Her consciousness was also taken away by this fragrance.    


After Qin Fei fell to the ground, a man came out from a corner.    


After the man and the woman looked at each other, a smile of success appeared on his face.    


The man carried Qin Fei to the back seat of his car and placed her there. Then, the woman got into Qin Fei's car. There were no cameras here and there were no records of what had happened.    


The two of them left without anyone noticing.    


Of course, only they themselves thought that they had left without anyone knowing. They did not know that the heavenly net had not been leaked. Qin Sheng and Qin Mo hid in the trunk of the car and saw the whole process.    


They were still snuggling in the trunk, not daring to make any noise or make any noise. If these two bad guys found out, they would be in danger.    


They did not know how long the car had been driving for, nor did they know where it had been. Anyway, Qin Sheng and Qin Mo felt that a century had passed.    


Finally, the car stopped. Qin Mo heard the sound of frogs and insects. He thought that this should be the suburbs.    


The man carried Qin Fei out of the car.    


"What about Qin Fei's car?" The woman asked.    


"Drive it to the warehouse and keep it. It's a good car after all. It can't be destroyed." After the man finished speaking, he walked into a dark factory.    


The woman parked the car according to the man's instructions in the warehouse.    


After the woman left, Qin Sheng and Qin Mo quietly climbed out of the trunk of the car.    


"Mo, will Mommy die? Will we die? Will death hurt? I'm so scared. " Qin Sheng was so scared that she didn't dare to cry, but her body couldn't stop trembling.    


Qin Mo was also very scared, but he was the older brother. Now that his mother was also in the hands of the bad guys, he had to be strong.    


He held Qin Sheng's hand and comforted, "Sheng, don't be afraid. With older brother around, Sheng and mother are fine. Let's go and see if mother is also here. If she is also here, we will escape and find father to help. "    


Qin Sheng trusted Qin Mo very much. It was blind worship. As long as he said that they would be fine, she believed that they would be fine.    


Qin Fei's body was weak, so that bit of sedative made her faint until now.    


[This chapter is over]    


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