Don't Go Against My Mommy

C172 Promise Her

C172 Promise Her

Lin Yuelin looked at Qin Fei's angry expression. His gaze was sharp, like a ray of light shooting into Qin Fei's heart, illuminating all the dark thoughts in the depths of her heart.    


Qin Fei was most afraid of Lin Yuelin's gaze that seemed to be able to see through people's hearts, but she knew that she could not escape now. Otherwise, he would think that she was guilty.    


She braced herself and looked at Lin Yuelin's eyes. She puffed out her chest, as if everything she said was true.    


"If I want to change partners, which company do you think I should choose?" After a long confrontation, Lin Yuelin withdrew his gaze and asked in a negotiating tone.    


"I believe you know better than me which company does the best in real estate." Qin Fei had investigated. In the real estate industry, other than Lin's Group, only the Song Corporation did the best.    


Lin Yuelin maintained an indifferent attitude for a long time after Qin Fei finished speaking.    


Qin Fei could not tell what Lin Yuelin was thinking in his heart. The unknown feeling made her feel uneasy.    


Lin Yuelin was such a smart person. Did he discover something from every word she said?    


Qin Fei also knew that her words would cause Lin Yuelin, this jealous person, to be knocked over again. He was very concerned about what had happened between her and Brother Song Ze. Now, the meaning of her words was just to let him work with the Song Family.    


She began to reflect on whether she had progressed too quickly.    


"Yuelin, I..." Qin Fei anxiously wanted to redeem something.    


"I know you are talking about the Song Family. It is true that the Song Family was the first to step into the real estate industry in B City. Their foundation is solid. These years, after Soong Ze came out to manage it, he had carried out a huge reform. Our company had previously cooperated with the Song family in other areas, and it was very pleasant. Maybe we can give it a try. " Lin Yuelin looked at Qin Fei and said in a low voice," You are very familiar with Soong Ze. I will leave this matter to you to discuss with him. But I am not giving this project to this company directly. I am just giving them a fair chance to compete with Shangguan Group. "    


Qin Fei had never thought that she could get Lin Yuelin to give this project to Soong Ze with just a few words. It was already impressive enough that he could give Song Shi a chance.    


Qin Fei's eyes, which had already dimmed down, lit up again because of Lin Yuelin's words. Her tone was filled with surprise and surprise. "Are you telling the truth?"    


"When have I ever lied to you?" Lin Yuelin pretended to be angry. "The president of Song Corporation is your childhood friend. If you are so happy, I will think that you want to rekindle your old relationship with him."    


Lin Yuelin's expression was half true and half false. Qin Fei could not tell whether he was really angry or not. The excitement on her face immediately disappeared, and she fawned over him. She kissed his chin that had some stubble on it.    


She even said in a coquettish manner, " Sigh, it really stung me."    


"Don't change the topic." Lin Yuelin used his hand to hold Qin Fei's chin, forcing her to look at him directly. "Quickly comfort my wounded heart."    


Lin Yuelin's childish manner made Qin Fei sure that he did not think too much about it, but since he wanted to comfort her, she also had to show an attitude, "Yuelin, I am only thinking about your interests. I believe you have your own considerations. So don't use my and Soong Ze's useless things to deny my opinion. You will be sad. Me too."    


Although she knew very well that Qin Fei just didn't want the Shangguan Group to have a good life, as long as she thought about the long years of youth, in Qin Fei's heart, there was only one man called Soong Ze. He couldn't suppress the pain in his chest. He hated himself for not being able to appear by Qin Fei's side earlier and label her as Lin Yuelin earlier.    


"Forget it, forget it. I will take back what I just said. Even if I know that you have nothing to do with Soong Ze, I still don't want you to have too much contact with him. No matter what you think, I'm just such a petty person. " Lin Yuelin originally wanted to pretend to be magnanimous, but in the end, he still couldn't resist his possessive desire towards Qin Fei.    


"I knew you would not be so magnanimous, but I really do not want to negotiate with Soong Ze too much. Just let my deputy manager, Chung Dongxue, do it." Qin Fei didn't argue with Lin Yuelin and readily agreed.    


"I will say the ugly things first. I will give Song Shi a chance. But as for whether they can seize this opportunity or not, it will depend on their own strength. If this cooperation is not achieved in the end, you can't blame me. " Lin Yuelin first had to give Qin Fei a precautionary measure.    


"As long as you treat her fairly, I believe that the Song Family will be much stronger than the Shangguan Group." Qin Fei was very confident in Soong Ze's ability. As long as Lin Yuelin gave her a chance, the bidding war was basically guaranteed.    


Qin Fei had already made up her mind to watch the Shangguan Group become a laughing stock.    


Just as she finished discussing with Lin Yuelin, Qin Fei found an opportunity to call Soong Ze. "Ze, I have settled things with Lin Yuelin. What you need to do now is to make a wonderful bidding report. The time of the bidding is on the 25th of this month. I will tell you the specific details after I understand it. That's all for now. Bye bye. "    


It was unknown whether it was Lin Yuelin who had thought it through, or Shangguan Yan, the old fox, who was thinking it through. The time for the bidding was on the 25th. On this day, Shangguan Group and Lin Dong had come to an agreement. The 26th was the day of Lin Yuelin and Shangguan Xue's wedding.    


However, Shangguan Yan and Shangguan Xue definitely did not take Qin Fei's unforeseen circumstances into consideration. There was still half a month before the bidding. Qin Fei could not help but think that when Shangguan Xue knew that the one who collaborated with the Lin family was not the Shangguan Group, but the Song Corporation, could the wedding between her and Lin Yuelin continue so smoothly?    


Qin Fei placed her phone on the desk and her eyes were cold.    


A few days ago, the police had sent out the final result. The mastermind of this kidnapping case was the crazy Qin Xiaoxiao. Qin Fei knew that the police were also very difficult to deal with. After all, they wanted to testify against Shangguan Xue. No one had conclusive evidence. But it was impossible for this case to not be solved, so they would naturally push all the mistakes to a mental patient.    


But Qin Fei, who knew the truth of the matter, saw the real mastermind still living happily and freely, and her heart was incomparably tormented.    


Qin Fei secretly found a famous private detective to investigate Shangguan Xue. Only then did she realize that she was not as pure and arrogant as she appeared in front of outsiders. In fact, her private life was in chaos. Among her men, there was not only Mr. Long whom Qin Fei and Mo Huan met the last time. But if she really wanted to find evidence to prove that her private life was in chaos, she really could not find it. This was also the reason why Shangguan Xue did it so strictly.    


Life could be considered to be peaceful and peaceful, but Qin Fei knew that this was just the calm before the storm.    


The marriage between the Shangguan Group and the Lin's Group could be said to be the most lively and festive event in the past hundred years in B City. Everyone thought that a man like Lin Yuelin would never like women. It would be great if he liked her directly. Therefore, the news of him and Shangguan suddenly getting married became a hot topic for the media.    


Lin Yuelin had a lot of women, but there were very few news articles about him. Because he rarely showed his face in front of the media, even if he did, the media would not write about him. So this was the first time Lin Yuelin exposed himself to the public through the media. Of course, Shangguan Xue was also by his side. She had a decent smile on her face. She held Lin Yuelin's hand and openly accepted all the media's lights and interviews.    


When the host asked where the most unforgettable first encounter was, Lin Yuelin still had an ice face that would not melt for a thousand years. Only Shangguan Xue smiled like a flower. "I met Yuelin on a tour bus heading to Dali. I remember that people like him would not go out to travel. I would not travel with a tour group, but I met him there. I think this is our fate. "    


The bachelor Lin Yuelin, whose value was hard to estimate, had once traveled with the group alone. All the women who were watching the interview in front of the television were shocked. They were all regretting why they had watched Korean dramas back then. They did not go to Dali with the group. If they had gone there back then, the current Mrs. Lin might have been him.    


Qin Fei, who was sitting in front of the television, was calmer than the other women. She looked at the two people on the television indifferently. One had a cold face and the other had a smile like a flower.    


Qin Fei really did not understand what Lin Yuelin was thinking. She clearly liked the person, but she insisted on marrying Shangguan Xue.    


She did not understand this logic, nor did she want to understand it.    


Gradually, Qin Fei's calm heart started to ripple. It was as if a cat lived in the place of the heart. This cat had sharp claws and claws that scratched the area of her chest bit by bit.    


"What's so good about this?" Lin Yuelin came back to the living room and went upstairs to look for Qin Fei before he saw her. His footsteps did not stop. However, Qin Fei was so immersed in watching TV that she did not know that he had come upstairs. He did not even know when he appeared behind her, so he turned off the TV.    


Today was the 21st. The day Lin Yuelin and Shangguan Xue got married was the 26th. It was a day that could be counted with one hand.    


Qin Fei didn't snatch the remote control from Lin Yuelin. She wasn't in the mood.    


Seeing Lin Yuelin's wedding getting closer and closer, Qin Fei had been comforting herself not to care and not to care. Anyway, Lin Yuelin did not place her in the most important position, so she did not need to pay attention to him.    


But no matter how she comforted herself, she could not ignore her jealousy.    


This kind of thing. Jealousy made her feel inexplicably sad whenever she looked at Lin Yuelin.    


Mo's corpse was not cold yet, but Lin Yuelin married his enemy Shangguan Xue. How could Qin Fei not feel a chill down her spine?    


There were many things that Qin Fei did not understand in her heart, but she could only suppress it in her heart. She could not ask Lin Yuelin for confirmation. She could not be sure how sincere Lin Yuelin was to her, so she could not tell Lin Yuelin everything in her heart.    


This chapter is over.    


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