Don't Go Against My Mommy

C410 It's a Proposition

C410 It's a Proposition

After Qin Fei and Lin Yuelin were tired, they went to Qin Sheng and Soong Yuan's side. Their castles had piled up beyond their expectations.    


"Sheng, didn't you say that you only piled up ten castles? Now there is one more." Qin Sheng reminded.    


"Mom, I am separated from my sister. I only have six here." She did not want her sister's messy castle.    


Qin Fei could tell which one was piled up by Soong Yuan and which one was piled up by Qin Sheng with one look.    


" Sheng, don't you want to help your sister pile up? You should at least teach her. " Because Soong Yuan piled it up too ugly, but Soong Yuan had already lost her temper at her just now so Qin Fei did not dare to intervene again.    


"Younger sister doesn't even need mother's help and will not need my help, so let's let her do it by herself. "Qin Sheng previously also tried to teach her but younger sister rather liked to write freely.    


Soong Yuan said that she wanted to build her own castle. She didn't want it to be the same as mine. She needed to twist the castle in order to have her own style. Qin Sheng knew that she was only speaking nonsense in a serious manner.    


Seeing Soong Yuan continue to pile up her castle with a serious face, Qin Fei watched very attentively. She found that her serious look was exactly the same as Lin Yuelin's when he worked.    


Soong Yuan knew that Uncle Lin and her mother were standing and looking at her. He ignored them and freely built his castle. Even if it was ugly, it had to continue piling up.    


"Can you guys stand a little closer and block my light? How can I make it easy for you guys?" Previously, Qin Sheng was standing opposite of Soong Yuan. She was a young lady. Therefore, she could only block a little bit of light. However, after Qin Fei and Lin Yuelin joined in, it completely blocked her light.    


Seeing Soong Yuan's fierce look, Qin Fei could not help but start to worry about what kind of man friend she would find when she grew up. Who could bear such a fierce girl.    


The two people who were despised automatically retreated to the side. Initially, they thought that they had left for too long and the two children would look for them. They did not expect that they would look for them. They had totally forgotten about the existence of their parents.    


"Sheng, why did you and your sister build castles?" If it was not for any purpose, Soong Yuan would not have worked so hard.    


"I bet with my sister a cart of candy. She will build nine castles first. I will give her a cart of biscuits." Qin Sheng glared at her father because her father had given her a cart of sweets previously. Right now, her sister was not someone who could be coaxed with just a little thing. At least a cart of candy.    


The car full of candies that Lin Yuelin had brought the last time had been donated to the children of the welfare institute by Qin Fei.    


"If that's the case, then there's no need to compete anymore. You are already faster than her. You will definitely win." Qin Fei said to Sheng.    


When she heard the word win, Soong Yuan who had been working hard finally raised her head, I know that I have won, but elder sister said to do things from the beginning to the end. We must carry on with the competition until the end.    


Qin Fei was somewhat baffled. This word win had nothing to do with her. She was clearly referring to Qin Sheng. She really did not know where Soong Yuan got her confidence from. Compared to Qin Sheng's castle, her castle... It was simply like heaven and earth.    


But Qin Fei now felt that Soong Yuan and Lin Yuelin were becoming more and more alike, stubborn and bad-tempered. No wonder she looked like Qin Fei, it was to give her personality a leeway to Lin Yuelin. Boys inherited Lin Yuelin's personality and were still alright, just like Qin Mo. But if this girl inherited this personality, it would be very difficult to find a boyfriend in the future.    


This was the second time Qin Fei thought about Soong Yuan's boyfriend. She really did not know why she, the mother, was so anxious. The child was clearly only three years old, even if it was a premature love, it was still too early.    


"Sheng, this time you cannot let your sister go. Otherwise, she will be lawless in the future." When Soong Yuan was young, such a domineering character was cute, but if she was getting bigger and bigger and still had this temper, then... Then no one would like her.    


Qin Sheng had been receiving Lin Yuelin's gaze and found that this matter seemed to have different views from her mother. Then, where would her mother and father stand?    


"Fei Fei, this is a matter between children. Our adults should not speak too much." Of course, Lin Yuelin protected his little baby. He also realized that Soong Yuan's personality was more like him. Domineering and bold. He had always regretted that Sheng's personality was too docile. Now, Soong Yuan had fulfilled his wish.    


To inherit the business of the Lin Clan, one must have a domineering aura. Although Lin Yuelin had been nurturing Sheng's temperament in this aspect, some of the king aura was innate and could not be achieved by nurturing later on.    


Qin Fei did not like that her daughter had become a little witch that everyone was afraid of. Now, there was already such a sign. She must be killed in the cradle in time. Girls should be as obedient and sensible as Sheng. It should be gentle and kind. How could she be so eloquent and sharp?    


"Yuelin, you should stop talking. Men are still suitable for work. We should be the women when it comes to taking care of children. You don't have to worry about Soong Yuan's education in the future. I have to do it. " Qin Fei knew that if she gave Soong Yuan's education to him, it would only make her bad character become more and more exaggerated.    


" You can't say that. I think Sheng is the model of my successful education. Do you think that I have not taught Sheng well?" Lin Yuelin could accept Qin Fei's accusations in other areas, but he would not accept the accusations of taking care of children. How could he not teach the child well?    


"You also have the nerve to say that Sheng was already six years old when she was with you. At that time, a lot of her consciousness had already formed, so her education was taught by me. It has nothing to do with you." Qin Fei was the mother of three children after all. She had the right to speak when it came to education.    


The competition between Qin Sheng and Soong Yuan continued until the sun was about to set. Qin Fei and Lin Yuelin had been standing by the side and watching the competition between the two of them.    


Qin Fei occasionally looked sideways at Lin Yuelin's side profile and found that they seemed to be an ordinary couple playing games with their children.    


This kind of feeling was really tranquil and beautiful.    


"Mom, is my castle beautiful?" In Soong Yuan's eyes, the castle that she made was simply the most beautiful castle in the world. She stood up and asked proudly.    


"Of course it is. Your castle is very, very beautiful." Qin Fei had always advocated to encourage the child. This way, the child would have the enthusiasm to try out new things, so of course she would not reveal her true thoughts.    


Soong Yuan completely did not understand Qin Fei's dilemma and directly gave a suggestion, "Mother, is mine much more beautiful than elder sister's?"    


Qin Fei felt a sudden clap of thunder on her head and Qin Fei could only awkwardly say, "This, this, Mom feels that it seems to be more creative than Big Sister's."    


That's right, so creative, the ugliest creativity.    


Soong Yuan had been busy for the whole day but at least she still got something in return. Her mother gave a seemingly not bad compliment.    


"Uncle Lin, is mine better than sister's?" She gave another proposition to Lin Yuelin.    


"Yes, Soong Yuan looks the best." Lin Yuelin said with a smile.    


Because the sun was setting on Lin Yuelin's face, he had a smile on his face. From such an angle, he looked extremely beautiful in Qin Fei's eyes.    


Although Qin Sheng knew that her parents said this to comfort her younger sister, she would still feel sad.    


Lin Yuelin quickly saw Qin Sheng's depression in his eyes. He realized that he really was not a qualified father. How could he ignore her feelings just to coax Soong Yuan? Because she was the elder sister, many things had been left to the younger sister. But as a father, he should know that as long as it was a child, he needed to be encouraged and praised.    


"Little dumpling, although your castle is very beautiful, I feel that elder sister's castle is even more neat and clean, even a little better than yours." Lin Yuelin said.    


Qin Fei also noticed Sheng's expression and was about to comfort her when Lin Yuelin snatched the initiative.    


"Sheng, you are in my heart. How could I ignore you?" Lin Yuelin patted Sheng's head and comforted her.    


Qin Sheng received praise from her father. The joy in her heart was about to burst out. She had always thought that her father only cared about her because of her mother. Later on, when her mother came back, she had no effect on him. He never thought that his father would always remember her in his heart. His father loved him.    


This was the happiest thing that Qin Sheng had experienced during this period of time.    


Qin Sheng wanted to share this joy with Qin Fei and Qin Fei also wanted to be happy with Qin Sheng. Because of Soong Yuan's sensitivity during this period of time, Qin Fei and Lin Yuelin had placed all their attention on Soong Yuan. Most of the time, they had neglected the feelings of a big girl like her. Because she was older than Soong Yuan, Qin Fei always made Qin Sheng humbly give in to her younger sister. And Lin Yuelin had never praised her. That was why it made her more reserved. She felt that Soong Yuan was more important in her mother and father's heart, and she was just a necessity.    


Qin Sheng had never been as smart as Qin Mo since she was young, and she always felt that she was a troublesome person. When she was young, the family did not have much money, but they always had to get sick. Later on, Soong Yuan appeared again, and everyone liked her. She felt that she couldn't even compare to such a young child. But now, the knot in her heart was slowly unraveling because of one sentence from Lin Yuelin.    


Most of the time, parents' praise for their children was very effective.    


The two little fellows were very tired after playing for the whole day, so when they returned to the hotel, they wanted to climb onto the bed. Qin Fei was shocked and quickly stopped them. "Your bodies are really too dirty. You can't enter the bedroom without bathing."    


Previously in Soong's residence, the two little fellows were very fond of cleanliness, and they both consciously loved cleanliness. But this time, the two little children went crazy on vacation and even forgot the basic etiquette.    


Qin Fei really had a headache.    


"Mom, I'm so annoying. I want to take a bath." Soong Yuan pouted and complained.    


[This chapter is over]    


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