Don't Go Against My Mommy

C260 You Are Throwing a Tantrum

C260 You Are Throwing a Tantrum

Qin Fei really did not want to get entangled with Lin Yuelin anymore. Her face was as dark as ink. "Lin Yuelin, I don't want to mess around with you anymore. Shouldn't you stop your prank?"    


Lin Yuelin's expression also became gloomy. His voice was as cold as ice. "Qin Fei, is it that as long as I, Lin Yuelin, care is unnecessary to you?"    


Qin Fei knew the difference in status between her and Lin Yuelin, so Lin Yuelin's concern was not something she could accept.    


"When will my car be returned to me?" Although it was not worth much, to return to Soong's residence, she still needed a car.    


Lin Yuelin did not want to pay attention to Qin Fei now. Anyway, she could not leave without a car. He was now focusing on discussing some medical problems with Cheng Luo and some medicinal herbs introduced in famous medical books.    


After Qin Fei was ignored, she could only take out her phone and try to find a driver who could give her a ride.    


She did all of this very seriously, so after Lin Yuelin finished talking with Cheng Luo, he stood behind her and did not find anything.    


Lin Yuelin said sarcastically, "Qin Fei, don't do these useless things. You use the software for the people. The area I live in is not the area for the people."    


Lin Yuelin said it with a tsundere face.    


Qin Fei heard his voice and hid her phone behind her. She still had an angry expression on her face.    


Lin Yuelin saw that Qin Fei was really angry that she did not argue with him, so he calmed down a little. "I am obviously doing this for your health. Are you really angry?"    


Qin Fei was too lazy to talk to him. As long as she did not care about him, he could not do anything out of line. Anyway, she could not refute anything that Lin Yuelin wanted to do. What she could do was not say anything. If she didn't do anything, she would see what Lin Yuelin could do.    


Lin Yuelin said inadvertently, "Sheng seems to be coming out of school. Otherwise..."    


Qin Fei's eyes lit up when she heard Sheng's name. So Lin Yuelin said regretfully, "I originally wanted to bring you to pick up Sheng after school, and I thought you would be very interested. If that's the case, then forget it. "    


Qin Fei had decided to use silence to fight Lin Yuelin, but she did not expect Lin Yuelin to come up with such a dirty trick. If she talked to him now, her silence and stubbornness would become a joke.    


Qin Fei held back her internal injuries and wanted to refute Lin Yuelin.    


Lin Yuelin said directly, "Qin Fei, say it this way. If you are willing to talk to me now, I might send you back to Soong's residence."    


Countless methods flashed through Qin Fei's mind, but in the end, she chose to remain silent. If she did not give Lin Yuelin a deep lesson this time, then Lin Yuelin might very well be in her future life. Repeating today's events over and over again, how could her life still be calm?    


Lin Yuelin was stunned. He originally thought that after he said that, Qin Fei would definitely surrender. He did not expect her to be so firm, so he said faintly, "Maybe your little dumpling is crying for Mommy?"    


Qin Fei knew that Lin Yuelin was grabbing onto the feeling of her having a child in her heart. He repeatedly used the child to force her to submit. Qin Fei felt that his actions were too shameless.    


In order to not let Lin Yuelin continue to upset her morale, she decided to leave him and go outside the house to bask in the autumn sun.    


Cheng Luo had been rushed to the kitchen by Lin Yuelin to prepare medicinal food. Qin Fei was very picky about food, so Lin Yuelin said not only must it be effective, but it must also be delicious. Otherwise, her salary would be deducted.    


Lin Yuelin stood in front of the window on the second floor, looking lazy. Looking at the scenery outside the window, the autumn sun was like an extremely gentle woman. It was also very similar to the woman who kept wandering around in the garden. At this moment, because she had been plated with a layer of light, she did not seem like a person from the mortal world.    


Although Qin Fei had already become very bored, when she thought about going into the room to face Lin Yuelin face to face, she would rather continue to wander around in boredom.    


Unfortunately, the car keys were not in her hands now. Otherwise, she could secretly drive the car and escape. It was a little exciting to think about it. But thinking about it again, she gritted her teeth.    


Lin Yuelin was like a rude robber.    


Every subtle movement and demeanor of Qin Fei fell into Lin Yuelin's eyes. She was bored to death as she watched the scenery of the garden. Lin Yuelin, who was upstairs, was looking at her beauty. To Lin Yuelin, there was no scenery that could be more beautiful than Qin Fei.    


The most tiring one would probably be Cheng Luo, who used money to help people solve the problem. Ordinary medicinal cuisine would not be delicious. After all, good medicinal cuisine was bitter. However, Lin Yuelin wanted him to make the medicinal cuisine delicious. He also wanted to make all of the medicinal cuisine on the list. This request was absolutely not simple.    


Could it be that Miss Qin wanted to eat ten medicinal cuisine in one meal? This treatment was not fast enough.    


For Cheng Luo, because of Qin Fei's appearance, he had been continuously discussing nutritional knowledge during this period of time. He estimated that after a period of time, he could directly take the nutritionist qualification test. His salary as an all-rounded housekeeper could be raised by another level. Thinking that he would have to increase the money again, he was very happy.    


Time passed very quickly. It was almost dark and Qin Fei was a little worried. After all, no one told Qin Sheng where she went now.    


After thinking about it, Qin Fei still decided to tell this matter to Qin Sheng and let her take good care of her younger sister after school and not let her cry.    


After the call was made, before Qin Fei could make a sound, Qin Sheng's voice was already transmitted over, "Mom, I have already finished school. Why did you call?"    


"Sheng, are you going home now?"    


"I will be home soon." Qin Sheng had been living in Soong's residence all this time.    


"Mom might be back very late tonight, or she might not be able to come back. Anyway, take good care of your sister. You have to feed her some food tonight. As for whether you will bathe your sister or not, ask the housekeeper to help you. " Qin Fei carefully instructed Qin Sheng.    


After all, no one could guess Lin Yuelin's thoughts. Who knew when he would let her go back.    


Because Qin Fei had been very busy during this period of time, Qin Sheng had not eaten with her mother for a long time. She originally thought that there would be a chance today, but she did not expect that her mother would have to work overtime again. She was a little disappointed but more worried about her mother's health.    


"Mom, your health isn't good. You should come back early. I will try to wait for you to come back." Qin Sheng hoped to see her mother before she fell asleep.    


Because the interaction in the morning was really too short. She was busy going to school and her mother was busy going to work.    


Qin Fei rubbed her temples. She felt a little guilty now, "Sheng, you should sleep early when you are tired. Don't wait for your mother. Mom doesn't even know when she will be back."    


"Alright." Qin Fei could hear Qin Sheng's disappointed tone.    


This period of time was really her negligence as a mother. Because of these boring jobs, she neglected the child. When this period of time passes, she must accompany her precious daughters well.    


After hanging up the phone, Qin Fei still did not have any plans to enter the room.    


It was autumn now and the temperature at night was somewhat low. But Qin Fei would rather shiver in the cold wind than face Lin Yuelin face to face.    


At this moment, Lin Yuelin's phone started ringing. The ringtone was too noisy. He originally wanted to turn it off, but when he saw that it was Qin Sheng, he picked it up.    


"Dad, are you in the country now?" When Qin Sheng returned to Soong's residence, she heard people talking about the grudges between her mother and a handsome man. Qin Fei did not need to think to know that it was her father.    


Lin Yuelin did not have anything to hide. "Yes, I came to the country this morning."    


Qin Sheng was almost sure that her father and mother were together now, but she still wanted her father to say it personally. She could only feel at ease. "Then is mom with you now?"    


Lin Yuelin was concise and concise. En.    


His father had been in America for a long time and had not come to pick her up from school for a long time. Now that he finally came back, he did not come with his mother to pick her up from school.    


Qin Sheng was a little unhappy, "Dad, why didn't you bring mom to pick me up from school?"    


"In order to make up for dad's mistakes, I will treat you to good food tomorrow, okay?" Lin Yuelin looked out the window. The dark clouds were lowered bit by bit and looked like it was raining heavily. However, Qin Fei, who was walking in the garden, still had a stubborn look on her face.    


He quickly said a few words and hung up the phone. He shouted to Qin Fei, who was outside the window, Qin Fei.    


Qin Fei heard Lin Yuelin's voice and pretended not to hear it. Seeing this, Lin Yuelin could only go downstairs and walk in front of her.    


Because of Lin Yuelin's arrival, Qin Fei's anger had reached its peak. She did not want to see Lin Yuelin at all.    


"Fei Fei, don't you think that your current behavior is like a child? Do you think that you can hurt me like this? You can only hurt yourself." Lin Yuelin said helplessly.    


Qin Fei had made up her mind to carry on with the silence.    


Lin Yuelin looked up at the darkening sky and reminded, "Didn't you see that the weather is about to rain? You are going to rain here. Then you will have a serious illness and then you will not be able to take care of your own food and clothing. Do you want me to take care of you? "    


Qin Fei was still indifferent, but she also knew that it was going to rain in this kind of weather. Her body was already weak, so she did not want to have a serious illness after the rain. At that time, she would be even closer to Lin Yuelin.    


Lin Yuelin's attitude had always been very gentle, because he knew that Qin Fei was very stubborn. If it was too stimulating, she might really stay here to rain.    


"Fei Fei, don't make things difficult for me. My heart aches."    


Qin Fei did not believe what Lin Yuelin said. She just turned around and looked coldly at Lin Yuelin. She said without any emotion, "Lin Yuelin, what exactly do you want to do? What do you want to do to completely give up on me?"    


There were a few times when Qin Fei almost forgot about him. He suddenly appeared and seduced all her love. He then turned around and took another woman into his arms. They kept going back and forth like this. Qin Fei could not take it anymore.    


[This chapter is over]    


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