Don't Go Against My Mommy

C216 An Awkward Atmosphere

C216 An Awkward Atmosphere

After she was done, she stood at the door. Just as she was about to open the door and go in, the room next door coincidentally opened.    


The first person that appeared in Qin Sheng's field of vision was the man she had met the last time, Uncle Luh, and followed closely behind was Qinghuan who she had just talked about.    


Qin Sheng immediately simulated a good show in her heart. She quickly opened the door and called out, "Dad, dad, come out. Hurry up, hurry up."    


She wanted her dad to see clearly the true face of this woman, Qinghuan.    


Qinghuan heard Qin Sheng's voice and then saw her small figure. Then, she was stunned on the spot. She never would have thought that there would be such a coincidence. It turned out that Lin Yuelin had also brought Qin Sheng to the Southern Emperor to eat. And it happened to be right next to her.    


Qin Sheng turned around and respectfully called out, "Uncle Luh, hello."    


Then, she looked at Qinghuan with a pleased expression. She wanted to see how she would explain it to her father.    


Qin Sheng's gaze returned to Luh Cheng. He was also very good-looking. He was on par with her father. Although Qinghuan had harmed him, she felt that it was somewhat cruel. But compared to letting her harm her father, she would rather she harm her uncle.    


Because Qin Sheng's emotions were too agitated, Lin Yue Li also became curious about the situation outside. He walked out and saw Qinghuan and Luh Cheng standing together.    


He did not have a shred of anger. Instead, he was very puzzled. How did the two of them get together, and when did they get to know each other?    


That uneasiness came again. After all, the word Luh Cheng had been following him recently, like a ghost that never left him. Now, all the women around him were more or less related to him.    


Could this be another coincidence?    


Lin Yuelin absolutely did not believe in coincidences that happened again and again.    


"Director Luh, we are really fated to meet everywhere." Lin Yuelin was only surprised for a moment, but soon, his expression returned to normal, and he said indifferently.    


Luh Cheng smiled and said in a faint voice, "I also think we are fated to meet."    


Qinghuan had been with Lin Yuelin for so long. She had never had physical contact with him, but everyone knew that she was Lin Yuelin's woman now. Now that he had personally seen her with another man, she was still so embarrassed that she wished she could hide underground.    


"It is indeed fate. If nothing unexpected happens... Miss Qinghuan beside you should be eating with me today. Unfortunately, there is still an accident, which is why she is accompanying you to dinner today. " Lin Yuelin smiled coldly and did not even look at her.    


How could Qinghuan not feel Lin Yuelin's anger? She immediately panicked and did not know where to put her hands and feet. "Lin, I did not do it on purpose."    


Lin Yuelin did not care whether Qinghuan did it on purpose or not. He was more interested in Luh Cheng now.    


"Director Luh, are you interested in drinking with me?" Lin Yuelin looked straight at Luh Cheng with a smile on his face.    


Luh Cheng always had a mild personality, and his smile was not warm. He nodded and said, "It is my honor to be invited by Director Lin. I do not dare to refuse."    


Qin Sheng could feel Qinghuan's embarrassment from the side, but the more awkward she was, the happier she was. Who asked her to compete with her mother for the father?    


Serves her right!    


Qinghuan had actually changed from embarrassment to disappointment. Luh Cheng wanted to drink with Lin Yuelin, so he could not accompany her out for a walk.    


This was the main point of her disappointment.    


Luh Cheng could always take care of every woman around him, so he turned around and said, "Miss Qinghuan, I'm sorry. I can't accompany you for a walk anymore. I will treat Miss Qinghuan to a meal sometime to apologize."    


After he said that, he added, "Do you want to come with us now? Anyway, you and Director Lin know each other again."    


Qinghuan quickly shook her head like a rattle drum. "You guys can drink. I have drunk a lot. I need to go back to sleep."    


She did not want to be stuck between these two men.    


Qinghuan had already stepped out of the room but a familiar cold voice came from behind, "Miss Qinghuan, it is better not to leave. Let's eat together."    


That was Lin Yuelin's voice. She did not need to turn around to know that his voice was like a sharp sword cutting through her throat, making her unable to speak.    


She finally managed to adjust her mood, "I..."    


She only said one word before she was cut off by Lin Yuelin, "Is it because Qinghuan is unhappy to see me?"    


Qinghuan knew that this was Lin Yuelin's final warning and she could not reject it.    


So there were two more people in the room that originally only Qin Sheng and Lin Yuelin were in.    


For successful people like Lin Yuelin and Luh Cheng, their alcohol tolerance naturally could not be measured. The two of them exchanged blows, as if they were drinking plain water. Those who didn't know each other would definitely think that they were drinking to their best friend's heart's content. Those who knew would be able to feel the strong smell of gunpowder between each cup.    


The table was already filled with empty bottles, but the two of them seemed to have just begun. Neither of them was willing to admit defeat, so they continued to drink to each other.    


Qinghuan naturally knew who these two men were. That was why she did not dare to get involved in this muddy water to persuade them not to drink. She only wanted Lin Yuelin to not place his gaze on her. She was willing to do the air that no one cared about once.    


Qin Sheng could not drink, so she could only look at Qinghuan.    


She raised her eyebrows at Qinghuan. Actually, it was also to announce a unilateral victory. After today's matter, her father should not have any relationship with Qinghuan anymore.    


Qinghuan could easily understand the meaning in her expression, but she did not have the leisure to compete with childish children now. What she was more worried about now was that Lin Yuelin would really not want her because of this.    


After drinking enough wine, Luh Cheng started to talk about cooperation. "Director Lin, did you really not consider what I told you last time?"    


Lin Yuelin smiled faintly, even though he had drunk a lot of white wine. His eyes were still clear, and he was not drunk at all. "Director Luh, you can't spoil the mood. We agreed to drink. How can we talk about business when drinking and eating?"    


He would not let go of this.    


"That's not right. Business nowadays is all about eating and drinking. The atmosphere should be right." Although Luh Cheng was not drunk, he had drunk before, but he was still a little different when it was peaceful. He looked even more talkative.    


"Lin likes to work with companies with abilities, but Lin does not like to work with companies with abilities." Lin Yuelin threw the question of whether the two companies could work with him.    


"Director Lin is indeed powerful. He has already mastered Tai Chi." Luh Cheng pretended to be disappointed.    


However, he wasn't worried at all. He had underestimated Lin Yuelin after all. Initially, he thought that it would be easy to reach an agreement with Lin Yuelin, but he didn't expect Lin Yuelin to reject him so firmly.    


The hidden value of that piece of land was so great, but Lin Yuelin was not tempted. He really did not understand what Lin Yuelin was thinking in his heart.    


Lin Yuelin did not want to keep talking about this problem with Luh Cheng, so he turned the topic to Qinghuan and mocked, "Miss Qinghuan, why are you just sitting there and not saying anything?"    


Qinghuan had been begging various gods to make herself invisible, but in the end, she was called out by Lin Yuelin.    


Qinghuan could not understand what Lin Yuelin was thinking. He did not really like her. It was impossible to say that he was jealous, but he was angry. That didn't seem to be the case either. After all, she had seen Lin Yuelin get angry at Qin Fei.    


She could only reply cautiously, "Me and you, Mr. Luo's field of contact is different. I don't understand what you guys are talking about, so it's not good to interrupt and disturb your fun."    


"Dad, don't make things difficult for Auntie Qinghuan. I think she must not know what to say before she chose to remain silent." Qin Sheng smiled.    


"If you don't know what to say, you can tell me about your meeting with Director Luh." Lin Yuelin looked at her seriously, and his expression was very focused. It was as if he was waiting for her to tell him how she met Luh Cheng.    


Qinghuan let out a sigh of relief. At least Lin Yuelin wanted to know this, which meant that he would not change her immediately.    


Qinghuan took this opportunity to explain, "Lin, didn't I send you a text message? I want to have a meal with an investor today. He is an investor. This is also the first time Director Luh and I have met."    


Lin Yuelin's eyes did not stop on Qinghuan. Instead, he turned to Luh Cheng and said meaningfully, "I didn't expect the Luh's to be involved in film. Director Luh is really knowledgeable."    


Luh Cheng smiled faintly and his eyes were a little tipsy. "This is to fulfill a dream of my mother. It is my personal investment for private matters."    


The Luh's had not yet established a foothold in B City. It was not suitable for diversified development, so they did not intend to involve in the film industry at the moment.    


Lin Yuelin seemed to be very interested. I believe that the script that can move Director Luh must be a very good one.    


Speaking of the script, Luh Cheng was very proud. "It was written by my mother. I am very touched. So I wanted to film it and let more people see it. "    


The reason Luh Cheng made himself look like a gentleman and refined businessman was also because of his mother. His mother, Luh Yue, was an artist. As the son of an artist, he naturally had to have an artistic and indifferent temperament.    


Lin Yuelin said, "Miss Qinghuan, this script seems to be very important to Director Luh, so you must not let him down."    


"Yes, do not let Uncle Luh down." Qin Sheng also echoed.    


Qinghuan nodded, looking a little nervous.    


Luh Cheng found that Qinghuan did not seem to be loved by Qin Sheng. She seemed to be indifferent to Lin Yuelin. It turned out that Qinghuan was not Lin Yuelin's new pet as the rumors had said. He was just a gimmick to stop the wild bees and butterflies.    


This dinner that they did not expect in advance, the four of them had their own taste. Qin Sheng was in a good mood after helping her mother deal with a big disaster, so she ate a lot of things. Qinghuan, on the other hand, did not have an appetite and did not eat anything at all.    


After Qin Sheng was full, she asked in front of Qinghuan, "Dad, can I go and find mom in the afternoon?"    


Lin Yuelin thought that Qin Sheng was the secret weapon to save Qin Fei, so he hoped that Qin Sheng would be able to get close to Qin Fei and she would not think about leaving again.    


So he agreed without hesitation.    


[This chapter is over]    


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