Don't Go Against My Mommy

C215 Coincidence

C215 Coincidence

"Mom asked you a question?" Qin Fei stubbornly asked.    


"Mom, I am going to tutor, not to class. I have finished my lessons." Qin Sheng said.    


Qin Fei then remembered that under Lin Yuelin's leadership, Qin Mo and Qin Sheng needed to take supplementary lessons in the past. After two years, she had completely forgotten about it.    


"I really don't know why dad made me go to supplementary lessons. I saw how complicated the teacher's lesson was when I saw that my head hurt." Qin Sheng complained.    


Qin Fei had stayed in England for so long, and the education of the students there was relaxed and free. The schools abroad paid attention to maintaining the creativity of the children's nature. China's education was to erase the creativity of the child.    


"Isn't it the same in all the schools in China nowadays? Although it is said that there are winter and summer holidays, they have actually gone to supplementary classes." Qin Fei sighed and said.    


"That's right, that's right. It is too unfair and also too unreasonable." Although those courses did not mean anything to her, she hated this kind of waste of time supplementary lessons. She also hated the domestic examination acceptance education.    


Although Qin Sheng was young, she also had her own plans for her future. "Mom, I want to hurry up and finish my studies as soon as possible."    


Qin Fei did not find it strange when she heard Qin Sheng having such a mature idea. Her Sheng was originally very smart.    


"Sheng, do you want to study abroad?" When the education in and out of the country was combined, Qin Fei felt that it might be useful to stimulate Qin Sheng's potential.    


Because of Lin Yuelin's matter, Qin Sheng had never considered going abroad so far.    




"The education system of these European countries in England, France, and America is already complete. Mom used to study abroad in England." Qin Sheng remembered her experience back then.    


When Qin Fei mentioned her experience in studying abroad, Qin Sheng could not help but wonder if her mother said that she wanted to return to England and also wanted to bring her back to England.    


The smile on Qin Sheng's face immediately disappeared, "I will not go anywhere. I just want to stay here and stay by my father's side."    


Qin Fei did not think that Qin Sheng had misunderstood and comforted, "Since you are so averse to it now, let's talk about this in the future."    


Actually, Qin Sheng was only eight years old now. She was still worried about letting her live independently abroad. She was indeed too anxious.    


Qin Sheng jumped up from the sofa and hugged Qin Fei's neck as she said coquettishly, "Mom, I don't want to go anywhere and you also don't want to go anywhere. Isn't it good for us to be together all the time?"    


"Okay, okay. Mom was just saying that. Don't take it seriously. If Sheng doesn't want to go, then we won't go anywhere." Only then did Qin Fei realize that Qin Sheng misunderstood and explained.    


Although Qin Sheng's mood was still appeased by Qin Fei in the end, she still felt a little uneasy. So when she returned home, she told her mother's words to her father.    


Lin Yuelin also heard the meaning that Qin Sheng thought from Qin Sheng's repeated words. His eyes narrowed slightly. "Your mother wants to take you to England?"    


He had to say that he was a little surprised.    


"Dad, what else do you want to do? When will you be able to trick Mom over?" Qin Sheng still wanted a complete family.    


Lin Yuelin had never been not confident before, but when he faced Qin Fei, he was really uncertain. "I don't know either. I don't know how long your mom will last."    


"Since you still want to be with your mother, then why are you with that actor Qinghuan?" Qin Sheng just thought about Qinghuan's provocation the last time, and her hatred towards her was superimposed to the point that she could not bear it anymore.    


Lin Yuelin did not want the child to be involved in all his matters. He changed the topic and said, "A child should be like a child. These questions are not what you should ask. I know how to deal with my matters."    


"When you asked me to learn something, you told me that I am no longer a child. I asked you something, and you said that I am a child. Then am I still a child?" Qin Sheng complained.    


Lin Yuelin's face was stern and did not respond. She pouted and said softly, "Anyway, I don't care. I don't like her."    


"You don't need to like her either." Lin Yuelin's words were meaningful.    


Qin Sheng could decipher two meanings. She was not your mother, so you don't need to like her. The other was that it was enough for me to like her, so why would I need your love?    


As the saying goes, when the devil comes, it will come. When it comes to people like Qinghuan.    


Qin Sheng was just talking about Qinghuan with Lin Yuelin when her phone rang.    


Qin Sheng looked at the way Lin Yuelin answered the phone and came to a conclusion, "Dad, is it Qinghuan that woman again?"    


She almost hated her to death.    


Lin Yuelin shook his head.    


After a while, the phone that had been hung up rang again. Lin Yuelin frowned.    


"Lin, I really can't escape tomorrow."    


Qinghuan finally mustered up her courage to send a short message, then anxiously waited for Lin Yuelin's reply.    


Lin Yuelin hated using text messages to communicate, so he did not reply at all.    


Poor Qinghuan waited all night, but she didn't get a reply from Lin Yuelin. Of course, after sending this message, she didn't dare to call Lin Yuelin again.    


Lin Yuelin did not change his original plan because Qinghuan could not come. The next day, he still brought Qin Sheng to the most famous hotel in the east of the old city to have a meal at the South Emperor.    


Lin Yuelin had been here a few times before. Because the taste was good, he had opened a private room here. In the past, there was no one on both sides of his private room, but today it was very noisy.    


This was Qin Sheng's first time here and she felt that everything was fresh. So her gaze had been sweeping all over the place. The reason why Lin Yuelin booked a private room here was because it was quiet. It was very suitable for discussing official business, but now it seemed like there was no need to reserve this room after dinner today.    


Lin Yuelin brought Qin Sheng to the private room. Although he could not hear the sound of the room next door, he felt irritated when he thought of the noise of many people next door.    


Lin Yuelin said to the manager with a solemn face, "Find me a quiet room."    


"Sorry, Mr. Lin. This is the only room left today. If you hadn't booked it, this room wouldn't have existed." The manager looked at Lin Yuelin with a troubled expression.    


He had just picked up a master who was not easy to serve, and now there was another one. He didn't know if it was because he was lucky or unlucky.    


"Forget it. Tell the person next door not to be so noisy." Lin Yuelin guessed that the neighbor might be an uncultured nouveau riche.    


Lin Yuelin's room was the most expensive in the entire hotel, so the rooms on both sides were only second to him. That was why his status was very respectable. People would definitely come and go as they pleased when they were spending money in the store, so how could he greet them?    


Lin Yuelin saw the difficulties of the manager and asked, "Who are these people next to you?"    


"There are big stars and directors. They are filming a popular TV series. The people inside are not good people." The manager wiped the sweat off his forehead and explained.    


"Big star?" Qinghuan immediately appeared in Lin Yuelin's mind.    


He was not an unreasonable person. Otherwise, he would have become like those rich people next door.    


"You can go out." Lin Yuelin asked him to leave.    


Hearing his words, the manager ran away as fast as he could as if he had been pardoned.    


Although Qin Sheng had been sizing up other places, she was also seriously listening to the conversation between her father and the manager.    


Qin Sheng asked, "Dad, is that big star Qinghuan? Her style is really big."    


As long as there was a chance, she would discredit her and use her shortcomings to highlight her mother's strengths.    


Lin Yuelin was also uncertain. Probably. '    


Qin Sheng did not care if the crew next door was Qinghuan's. In any case, her mission was to blacklist Qinghuan. "She is really too uncultured. Eating is eating. It is as if she is fighting."    


The soundproofing of the private room was still considered good, so in the beginning, Lin Yuelin's side could not hear any sounds. But gradually, the people on the other side of the room got drunk and started to make a big fuss.    


The noise on Lin Yuelin's side became more and more obvious.    


In the entire set, only Qinghuan and the investors were still clear-headed. Qinghuan had filmed many famous dramas. She had seen many investors, but she had never seen an investor with such handsome features. His features were actually comparable to Lin Yuelin's.    


Luh Cheng smiled faintly. He could feel Qinghuan's burning gaze, but he did not say anything. As long as she was willing to look at him, his investment would not be in vain.    


If it was not because Qinghuan was Lin Yuelin's new pet, her eyes would not be there anymore.    


Facing all the drunk people, Luh Cheng had always maintained his elegant demeanor. If they wanted to make a fuss, they would make a fuss. They only paid attention to their words and actions and did not want to make a fuss about him.    


The director of this production crew was a very open-minded person. Usually, he was very carefree and inflexible, but his ability was publicly acknowledged. That was why Luh Cheng was willing to hand over the script that his mother had painstakingly written to him.    


Qinghuan picked up a bottle of wine from the table that was still half empty. After drinking it, she became even bolder. Before, she quietly sized it up, but later, she directly looked at Luh Cheng.    


Luh Cheng did not feel that there was any need to hide anything. He openly let her see. When their gazes met, Luh Cheng would even smile at her.    


This was the first time Qinghuan felt the feeling of deer jumping around. It was different from the feeling when she was with Lin Yuelin.    


Luh Cheng stood up and walked to Qinghuan's side. "It's too stuffy in here. If Miss Qinghuan shows her face, accompany me out for a walk."    


Qinghuan was stunned, but she quickly reacted. "Okay."    


Previously, she saw Luh Cheng sitting in this place that was surrounded by clouds and smoke. It seemed that the dirty air could not affect him at all. It turned out that he could not bear it either.    


Qin Sheng drank too much juices and suddenly wanted to go to the toilet. "Dad, the dishes are here and you eat first. I will go to the toilet first."    


"The toilet is at the door."    


Qin Sheng was so anxious that she did not hear where Lin Yuelin was pointing at, but she was not worried. She could ask someone when the time came.    


Luckily, Qin Sheng was lucky and had a good sense of square position. She quickly found the bathroom according to the toilet's indicators.    


[This chapter is over]    


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