Don't Go Against My Mommy

C78 Eating as an Apology

C78 Eating as an Apology

Mo Huan confirmed again and again, "Are you sure it's her? Are you sure you are right?"    


How could Qin Fei not sue her when she came to B City? Furthermore, she did not mention this matter when she called her a few days ago. So this matter was impossible. But the recognition of the two treasures was indeed very high, so Shangguan Xue would not admit her mistake.    


"Absolutely not!" Shangguan Xue nodded her head. Seeing Mo Huan's reaction, she should not know that Qin Anfei had already arrived in B City.    


Shangguan Xue saw that she did not seem to believe it so she said seriously, "I am very sure that I did not see wrongly. I saw her at the entrance of the shopping mall a few days ago."    


Before Shangguan Xue came to find Mo Huan, she had already done a very detailed investigation on Qin Fei. The investigation data showed that... Qin Fei and Mo Huan's relationship was very good. Mo Huan was Qin Fei's saviour and gave her a lot of help in many aspects. The relationship between Qin Fei and Lin Yuelin was somewhat shameful and it was understandable that she did not tell Mo Huan, this good friend. But why did she not tell him about the matter of her coming to B City?    


There must be something fishy about this matter.    


Shangguan Xue was still in deep thought when Mo Huan quickly grabbed the phone on the table. She ran towards the direction of the toilet and as she ran, she turned around and apologetically said, "Shangguan, I'm sorry to make a call first. Wait for me. "    


Mo Huan dialed Qin Fei's number. Before she had the chance to speak, she asked, "Feifei, tell me the truth, where are you now?"    


If she dares to say that she is in B City, she must use a knife to cut her.    


Mo Huan's voice sounded like she was gnashing her teeth.    


Even if Qin Fei did not know what had happened, she had already guessed most of it. She did not hide anything anymore and spat out two words without any confidence, "B City."    


Mo Huan did not even give her a chance to explain, "At 6: 30 PM in the evening, there is a Liu One Hand Hot Pot restaurant at Rongyin Road. It is treating me to a meal as an apology. Also, you must bring my godson and goddaughter along."    


After saying that, she hung up the phone.    


This damn woman actually came to B City and even came for two months. He had just called a few days ago, but she actually didn't tell him. He really didn't know what she was thinking.    


Actually, Mo Huan did not blame her for not telling her that she came to B City, but was worried that a jobless woman like her would bring two children who were not related to her for no reason in B City. How did she come over during this period of time?    


Qin Fei, this woman, still made people worry.    


After Mo Huan hung up the phone, she absentmindedly returned to her original position and sat down.    


"I just called Anfei. She is indeed in B City. But the matter of having a meal with you can't be postponed for the time being. It might be delayed. Gabe and I will be engaged in a while. I am very busy during this period of time. So I might not be able to find the time. Let's meet after the engagement banquet is over. Can you do it? " Mo Huan discussed with Shangguan Xue.    


Shangguan Xue's original intention was not to eat with Qin Fei, so there was no problem.    


She smiled dignified and answered very straightforwardly, "Of course it is the matter of your engagement that is more important. If the matter of eating is delayed then it will be delayed. " At the end, she also added, "Right, as your good friend when you are engaged. Anfei will definitely be there, and I will also be there when the time comes. Why don't I invite her personally? This way, it would be more sincere. "    


"If that damn woman doesn't come, then I'll teach her a good lesson." As soon as he thought about how Qin Anfei had already lived in her territory for two months with her two treasures, he really wanted to beat her up.    


Mo Huan made an appointment with Qin Fei that night and continued to sit in the teahouse for a while before saying goodbye to Shangguan Xue.    


Qin Fei still did not know why her tracks would be exposed so she had no choice but to bring her two treasures along. She rushed to the restaurant that he and Mo Huan had made an appointment with. Mo Huan said that she needed to make a large sum of money to dispel the hatred in her heart, or else they would end up as friends.    


Qin Fei did not have many friends to begin with. For a friend like Mo Huan who always put herself in her shoes for her sake, that was even rarer. He did not want to lose her.    


This was also the reason why she did not want to tell her that she came to B City. Qin Fei originally wanted to wait for Gabe and her engagement banquet to end before telling her all the facts. Now, there was a change in the situation. Qin Fei had a headache.    


On the way to the restaurant, Qin Fei thought of countless reasons to ask Mo Huan for forgiveness, but they were all missed by her.    


Qin Fei steeled her heart and did not care about him. At that time, she would perform on the spot. In any case, Mo Huan was a very kind woman. If she coaxed her, she would not be angry.    


Qin Fei also gave this difficult task to Sheng and Mo. Mo Huan treated these two children as her own and doted on them like her own children. Sheng and Mo only needed to act coquettishly by the side. Providing some assistance to Qin Fei, this matter was over just like that.    


Qin Fei felt that she was simply too smart. He was almost moved by her intelligence to tears.    


At five o'clock in the afternoon, it was the peak hour for going to and from work. Qin Fei was blocked on the road.    


She thought that when she arrived in B City, she did not tell Mo Huan that she was already enough to make her angry. In the end, she invited her out for a meal and actually dared to be late. Mo Huan must be burning her eyebrows right now.    


Qin Fei also did not feel good sitting in the car and anxiously looked out the window. The expression on her face was very conflicted. Qin Mo could not bear to see it anymore. He asked, "Mom, don't be anxious. Anyway, your godmother is already angry. When the time comes, she will be handed over to me and Sheng. I guarantee that she will laugh at you the moment she sees you."    


Her son sensibly received the military warrant. Qin Fei understood her son's ability to be anxious and calmed down a little.    


But that was only for a short period of time. After the car continued to block for another half an hour, Qin Fei wished that she could have two wings under her armpits to fly over this long car.    


"Mom, why are you in such a hurry again? Mo already said so. You don't have to worry. Even if Mo can't handle the godmother, Sheng can just hug the godmother and kiss her a few more times." Qin Sheng said naively. She had always wanted to see the godmother. Knowing that she was about to see the godmother, she was beaming with joy. She was in an extremely good mood.    


"My son and daughter are amazing. Mom loves you so much!" Qin Fei touched Qin Mo's head. She was still looking out of the window nervously. She looked at the car in front of her, which was blocking the growth of the dragon. Her heart was clenched.    


When was this a head?    


Son, daughter, you guys have underestimated your godmother. When she got angry, she was not as gentle and sweet as her appearance. I know your mother better than you guys.    


After blocking the road for two hours, the traffic finally cleared up.    


So very quickly Qin Fei and the children arrived at the place that Mo Huan had agreed on and entered the restaurant. Qin Fei immediately saw Mo Huan sitting in the corner by the window. At first glance, she saw that he had waited for a long time. He was bored out of his mind and his face was dark as he stirred the coffee seasoning. 0    


Qin Fei pointed at the woman sitting in the corner and looked down at Sheng and Mo, "Look, your godmother is sitting there."    


The two children also had sharp eyes. They quickly ran towards Mo Huan's direction. As they ran, they cheerfully called out, "godmother, godmother, godmother! I miss you so much. "    


When Qin Fei leisurely walked to her position, Mo Huan had already carried one with her left leg and the other with her right leg. The smile on her face could not be piled up anymore.    


It seemed that her son and daughter were really amazing. It really made Mo Huan smile as soon as she saw her.    


But the following facts proved that Qin Fei was still happy too early.    


Mo Fei saw Qin Fei sitting opposite her and immediately withdrew her smile. She gave her a cold glance. "I didn't expect that you would really have the nerve to sit opposite of me and change places. You didn't even tell me about such a big matter. Do you still think that I am a friend or not?"    


"Godmother, don't blame me." Receiving her mother's look, Qin Sheng immediately carried out the plan that she had agreed on earlier and begged softly.    


Qin Mo tugged on Mo Huan's sleeve and said, "Yes, mother has been looking for a job and did not have time to tell you. Ganma, don't be angry."    


I know you guys are lobbyists sent by your mom, but your candies are useless today. Obediently sit by the side and watch me teach your mom a lesson.    


Thus, the two children who just vowed to take care of Mo Huan obediently sat to the side.    


Mo Huan ordered two strawberry cakes for them in advance. When the two children saw the cake, their eyes immediately lit up. How could they care about their mother's life or death?    


Qin Fei looked at these two treasures of hers being bought over by a piece of strawberry cake. She was disappointed that they were not able to live up to her expectations.    


"Now that you don't have any helpers, let's see what else you can say." Mo Huan stirred the coffee as she slowly asked, "Tell me, why did you come to B City, and why didn't you tell me?"    


"Mo Huan, do you know what a woman's beautiful natural enemy is? It is her emotions that keep her happy. That is why you keep your youth forever. You are about to be engaged to Gabe. You must have a beautiful engagement. You can't have wrinkles. Don't even think about wrinkles because of me, a woman with no conscience. It's not worth it. " Qin Fei answered her own questions and answered her own questions. She raised her head and said in a frustrated manner. She had an exaggerated and interesting expression on her face. She could give full marks now.    


After being friends with Mo Huan for so many years, Qin Fei actually rarely saw Mo Huan angry. According to common sense, when people who were not angry got angry, it was especially terrifying when they got angry. It was a level 12 hurricane.    


In order to reduce the number of disasters, Qin Fei lost face and used Sheng and Mo to deal with her for a long time. She used the method of acting cute and rolling on the ground to use on Mo Huan. As long as it could make her laugh. It was not a big deal whether she wanted face or not. After all, life was more important.    


But Mo Huan did not seem to buy it and there was still no smile on her face. She just stared straight at Qin Fei, making her feel guilty and uncomfortable.    


At this moment, the two kids who were fighting with the strawberry cake finally settled the strawberry cake in a very short period of time. Again! Remembering the promise they made to their mother when they were blocking the road, they decided that when Qin Fei lost the city, he would help his mother turn the tide.    


Qin Sheng was the best at sweet-talking. Her small mouth was like wiping honey. "Godmother, don't be angry. Mo and I love you the most."    


She stood on the bench and put her arms around Mo Huan's neck. She went forward and kissed Mo Huan's face crazily.    


This chapter is over.    


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