Don't Go Against My Mommy

C87 You Are Not Allowed to Go to the Engagement Party

C87 You Are Not Allowed to Go to the Engagement Party

Qin Fei did not refute at all and directly admitted it. On the contrary, Mo Huan was a little surprised.    


After being stunned for a long time, she pretended to be surprised, "My God! Fei Fei, how many things are you hiding from me?"    


"I am hiding from you. You already know everything." Qin Fei felt somewhat helpless.    


"I still don't know the father of my godson and goddaughter." Mo Huan took the opportunity to ask.    


"To be honest, I don't even know myself. I was drunk that day." Qin Fei said with a bitter smile.    


In the past, when it was the hardest for her to take care of a child, she thought about finding the man who made her pregnant. But as the child grew bigger and bigger, the more sensible she became, the more she didn't want to know who the father of the child was. She was afraid that the child's father would compete with her for the custody of the child. At that time, she would feel uncomfortable.    


"Alright, alright. I'm just asking. If I don't know, I won't know. Fei Fei is the best mother in the world." Mo Huan knew that Qin Fei would not lie to her anymore and suddenly thought of the wedding. She said apologetically," Fei Fei, there is something I want to tell you. There is also Qin Xiaoxiao at the engagement banquet. When I invited her, I did not know that you are her elder sister."    


"I think you should have heard of the grudges between the eldest daughter of Qin family and the illegitimate daughter of Qin family. Although I was the loser of the war between us, I never thought that I was wrong. Today, she and I still have her but me. If there's me, there's no her." Qin Fei's attitude was very firm," Huan, I'm sorry. I can't come to your engagement banquet. "    


"It's okay. It's just that my considerations are not thorough enough." Mo Huan's expression still had some regrets, but when she thought about how she could still invite her to be a bridesmaid when she got married, you can't come to my engagement banquet. When the time comes, Gabe and I will invite you and the babies alone. Goodbye, Fei Fei."    


After the call was hung up, Qin Fei suddenly felt that all her strength was sucked away by a mysterious force. Mo Huan had never hung up her phone before. Usually, she would only hang up after she hung up first.    


Even though she did not do anything, she felt especially tired.    


She never would have thought that Mo Huan would be classmates with Qin Xiaoxiao in university. It seemed that their relationship was not bad.    


In the past, would Qin Xiaoxiao use her pitiful appearance to accuse her of not doing well? Then what did Mo Huan think of her in the past?    


Could Mo Huan really forgive her now?    


The more Qin Fei thought about it, the more upset she became. She might as well think about the good side of the matter. The unresolvable conflicts between women were all caused by men, and she did not have any improper thoughts about Gabe. Mo Huan should know. Furthermore, in a few days, she would be leaving the country forever. If she never came back, it would be even less of a threat to her. So she should really not blame her.    


But the plan to escape had already been completed. The more smoothly things went, the more uneasy she felt.    


This was probably the tragedy of humans. They always felt that they had to go through all sorts of difficulties and obstacles to achieve something big. The easier it was, the more likely it was for unforeseen events to occur.    


She could not bear such unforeseen events.    


A few days later, Qin Fei completely threw Mo Huan's matter to the back of her mind. There was still one day before the engagement banquet and all of her thoughts were on leaving this matter.    


After all, this matter was a big matter to Qin Fei and there was no room for any mistakes.    


Qin Fei was a person who was more responsible for her work and could have just left. But she thought that when she lacked work the most, the company gave her a chance and she could not repay kindness with ingratitude.    


Thus, she handed over a letter of resignation to the General Manager's office.    


Lin Yuelin returned to the villa after the cold war, and just like before, he came to the villa on time every day.    


Qin Sheng knew that she was about to leave Lin Yuelin forever. Every day, she thought about how she was going to stay in his arms and refused to come down. Even Qin Mo, who did not like him, was not far away from them, or close to his legs. From time to time, she pouted awkwardly.    


Qin Fei saw every action and action in his eyes.    


She knew that children needed fatherly love very much. It was not easy for her to find out who her father was. Before she could make up for the past few years, she had to leave again.    


Even if Qin Fei could not bear to, she had to take them away. Otherwise, their lives would be shrouded in rumors and darkness.    


As a mother, she would definitely not allow them to bear the pressure that they should not bear at their age.    


Today, Lin Yuelin came back especially early. He brought the rest of the work to his home.    


After dinner, Qin Fei thought that Lin Yuelin would directly return to his study to do work, but she did not expect him to sit very leisurely on the sofa and read the newspaper.    


He was still in the living room, so Qin Fei did not dare to go upstairs. She was afraid that she would anger the lion before she left.    


Qin Fei took the child and walked on the sofa opposite him. Qin Sheng wanted to pounce on Lin Yuelin again but was stopped by Qin Fei. Qin Sheng even glared at her a few times discontentedly.    


After waiting for a long time, Lin Yuelin finally moved his gaze away from the newspaper and lightly looked at Qin Fei. "Mo Huan and Gabe are getting engaged in a few days. Do you want to go?"    


Actually he only wanted to test Qin Fei's attitude towards Gabe getting engaged.    


Qin Fei was shocked in her heart. Why did he ask her that? Could it be that he wanted to bring her to attend?    


If that was the case, how would she leave?    


Qin Fei did not reply and her gaze was straight. Could it be that she was thinking about Gabe?    


Lin Yuelin's face suddenly changed and his eyes narrowed. He did not care if the child was by his side and directly pulled her from the sofa opposite him to sit in his arms. "You dare to say go and try."    


The information regarding Qin Fei was displayed in H City. Mo Huan was Qin Fei's best friend. She had given her a lot of help, so it was not strange that Mo Huan would invite Qin Fei. But Lin Yuelin's original intention was that he did not want her to participate. Because if she attended, Gabe's engagement banquet would definitely not be able to continue.    


Fortunately, there was one more thing in the information that made him very happy, which was that Qin Fei had been deliberately avoiding Gabe all these years. If not for this, she had been working in his company for so many years. If she had met him, she would have met him long ago.    


Qin Fei did not know why Lin Yuelin had gone crazy again.    


He actually didn't want her to go. She definitely wouldn't. If she went, her escape plan would fail.    


Qin Fei shook her head and her eyes were firm. "I will not go back. I will definitely not go."    


With Qin Fei's assurance, Lin Yuelin's gaze gradually became gentler.    


He looked up and saw Qin Mo looking at him sharply. He smiled provocatively and pointed upstairs. "Go back to your room and sleep now."    


"Dad, I still want to play Lego with you." Qin Sheng said timidly.    


Lin Yuelin did not have much patience with anyone. He raised his voice and said, "This is the last time. Go up."    


Qin Mo glared at him and held his sister's hand. "Sheng, let's go upstairs. I will play music with you. I promise I will let you go."    


Qin Sheng immediately followed him upstairs happily when she heard that Mo would let her go.    


After seeing the two children go upstairs, she heard the loud, angry sound of the door closing.    


Lin Yuelin frowned and reproached, "Look at your good son and good daughter. Their temper is even bigger than yours."    


"That's Mo. Look at who he looks like the most." Qin Fei forcefully choked back.    


Lin Yuelin gritted his teeth, looked at her fiercely, and picked her up at the waist.    


"Where are you going?" Qin Fei seemed to have a screw loose in her brain as she asked in a daze.    


"In the study."    


Lin Yuelin's voice was calm and steady, as calm and distant as his footsteps upstairs.    


He held her and let her open the door of the study. Then, he gently stepped on the door and closed it behind him.    


He carried her to the chair behind the desk and sat down. He opened the documents on the table and started browsing without any distractions, as if she did not exist.    


After a while, Qin Fei felt uncomfortable and softly suggested, "Lin Yuelin, look at your documents first. I need to go back to my room to sleep."    


"Be good, right here. I want you to accompany me." It was rare for Lin Yuelin to be gentle. It made Qin Fei feel that she had hallucinated after being tortured for a long time.    


Qin Fei's slightly struggling body immediately obediently stayed in his arms.    


This man's embrace was very wide and hard. Thinking that he would leave this embrace forever, Qin Fei actually felt sad in her heart. But the reason why she wanted to leave was because Lin Yuelin was the fuse.    


How could she forget the threat he posed to her, how could she forget that she was the mother of the child, there was absolutely a need to protect the child's reputation.    


Let her indulge herself this time. Anyway, after tomorrow, she and him would go all over the world. One parting was two sides of the same coin, and there would never be a day where they would see each other again.    


Qin Fei moved her head and found a comfortable position to stick to his chest. The strong and stable heartbeat kept ringing in her ears like a moving concerto.    


Qin Fei could not help but think of the first time she met Lin Yuelin and the things that had to do with him after that. Qin Fei felt that it was somewhat like a dream. This cold and beautiful man, who was like a god, was overbearing and unreasonable. He was unreasonable, and everything was centered around him to make his imagination work. He never knew how to respect others, nor did he know how to take girls' feelings into consideration. This was what a gentleman should be like as a man.    


This man was indeed not a good husband, he couldn't even be a good boyfriend. The girlfriends he had dated could be sold in groups, and he had obviously had a fiancee, so he did it without any scruples.    


Qin Fei somehow remembered a sentence. He was clearly so bad, but you still love him so much.    


It seemed to fit her current mood very well. When she thought of leaving him, her heart actually felt a slight pain.    


Qin Fei did not want to see clearly what kind of feelings she had for Lin Yuelin. She sat up from his embrace, held his neck with both hands, and put her red lips on his lips. After lightly touching the water, she moved away.    


"Fei Fei, you have surprised me today." Lin Yuelin's eyes were filled with smiles, like the stars in the sky. “ But I still have a few special and important documents to deal with. Wait for a while. Please believe that I can't wait any longer than you "    


Damn it, she just felt a little sad, but now she was looking down on him.    


Who couldn't wait? It was clearly him who wanted her every time, but now he pushed all the responsibility onto her and made himself into a figure like a white lotus.    


[This chapter is over]    


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