Don't Go Against My Mommy

C251 Torturous Memories

C251 Torturous Memories

Qin Fei saw the hesitation in Soong Ze's eyes. She could not pretend to be relaxed anymore. She had to doubt that perhaps things were really as Qin Xiaoxiao had said.    


Soong Ze was actually thinking about how to coax Qin Fei. She always liked to think too much. If the truth was told to her, she did not know how sad she would be.    


"I am not a witness to this matter, so I do not know the details." Soong Ze said perfunctorily.    


Qin Fei looked disappointed, "Okay."    


She did not get an answer from Soong Ze, so she could only return to her room unhappily.    


Just as she put her hand on the door handle, Soong Ze, who was behind her, stopped her. "Fei Fei, let bygones be bygones. I don't care about the grudges between the Qin family and the Song Family, your Qin family has already repaid them. I just want to be safe and sound with you. "    


Soong Ze knew that Qin Fei was the daughter of the murderer of her father, but why did he push the grudges of the previous generation to their generation? He had already made a fool of himself once. Letting go of Qin Fei that time had already made him wish he was dead. This time, he did not want to let go of her again.    


Qin Fei nodded her head and verbally agreed that she would not think about this matter anymore. But this knot was planted in her heart. It was hard to remove it. Qin Fei did not like to owe others. Now, she owed Soong Ze so much all of a sudden. A debt of gratitude was like a mountain pressing down on her, making her unable to breathe.    


Because of his conversation with Qin Fei before bed that night, he dreamt of the time when he was young. After waking up, he could no longer sleep. He opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling, then thought of those painful times.    


In B City more than ten years ago.    


That morning was the same as every morning in the past. Soong Ze still woke up and went to work every day for decades. Because his father passed away early, he had to shoulder the responsibility of revitalizing the Song Family early on. Other people at his age were still in the university campus, but he had already started working.    


At that time, Soong Ze's face was still young, but he was like an old man who had been through a lot of battles and started a life of mutual deception in the business world.    


Lo Feng instructed, "Ah Ze, come back early."    


Soong Ze smiled, "Okay."    


Lo Feng looked at Soong Ze's face and lost her mind. Soong Ze grew up day by day and became more and more like his father. When Soong Ze's father died, he was the best age for a man. It was because of that evil man, Qin Shi. Whenever she thought of him, she would be so angry that her entire body would tremble.    


Because of his mother's instructions, Soong Ze wanted to go home early, so he rejected Qin Fei's date. Today was his birthday, but after his father died, he no longer had the mood to celebrate his birthday.    


His father's death had dealt a huge blow to Soong Ze. For a period of time, he even hated Qin Fei very much because of this.    


Today was Soong Ze's 18th birthday. Lo Feng lit up the 18th birthday candle on the cake. There was no smile on her face. "Ah Ze, after today, you will truly grow up."    


Actually, Soong Ze did not know that he was a child before he grew up. He seemed to have been playing the role of an adult.    


Lo Feng was originally hesitating whether to let him bear the hatred of her father. In the end, she still said, "I have to tell you all the truth."    


The word truth always carried a lot of unimaginable pain. Soong Ze was a little nervous. He even wanted to stop listening.    


"Your father did not die by accident, but by jumping off a building. The one who caused your father to commit suicide was Qin Shi, that animal." Lo Feng's eyes were full of hatred when she talked about Qin Shi.    


Soong Ze was especially shocked. He did not want to believe that it was Qin Shi. If it was him, it meant that he would not only lose his father, but also Qin Fei.    


"You didn't expect this, did you? You must think that Qin Shi is very good to our family. Let me tell you, he is crying and pretending to be merciful. Back then, it was him who forced the Song Family into a dead end, forcing your father into a dead end. " Lo Feng gritted her teeth when she spoke of this.    


"Mom, don't worry. I won't let him go." Soong Ze knew that this was his responsibility.    


That night was a painful night for Soong Ze. He could not sleep for the whole night. Hatred slowly replaced his kind and gentle blood with cold and heartless.    


Soong Ze finally knew the whole truth, even though he did not believe that human nature was so evil. But his mother had said so much in detail and so decisively that he could not believe it.    


In the past, the Song Clan and the Qin Clan were the best partners. Each cooperation project would earn a large sum of money. However, in one cooperation, the Song Clan's project collapsed. Soong Ze's father was responsible for the casualties of many workers. If it was not resolved properly, there would be a prison disaster, so he decided to investigate thoroughly. In the end, he found out that the Qin Clan had used a lot of materials that were not in line with the rules to be substituted. It had caused the collapse. However, Qin Shi did not admit it and even said that he was framing them. Later on, the Song family's shareholders also started to rebel, causing internal and external troubles. Hence, his father was unable to bear the burden and chose to give up on his life in the end.    


The truth was laughable and painful. From that night onwards, Soong Ze, who was 18 years old, started to immerse himself in hatred, planning to take revenge.    


However, after that catastrophe, the Song Clan and the Qin Clan couldn't compare at all. Soong Ze was still a wet behind the ears child in front of Qin Shi. He could not shake Qin Shi's power and status at all. Therefore, he could not rush this matter. He could only watch as he walked.    


He did not sleep the whole night. Soong Ze's face had big dark circles under his eyes. His eyes were empty and dark. Even when he saw Qin Fei, who he liked very much, he did not feel happy at all.    


Qin Fei realized that Soong Ze did not seem to be in a good mood. He became a sensible girlfriend and did not play with his temper like usual. Instead, she coaxed him to be happy.    


"Ze, are you in a bad mood? What happened? Tell me, I will help you analyze and analyze it." She wouldn't help people analyze things. Usually, he would help her analyze things. She only knew how to cause trouble.    


Soong Ze took a deep look at Qin Fei. He really felt that the heavens were very unfair. Since they had arranged an unavoidable hatred between them, why did they still have to make the two of them truly love each other? Qin Fei was so pure and innocent. Why was she born in such a vicious family? How could he bear to let the woman he loved hate him?    


"I'm fine." Soong Ze forced a smile.    


"Ze, I know. It must be because I wasn't with you on yesterday's birthday, so you're unhappy." Qin Fei thought about it and there was only one reason that could make her forever warm Ze unhappy.    


Soong Ze smiled coldly in his heart. He would rather not have yesterday's birthday. He would rather everything be a dream.    


It was a dream, a nightmare.    


Qin Fei saw that he was still in a daze, so she held his hand. Her smile was even brighter than the sun outside the window. "Ze, since you are so unhappy, I will take you to a place that can make you happy. Of course, I am not sure whether you will be happy or not, but that is a place that can make me happy."    


Qin Fei found a very special restaurant in B City. Originally, she only wanted to go there alone when she was in a bad mood. That was her secret base, but since Ze was so unhappy, she could only bear the pain and give up.    


There was a little doubt in Soong Ze's eyes. It was no longer as dull as before. "What can make you happy?" Soong Ze thought about it. Qin Fei did not seem to have told him before.    


"I wanted to take you there because it was your birthday yesterday, but you rejected me. You are not allowed to reject me today. I will make up for your birthday. " Qin Fei said.    


Soong Ze knew that this matter could not be blamed on Qin Fei. The tense lines on his face finally eased up. "Okay."    


Soong Ze had a very happy day with Qin Fei's company. Not long after, Qin Xiaoxiao came to Qin family. Qin Fei and Soong Ze had a conflict because of her.    


That day was the happiest day in both of their hearts, and also the last happiness. Later on, Soong Ze went crazy for some unknown reason, and slowly distanced himself from her. Then, he got closer and closer to Qin Xiaoxiao. Soong Ze clearly knew that Qin Xiaoxiao was the murderer who angered her mother to death, and she even snatched away her father's love. But Soong Ze was more and more biased towards her, and he treated her better and better.    


Qin Xiaoxiao and Qin Fei often quarreled, but it had always been a verbal argument. But he did not expect that he could not hold back his emotions and pushed her down the stairs that time. Qin Xiaoxiao's head was bleeding a lot. His father sent Qin Fei to England.    


Qin Fei had been busy with her own life. Of course, she did not know what life Soong Ze had been living in the country after she left.    


He forced himself to forget Qin Fei, to obey Qin Shi's orders, and to fake feelings for Qin Xiaoxiao. In those two years, he hated hypocritical himself. Every day, he looked at himself in the mirror and felt disgusted. He did not know why he had become like this. He was the one who drove Qin Fei out of the country, but he did not have those days when Qin Fei was not there. He felt like he was going to collapse at any moment.    


Qin Xiaoxiao was not a fool. The longer she spent with Soong Ze, the more problems she would discover. She knew that Soong Ze still loved Qin Fei, so her hatred for Qin Fei deepened.    


On the day Qin Fei returned to the country, Qin Xiaoxiao probed, "Brother Song Ze, did you know that elder sister came back to the country today?"    


She just wanted to hear what kind of expression Soong Ze would have when elder sister came back.    


Actually, Soong Ze already knew that Qin Fei was going back to the country. During this period of time, his mood had been turbulent every day. The maids in Face-face's house could feel that he was in a good mood recently. But no one knew that the joy at the corner of his mouth was because the girl was coming back.    


Soong Ze knew Qin Xiaoxiao was testing him, so he pretended to be calm and said, "I will know after you tell me."    


Qin Xiaoxiao's eyes were always on Soong Ze's face. She did not want to miss the slightest expression on his face. "Dad is not free today. He asked you to go to the airport to pick up sister."    


Soong Ze had already pretended to be used to it, so as long as he wanted to pretend, he could pretend to be indifferent and indifferent. "Got it."    


This chapter is over.    


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