Don't Go Against My Mommy

C134 It Was a Rare Moment of Warmth

C134 It Was a Rare Moment of Warmth

Lin Yuelin held Qin Fei tightly in his arms. Qin Fei was really tired. She fell asleep crying in his arms.    


When she was in a daze, she seemed to hear Lin Yuelin's voice. He seemed to be saying, I have so many women. It was in the past. In the future, there will only be you, only you.    


Qin Fei remembered that she seemed to have cried again. After that, she kept dreaming.    


After reading, Qin Sheng and Qin Mo no longer slept in. The two little fellows seemed to have their own alarm function. Every time it was seven o'clock, they would get up on time.    


After washing up, Qin Sheng whispered, "Mo, we will also be robbed of lunch boxes today. To be safe, we should bring more."    


"Did you not eat your fill yesterday?" Qin Mo and Qin Sheng's focus was different.    


"I ate my fill." Qin Sheng scratched her head. "I'm afraid you won't get used to it. That's a girl's lunchbox."    


"Those who achieve big things don't care about small details. I can tolerate it." Qin Mo thought of the lunchbox he had eaten yesterday. The food was very delicious, but the color of the lunchbox was too pink.    


Qin Sheng and Qin Mo were indeed very popular with girls, but they would be bullied by older people at a young age. Although Qin Mo was smart, there were many things that he could not guard against. For example, their lunchboxes were emptied. If it wasn't for the help of a few female classmates, they would have been able to eat their food. They had been hungry since yesterday.    


In Qin Sheng's heart, Qin Mo had always been someone who would seek revenge, but this time he was surprisingly shocked. Although Qin Sheng was also very smart, she had never been able to guess what Qin Mo was thinking. But out of admiration, Qin Sheng thought that she did not care what Qin Mo was thinking. He had his own reasons.    


"Sheng, don't mention this in front of your parents. Mom will be worried." Qin Mo had already packed up his schoolbag and helped his sister check it again. He added, "We have grown up. If there are many things that can be solved by ourselves, don't trouble Mom."    


Because her brother was Qin Mo, Qin Sheng had never been bullied by anyone. So this time when her lunchbox was empty, Qin Sheng felt wronged and unconvinced. She kept thinking about where to get back at her.    


Qin Sheng blinked her big round eyes and asked mischievously, "Mo, I know you must have a big plan in your heart. I will not ask. But can I know when we can bully those people who bully us? "    


" I'll try to be quick. " Qin Mo smiled faintly and patted Qin Sheng's head. His tone was very casual.    


Qin Sheng heard what Qin Mo said and knew that this matter was reliable. Thinking about how she could punish those who bullied them immediately, she was so happy that she wanted to turn things around.    


When the two children carried their schoolbags and were about to go downstairs, Qin Mo said, "Last night, mom didn't seem to come back very late. I wonder if she is in the room now?"    


"Let's go and wake mom up for breakfast," Qin Sheng said softly.    


The two children reached an agreement and walked to Qin Fei's door. Just as Qin Mo was about to open the door, Lin Yuelin appeared in front of them.    


Huh? Why was dad in his mom's room? Didn't Dad not come back for a long time?    


"Dad, when did you come back? I haven't seen you for a long time. I miss you so much." Qin Sheng had completely forgotten that she came to wake her mother up. She threw herself at Lin Yuelin.    


Qin Mo was a small person. He looked through the gap in the door and into the room. The floor was full of messy clothes, and the bed was even more messy.    


At the same time Lin Yuelin picked Qin Sheng up, he closed the door with one hand. "You two keep your voices down. Mom only slept late last night. Let her sleep a little longer. Dad will accompany you guys to eat breakfast."    


"Why is your room so messy? Did you fight with Mom again?" Qin Mo asked with a cold face.    


Even though he was a genius, he was still young and did not understand many things.    


Lin Yuelin thought for a while and said seriously, "The reason why the room is so messy is because I was playing a very fun game with Mom last night. Mom and I were playing very crazily."    


He thought that if Qin Fei was asked this question by her son, her face would be so red that blood would drip out. She would not be as calm and collected as him. For a moment, he was moved by his own intelligence.    


Qin Sheng rubbed Lin Yuelin's face. "Then Dad, accompany me to play this game tonight. Sheng loves playing games."    


"No, this game can only be played by Mom." Lin Yuelin was afraid that his daughter would say something that he could not continue, so he changed the topic and said, "It's time to go to school. Hurry up and go downstairs for breakfast."    


Lin Yuelin used his free hand to carry Qin Mo up as well. He held a treasure in one hand.    


This morning was really the most wonderful morning in his life.    


This was the first time Qin Mo received Lin Yuelin's hug, although he admired his father. The subtle relationship between his father and mother made his feelings towards his father complicated. It was hard to tell if he liked or hated being carried by his father all of a sudden.    


Thus, his whole body stiffened, and his expression continued to be serious as he went downstairs.    


Lin Yuelin put the two of them at the dining table and went to the opposite seat.    


Qin Sheng took a big bite of the rice ball and asked without thinking, "Dad, Mom didn't come back late last night. Did you send her back?"    


Lin Yuelin had not come to the villa once in half a month. He would only send people to check on their homework. Mo said it was because his mom made him angry again. Qin Sheng was very worried that her father would not come to see her again, but Mo promised that his father would come again after he had thought it through.    


As expected of the brother she worshipped. What he said was right. As expected, her father still came back.    


Lin Yuelin did not want to make the matter too complicated. It did not matter who sent Qin Fei back. What was important was who she slept with in the end.    


Thinking about it, he suddenly felt a little proud and nodded. "Mom and I came back together."    


Qin Sheng thought that her parents had finally made up.    


"Dad, from today onwards, you will still come to the villa every night to see us." If Qin Sheng did not see Lin Yuelin every day, she would not be able to eat well and sleep well.    


"Dad will live here directly from now on." Lin Yuelin announced in a good mood.    


"Really? Then I will be able to see dad in the morning and at night. That's great." Qin Sheng stood up on the bench and applauded enthusiastically.    


"Sheng, be careful that you fell. What is so happy about it so early in the morning?" Not long after Lin Yuelin woke up, Qin Fei had already woken up. She tidied up the messy room before coming out.    


"Mom, Dad will not leave when he comes at night. He wants to live with us again, just like before."    


"Fei Fei, what do you think?" Lin Yuelin looked at her mockingly.    


Qin Fei could not stand his gaze at all. She turned her face away and scolded the hooligan in her heart.    


"Anyway, it is your house. If you want to live here, you can live here. Why do you need my permission?" Qin Fei looked at the position where the child was sitting. Now, only Lin Yuelin's side still had empty seats. She had no choice but to sit there. After she sat down, she pretended to be indifferent as she replied.    


"You are the mistress of this house, so of course I have to ask for your permission." Lin Yuelin wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her on the face as if no one else was present.    


"You... rogue." Qin Fei raised her hand and wiped the spot where she had been kissed, but her heart was filled with warmth.    


She really wanted to be like this all the time.    


"Father is shy and shy." Qin Sheng smiled until her eyes narrowed.    


"Quickly eat and talk less. Otherwise, it will be too late." Lin Yuelin pointed at the clock on the wall and threatened.    


Qin Sheng and Qin Mo looked at the time and immediately switched to the battle eating mode. Like a storm sucking in air, they ate everything on the plate.    


Qin Fei was about to be stunned and also rushed to eat some.    


"Let's go. Mom will send you to school." Qin Fei's working hours were relatively loose, so every time, she would send the child to school before going to work.    


"I'll send you guys." Lin Yuelin seemed to have already expected Qin Fei to reject, and warned with foresight, "You are not allowed to refuse."    


Qin Sheng finally saw her father and of course did not want to leave him so soon. When she heard that he was going to send her and Mo to school, she started to circle around on the ground again.    


Qin Fei looked at her daughter's unique way of celebrating and really could not bear to look at it directly.    


Although Qin Mo did not express his emotions on his face, the slightly raised corner of his mouth still revealed his current mood.    


Qin Sheng and Qin Mo had been very envious of those children who were sent to school by their parents since they were young, and they only had their mother since they were young. Now, it was finally time to realize this dream that they had wanted to realize for a long time. How could they not be happy and dance with joy?    


"I have to drive to work. Since you want to send them to school, then I am relieved. I will go to work directly." Qin Fei said.    


"Don't let me see your car that pollutes your eyes in the future. I will send my son and daughter to school. I'll send you to and fro from work." Lin Yuelin simply announced his decision. Qin Fei could tell from his tone that she could not refute him. She could not change it and could only accept it.    


However, Qin Fei was not so forced this time. Anyway, they had already made up their minds last night. Since she had decided to believe in him, she had to learn to rely on him. Isn't it something a man should do to take his girlfriend to work? She just had to accept it confidently. There was no need to think so much. Anyway, Lin Yuelin was so powerful. Let him think about those complicated things.    


[This chapter is over]    


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