Don't Go Against My Mommy

C406 The Exposed Swimsuit

C406 The Exposed Swimsuit

"Yuelin, why aren't you taking off your clothes? Don't tell me you don't have confidence in your body?" Qin Fei teased.    


"Do you want me to take it off and let all the women see it?" Lin Yuelin lifted Qin Fei's chin and asked.    


"Since you have such self-awareness, why don't you change in the locker room before coming out? I thought you just wanted to be seen by these women. " Qin Fei was not used to letting her man take off his clothes in front of so many women. Moreover, their eyes were too naked. It made Qin Fei feel very uncomfortable looking at them.    


"Okay, I will go in and change my clothes. You also need to change your clothes." Lin Yuelin had long disliked her revealing swimsuit. He did not think that such a conservative woman would have such a sexy swimsuit. The scenery in front of her chest was unquestionably exposed, and even her fair and flat abdomen was exposed. She did not do any exercise, but there was still a line of armor that represented the best figure of a woman. The heavens were really unfair.    


Lin Yuelin prepared to pull Qin Fei, but Qin Fei easily dodged.    


"I don't need to change into a swimsuit." Qin Fei really did not understand why he would say that.    


"Alright, alright. Go and change into a swimsuit. Teach me how to swim later." Qin Fei had not gone into the water all this time because she was waiting for Lin Yuelin. If others taught her, she would be afraid.    


Lin Yuelin's gaze had always been wandering around Qin Fei's body. The more he looked at her, the more hot and hot her body became. The more he looked, the more angry he became. This woman actually took advantage of the time when he was not around to dress like this. This was too hateful.    


"You come with me to change." Lin Yuelin's goal was clearly to bring Qin Fei along to change out such a sexy swimsuit.    


Qin Fei carefully looked at the expression on Lin Yuelin's face, as if she somewhat understood why he was angry. She was secretly delighted in her heart because of Lin Yuelin's taste.    


Qin Fei asked even though she knew the answer, "Aren't you supposed to wear a swimsuit at the beach? Isn't this a swimsuit?"    


Lin Yuelin actually did not know what to say.    


"The weather here is not that hot. They are all wearing conservative swimsuits. You are dressed so... so... " Lin Yuelin could not find a good adjective to describe it, but it made him feel very uncomfortable.    


Qin Fei knew that Lin Yuelin actually wanted to use the word exposed to describe it, but she was afraid that she would get angry, so she did not use the word exposed to describe it. But there were many people who were more exposed than her on this beach, so it was not a problem for her to dress like this. Lin Yuelin was lying to himself again.    


Actually, Qin Fei had her own plans, because there were too many open-minded foreigners on the beach. In order to avoid Lin Yuelin's attention on other women, she might as well wear revealing clothes. It would be better to attract his attention.    


Of course, this was a reason that he would never tell him.    


"It'll be cooler if you wear less. Look, there's no fabric at all on your upper body." Qin Fei also did not like Lin Yuelin revealing his upper body, but this request by the beach was somewhat willful and unreasonable.    


"How can men and women be the same?" Lin Yuelin grabbed the hand that was making trouble on his chest.    


"Go and change into a swimsuit. I will go." Qin Fei looked at Lin Yuelin innocently and asked with a smile.    


A man only needed a swimsuit in the ocean. He did not want to be tied up in a swimsuit. It was meaningless.    


"Impossible." Lin Yuelin said firmly.    


"In that case, don't blame me. I really didn't know you were such a wishy-washy man." Qin Fei tilted her head and blinked, looking innocently at Lin Yuelin.    


Qin Fei had lived in England for two years and thought it was overseas. So her personality also became more open-minded. Moreover, this was overseas, and no one knew them. Why was she still as reserved as when she was in China? This was the place where she had to liberate her nature.    


In order to prevent Lin Yuelin from letting her change into a swimsuit, she could only throw it to Qin Sheng and Soong Yuan, who were playing with the sand. They had been piling up castles there all along. It seemed to be a very interesting thing.    


Lin Yuelin could only go to the changing room and take off his pants. When he appeared on the beach again, he was only wearing thin and short swimsuits.    


Qin Fei bought this swimsuit. She looked back and saw that Lin Yuelin's swimsuits made the outline of a certain place very obvious. All the women looked at Lin Yuelin and screamed. She felt regret. She clearly knew his model, so why didn't she buy him a bigger swimsuit?    


Qin Fei always saw Lin Yuelin wearing clothes. She always felt that he was too thin, but when he took off his clothes, she knew that he really had a lot of meat on him.    


A man's figure was very good, which made his woman very proud. Qin Fei couldn't help but stare at Lin Yuelin. She hadn't had intimate contact with Lin Yuelin for a few years, but she didn't expect him to grow older. She actually longed for his body.    


Thinking of this, Qin Fei's body heated up and she quickly withdrew her gaze. She was a woman with principles. How could she be like those little girls at the beach who had just had their first love affair and looked at Lin Yuelin with infatuation?    


Soong Yuan and Qin Sheng were still young and did not have any deeper feelings towards handsomeness and sexiness, so the mother and daughter chose to ignore Lin Yuelin.    


Until he walked to their side.    


In the past, Qin Sheng liked to stick to Lin Yuelin because he was always very far away from him. So she could only take the initiative to attack, but she did not know when Lin Yuelin would always appear in her field of vision. Moreover, she had become approachable from the distance in the past. The current Lin Yuelin was the image of the best father in Qin Sheng's heart. He could let her feel the warmth of the family. It also made her admire him even more.    


A man who could occasionally take care of his family and work was a successful existence.    


Lin Yuelin realized that his existence had been ignored by the three of them. He felt defeated in his heart. The reactions of those infatuated people at the beach just now were not bad, which meant that his charm was not any less than it was in the past. But why did it lose its effect on Qin Fei?    


"Is there something more interesting than playing with your father?" Lin Yuelin's voice was cold.    


Qin Sheng looked up and knew that her father was jealous. She smiled and said, "You can play with your father at any time, but this castle can't be stacked at any time."    


Of course, Lin Yuelin knew what they were doing. It was just a casual topic to prove his existence.    


Lin Yuelin squatted down beside Qin Sheng and happened to face Qin Fei. She knew that Soong Yuan had piled up the castle and had a smile on her face. Her body seemed to be plated with light.    


"Mom, can you not help here? I can build a castle by myself." Soong Yuan did not need her mother to keep nagging by the side. These things were enough for him to do by himself.    


Qin Fei was a person with obsessive-compulsive disorder. She really could not bear to see Soong Yuan pile up a good castle so badly.    


"Look, your side is about to collapse." Qin Fei said with disappointment.    


"It will only look good if it collapses." Soong Yuan was unwilling to admit that she did not do well, so she spoke nonsense.    


She really did not know why her mother was so long-winded. It was clearly her and her elder sister playing here. Wasn't she sunbathing by the side? Wouldn't it be better to continue sunbathing?    


Lin Yuelin saw that Soong Yuan was looking down on Qin Fei and finally felt some comfort in his heart. Why was he being looked down on alone? Now that Qin Fei was by his side, at least he would not be lonely anymore.    


Qin Fei saw that Lin Yuelin was looking at her provocatively. She was not interested to look at him in the eye. Then they stared at each other, although Soong Yuan did not want her to interfere. But she still had to help support him. Otherwise, this castle would not be able to pile up.    


"Mom, can you stop causing trouble here?" Soong Yuan was really a little impatient.    


"But what are you piling up? It's too ugly." Although it would affect her daughter's passion for creation, Qin Fei still couldn't help but complain.    


Soong Yuan stood up and shouted at Qin Fei, "Mom, you are really very annoying today."    


Qin Sheng naturally wanted to stand on her younger sister's side this time because no matter how ugly the things she made were, it did not matter. But it was always her who made it. If her work was interfered by others, it was really a very big matter. No wonder her younger sister was so angry.    


Qin Sheng wanted to help Soong Yuan say a few words but she received a threatening look from her mother.    


Lin Yuelin saw that Qin Fei intimidated Qin Sheng and thought that Soong Yuan facing Qin Fei alone was somewhat pitiful. So he got rid of the crowd and said, "Fei Fei, let's go to other places to take a look. Let the children have fun here."    


Qin Fei had never liked to play around with children. She did not know why she liked to interfere with Soong Yuan's matters today.    


"I don't want to go with you." Qin Fei did not want Lin Yuelin to go around with her. If that was the case, all the women on the beach would have their eyes on Lin Yuelin.    


Seeing Qin Fei refuse so decisively, he felt that if he wanted to take Qin Fei away, he had to be smart.    


"Fei Fei, actually, I have something to tell you. Come with me," Lin Yuelin's gaze drifted towards Soong Yuan. He implied that he wanted to talk about Soong Yuan.    


Qin Sheng looked strangely at the exchange of glances between her mother and her father. What were they talking about? It was about her younger sister.    


Qin Fei did not want Qin Sheng to know about the relationship between Soong Yuan and Lin Yuelin. After all, children could not keep their words. If Soong Yuan knew about it, she would cry again.    


So Qin Fei followed Lin Yuelin and left.    


Soong Yuan did not find anything. She only knew that after her mother left, she would be able to comfortably pile up the castle. As for what her mother and uncle were going to do, she did not care.    


Qin Sheng looked at her mother and father's back as they left. She kept feeling that they were hiding something from her.    


"Sister, let's pile up the castle." Soong Yuan did not know why her elder sister would stop.    


"Okay." In any case, Qin Sheng could not interfere with the matters of her father and mother. She might as well play happily with her sister.    


Lin Yuelin asked the two bodyguards to take good care of the two children, and he took Qin Fei to a quiet place. Although the beach was still very lively, he only wanted to be alone with Qin Fei.    


This chapter is over.    


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