Don't Go Against My Mommy

C105 Find Trouble

C105 Find Trouble

"Ouch, I was scared to death." Qin Sheng leaned against the door and said while gasping for breath.    


"What scared you to death?" Qin Mo only went to the toilet. He seemed to be unable to understand his sister.    


Qin Sheng's tender voice carried a trace of complaint. "What else is there? Isn't it our father who only has one expression for 365 days?"    


"Mom, let me tell you, uh, we just chatted. Dad was behind me the whole time and still didn't want me to tell you." A trace of worry appeared on Qin Sheng's brow, "So dad already knew that Mr. Mo didn't listen to his orders."    


"Why didn't you say so earlier?" Qin Fei was so angry that she almost died.    


"Dad didn't want me to say it." Qin Sheng quickly changed the topic, "But don't worry, Mom. I am no longer by Dad's side. Mo and I ran upstairs. We can talk without worry."    


Qin Fei was a little speechless. She was not worried about anything. Anyway, she was not afraid of her. She was just worried that it would implicate Mr. Mo.    


However, since the matter had already happened, no matter how much she thought about it, she could not change this fact. It was better to take things as they came.    


"Mo, why didn't you talk to your mother just now? Don't you miss your mother?" Qin Fei pouted and acted like a spoiled child to her son.    


"Mom, my stomach hurt just now, so I went to the bathroom." Qin Mo rolled his eyes and stretched again. "Mom, I miss you so much. Sheng and I have been very tired during this period of time. I feel that I am already very smart. But Dad asked us to go to the company to study and I realized that I still have too many shortcomings. "    


In order to prevent Qin Sheng from snatching the phone from him, Qin Mo had long had foresight to turn on the hands-free.    


Every time the three of them made a phone call, a barrier seemed to form around their world. No one could disturb them, and they could not feel the flow of time.    


On the sofa in the living room, Lin Yuelin's face became darker and darker. He looked at his watch, then looked up at the tightly shut door. The gloominess in his eyes was like densely packed poisonous needles, vicious and cruel.    


This damn woman didn't even want to say a word when she saw him. But every time she talked to these two brats, she would have a lot of things to say. It had already been an hour and a half, and the laughter of the two children could still be heard from the room. He actually deserved to be jealous.    


Lin Yuelin had never seen such a heartless woman in his memory. He thought of her every minute and every second, but she could treat him like air and leave him there without a care.    


He still remembered clearly that when he rushed back from the company to see her leg injury, the first thing she said when she woke up and saw him was to ask him to leave.    


Although he was furious, he knew that she was covered in injuries and could not be hurt anymore, so he left. Ever since he left that time, he never went back to see her again. His dignity didn't allow it.    


However, just because he did not return to see her did not mean that he knew nothing about her.    


She used the authority he gave to secretly make a call to the Public Security Bureau to call the police, even though Assistant Mo kept it a secret. However, the Bureau Chief was afraid of calling to apologize early on, so he also found out about the cause and effect of the whole incident.    


However, Lin Yuelin did not show that he knew about this matter, nor did he blame Assistant Mo for not reporting it. His woman had the right to be willful, so he would not mind these harmless tricks.    


The only thing he cared about was that she did not mind him. It was as if he had never existed in her heart. This discovery made him feel defeated for the first time in his life.    


"Mr. Lin, Mr. Jia came to see you." Miss Secretary knocked on the door and said respectfully.    


"Do I need to inform him about our friendship? I will go in myself." Without waiting for Lin Yuelin's permission, Gabe came in directly.    


Lin Yuelin looked up at Gabe and found that he was not as bright and clear as usual. There were a lot of green stubble under his nose. The outline of his face was clearer, and his eye sockets were slightly sunken.    


Except for Mo Huan and Lin Yuelin, who had been close to each other for decades, perhaps no one could see these subtle changes. It seemed like Gabe had changed his style. He was no longer the cool breeze and the moon in the past. Instead, he had changed to an aged and decrepit beauty.    


"Gabe, you haven't looked for me for a long time. I thought you had forgotten about me after your engagement." If it was anyone else, they would have barged into his place without his permission. He would never forgive him, but Gabe was different. Not only was he not angry, he even smiled.    


Gabe didn't say anything. He silently walked into the door behind the guard and closed it. Then, he walked in front of Lin Yuelin with heavy steps.    


"Gabe, what happened to you? You are the one who speaks the most in the past." Gabe's unusual behavior made Lin Yuelin feel uneasy.    


Gabe did have something to tell Lin Yuelin.    


The last time he saw the monitor, he knew that Qin Anfei was Qin Fei. He also knew that Mo Huan also knew the inside story. Last night was just a test, but Mo Huan's panicked expression was enough to prove what he was thinking.    


One night, he hugged Mo Huan in his arms but his mind was filled with thoughts of Qin Fei. Of course, he was not an irresponsible man. Since Mo Huan was already his fiancee, he would definitely marry her. However, he had loved Qin Fei for so many years, including his current feelings for her. So he could not tolerate other men being bad to her.    


After thinking for a long time, he finally decided to find Lin Yuelin to lay his cards on the table. That was why he came to find him today.    


However, Gabe didn't know how to start this. He didn't know what to say. He could only maintain absolute silence and confront Lin Yuelin.    


Lin Yuelin carefully looked at Gabe. His eyes were not friendly. When he stared at ___, there seemed to be sharp thorns drilling out and stabbing at his skin. Many people described Gabe as a sleeping lion. At this moment, he looked like a sleeping lion. His entire body was filled with hostility.    


He suppressed his anger and asked again, "Gabe, what do you want to do?"    


Lin Yuelin thought that there was no conflict between him and Gabe. If there really was a conflict, then it would only be Qin Fei.    


Could it be that Gabe knew something?    


How much did he know? Or perhaps he already knew everything. He knew that Qin Anfei was Qin Fei, the woman he had been looking for for for seven years.    


Then he should also know that she already had his child, and it was a pair of twins.    


In a short period of time, Lin Yuelin had already thought of many things in his heart, including what he would do if Gabe wanted to snatch Qin Fei from him.    


"You..." Gabe gritted his teeth, but he only said one word and did not continue.    


Lin Yuelin asked anxiously, "What about me? You should finish."    


Gabe's whole body was stiff. His hands, which were hanging by his side, were tightly clenched into fists. Every finger had a pale white color. "Yuelin, tell me honestly, will you really marry Shangguan Xue?"    


If he wanted to marry Shangguan Xue, then what about Qin Fei and those two children?    


After Gabe asked this question, Lin Yuelin felt a little strange. If he already knew that Qin Anfei was Qin Fei, then he should not be asking about his relationship life.    


Could it be that he had guessed wrong? Was it only because he quarreled with Mo Huan that he was so defeated?    


Lin Yuelin, who had been very nervous a moment ago, suddenly relaxed a lot. He smiled and said, "Don't think that you are the only love saint in the world. I have been engaged to her for so long. In the future, I have to give her an explanation.    


" But there are so many women around you. I didn't see you give them an explanation. " Gabe was somewhat obsessed with this question, and broke the claypot to ask to the end.    


"There are so many women around me, but I didn't get engaged to them one by one. Not all women can get engaged to me, and not all women can bear the title of my Lin Yuelin's fiancée for a few years. You know what I hate the most is wasting time. Do you think I will let my fiancée stay away from me for a few years? Do you want to find a woman suitable to be my wife and get married again? " As Lin Yuelin spoke, the corners of his mouth curled into a disdainful smile that was not worth mentioning.    


Gabe knew Lin Yuelin so well. How could he not know that he had never spent any time on meaningless things? Anyone who was willing to spend time and energy on something must be very confident and interested in it. Back then, he suddenly called him and said that he wanted to get engaged to Shangguan Xue. At that time, he knew. Lin Yuelin had chosen Shangguan Xue.    


Of course, being able to make him choose did not necessarily mean that he had deep feelings for Shangguan Xue. In fact, for disciples of big families like them, marriage was never free. No matter how romantic it was, there were more or less hidden motives. As for Shangguan Xue, whether it was her own quality, or the enormous Shangguan family behind her, she would always be able to become Mrs. Lin's successor.    


Therefore, Gabe just wanted to be lucky and ask even though he knew the answer.    


Qin Fei was someone Gabe had placed in his heart. He wished that the best things in the world would be presented in front of her. But in the end, she became his best brother's woman. Not only that, she also gave birth to two children for him.    


But Gabe did not hate Qin Fei at all. All this time, even if he had the support of Jia Corporation, he would still feel timid and inferior when facing Qin Fei. In his heart, he felt that he was not worthy of such a perfect woman.    


But now, he hated Lin Yuelin. He hated him for obtaining a person that he would never be able to get his whole life, but he held a treasure in his hands and did not know about it.    


Gabe's heart was in so much pain that he could not breathe. His face had been grimacing because of his emotional breakdown. He grabbed Lin Yuelin's collar and asked sternly, "How can you do this? How can you..."    


This chapter is over.    


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