Don't Go Against My Mommy

C258 Forced to See a Doctor

C258 Forced to See a Doctor

How could Mr. Mo know that the happiest time for Lin Yuelin right now was to be able to stand guard in front of Qin Fei's door? How could he be willing to sleep? If it was anyone other than Qin Fei, he wouldn't be willing to wait like this.    


At exactly eight o'clock, Qin Fei appeared at the entrance. She was still the same ordinary car as before, and she was still dressed like an ordinary person or even an old-fashioned person. However, in Lin Yuelin's eyes, she was still shining.    


Mr. Mo honked the horn.    


Qin Fei was woken up by the loud horn sound, as if she had just woken up now. She followed the source of the sound and saw that the car parked by the side of the road was Lin Yuelin's car.    


Why would Lin Yuelin appear here? It had been a long time since he appeared.    


Could it be that his longing had become a disease and he had actually seen an illusion? Qin Fei even specially wiped her eyes.    


During this period of time when Qin Fei was in disbelief, Lin Yuelin had already opened the car door and walked towards Qin Fei.    


Lin Yuelin slowly knocked on Qin Fei's window in a rhythmic manner. "Knock, knock, knock, knock..."    


Qin Fei shook down the window. Wasn't Lin Yuelin the person standing beside her? But didn't Sheng say that Lin Yuelin went abroad for a business trip and that it would take more than a month? Why did he come back now?    


Lin Yuelin had thought of many things to say, but in the end, he could only say a simple sentence, "Fei Fei, long time no see. How are you?"    


Qin Fei was still in disbelief. "You... Lin Yuelin... Shouldn't you be in America?"    


Qin Fei did not know why she was nervous when she spoke. She clenched her fists on her legs.    


Lin Yuelin did not say anything. The smile on his face was especially gentle. It made Qin Fei feel even more that she had not woken up yet. After all, Lin Yuelin's face was black and his mouth was stinky. How could he be so gentle to her?    


Lin Yuelin was very satisfied with her expression, so he pretended to be disappointed and said, "It seems like Fei Fei really doesn't want to see me."    


Qin Fei's head shook like a moving rattle drum. "No, don't think about it. I just feel a little surprised."    


She finally reacted. Lin Yuelin had come back immediately. Why was she so nervous? She had nothing to do with him, so why was her heart beating so fast?    


Lin Yuelin teased her, "Fei Fei, your face is very red. Are you angry? Did I make you angry? "    


Qin Fei finally returned to reality. This person was teasing her again.    


She rolled her eyes at him and said coldly, "Lin Yuelin, it's eight o'clock now. I should go to work. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been on full duty and would have been scolded by the manager. I hope you can give way."    


"Sheng said you don't look well. Don't go to work today." In fact, the first time Lin Yuelin saw her, he felt that her complexion was very bad and her face was very pale. It was different from the usual white with a hint of red in it. Moreover, her eyes were filled with red blood. It was obvious that she had not slept well. Moreover, she had not slept well for at least a week. His face was full of acne, and even the foundation of the acne could not cover it.    


Lin Yuelin had been abroad for some time. It seemed that Qin Fei had not taken good care of him during this period of time. Now, seeing her weak and pale appearance, he felt a heartache in his heart.    


Qin Fei had been talking to Lin Yuelin for a while at the door. She looked at the time. If there was a traffic jam, she would definitely be late. "Lin Yuelin, don't block me. I still have a meeting. If I don't leave now, I will really be late."    


Lin Yuelin did not sleep for the whole night. After discussing the cooperation, he rushed back. He did not directly go back to his home but came to see Qin Fei. At that moment, he was also exhausted, but he would never let others know about this.    


Lin Yuelin leaned on Qin Fei's car, looking like he wanted to cling onto Qin Fei and not let her leave.    


"You are more suitable to go to the hospital with me now. You do not know that you look like a seriously ill offender now." Lin Yuelin's tone was full of heartache.    


It was getting late. Qin Fei was very anxious. But what made her even more irritated was Lin Yuelin's attitude towards her. He clearly had an unclear relationship with Qinghuan. What the hell does he want? Does she need to talk to him about going to the hospital or going to work?    


"It's not like Soong Ze can't support you. Why do you still work so hard?" Lin Yuelin really did not understand Qin Fei.    


Qin Fei heard the sarcasm and retorted, "Lin Yuelin, just tell me what this matter concerns you. It is my business to fight for the Song Family. You do not need to worry about our family matters. I also know that your Lin Family has a bright future and doesn't like small businesses like ours. But don't worry, I believe in Ze. He will definitely surpass your Lin Family. Don't cry when the time comes. "    


Qin Fei even felt somewhat fortunate that if Lin Yuelin continued to face her with that kind of gentle face, she might not know how to face him, but he was still the same as before. If that was the case, it would be easier for her to face him.    


Lin Yuelin did not want to argue with Qin Fei anymore. If he had the time, he might as well take her to the hospital. This woman was very stubborn. There was a thin layer of sweat on her forehead, but she still insisted on being stubborn.    


"Come out now. There is no room for negotiation." Lin Yuelin said in a commanding tone.    


Lin Yuelin was still as domineering as before, as if everyone in the world had to listen to him. Qin Fei was not as obedient to him as before. She said with a cold face, "Lin Yuelin, who do you think you are? Does everyone have to listen to you?"    


Lin Yuelin had to take her to the hospital anyway. He asked firmly, "Qin Fei, are you always in a stalemate with me like this?"    


"I don't want to. That's why I want you to move aside so that I can leave." Qin Fei's eyes were filled with faint disgust as she said impatiently.    


Qin Fei could almost imagine how the manager would scold her ugly face later. She obviously could not be late, but after being messed with by Lin Yuelin, it was necessary to be late. It depended on whether the time was long or short.    


In front of Lin Yuelin, Qin Fei could not go to work honestly even if she wanted to.    


Lin Yuelin was silent for a while and said lightly, "I have a lot of time anyway. Since you want to waste it here, I will waste it with you."    


"You do not need to waste time. I said I will not go to the hospital." Qin Fei also had a firm attitude.    


"It's okay. I can ask the doctor to come over." Lin Yuelin said calmly.    


Qin Fei had never met a man who was harder to deal with than Lin Yuelin. She felt pain in her temples. Lin Yuelin knew very well what kind of method could force her to a dead end.    


"You are not leaving, right? Do you believe that I will drive right now and make you fall enough?" Qin Fei threatened.    


Lin Yuelin smiled faintly and answered with certainty, "I do not believe it."    


Qin Fei was really helpless now. Why did she have to meet a man like Lin Yuelin? She was so irritated that she wanted to go crazy.    


Lin Yuelin raised his eyebrows and said gently, "Fei Fei, you have to be good. Follow me to the hospital today. Otherwise, I still have a lot of time to waste with you. For example, tomorrow. For example, every day after tomorrow, I will come and stop you. "    


Lin Yuelin already knew that Qin Fei would only eat hard and not soft. If she did not do this, she would not go to the hospital.    


Lin Yuelin suddenly thought of something and suggested, "I will ask Cheng Luo to come over."    


Qin Fei was scared when she thought of Cheng Luo's method.    


She quickly shook her head to stop Lin Yuelin's actions. "Don't call him over."    


Lin Yuelin did not expect Cheng Luo to have the effect of intimidating Qin Fei. The corner of his mouth revealed a smile of success as he coaxed, "Since it is like this, then obediently get off the car and follow me to the hospital."    


At this point, Qin Fei could only surrender, so she pouted. With a dark face, she came out of the car unwillingly, but in the end, she sprained her ankle. Seeing that she was about to fall to the ground, Lin Yuelin quickly reached out his hand and wrapped it around her waist. Qin Fei reached Lin Yuelin's arms in the middle of stretching.    


Qin Fei seemed to have survived the disaster and sighed repeatedly, "It was really close. If I fell down, I would be disfigured." She only cared about her face that was not disfigured. She completely forgot how intimate their positions were now.    


When Lin Yuelin held her, he already felt that she was much lighter. Her body was worse than he had imagined. Now it was difficult for her to even stand up. She was still so stubborn just now. He really admired her.    


"Why are you so uncaring about yourself? I'm really worried." Lin Yuelin said with a heartache.    


Only then did Qin Fei realize that she was in his arms, so she quickly wanted to push him away. But her strength was like an ant trying to shake a tree. It had no effect on him at all. "I am a mother. How could I not know to take care of myself?"    


Lin Yuelin did not say anything. "You are definitely not walking steadily now. I will carry you to the hospital."    


Qin Fei's heart was beating like a drum in Lin Yuelin's arms. She did not want to continue to be in such a position or even more intimate position in his arms, so she refused. "I want to go home. I will not stay here."    


Lin Yuelin was a little puzzled. "You are at the door of your house."    


He thought that this woman should not have a fever, so he reached out to touch her forehead and found that she did not have a fever.    


Lin Yuelin looked even more confused. "No fever, why are you talking nonsense?"    


Qin Fei was shocked. What was Lin Yuelin doing? This was Soong's residence, and there were many housekeeper and servants there. If they told Soong Ze about this, he would be very sad.    


"Lin Yuelin, let me go!" Qin Fei said with disgust.    


Lin Yuelin saw that Qin Fei's body was stiff and there was no expression on her face. He knew that she was really angry, so he did not want to continue provoking her. Lin Yuelin directly carried Qin Fei back to the front passenger seat, while he sat in the driver's seat.    


"You also know that I rarely drive myself. You should feel honored, so you are frowning." Lin Yuelin saw Qin Fei's expressionless face when he got in the car and comforted her.    


This chapter is over.    


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