Don't Go Against My Mommy

C132 Peace

C132 Peace

In the past, when she heard that Shangguan Xue was abandoned by Lin Yuelin, Mo Huan was glad that Gabe treated her gently. It turned out that all of this was because she did not meet Qin Fei. As long as Qin Fei came back, everything would change.    


It was clearly just the beginning of autumn and there was still the heat of midsummer, but Mo Huan felt exceptionally cold. She hugged her shoulders and her entire body could not help but tremble.    


"Haha, woman, you are really useless. You can only watch helplessly as your man takes away the other women." Qian Duobei had already wiped the blood from his mouth and stood up tremblingly. "I think you are much better looking than Qin Fei. Why don't we comfort each other for the whole night."    


Mo Huan had never been insulted like this before. She immediately became furious and kicked Qian Duobei. "I advise you to look in the mirror. People like you are not even as good as beggars."    


"It is not important that I am not as good as beggars. The key is that you are not as good as Qin Fei." Qian Duobei only needed to cough to feel pain in his lungs.    


"That man is my fiancé. You do not need to care about my matters. As for Qin Fei, she is my good friend. You actually dare to have designs on her because you don't want to live anymore. Fortunately, you met my fiancé. If you met someone else, you might have to die to atone for your crimes. " Mo Huan sneered coldly.    


Gabe was afraid that Qin Fei would feel bored, so he opened the window as soon as he got on the car. After blowing the cool breeze for a long time, she also woke up a lot. When she opened her eyes, she saw that the person sitting in the driver's seat was actually Gabe, whom she had not seen for a long time.    


"Gabe, how could it be you?" Qin Fei looked at the surrounding scenery and asked again, "Where are we going?"    


"We are now sightseeing around B City. I originally wanted to send you back. Sleep more comfortably, but you cry and don't want to go back." Gabe took off his clothes and draped them over Qin Fei while the lights were red. " Now that you are awake, do you have a headache?"    


Qin Fei nodded. "But only a little."    


Gabe was a person who often drank and socialized. Of course, he knew how much of a headache he would have after getting drunk. She knew that Qin Fei did not want him to worry, so she said it did not hurt.    


"Do you want to go home now?" Gabe asked. He could not deny that when he heard Qin Fei say that she did not want to go home, his heart was filled with joy. Qin Fei's home was Lin Yuelin's. If she did not want to go home, it meant that she had no feelings for him.    


"Did I get drunk for a long time?" Qin Fei felt weak all over her body. She especially wanted to take a shower and then sleep comfortably.    


"It's okay. It has been more than an hour." Without waiting for Qin Fei to answer, Gabe took the initiative to say, "I'll send you back. The temperature is dropping."    


Along the way, the atmosphere was very silent. Qin Fei felt a little depressed. She wanted to say something to Gabe, but she felt that there was no way to say it.    


After thinking for a long time, she asked, "Gabe, you must have been very busy recently."    


Gabe shook his head. "Not bad."    


"I'm fine? Why is Huan so busy? I have already called her many times to invite her to dinner. She always says that she is busy with wedding matters and is not free. " After Qin Fei was surprised, she scolded, "It is not that I am talking to you. You are usually so considerate and considerate. Now that you have encountered such a big thing like marriage, you should do more. Don't put all the things on Huan. You are a man, you need to be responsible. "    


Gabe heard Qin Fei's words and did not know how to answer. He knew that Qin Fei and Huan were very good friends and also knew that she hoped that he could be good with Huan. But if she had not appeared, it would have been fine. But now, she had appeared. How could he not think of her at all times. And thinking of her at all times, how could he be good with Mo Huan?    


Because he did not know what to say, Gabe simply shut his mouth and did not say anything. He just quietly listened to Qin Fei's scolding.    


Very soon, they reached the villa's door. Qin Fei anxiously jumped out of the car.    


"Gabe, thank you for sending me back. Be good to Huan and don't let me down." Qin Fei patted Gabe's shoulder but was pulled by him and tightly hugged into his arms.    


Gabe had always wanted to hug her, but he never dared.    


"Fei Fei, tell me. If you had returned to England and I confessed to you, would you have been with me?" Gabe had always wanted to ask her this question.    


Qin Fei knew that he wanted a hope, but she could not give it to him. It was not cruel, but for his own good.    


"Gabe, even if you confess to me, I will still reject you. I accept you as my good friend, but it does not mean that I can accept you as my boyfriend." Every word that Qin Fei said was very heartless.    


"Alright, I am really stupid. This question is very obvious, isn't it? But I still want to sprinkle salt on my wound." Gabe turned around and got into the car. "You can go in. I'm going back. Huan is still waiting for me at home."    


Qin Fei did not miss the sadness that flashed across Gabe's eyes.    


She also did not feel good in her heart. After all, she treated Gabe as her best friend.    


"Qin Fei, you are really amazing. You can handle a few men in one night." A cold and angry voice sounded from behind.    


Qin Fei could not help but shiver.    


She did not expect Lin Yuelin to be in the villa. Didn't he leave with Shangguan Xue? Why would he be here?    


As soon as she thought of the whispers between him and Shangguan Xue, Qin Fei felt like she was going crazy. She coldly looked at the man in front of her, her words were laced with thorns, "My ability is indeed very strong. After all, your interest in me has already exceeded your interest in all the women you have met in the past. Isn't it? "    


She rarely drank. She drank a little too much tonight. Although she was awake now, she still felt weak all over. Right now, she only wanted to rest and not deal with any men. It was the same for Lin Yuelin.    


She passed by Lin Yuelin again, but it didn't go as smoothly as before. She was blocked by Lin Yuelin and sneered," Do you still remember that we have children? "    


"I am very tired now. I don't want to fight with you here. Let's talk about it tomorrow." Qin Fei wanted to shake Lin Yuelin's hand off, but she found that he was holding her hand very tightly. She could not shake it off no matter what. So Qin Fei got angry and roared, "What exactly do you want? If you don't appear, then don't appear for ten days or half a month. If you want to appear, then appear. What do you think we are?"    


Qin Fei was not in a good mood, and Lin Yuelin was not in a good mood either. Ever since he saw her kissing a strange man on the water side, he no longer had the mood to do anything. After sending Shangguan Xue home, he went straight back to the villa. In the end, this woman actually did not return. He waited for two whole hours. It was not easy to wait for her to return. Good fellow, she was actually sent back by her old lover.    


Qin Fei should be thanking her for decisively rejecting Gabe. She should be even more grateful that those words were coincidentally heard by Lin Yuelin. If he didn't hear it, he might go crazy. If he lost his mind, he didn't know what he would do.    


Lin Yuelin could no longer hear what Qin Fei was saying. He only saw two thin lips opening and closing in front of him. He no longer suppressed the desire in his heart for her and grabbed the back of her head. His thin lips fiercely covered her bright red lips.    


He exhaled hot air beside her ear and whispered softly. He actually had some intentions of begging, "Fei Fei, can you stay by my side?"    


Lin Yuelin's strong arm was hugging her. Her entire body was enveloped by him and she did not feel cold at all.    


Qin Fei was still immersed in the kiss from before and could not extricate herself. Tonight, Lin Yuelin stood in the moonlight. The light was dazzling and it was outrageously beautiful. His voice was also unprecedentedly pleasant to the ear, as if he had been pulled out of the water. Gentle and mellow.    


She really wanted to nod her head in agreement.    


But she couldn't just consider herself and not the children's future. They couldn't always hide behind people, they needed a proper identity. She also needed it.    


Lin Yuelin didn't have a heart. He didn't have a heart for anyone. His so-called love was just a spur of the moment. When the time was over, he might even forget why he was interested in you back then.    


This chapter is over.    


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