Don't Go Against My Mommy

C146 I Can't Let Her Go

C146 I Can't Let Her Go

Shangguan Xue's every word was poking Qin Fei's spine. She opened her mouth but could not say a single word of rebuttal.    


What she said was what she was most worried about. If Yuelin did not believe her, then everything would be in vain. It would also greatly reduce her impression in his heart.    


"Whether he believes you or not, we cannot make a judgment now. We might as well wait until he knows." But Qin Fei did not want to admit defeat so easily in front of Shangguan Xue.    


"Then let's wait and see." Shangguan Xue turned around and left feeling refreshed.    


When she could no longer see Shangguan Xue's figure, Qin Fei's entire body went limp on the chair.    


Lin Yuelin actually wanted his and Shangguan Xue's child. Then the sweet words that he had said during this period of time was really just a trick to coax her to be obedient.    


In Qin Fei's mind, only the matter of Shangguan Xue getting pregnant was left.    


She did not know what kind of mood she was in right now. Anyway, it was very complicated. She felt that she had walked into a world of ice and snow during the hot summer and her whole body was in pain from the cold.    


Qin Fei fell on the chair and rested for a while before she had the strength to call her secretary. She asked her to cancel all the work arrangements for today. She was really not in the mood to work right now. She also could not make any decision in this kind of situation where she was in a bad mood.    


Shangguan Xue, who had just provoked Qin Fei, had already returned home to report the good news.    


After dinner, Shangguan Xue pulled the puzzled Shangguan Yan back to the study room. She looked happy. "Dad, I am finally pregnant."    


"Pregnant what?" Before Shangguan Yan could react, the surprise on his face could not be hidden anymore. "Xue'er, are you serious? You did not lie to dad, right?"    


"I didn't lie to you. Recently, I have been thinking about whether there was something wrong with my body, so I went to the hospital for a checkup. The doctor told me that I was pregnant." Shangguan Xue explained in a dying mood.    


"Xue-er, this is a happy thing. Why do I feel that you are not very happy? Tell dad, what's wrong?" Shangguan Yan's smile was very deep. The hand he placed on Shangguan Xue's shoulder was trembling. " By the way, did you tell Yuelin? He will be very happy if he knows. Didn't you say last time that as long as you are pregnant, you will get married? It seems like dad is going to start preparing for your wedding. My precious daughter is finally going to get married. "    


" Dad, I don't know if I should tell Yuelin. " Just like what Qin Fei said, Shangguan Xue was not sure whether this child was Yuelin's or Mr. Lu's. "I am not sure..."    


"Not sure what?" Shangguan Yan thought that something had happened and immediately frowned. His face was full of nervousness.    


Shangguan Xue hoped to see her father proud of her. She swallowed all the words that were about to come out of her mouth. She just shook her head slightly. "It is just that my wish is about to be fulfilled. I am a little scared."    


"Silly child. Shangguan Group is your backing. Don't be afraid." Shangguan Yan pulled Shangguan Xue into his arms and patted her back lovingly to comfort her.    


In a corner that Shangguan Yan could not see, Shangguan Xue's eyes were empty and lifeless, but they were also filled with a kind of terrifying feeling.    


"Dad, I don't need to be in contact with Mr. Lu anymore." Shangguan Xue really could not stand that wretched man with sperm on his head. Every time she laid under him, she felt like throwing up.    


"You are already pregnant with Yuelin's child. He will definitely side with our Shangguan Group now. With him, why would I let you go out with another man?" Shangguan Yan's face carried a cunning smile.    


Last time, he had forced his daughter to get along with other men. He had thought that the relationship between Xue'er and Lin Yuelin had come to an end. Who would have thought that when there was no other way, there would be a bright future in the dark. His Xue'er was really too hardworking. She actually secretly took his child into her arms.    


This child came at the right time.    


"Dad, I want to ask you something" Thinking of Qin Fei, Shangguan Xue's eyes were filled with hatred, "If you want me and Yuelin to get married smoothly, I think you must get rid of a woman."    


Only death would not reveal the secret. This was the truth.    


"You are talking about Qin Fei, right?" Shangguan Yan was shocked by the ruthlessness in Shangguan Xue's eyes, but he quickly regained his senses. “ Don't worry, Qin Fei's role doesn't need you to take it to heart. Dealing with her is a very small matter."    


" Dad, don't look down on her too much. Yuelin treats her much better than I do. Now, he has already let her work in Lin's Group. When I wanted to go to the Lin Clan, Yuelin refused to do it. "Shangguan Xue's eyes suddenly became strange and bloodthirsty." Besides, she already knew about the things between me and Mr. Lu. She hasn't told Yuelin yet. She was too timid and hesitant. But after she figured it out, she would tell Yuelin. At that time, Yuelin and I would really be finished. "    


" In that case, don't blame me for being ruthless. " This matter must not be known to Lin Yuelin. Shangguan Yan's brows were tightly knitted together. " Xue Er, don't worry. Leave this matter to dad. I won't let you down. You should take care of your child during this period of time and prepare to be your bride. "    


" No, no, no, dad. Qin Fei has caused far more harm to me than you think. I don't want her to die just like that. Furthermore, a life is in my hands. I'm worried that something will happen to dad. " The corner of Shangguan Xue's mouth curled up into a scheming smile. The expression on her face was malicious and malicious. "We don't need her to die. We just need her to live a life worse than death. That's all. For example, find a few men to serve her."    


" Xue Er, this isn't good "    


Shangguan Yan could not see his daughter clearly anymore. He had spent too much effort on educating her. His daughter was the daughter of a socialite. Her temperament and appearance were outstanding in the upper-class society. He did not expect her to have such malicious thoughts. He was a little shocked. However, he did not know what to say.    


"Dad, I am your daughter. I have always been your pride. You will help me this time. "Shangguan Xue acted like a spoiled child in Shangguan Yan's arms, just like when she was a child. "Dad, I beg you, just help me once. Just once. Don't you also want to trap your son-in-law, Lin Yuelin? "    


" But dad felt that as long as Qin Fei was alive, this news would very likely be leaked to Lin Yuelin. "Shangguan Yan had always been decisive.    


"Dad, I will make her shut up. Help me find someone. I will do the rest." Shangguan Xue saw that Shangguan Yan's expression had loosened a little. She held his arm and shook it from left to right.    


"Okay, okay, okay. Dad is afraid of you." Shangguan Yan scratched Shangguan Xue's nose and said dotingly, "Dad is finally going to drink the wedding wine between you and Yuelin. Don't let Dad down."    


"I will make this obstacle disappear forever." Shangguan Xue's gaze was ruthless, letting Shangguan Yan see himself when he was young. He had just been shocked by his daughter's behavior. She should have done something to achieve great things. Cruel and merciless?    


Qin Fei originally wanted to quit all her work today and go home to have a good rest, but when she returned home, she was still unable to rest. Even if she was lying on the bed, her mind was filled with thoughts about Shangguan Xue's pregnancy.    


She did not know what Lin Yuelin would do if he knew about this matter. Would he abandon her and the children, or would he only abandon her?    


As long as she thought that Lin Yuelin would marry Shangguan Xue and that they could only be like strangers, Qin Fei felt that there was a pair of scissors in her heart that was fiercely poking her heart.    


The familiar phone rang. It was the phone ringtone that Qin Fei specially set up for Lin Yuelin. As long as it was this ringtone, Qin Fei would know that it was Lin Yuelin calling.    


"Are you asleep?" Lin Yuelin's voice seemed especially gentle and sexy under the night sky.    


Lin Yuelin had just finished work. He did not want to call her to disturb her, but if he did not call her, he would not be able to sleep.    


Qin Fei liked to turn off her phone when she slept at night. He did not think that he would be able to get through, nor did he expect Qin Fei to answer the phone so quickly.    


Actually, Lin Yuelin did not know that only when he was at home. When she slept, she would turn off her phone. When he wasn't home, her phone would turn on twenty-four hours a day. Because she was afraid that he wouldn't be able to find her. She was also afraid that her phone would be exposed.    


"I can't sleep." Qin Fei looked at the clock on the wall. It was already early in the morning. She was clearly very tired, but she did not sleep at all.    


"Your tone doesn't sound very happy. Did something happen?" Lin Yuelin's mind was getting more and more meticulous. There were many things that could not be hidden from him.    


Qin Fei did not say anything. She just looked at the ceiling with her eyes open. The person on the other side of the phone was still Lin Yuelin, the man she loved the most. He was still gently speaking to her, but she felt the endless coldness hugging her. It made her shiver.    


She could not stop thinking about how happy Lin Yuelin was when he found out Shangguan Xue was pregnant. Excitement, excitement, anticipation, or other good emotions. Everyone had told her, including Lin Yuelin himself. They had all said that Shangguan Xue was Lin Yuelin's best choice. Only she was qualified to be his wife. Become the mother of his child.    


Previously, Shangguan Xue did not have a child. Now that she was pregnant, their marriage seemed to be inevitable.    


It was just that she could clearly see her own heart and wanted to stay by his side regardless of everything. The heavens played a huge joke on her.    


Was she really going to leave this time? But as long as she thought about never seeing Lin Yuelin again, she could feel the air in her body being sucked out. She felt as if she was drowning in water, and she felt suffocated.    


"Fei Fei, you said you wouldn't throw a tantrum. What's wrong with you now?" Qin Fei did not speak for a long time. Lin Yuelin's enthusiasm seemed to have been splashed with a bucket of cold water. His voice became cold.    


Qin Fei knew that Lin Yuelin was angry now, but she really did not know what to say to him. She was afraid that she would cry once she opened her mouth, and he would worry about her.    


She did not want to affect his work.    


Lin Yuelin did not speak anymore, but neither of them took the initiative to hang up the phone. They just quietly confronted each other.    


"President, all the higher-ups of the company are here. We can start the meeting right away."    


Lin Yuelin did not wait any longer and hung up the phone.    


[This chapter is over]    


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