Don't Go Against My Mommy

C79 A Flowery Way of Asking for Forgiveness

C79 A Flowery Way of Asking for Forgiveness

Qin Mo and Qin Sheng did not use the same method. His method was more cruel. He wanted to make his godmother happy by belittling his mother. He wanted to forgive his mother.    


"Godmother, you are so smart. Why do you want to bicker with a fool?" When Qin Mo said this, his expression was very helpless.    


Mo Huan looked at Mo with a cold face. When she talked about her mother like an adult, she finally could not hold it in anymore. She burst into laughter.    


Qin Fei had been internally injured by Qin Mo's words, but when she saw Mo Huan really laugh, her worries immediately turned into joy as she praised." Oh my, my son is really outstanding in all aspects. If he can even get rid of his godmother, he will never be able to think of anything in this world that my son can't do. "    


Qin Fei had a proud expression. As long as Mo Huan could be happy, she would not mind even if others called her stupid.    


Mo Huan did not want Qin Fei to be so proud but she had already laughed out loud. If she wanted to take back her expression, she would not be able to take it back. Furthermore, it had been a long time since she saw these two little babies. Now, the two of them were right beside her, and they kept calling out to her godmother and godmother. Her heart had already gone completely soft. How could she still be angry?    


"Qin Fei, do you want to play dumb and fool me?" Mo Huan tried to restore her previous cold face, "I will never forgive you for this matter."    


"Don't be so decisive. Your eyes are almost smiling." Qin Fei happily pointed at Mo Huan's eyes and did not hesitate to expose her.    


He finally let out a sigh of relief in his heart. Being able to obtain forgiveness that was not happy was really more important than anything else.    


Mo Huan originally came to find Qin Fei to vent her anger but now she was completely unable to get angry and she patted her head in annoyance.    


Qin Fei frowned and cried loudly in pain, "Mo Huan, during this period of time, were you carrying sandbags? Why is your strength increasing? Aren't you afraid that you will knock away my intelligence?"    


"Even your own son says that you are stupid. How can you still have intelligence? Don't slander me." Mo Huan said with disdain.    


Qin Sheng and Qin Mo heard what their godmother said. They held their stomachs and laughed. They did not care about their mother's feelings at all.    


Qin Fei pretended to be pitiful, "Are you guys born by me or not? Why do I feel like all of you are born by godmother?"    


"Who asked you to be an unreliable mother? Serves you right!"    


"Serves you right!" Qin Sheng agreed.    


Qin Mo agreed. "Serves you right!"    


Seeing the words of the three people, Qin Fei had a bitter and indescribable feeling.    


Her current situation was like she was being betrayed by her family.    


Qin Fei turned her head to the side and said, "The three of you have hurt my weak little heart. I have decided to ignore you."    


Mo Huan was amused by Qin Fei's childishness and said in disdain, "Ignore us before explaining the matter clearly. I still do not know how hard your heart is. How can it be so easy to be hurt?"    


Her beloved Huan actually did not believe what she said. Sigh, but it should also be her fault. Who asked her to put on a wolf show in front of Mo Huan.    


"Fei Fei, I always thought that I was your best friend. And I also think of you as my best friend. I thought that we could talk about anything, but you've already lived in my territory for two months. And just a few days ago, you didn't even tell me you were in B City through the phone. I wonder if you still think of me as a friend. " As she spoke, Mo Huan's eyes were filled with tears and her nose was sour.    


Seeing that Mo Huan's eyes were already red, Qin Fei jumped in fright and immediately put away all of her indecent behavior. " Hey, hey, hey! Don't scare me! Don't cry, I really didn't mean it."    


Qin Fei was also not a person who knew how to coax people. Seeing that Mo Huan's mood was not good, she had no other choice but to be anxious.    


Actually, it was not easy for her either. If it was possible. She also wanted to tell her earlier that she had come to her city. However, her friendship with her was still separated by Gabe. Mo Huan was his fiancee and Qin Fei was the one he had always loved. If they still wanted to be friends, Qin Fei could only wait until their relationship stabilized after the engagement. Only then would she have the confidence to tell Mo Huan about this matter and believe that she would not lose Mo Huan as a friend.    


To Qin Fei, all the lies came from her care and concern for Mo Huan, this friend.    


Of course, this was also what Qin Fei thought before. Before being imprisoned by Lin Yuelin, she thought this way.    


But now, she had already decided to bring Sheng and Mo overseas. After going overseas, in order to avoid Lin Yuelin, she would definitely not contact anyone in the country for a long period of time. She would also not contact Mo Huan because of Gabe. It was also because of the relationship between Gabe and Lin Yuelin.    


If Qin Fei wanted to completely escape from Lin Yuelin's devil claw, she could only be cautious, cautious, and cautious. She had to consider every step carefully and not leave too many traces behind.    


Qin Fei knew how smart Lin Yuelin was, so she didn't dare to take the risk. If she left this time and was found again, she really didn't dare to imagine what her life would be like in the future.    


Actually, even if she didn't call her today to ask her out. Before she left, she would also call her to ask her out, because this might be the last time they would meet.    


Just like what Mo Huan said, she treated her as her best friend. Because of the departure that was about to come, Qin Fei's heart was actually very sad but she could not tell these emotions to her to prevent the sensitive Mo Huan from noticing.    


The day Qin Fei left the country was the day Mo Huan got engaged. Lin Yuelin was Gabe's good friend, so he would definitely attend. This was the best time for her to leave.    


So she couldn't participate. This would be Qin Fei's greatest regret, but there was no other way. Life had always been filled with such regrets. No one could choose and no one could escape.    


"Huan, I was wrong, okay? I am a sinner from ancient times. I beg you not to cry." Seeing Huan cry, Qin Fei's heart was filled with guilt, "How about you think of a way to punish me? I will definitely not have any complaints."    


"I will punish you properly!" Mo Huan said hatefully.    


Qin Fei changed the topic. "But I am not worthy of forgiveness as a mother. Can you forgive me this once for Sheng and Mo's sake? Just once is enough."    


Qin Fei was already used to using her own child as a shield.    


Was moral integrity important?    


Mo Huan looked at her with a head full of black lines and was speechless.    


Mo Wuhuan simply could not understand. She actually became the restaurant flower of the Come Again Hotel with her current appearance. So many colleagues had given her flowers, confessed, and written love letters. If they knew that she looked like this, they would definitely think that they were blind.    


"Alright, alright, I'm not an unreasonable person, either. Let's just forget about this matter. Next week is the engagement banquet between Gabe and me. You are not allowed to be absent. "Mo Huan originally planned to send the invitation to B City, but now Qin Fei's people were in this city. Everything would be much easier.    


Qin Fei had long guessed that Mo Huan would definitely invite her to her engagement banquet, but it was already destined that she would not be able to go.    


Of course, she would not be foolish enough to tell Mo Huan that she could not go.    


Instead, she nodded her head and patted her chest to guarantee, "Anyone can choose not to go to anyone's engagement banquet but Huan's engagement banquet must be attended. If anyone does not go, I will be anxious with them."    


Mo Huan was amused by Qin Fei's funny look and laughed until she bent over. But she did not notice that Qin Fei did not directly answer her question and he also did not agree that he would definitely attend her engagement banquet.    


Mo Huan had previously said that true friends could share everything with each other.    


Mo Huan was Qin Fei's good friend and this was without a doubt.    


But there were some things that she really did not want to tell a second person. That was her shameful past, such as Soong Ze and Qin Xiaoxiao. Qin Shi. That was her humiliating present, such as the matter between her and Lin Yuelin.    


There was a lot of suffering in life that required him to transmigrate alone. It would be useless even if he told Mo Huan about these things. It would only add to her worries. Furthermore, Mo Huan was about to be engaged to Gabe. This was originally a very happy thing. She did not want to make her feel vexed because of her.    


This was the best engagement present she could bring to her as her best friend.    


As for Gabe's matter, she had to leave anyway. These things would be buried with time as she left. They would forever be buried in her heart and rot in her stomach.    


Qin Fei would not mention it again, but she would also not forget what Gabe had done for her in silence.    


Qin Fei got up from her seat and sat beside Mo Huan. She leaned on her shoulder and said, "You just said that you will forgive me. The babies can testify for me."    


Mo Huan looked at her angrily, "Don't do it again!"    


Sheng and Mo saw that their mother and godmother had already settled things, so they did not worry about their matters anymore and started to quarrel with the pile of food on the table.    


Qin Sheng took some time to raise her head and look at Qin Fei before looking at Mo Huan, "Godmother, you are too kind. Sheng likes you very much."    


Qin Mo ridiculed faintly, "Godmother, even if you have already forgiven mother, you should not say it out loud. You see, she is about to show off to the heavens."    


"What do you mean by almost going to the heavens? Your mother, I am already going to the heavens." Qin Fei was in a good mood now and did not want to argue with a child.    


This son was really not her biological son and always pulled her back.    


He also did not see that she was acting spoiled and acting cute here. Wasn't it just to beg Mo Huan to forgive? She was already old and did not want her old face. Was it easy for her?    


After Qin Mo and Qin Sheng took some time to say a few words, they began to bury their heads and work hard again.    


Their wolfing behavior would make Mo Huan misunderstand. She even thought that she was torturing them.    


Mo Huan saw that the food she ordered matched the taste of the two children and smiled, Fei Fei, after I get engaged with Gabe, we should get married soon. At that time, you will be my bridesmaid.    


Qin Fei was so scared that her spoon fell to the ground. She said in surprise, "Huan, have you ever seen a bridesmaid who has two six years old children's mothers?"    


[This chapter is over]    


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