Don't Go Against My Mommy

C282 Begging Me Not to Leave

C282 Begging Me Not to Leave

Lo Feng's every word was like a poisoned arrowhead, firmly stabbing into Soong Ze's body.    


Soong Ze found it hard to accept that Qin Fei wanted to leave him. There was no light in her eyes anymore. "I don't believe it. I want to ask Qin Fei."    


Soong Ze's love for Qin Fei was from a young age, even if he missed it midway. He did not love her for a short period of time. It was not easy for him to get her permission to become his wife. He couldn't let go so easily. Qin Fei could only be his. He had to take care of her. Take care of her forever.    


Soong Ze angrily pushed open the door of the study and a loud sound woke Soong Yuan, who was sleeping soundly in Qin Fei's arms.    


When Soong Ze saw Qin Fei, the anger on his body instantly disappeared. He had never been able to get angry at her, even now.    


Qin Fei looked up at Soong Ze. The helplessness and reluctance in his eyes made her heart sink. When she carried Soong Yuan upstairs, she heard Brother Luo say that Lo Feng and Soong Ze had something to discuss with each other.    


Without thinking, she knew what Lo Feng would say to Soong Ze. It was nothing more than those things that opposed her becoming her daughter-in-law. It seemed that Soong Ze must have gotten into a fight with Lo Feng to help her refute.    


Soong Yuan opened her eyes and saw Soong Ze. Immediately, she did not even want to sleep. She opened her hands and shouted, "Dad, are you playing hide-and-seek with me again? Quickly come and hug me."    


After a while, Qin Fei already had an answer in her heart. She and Soong Yuan had already implicated Soong Ze for so many years. She should let him go. He was currently at his best age and needed the best girl to accompany him to finish his future life. She could not delay him any longer.    


Previously, she only needed Mrs. Soong's identity to conceal Soong Yuan's identity and to deter Lin Yuelin. Now, Soong Yuan's identity did not arouse Lin Yuelin's suspicion, and this Mrs. Soong's identity did not have any effect on him. Since that was the case, Qin Fei felt that she could let Soong Ze go.    


In these few days, Qin Fei had heard a lot of gossip about her in Soong's residence. They were all about her carrying Soong Ze and interacting with all kinds of men. Her relationship was unclear, and her behavior was lascivious. Qin Fei did not care what others said about her. It was just that Ze was so good. She did not want to be a stain in the lives of others.    


Qin Fei carried Soong Yuan and continued forward towards Soong Ze. For the first time, she felt that it was so difficult to walk down the stairs. Her footsteps were so heavy that she almost could not lift them up.    


It was as if a century had passed and Qin Fei finally walked in front of Soong Ze. He immediately took Soong Yuan from her arms.    


Soong Ze originally wanted to ask Qin Fei whether what his mother said was true or not, but the moment he saw Qin Fei, he did not want to ask anymore. He was afraid to get a definite answer from Qin Fei's mouth.    


"Little dumpling wants to sleep. Then dad will take you back to your room to sleep and tell you stories, okay?" Soong Ze was still warm as he looked at Soong Yuan lovingly.    


Soong Yuan actually did not want to sleep. It was just that she suddenly felt a little bored, so she thought it would be better to sleep. Now that she saw her dad, she wanted him to play with her. Why would she sleep?    


"I don't want to sleep. I want to play with father."    


Qin Fei still had to think about how to tell Soong Ze about this matter, so she did not want to face him now. She originally wanted to carry Soong Yuan to sleep so that she would not have to face him, but now Soong Yuan was in his hands. This meant that she couldn't avoid Soong Ze.    


Soong Ze had something to tell Qin Fei, so he coaxed, "Father came back with a gift for Little Dumpling, but this gift can only be given to you when Little Dumpling sleeps."    


Soong Yuan blinked her big eyes and said with brilliant colors, "Father, is what you said true?"    


"Of course it's true. When did Dad lie to my little dumpling?" Although Soong Ze only used this as an excuse to push Soong Yuan away, it was true that he prepared a gift for her.    


In order to receive her father's gift, Soong Yuan immediately closed her eyes. "Dad! I'm so tired. Quickly carry me to bed and tell me a story." She did not forget what her father had just said about telling her a story.    


Soong Ze smiled in satisfaction. Soong Yuan was very dependent on him. He also liked Soong Yuan very much. So what if there was no blood relation between the two of them?    


Qin Fei wanted to escape quickly but Soong Ze would not let her go so easily. He stopped her when she turned around. "Fei Fei, come with me."    


Qin Fei felt her scalp go numb and could only helplessly turn around and follow behind Soong Ze.    


Qin Fei began to regret her decision back then. She should not have involved him in the first place. How would she tell him if she wanted to leave now?    


After Soong Ze placed Soong Yuan on the bed, she closed her eyes. However, the little girl's heart really could not sleep. But for the sake of the gift, she could only use willpower to resist physiological problems.    


No matter what, she had to sleep.    


Soong Ze also saw the fact that Soong Yuan could not fall asleep. He stared at the pink meatball on the bed. His gaze was especially gentle. How could he bear to leave such a cute daughter?    


Soong Ze seemed to have made up his mind to turn around and hold Qin Fei's hand. His fingers were trembling. Qin Fei could feel his cautiousness.    


"Fei Fei, let's talk."    


Qin Fei's body trembled. She seemed to have predicted what he wanted to talk to her about. However, she had not thought of how to talk to him. She was very nervous. "Brother Song Ze..."    


Soong Ze pulled Qin Fei to the study room. "Let's talk in the study room." Qin Fei was a person who was easily soft-hearted. As long as he talked to her properly, she could change her mind.    


No matter what, he could not let Qin Fei leave him.    


Soong Yuan suddenly opened her eyes and looked at her father and mother's departing back. It was a little strange. What was her father and mother going to do? Was she not going to tell the story she had promised?    


Lo Feng had already left Soong's residence a long time ago. From now on, she would not come to this place unless Qin Fei left. This was also one of the ways Lo Feng pressured her son.    


When she followed Soong Ze into the study and he closed the door, Qin Fei's heart could not remain calm anymore.    


Soong Ze was angry in his heart, but he did not want to show it in front of Qin Fei. He was afraid of scaring her.    


Both of them were silent for a long time. In the end, Qin Fei could not hold it in and asked stutteringly, "Brother Song Ze, didn't you say you wanted to talk to me? What do you want to talk about?"    


After saying that, Qin Fei wanted to slap herself. Was it a question she knew the answer to?    


Although Soong Ze was trying his best to restrain himself, there was still a dense anger between his brows. "I haven't talked to you properly for a long time. I just want to talk to you casually."    


If she wanted to talk nicely, she could have been in the living room downstairs. Why did she have to come to this kind of study room? It was very dense and made people nervous.    


Since Soong Ze did not mention the matter that made her afraid, she decided to play dumb. "Do you want to tell me about the mole of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that I caught?"    


Soong Ze smiled faintly. His smile was a little cold. "Fei Fei, shouldn't there be some secrets between husband and wife?"    


Qin Fei's heart skipped a beat. He was waiting for her to lay her cards on the table. But she did not know what to say.    


"Brother Song Ze, why can't I understand your words? What exactly do you want to say?" Even though Qin Fei's heart was surging violently, her face was still as calm as before.    


The smile on Soong Ze's face was no longer there. He had a serious expression on his face. "Fei Fei, tell me the truth."    


Qin Fei understood Soong Ze better than anyone else. Although he had always been a graceful and warm young master, in fact, that was because no one had violated his principles. If someone had touched upon his principles, he wouldn't be so easy to talk to.    


Soong Ze still did not believe Lo Feng's words. He wanted to hear what Qin Fei said. Although he knew that the answer to the interrogation might not be true, Soong Ze felt that he would rather listen to Qin Fei's lie.    


However, Qin Fei's mouth was very tight. She did not relax at all, so Soong Ze could not get anything out of her.    


In the end, he could only compromise. "I heard from my mother that you have already decided to divorce me?"    


Soong Ze wanted to say it as casually as possible, but in the end, he could not suppress the pain in his heart.    


Qin Fei could not bear to see Soong Ze like this, but just like what a good medicine would say, if she did not be cruel to him now, she would be even crueler to him in the future.    


Qin Fei took a deep breath and felt that this was the best time to lay the cards on the table, "Brother Song Ze, I have been thinking a lot recently. I have delayed you for too long, you are still young. You are still so outstanding. You deserve a better woman. Soong Yuan and I do not want to be a burden to you anymore. "    


After saying that, Qin Fei actually felt exceptionally relaxed. These words had been pressing down on her heart all along. She could not find a suitable opportunity to say it, so she dragged it out until now.    


"Fei Fei, why do you think so? You and Soong Yuan are the best things in my life. I have never felt that you are a burden to me. Moreover, you know that I have always loved you. You want me to chase after my happiness. But my happiness is you." Soong Ze was moved for a moment, and he could not control himself as he tightly hugged Qin Fei from behind.    


All these years, it was because he was afraid of scaring Qin Fei that he forced her to escape. He was already trying his best to control his emotions. He only wanted Qin Fei to stay by his side. But now, Qin Fei actually wanted to take away such a small wish from him. He really could not stand it anymore.    


Qin Fei's back was pressed against Soong Ze's broad and warm chest. She could even feel his thunderous heartbeat. In the past, her favorite thing was to crawl on his chest. How many times would his heart beat for her in a few minutes? He had never jumped so fast before. He should really be afraid of losing her. If it wasn't for the past generation's grudge, she and he would have been the most enviable couple.    


Soong Ze had never shown her his passionate feelings and sincere feelings for Qin Fei. He knew that Qin Fei might not be able to take it the first time. But he couldn't care so much now. He had too many feelings that filled his chest. If he didn't pour them out, he felt that he might explode.    


[This chapter is over]    


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