Don't Go Against My Mommy

C241 Last Drink

C241 Last Drink

Lin Yuelin replied with a phone call.    


Qinghuan was shopping when she received Lin Yuelin's call. When she saw the caller ID, she was ecstatic.    


She took the call almost immediately. She did not even have the time to say a word. Lin Yuelin's magnetic voice came from the other side of the phone. "I have other things to do tonight. I don't have time. If you have time now, you can come to my company."    


Although there was nothing between Lin Yuelin and Qinghuan, he felt that it was not that he did not have feelings for her. So there were some things that needed to be explained clearly, in case there were more problems in the future.    


Women all had a sixth sense. She had almost guessed what Lin Yuelin wanted to say when he wanted to see her, so she did not want to see him now.    


But she could not refuse Lin Yuelin, so she could only say anxiously, "Okay, I'll be right there."    


Lin Yuelin wanted to talk to Qinghuan about everything before getting off work, so he had to finish his work before she came.    


When it was almost five o'clock, Qinghuan appeared in the Lin's building. Lin Yuelin had already finished his work and was waiting for her to come.    


The person who received Qinghuan was still Lin Yuelin's secretary. The smile on her face was the same as the first time they met. It was still so friendly.    


It seemed like nothing had changed, but she felt that there was a storm waiting for her.    


Secretary of the president led the way in front and Qinghuan followed nervously behind. Her steps were very heavy.    


Secretary of the president pushed open the door for her and gently closed it.    


"Lin." Qinghuan stood in the office and saw Lin Yuelin standing facing the French window with his hands behind his back like a king.    


No, it was not like that. He was a king to begin with. Every move he made was filled with the bearing of a king. It was precisely because of this bearing that she was very fascinated.    


Lin Yuelin's voice sounded indifferent and distant, "You are here."    


It seemed like everything had verified Qinghuan's thoughts. Something bad had indeed happened. Actually, it did not matter. She and Lin Yuelin had always been one willing to fight and the other willing to suffer. From the beginning, she knew that she could not control Lin Yuelin. Now, it was just to prove what she had thought in the past.    


Qinghuan said bitterly, "Lin, I miss you so much."    


Lin Yuelin's voice sounded very serious, "Qinghuan!"    


Just calling her name made Qinghuan feel as if her heart was about to jump out.    


She was like a child who had made a mistake, waiting for Lin Yuelin's judgment. "Lin, what do you want to say?"    


Qinghuan had been here for quite a while before Lin Yuelin turned around. "Qinghuan, I never explain anything to anyone. You are the second woman I want to explain."    


The first was Qin Fei.    


Qinghuan had mixed feelings. She did not know if she should feel sad or honored for Lin Yuelin's words. Actually, Lin Yuelin did not need to be mentioned. She knew what he was going to say next.    


Lin Yuelin had always been ruthless. He treated everyone the same, but when he looked at Qinghuan, the light in her eyes dimmed bit by bit. In the end, it turned into a dark deep sea. As for what he was going to say next... He seemed to be a little reluctant.    


After a moment of silence, Lin Yuelin continued, "Qinghuan, I have never touched you before because you are a good woman. I don't want to spoil you. And now I do not want to delay you."    


He tried to be tactful and could minimize the harm to her.    


Qin Fei was right about some things. He had never considered other people's feelings. It became a habit. He did not even care about the feelings of the woman he loved the most. He was determined to change, and it was indeed slowly changing. At least he did not treat Qinghuan as cruelly as before.    


Although Qinghuan still felt pain in her heart, there was still a smile on her face. Even though her smile was uglier than crying, "Lin, you don't have to feel guilty. You didn't delay me either. Everything was done willingly by me. I knew from the beginning that you didn't like me. I just wanted to see if I could change you through my own efforts. Actually, I was thinking too much."    


After Lin Yuelin said those words, Qinghuan felt relieved. These words were something she would never dare to say to Lin Yuelin in the past. He was so high and mighty. How could he waste his time listening to her complaints?    


Lin Yuelin felt a little regretful. He should not have drawn her into the relationship between him and Qin Fei just because he was angry with Qin Fei. In the end, she was just an innocent woman.    


"Lin, you gave me a good dream. It's time for me to wake up from my dream. It's also a kind of fulfillment for me." Qinghuan was not a persistent woman. Furthermore, she knew that throwing a tantrum would have no effect on Lin Yuelin. Therefore, she might as well let go of him gracefully and leave a good last impression on him.    


After saying that, Qinghuan turned around and prepared to leave. It was not that she was not sad. It was just that she did not want to cry in front of Lin Yuelin. He would think that this was her way to gain sympathy. So she wanted him to remember her most beautiful appearance. Let her feel her own tears.    


Lin Yuelin's voice sounded behind her, "Qinghuan."    


Qin Sheng wanted her to go home earlier so it should not be a big deal. He wanted to have a meal with Qinghuan for an hour or two, so he wanted to have dinner with her before going back.    


"Let's have a meal together later. We will part peacefully." Lin Yuelin said it very calmly. He did not have any other emotions besides guilt.    


Qinghuan turned around with a charming smile. Upon closer inspection, her eyes were filled with bitterness. She was a stubborn woman. She only liked to lick her wounds in a corner that no one asked about. She did not expose her pain under the sunlight, waiting for people to pity her.    


Qinghuan knew that this was the last time she and Lin Yuelin had a meal. She wanted to indulge herself for once. "Lin, can you drink with me?"    


When he heard the wine, Lin Yuelin could not help thinking of Qin Fei. Even the drunk Qin Fei did not forget to push him away.    


Qinghuan needed to drink to ease her worries, so how could he not?    


"Okay, I'll drink with you." Lin Yuelin agreed to Qinghuan's request very easily.    


Since this was the last time they had a meal, Lin Yuelin took Qinghuan to the most distinctive bar in the city. He wanted to treat her to the most unique and the best wine.    


Lin Yuelin had never known what it would feel like for a woman to fall out of love, so he also did not understand that Qinghuan was originally a woman who did not drink well. But at this moment, she was like a veteran in the bar, drinking glasses after glasses of wine as if she was drinking plain water.    


He knew that women could not drink so much wine, but he was not a good person to persuade women to drink. Moreover, he was the one who made her sad. What right did he have to make her drink less?    


After watching Qinghuan drink a few glasses of wine, he could not bear to watch anymore. "Qinghuan, you can't drink anymore. You have already drank too much."    


"Director Lin, don't be so petty. These few bottles of wine are not worth much." Qinghuan's whole body was soft. Even her eyes were soft.    


Lin Yuelin remembered Qinghuan as a rational person. She was so rational that Lin Yuelin thought that even if one day he separated from her, she would let go of him very easily.    


In his heart, he did not want Qinghuan to get drunk because of him. "Don't you know that drinking is harmful to the body?"    


"But not drinking is sad." Qinghuan blurted out.    


Lin Yuelin could not refute what she said. He also had the same feeling as her.    


He also picked up a glass of wine and drank it in one gulp, "This wine is useless. Even if I drink it, I will still be sad."    


"Will Director Lin also be sad?" Qinghuan asked in puzzlement.    


She had really drunk too much hard liquor. She did not feel anything when she drank from the previous glasses one after another. But now that she stopped, the strength of the liquor also rose. Her stomach seemed to be burning with balls of fire, making her feel extremely uncomfortable.    


Lin Yuelin did not seem to tell her about what happened between him and Qin Fei. He silently picked up a glass of wine and drank it all again.    


After Qinghuan drank the wine, she became more daring. Usually, she did not dare to say anything in front of Lin Yuelin, so she wanted to spit it out quickly. "Before I met Director Lin, I had heard about Director Lin's deeds from other people. They said that Director Lin was handsome, handsome, and had a super good figure. I have many good friends in the movie industry and the modeling industry. They all want to know you. They say you are the most perfect man in the world and don't need your love. As long as I can sleep with you for a night, I'll be able to make money."    


As she spoke, Qinghuan felt a little pain. "So, being able to have a relationship with you is a gift from the heavens to me. I thank you for choosing me. This dream is really beautiful, very beautiful! "    


Lin Yuelin felt more and more the same about Qinghuan's words. Qin Fei was also the dream that he had been chasing, but he could not catch up to this dream. Because Qin Fei seemed to have become a different person.    


Qinghuan began to doubt herself, "Lin, you are a man, a normal man. Why are you not touching me after being with me for so long?" ...    


The sisters advised her to drug him, but her temperament was extremely high. Even when facing a man like Lin Yuelin, she was not willing to use such means.    


Lin Yuelin sympathized with Qinghuan, but it did not mean that he could accept her babbling nonsense, "Qinghuan, you are drunk."    


Qinghuan did not admit that she was drunk. "I am not drunk. What I said just now was all serious. Don't think that I am talking drunk."    


Lin Yuelin somewhat regretted accompanying Qinghuan to drink here. How could he accompany a woman to drink? Last time when he drank with Qin Fei, he knew that it was a little troublesome, but in the end, he actually offended her.    


Lin Yuelin pulled Qinghuan into his arms. "You can't drink anymore. I will send you back."    


Qin Fei was already a precedent. After a woman got drunk, she would become a crazy person. She could do anything to prevent something irreversible from happening. It was better for him to send her back as soon as possible.    


"What are you going home for? Don't go home. I don't want to be alone. Let me drink. Let me drink." Qinghuan had not drunk to her heart's content yet.    


Lin Yuelin looked at the time on the watch. It was a little late. He didn't know if Sheng was angry or not. He had to go home now. He called his driver and asked him to send Qinghuan home.    


Although Qinghuan was drunk, she could still hear what Lin Yuelin said clearly. She refused in fear, "Lin, take me home. I don't want any other man. I want you..."    


"I don't care. I want you." Qinghuan tightly hugged his neck and refused to let go.    


[This chapter is over]    


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