Don't Go Against My Mommy

C421 The Late Mr Lin

C421 The Late Mr Lin

It wasn't until the CEO had ordered him to leave that he remembered he had something important to talk to Lin Yuelin about. "CEO, I have something to report."    


"Let me guess, did Du's run into some new trouble recently?" Lin Yuelin could already guess a thing or two from the moment Assistant No. 1 came in, but the strange thing was that he hadn't talked about it.    


"After the Du's is preserved, all the economy is turning around. But something happened. A small company sued the Du's in court. " Generally speaking, suing in court was not important to a large company. But for a company that just came back from the dead, this kind of report is very likely to be fatal.    


"Got it." After hearing it, Lin Yuelin's expression was very calm. It could be said that this kind of thing was expected, so he was not surprised at all.    


"President, should we help Du's?" Assistant No. 1 wanted to help out of selfishness at that time, but he used the CEO's power. Of course, he needed the CEO's approval before he could act.    


"Don't do things you shouldn't do." Lin Yuelin's heart was no longer in Du's. Such a useless company should not have survived.    


The business world was cruel. It was a place where people didn't care about favors. The strong prey on the weak. This was the way of survival.    


"President!" Assistant Number One saw that the president did not seem to care about the Du's. He knew that he would not care about the Du's anymore. If he let it run its own course, the Du's would really go bankrupt this time.    


"The survival or death of a company is regulated. If we insist on breaking the rules, it will also harm ourselves. I am a businessman. I won't casually do things that are meaningless to myself. " Lin Yuelin analyzed rationally. If Du's wanted money... The Lin family could give her money to make her work, but other things would cause her to be in trouble. He would definitely not do it.    


The Du's was just putting up a stubborn resistance. Death was the only path it had to take. If Lin Dong made a move at this time, it would only put Lin Dong in danger.    


He knew better than anyone else about the saying of save yourself.    


Assistant No. 1 did not say anything. He originally thought that the CEO would only need to help the Du's once. But he did not expect the CEO to be so decisive this time. He could only withdraw from the office.    


Lin Yuelin looked at Assistant No. 1's back as he left and fell into deep thought. Assistant No. 1 was just a branch of Du's, but why did he care so much every time something happened to Du's? It seemed like his relationship with the Du's wasn't that simple. It seemed like he should investigate assistant number one carefully.    


It was supposed to be lunch time, and Lin Yuelin had already packed up and prepared to go back to Lin's residence to enjoy his wife's cooking. However, Du Ning came to find him at this time.    


Lin Yuelin's expression did not look good. After all, she came at a bad time and at least delayed him from going back to eat.    


The last time Du Ning and Lin Yuelin met was a long time ago. The Lin family gave the Du's 100 million in capital.    


"Director Lin, long time no see. How have you been?" They greeted each other politely.    


"Is there something you need from me, General Du?" Lin Yuelin was in a hurry to go home, so he didn't have time to be tactful with her.    


"I think you should have heard about the recent situation in Du's." Du Ning did not hesitate and said directly.    


The last time she lent money to the Du's, she had already said that Lin Dong giving 100 million as a circulating fund was already the most benevolent. At that time, Du Ning also said that she would not come and trouble Lin Dong again. Then what did he want to do now? He wanted him to make a move again. He was not a saviour.    


"Chief Du, this is the matter of Du's. I don't want my Lin Clan to suffer a loss, so forgive me for not being able to help." Lin Yuelin said straightforwardly.    


"I'm not here to seek help from Lin Clan. I want to cooperate with you." Du's came this time to prepare for any possible danger.    


"You want to work with me? What can you use to work with me now? I'll say it first. I won't work with the defeated Du's. " Lin Yuelin had never thought that Du Ning would work with him this time. He never thought that when the Du's was in danger... She actually wanted to cooperate with him. She didn't care whether he would agree or not. This Du Ning was really confident.    


But compared to confidence, Lin Yuelin wanted to use the word arrogant to describe her.    


"The starting point of your Du's and our Lin Clan is not the same, so there is no possibility of cooperation." Lin Yuelin did not hold back at all and directly said it.    


"The Du's wants that piece of land in the outskirts." The Du's was an ancient real estate brand, so they had no experience in this aspect.    


"Director Du, I think you should stop thinking of ways to earn money. Now, the media is tightly holding onto the Du's. You first deal with the backyard of your house that is on fire, then come and talk to me about cooperation. " Lin Yuelin looked at the clock in his hand from time to time, his heart burning with anxiety.    


" Director Lin, you don't have to worry about the media. I have thought of a plan. Although the Du's is holding back their pride, they still need a good project to revive the dead. I believe in Director Lin's reputation in the industry, so I will work with you. Our Du's can also benefit from it." Du Ning knew that this was the only hope of the Du's, so this time... She must win. ...    


"Director Du, I've been in the business world for so many years, I've never believed in miracles" Lin Yuelin said sarcastically.    


Miracles were things that only people with fantasies would believe. If one did not work hard and wholeheartedly wanted miracles to happen, it would be a waste if a miracle happened to such a person.    


"Chief Du, if you can't provide the data that shows that the cooperation between the Lin Clan and Du's is beneficial to the Lin Clan, I think I might have to leave first." Lin Yuelin was already impatient.    


So Du Ning took out a stack of data as expected. "This is the data that you wanted. The document is clearly listed."    


Lin Yuelin narrowed his eyes and looked at the thin and small woman in front of him. He did not expect that she had really made sufficient preparations. If the Du's was not targeted by the Luh's, under Du Ning's leadership, perhaps the Du's could really prosper for a period of time.    


But it was only for a period of time.    


Du Ning cautiously handed the document to Lin Yuelin, and he just casually skimmed through a few pages.    


Although it was just a few casual glances, he could also see that Du Ning had used her heart because the document was well written. He slightly raised his head to look at Du Ning's face. She was neither servile nor overbearing.    


Lin Yuelin smiled evilly and said in a deep voice, "It seems to be interesting."    


Du Ning thought that what he said meant that there was hope in what she wanted to say, so she asked with anticipation, "Then this proposal is enough for you to work with us?"    


"Cooperating is not just looking at a flashy and impractical proposal. Even if I work together, I will not just look at a proposal. To be honest, your proposal is very beautiful, but there is an old saying in China that plans can't keep up with changes. So I have to research and see how much it can be implemented before I can make a decision. " In fact, Lin Yuelin's words were just an excuse.    


The current Lin Clan no longer needed the benefits brought by the Du's. Moreover, the current Du's did not have any image to speak of. It could only lower the image of Lin's company. The hardest thing for a company to build was the image of the company in the public's heart. How could he destroy the image of Lin Clan's business just because of a proposal?    


"Our Du's's experience in real estate is obvious to all. Even if Director Lin doesn't believe my proposal, don't tell me he doesn't trust the 100 year old reputation of Du's? You know very well that the reason why the Du's was reduced to this state today is because someone is behind all of this, and not because of bad management. " When Du Ning said this, she blamed herself deeply. If it wasn't for the impulse of being young... How could she let the Du's become like this?    


"It's not that it's enough for me to know that the Du's is a business with a conscience. You have to let everyone know. When the image of the Du's returns, I will be ready to cooperate with you. Don't blame me for being ruthless. This is the business world. I have already done what I can do. "Lin Yuelin did not even bother to be perfunctory. He handed the proposal directly to Du Ning. He did not do charity, so he would not go into this muddy water.    


"You said that as long as I do it, the cooperation will be a foregone conclusion." Du Ning was not hurt by Lin Yuelin's heartlessness at all. Instead, she became more and more brave.    


Lin Yuelin did not say anything. He did not like to talk too much about things.    


After Du Ning left, Lin Yuelin suddenly looked forward to seeing the Du's's counterattack. This woman was very powerful. She had been suppressed by Luh Cheng during this period of time. She didn't have the strength to resist. It really didn't make any sense to look at her. Now, she was going to fight back. This was somewhat interesting.    


Because they had a conversation with Du Ning, it was not early when they returned to the villa. Everyone sat at the dining table and waited for Lin Yuelin alone.    


Qin Fei's expression was very bad. She had clearly told him in advance. She had asked him to come back earlier, but he did not come back earlier. Instead, he came back a few hours later. Then why did he come back? He could just come back from work and eat dinner.    


"Fei Fei, I'm sorry that I was delayed by something. I'm really sorry that I made you wait for so long." Lin Yuelin saw that the atmosphere was not right and apologized first.    


"Quickly come and eat. You must be starving if you haven't eaten anything yet." Qin Fei had a very virtuous appearance.    


Lin Yuelin felt that he should receive Qin Fei's scolding. There must be a trick to being so obedient.    


"Yuelin, you work hard to earn money outside. I made a few dishes that you like to eat. Go and try my cooking," Qin Fei complained about Lin Yuelin, but he said he still had something to talk about before he came back. That was why she could forgive him.    


Lin Yuelin did not understand Qin Fei's painstaking efforts at all, and still suspected that she had ulterior motives. After all, he had been struggling in hell all this time, and now he suddenly came to heaven. He really could not accept this kind of good.    


Qin Fei finally showed such a virtuous and virtuous appearance after much difficulty. She felt that he should be flattered. He should praise her, but he stood there indifferently. His gaze was especially strange as he looked at her. Qin Fei almost could not help but rush over to yell at him.    


[This chapter is over]    


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