Don't Go Against My Mommy

C227 Carefully Dress up

C227 Carefully Dress up

Although Qin Fei only gave Lin Yuelin three days, Lin Yuelin wanted to spend the rest of his life with her.    


Lin Yuelin said mysteriously, "Don't worry, you will get used to it."    


Lin Yuelin parked the car outside the shopping mall in B City. Qin Fei quickly opened the door and ran out of the car. She breathed in the fresh air greedily. She did not dare to breathe loudly in the car.    


Qin Fei did not see what kind of car Lin Yuelin was talking about when she was in the parking lot. Now she saw that it was actually Blue Noble, who was ranked second in the world.    


Lin Yuelin looked really childish when he showed off.    


Lin Yuelin saw that Qin Fei was staring at his new car with a smile on her face. He thought to himself that Qin Fei was still the same as many women. She also did not have the ability to resist this kind of luxury car.    


Lin Yuelin naturally held Qin Fei's hand. "Let's go in."    


Qin Fei looked at her tightened wrist. The flesh on her wrist had already been twisted together. It was so painful that she gritted her teeth. But Lin Yuelin acted as if he did not notice and firmly grabbed her wrist.    


She had to feel that Lin Yuelin did it on purpose. He was deliberately taking revenge on her.    


In just a short while, Lin Yuelin dragged Qin Fei into the elevator.    


Qin Fei shook her wrist and shouted, "It hurts! It hurts!"    


"Qin Fei, don't think too highly of yourself. I have already spent 100 million to deal with Song Shi. If your two and a half days makes me feel that your value is not equal, I will launch the second round of attack at any time. I will do what I say. " Since the effect of threatening Qin Fei was so good, Lin Yuelin did not mind continuing to threaten Qin Fei.    


The current Lin Yuelin was the same as the previous Lin Yuelin. They were all temperamental. Comparatively speaking, Qin Fei was more familiar with this kind of Lin Yuelin. Unlike the gentle Lin Yuelin from before, he always made her feel uneasy.    


Qin Fei nodded obediently, "You are the boss now, everything you said is right."    


Lin Yuelin brought Qin Fei to a luxury store and said coldly, "Buy clothes."    


Qin Fei did not expect Lin Yuelin to bring her to the mall to buy clothes for him. She stood at the entrance of the luxury store and looked at all kinds of clothes. "Why do you want to buy clothes?"    


"When women go out on dates, don't they take out all their clothes to dress up properly? Look at your current dressing. I don't want to date you at all." Lin Yuelin sized Qin Fei up and down in disdain.    


Qin Fei glared at Lin Yuelin.    


He said it as if he knew women very well.    


Lin Yuelin had many women with him, and they also asked him to accompany them to buy clothes. However, Lin Yuelin usually swiped his card directly, and would never personally take them to the shopping mall to buy clothes.    


He had always thought that he would never do such a waste of time in his life, but now he knew that being willing to waste time for a woman was a sign of love.    


"You have to pick clothes and shoes, and then I'll take you to make a styling. You better not buy me time." Lin Yuelin directly stopped Qin Fei from wanting to use the clothes to buy time.    


Qin Fei originally did not intend to cooperate, but if she did not cooperate, Lin Yuelin, this shameless person, would definitely not let Song Shi go. She had no choice but to swallow her anger in the past two and a half days.    


Qin Fei had never gone to a luxury store to buy clothes. The expensive clothes in her Song Family's closet were all ordered by Soong Ze without her permission.    


Lin Yuelin saw Qin Fei's lifeless look. A woman could not even be proactive when buying clothes. He could not stand it anymore and walked to the front of the shelf. He glanced over and took out one. Then, he turned to another shelf and looked at it again. Then he picked out one from it.    


In just a short while, he stuffed it into Qin Fei's hands. "Go in and try it."    


Qin Fei looked at the lake blue long dress in her hands and immediately shook her head, "I don't like it."    


Lin Yuelin said coldly, "You have no right to refuse."    


This woman was really too troublesome. Giving her freedom was just a waste of time. It was better for him to make a decision for her.    


Qin Fei did not express her opinion after being scolded by Lin Yuelin. She would try whatever Lin Yuelin gave her. She would buy anything that looked good. If he did not think it looked good, she would change it.    


When the two of them returned to the car again, there were many bags and boxes in the backseat. Qin Fei did not have much interest in these things. Since Lin Yuelin liked them, she would let him do as he pleased.    


Anyway, he would be the boss for the next two and a half days. ...    


Just like what Lin Yuelin had said, he brought her to the styling room.    


Lin Yuelin could tell from Qin Fei's expression that she did not like these complicated forms, but he wanted to give Qin Fei a special experience. Even if she was impatient, he had to do it.    


The most popular styling room in B City was called Beutifer. It was very straightforward. Beauty was a woman's lifelong goal and yearning.    


Everyone in the styled room knew Lin Yuelin. The receptionist looked up and saw that it was Lin Yuelin. She looked at him impatiently and said, "Mr. Lin, you haven't been here for a long time."    


Lin Yuelin did not like to talk to women. He asked concisely, "I am looking for Mu Yue."    


Only then did the receptionist notice that Lin Yuelin was not alone. He was holding a woman tightly in his arms. Lin Yuelin often came here, but there had never been any other woman around him. Not to mention having such intimate movements with any woman.    


Moreover, the woman in Lin Yuelin's arms was really ugly and old-fashioned. The receptionist would never have thought that Mr. Lin would have such a heavy taste.    


"Director Mu is in Baili." There were many different themes in Betiful. Baili was the most sought after by the upper-class socialites.    


Qin Fei had never received the construction of such a styled house, so she could not understand what they were communicating about. Furthermore, the receptionist's occasional glance at her made her feel extremely uncomfortable.    


Lin Yuelin did not have much time to waste on this infatuated front desk. He held Qin Fei and walked towards Bai Li. He was very familiar with this place, so he did not need anyone to lead the way. In a short while, he found the door with the sign Bai Li.    


There were no other customers in the room. Mu Yue sat on the sofa and looked at the latest fashion magazine.    


"Mu Yue, what are you hiding in the room for?"    


Mu Yue turned around and saw Lin Yuelin. She stood up in surprise. "Mr. Lin, when did you come? Why didn't you inform me?"    


"Help me see what she looks like." Lin Yuelin did not come to reminisce or chat with Mu Yue. He directly told her his purpose.    


Qin Fei's current appearance would be completely ignored in front of Lin Yuelin, so when Lin Yuelin's gaze fell on Qin Fei, Mu Yue looked at Qin Fei in shock.    


Heavens, this woman was simply hopeless. There was no trace of fashion on her body at all.    


But fortunately, her skin was considered very good.    


As Mu Yue is in this industry, she will come into contact with many rich families' daughters, wives, and lovers every day. Her diplomatic ability can be seen from this, so she knows what she should say and what not to say.    


Her gaze did not land on Qin Fei for a long time, and she only asked warmly, "May I know the name of this young lady?"    


"Her name is Qin Fei." Lin Yuelin rushed to the front of Qin Fei and answered.    


It was the first time that Mu Yue felt Lin Yuelin's possessive desire for women. It was obvious that he did not want him to get too close to Qin Fei.    


However, Lin Yuelin did not know what was wrong with his brain. He usually walked at the top of fashion. The thing he could not allow the most was unfashionable things, but this young lady had nothing to do with fashion. If it were not for the woman that Lin Yuelin had brought, he would not have accepted such a guest.    


"Miss Qin, what kind of style do you want, as long as you can say it out loud. I can do it for you." Mu Yue was quite confident in her aesthetics and skills. Otherwise, even Lin Yuelin would not like to go to this place.    


Qin Fei was about to tell him her requirements. As long as it was not too exaggerated, it would be fine. The makeup on her face did not need to be big and heavy. It would be better if it was a little fresher.    


But before she could say her request, Lin Yuelin interrupted her thoughts and said, "I'm going to take her to a banquet. You better make her cute and playful."    


In the past, when she went to a business banquet with her father, she had to make a pose. At that time, Qin Fei was very annoyed. After all, her makeup was done very quickly, but it would take a long time to make a pose.    


Qin Fei was so bored that she wanted to throw up bubbles. Lin Yuelin, on the other hand, looked at her coldly on the sofa. He did not say much and did not do much. His words and actions were enough to tell that he had a high status.    


There was a kind of person who could make himself stand out even if you exiled him to an ordinary person. This kind of person was talking about Lin Yuelin. He was an existence that could not be ignored.    


Lin Yuelin watched from the side and expressed his opinion. "Her face is already so small. She doesn't need to cover her face with her hair. " Her hair is coiled up and her face is revealed. "    


Qin Fei had long been numb to it. Anyway, he would not listen to her opinion. She would leave it all to Lin Yuelin to decide. She felt like she was a puppet without emotions.    


Qin Fei stared at herself in the mirror and showed her original beauty bit by bit.    


Mu Yue was even more surprised. He originally thought that Qin Fei was going to smash his signboard this time. He did not expect that this woman was already very beautiful. He did not know how to put on makeup to make her look better. She was not the type of person who would ruin her reputation.    


Lin Yuelin, who was originally sitting properly, somehow came in front of Mu Yue and said, "I don't like this. Change again."    


He was the one who said to put his hair up in a bun, but then he said he hated it. This person was really changeable, like a woman.    


Without giving Qin Fei a chance to refute, he directly pulled out the hair clip on Qin Fei's head. The long hair that was coiled up above his head was all scattered on his back. Lin Yuelin liked Qin Fei's hair very much. His fingers passed through the cold and soft hair like snowflakes falling on his heart. It was light and gentle.    


[This chapter is over]    


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