Don't Go Against My Mommy

C404 Her and Her Father's Abnormal Behavior

C404 Her and Her Father's Abnormal Behavior

"The story is, one day in a school, a girl had a nightmare, she told this nightmare to her classmates, and she died that night. Then, her classmates also had the same nightmare, and then she told her friends... In the end, she died too, and it continued like this. A lot of people died mysteriously in this school. " Angel's voice became low.    


Lia's expression was serious as she listened to the story. She felt a chill from the soles of her feet to her body. She didn't want to listen anymore. Otherwise, she would definitely have nightmares tonight.    


"I'd better not listen." Lia had already decided to surrender.    


"I can stop telling this story, but I must tell you the truth of this story. That is to say, there is evil in human nature, but you cannot think that doing bad things is natural just because there is evil in human nature. Any bad behavior is not worth being forgiven. " Angel had completely sublimated this ghost story to a high level story.    


His words were heard by Bon.    


"Angel, it looks like you won't forgive me for my actions in the future. I also know that my actions aren't worthy of your forgiveness. " Ben sighed to himself. He clearly knew that he wasn't on the same side as Angel. However, he still accidentally threw himself into true feelings.    


Although he did not ask Angel to forgive him, he hoped that he would not forget him. As long as he remembered him a little bit, it would be enough.    


Leo saw that the older Angel grew, the more delicate and pretty she became. The outline of her face became more obvious and exquisite. She really hoped that she could always stay by his side and grow up with him. If that was really the case, then it would definitely be a very happy day.    


"Dad, why are you here? Why are you eavesdropping on our conversation here? Ah?" Angel looked coldly at Ben. Question.    


For some reason, Angel recently had a strange thought, and that was that Bon might not be his biological father, so the identities he arranged for him were all fake.    


Bon had already noticed something from Angel's cold attitude. He felt that there were many things that couldn't be hidden from him for too long.    


Bon had an indifferent look on his face: "I saw that you guys were chatting happily, so I didn't disturb you guys."    


When Lia saw Bern, there was a flash of panic on her face. Although it was only for a split second, it still fell into Angel's eyes. He keenly felt that something must have happened between her and her father. This made Angel doubt Bon more and more.    


"Dad, you didn't worry about disturbing me in the past. You are always straightforward in my room. No matter what I do, you will always rush in." Recalling the past, the corners of Angel's mouth still carried a smile.    


In the past, Bon still doted on him, but slowly, he seemed to become more and more distant from him.    


"Angel, you've been following me for a long time." When Bon saved him, he was only six or seven years old, and now, three years had already passed.    


He originally thought that he wouldn't be able to save him. He didn't expect his life force to be so complete. All the doctors were stunned. He recovered little by little, but in the end, he lost his memory. He was a lonely person. He needed someone to accompany him. This angel-like child was like a gift from the heavens, wanting his dark life to be more beautiful.    


More importantly, he could find Baiyi's shadow on Angel, so he left her behind.    


If he lived in America with Angel in satisfaction. Now, they must be living a carefree life. They would rely on each other. They will love and protect each other. But now, he didn't even have the basic trust in him. This could be said to be a kind of sorrow.    


"Although I'm only nine years old, I know everything." Angel looked at Bon with a very calm expression.    


Lia used to hope that Uncle Bon would be able to see Angel together with him. Only by being with him would Angel be like a carefree child. But now, she knew that this uncle was a super big bad person. She didn't want Angel to be deceived. But she didn't dare to tell him the truth. Otherwise, her mother and she would lose their lives.    


Bon already knew what made Angel doubt him. It was nothing more than lia. Now, he regretted letting these two kids meet. Angel was not an easy person to deal with. Lia was so simple. It was very easy for him to see through his flaws and abnormalities.    


The price of revenge was that all the good things in his life had to leave him. Baiyi was like this. Even his Angel was like this now. Many times, he would also question himself whether it was worth it or not. But since he had already chosen to hate, how could he not continue to hate?    


He was afraid that he wouldn't be able to live.    


"The rule states that 18 years old is the age of an adult. You should continue to wait for 9 more years." Bon was only to warn Angel that there were many things that he, a child, could not decide. It was better to obediently stay for a period of time. When the time was up, he would personally send him back, but it definitely would not be now.    


Angel's gaze was extremely cold, even much colder than the ice and snow outside the window. His vision had always been very good, as if he could see many things that others couldn't. It was like the sprouting of a conspiracy, like the complexity of the human heart.    


At this moment, he did not want to talk to the liar Bern anymore. He wanted to think calmly. What else had he overlooked? What kind of situation was he in? What kind of identity did Bon play?    


"Dad, can I do whatever I want after I become an adult?" Angel actually hadn't figured it out yet. If Bon had really been lying to him all this time... After all, he had been the closest person to him in the past three years.    


"No, no, no. The younger you are, the easier it will be for you to do what you like. Once you get older, it will be very difficult for you to do what you like. There are many such realities that are left and right." This was also the principle that Bon understood himself. When he was young, he always hoped to grow up. He felt that adults could do a lot of things that they could not do when they were young, but when they grew up, they would find out. Actually, when they were young, they were the most carefree. There were many things that they would not do. Being unable to think through was the happiest moment.    


Lia couldn't understand what the father and son were talking about. She couldn't understand anything. It sounded like Mandarin, and she could recognize every word. However, when combined, she did not seem to understand this language.    


"Dad, I feel that you are becoming more and more mysterious. You don't want to tell me many things. Do you want to wait until I grow up before telling me?" Angel looked at Bon with a burning gaze.    


He really didn't want Bon to be the person who lied to him, because he used to trust him that much.    


"Angel, when you thought I was mysterious, did you feel that you've become very strange recently?" Recently, Bone was also very afraid of Angel, he was afraid that he would suddenly leave him. That was why he often came to see him recently. He always felt that the days he saw him were not long.    


"Alright then." Bon was still unwilling to tell him the truth. He had already given him a chance. Since he did not say it, if he knew the truth in the future, he definitely would not forgive him.    


Angel had been standing at the window, even if the window was closed. Angel also wanted to feel the freezing weather outside the window. Recently, he had been having a dream. There was a very beautiful woman in the dream. She held a little girl in one hand and a little boy in the other. That beautiful daughter seemed to have seen her somewhere before, but he just couldn't remember.    


"Come with me for a walk today." Some people had already left the city, so it was time for him to take them out for a walk.    


Angel looked at Bon in a daze. He had long realized that every time he put him in such a remote place, it was not to make it convenient for him to recuperate. It was just to avoid the eyes of some people. But why did he let him out now? What was he calculating? Who was he calculating? What kind of relationship did this person have with him?    


There was clearly no blood relation, but looking at how Angel trusted him from the beginning to the end, his heart would still faintly ache. Angel was the person closest to him, and he had always treated him as a family member. Being doubted by a family member was like being stabbed in the spine.    


"Take Lia out. I don't want to go out. If you want to go out, wait until it's warm in the future." Angel just didn't want to listen to the arrangements of Bon. He wanted to see if it would affect his final plan if he didn't listen to the arrangements again and again.    


In the past, Bon would always tell Angel that in the coming spring, when the flowers bloomed, all his matters would be resolved and he would be able to be with him forever.    


Angel's gaze was somewhat unfathomable. He looked at him openly and calculated his scheme in his heart.    


In the coming spring, when the flowers bloomed, he should be able to see Baiyi.    


"When the spring flowers bloom, I will bring you to the largest garden in this city to see the flowers." Bern hoped that this promise could be fulfilled, but if he still felt that there was a meaning to living at that time.    


"Lia, you're usually the loudest. Why are you so quiet now?" Ever since Bon appeared, Lia did not say a word.    


In the past, Lia had also seen Bon. She would also pull him along and chat non-stop, but now she seemed to be a little afraid of him. Could it be that he did something to her? It made her feel terrified, and it made her feel threatened?    


[This chapter is over]    


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