Don't Go Against My Mommy

C457 Half the Truth

C457 Half the Truth

"Luh Cheng has never wanted to deal with you, but Lin Yuelin. Don't worry, he doesn't need to spend so much money on you." Zhuilei said.    


Soong Ze had been listening from the side. He couldn't understand why Lin Yuelin and Luh Cheng had some conflicts. After all, he had gone to America a long time ago. Even he rarely contacted Qin Fei. How could he have anything to do with Lin Yuelin?    


"What kind of conflict does he have with Yuelin? Why did he want to deal with Yuelin?" Qin Fei knew that this person might know a lot of insider information, so she simply broke the claypot and asked to the end.    


Zhuilei now understood. This woman was really trying to get to the bottom of things. He had already said enough. If he continued to speak, he would expose everything, and if he knew, he would die.    


"I won't say this. If you want to know, you can wait until you find Luh Cheng and ask him yourself." Zhuilei said lightly.    


He was still a little shocked. If he told Uncle Mong all the secrets, Uncle Mong would definitely punish him. He thought that Uncle Mong was already powerful enough, but his daughter's words were not to be trifled with.    


"I can't see Mo now, but I still want to see him as soon as possible. Can you do it?" Qin Fei asked.    


Zhuilei saw Qin Fei approaching him and quickly took two steps back. All these years, he had been with Uncle Mong and all the other men. He had never been so close to a woman. He had already forgotten that he was a man.    


He had always felt that he was Uncle Mong's sharp knife. He should not be entangled by his children's love or other feelings. That was why he operated on her so that he was not suitable to smile.    


"Luh Cheng has arranged this for many years, so it can't be explained in a few words. I will take you there directly. Do you think you can see Mo? You will only bring harm to him. " Although Zhuilei looked like a big and burly man, his heart was still very meticulous. He knew what he should do and what he should not do.    


Soong Ze, who was standing beside him, finally understood a lot of things. He didn't expect Luh Cheng to be so dark and set up such a big trap.    


"Then tell me the time. When are you going to take me there?"    


Qin Fei only wanted to see Qin Mo now. She didn't want to think about anything else.    


Zhuilei had never seen such a persistent woman. He looked at Soong Ze for help, hoping that Soong Ze could help him comfort Qin Fei. She seemed to be too excited. She needed to calm down now.    


It was not the first time Zhuilei saw a mother who was crazy for the child. It was because of a mother's plea that he let the child go.    


"Fei Fei, you need to calm down now. I haven't even found out whether what he said is true or not. How could I let him take you away? This is very dangerous, you know? "Soong Ze quickly thought of a way to comfort Qin Fei.    


"Why don't you believe him?" Qin Fei did not know who to trust now, so she could only try.    


Zhuilei despised Soong Ze in his heart. He had never seen such a stupid person. If his Mandarin was good enough, if he could comfort people... He had already come to comfort Qin Fei by himself. He still had to wait for his stupid teammate to come and ruin the situation.    


It was not easy for Zhuilei to make Qin Fei trust him. It was not easy for him to make her trust him a little bit, but he actually said so. How could he endure this? How could he endure this?    


"I think what you said makes sense. I feel that he is more like Luh Cheng's people. Otherwise, he would not have known so many things so clearly. If he really is someone sent by Luh Cheng's side, there will be a lot of traps waiting for us in front. So, we can't go with him so rashly." Soong Ze saw that Qin Fei had started to waver and thought that this method would work. He couldn't let Qin Fei take the risk for this matter. If he wanted to go, he should go too.    


Soong Ze had already reached an agreement with Lin Yuelin. The two of them worked together to find Qin Mo, but they must not tell Qin Fei about this.    


Because none of them knew if they could really find Qin Mo. If they could not find him, it would make Qin Fei happy again. It would be better to not let him know from the beginning.    


Now that they had a clue about Qin Mo, they would leave the matter of finding Qin Mo to him and Lin Yuelin. After all, he had never done anything meaningful to Qin Fei. This could be considered a wedding gift for her.    


No matter what the relationship between the two of them was in the future, Qin Fei was the woman Soong Ze loved the most.    


After so many years, whether it was family love or love, Soong Ze had accepted it. He only knew that he could not see Qin Fei sad, nor could he see her frown because of anything.    


No matter when Qin Fei was in his heart, her position in his heart would never change. Even the woman with bright eyes not long ago could not replace Qin Fei's position.    


Things like feelings used to be very simple. You love me and I love you too. This was love. But now, you feel that feelings are very complicated. If you really want to use something real to describe them, there really isn't. Feelings are just an indescribable feeling.    


"You don't believe in Zhuilei, but I believe in him." Soong Ze's words were defeated by Qin Fei's words.    


He did not expect Qin Fei to be so unreasonable. It was as if she had never played according to common sense when it came to Qin Mo.    


Therefore, Zhuilei and Soong Ze turned their eyes to Qin Fei. Zhuilei was even more stunned. After all, this woman just refused to believe him. Why did she suddenly believe him?    


"You believe me? You really believe me?" Zhuilei suddenly felt flattered.    


"You want me to believe you. This is your goal." She did not understand why this person was so excited.    


Zhuilei stared at Qin Fei for a long time. His mouth moved, and he did not know what to say. He simply did not say anything.    


Soong Ze kept feeling that something was wrong, but just as he was about to say something, he could not say anything for a while.    


"If there is nothing else, I will go back first," Qin Fei suddenly said. "I am going to play with Soong Yuan."    


This was just a perfunctory excuse.    


Looking at Qin Fei's slightly thin back, Soong Ze suddenly stood up and said to Zhuilei, "Now that you have done what you need to do, are you still not leaving?"    


To Soong Ze, Zhuilei could only come with bad intentions. He did not want to treat him like a guest and stay for dinner. If that was the case, the atmosphere of the family would be ruined by him, because the words that came out of his mouth from time to time made it hard for people to continue.    


"It was my sister who didn't like my arrival just now. Now it's you who doesn't like my arrival. Why don't you like me? Is it because I have no value? " Zhuilei asked innocently.    


Soong Ze felt that Zhuilei really did not know his own limitations. He was a man full of danger. Who would welcome his arrival? If he provoked the assassin later... If others misunderstood their relationship, they would be implicated.    


"You clearly have such a cold face, but why do you have so much to say?" This was also something Soong Ze could not understand.    


Zhuilei did not get angry because of Soong Ze's impolite. He was a very generous person. Uncle Mong had said before that a man must be a gentleman.    


"Don't you think talking to someone is the best sport in the world?" Zhuilei's eyes lit up.    


He liked to communicate. In the past, he could only talk with Uncle Mong.    


"You like to talk to people, but can you look at other people's expressions and see if they are willing to talk to you?" Soong Ze said unhappily.    


If you did not directly point out his weakness, he would not feel that others did not like him.    


"I really don't understand why you say that. You make me feel like I don't have any friends." Zhuilei now seemed to realize that Soong Ze had a problem with him, and was even very dissatisfied with him. Could it be that Mei Shuang, this little nun, was not beautiful enough, or that his script was not well written?    


If that was really the case, these things could be discussed.    


"You make it sound like you have friends." Soong Ze sneered.    


Soong Ze now had a very troublesome matter. If it wasn't for Zhuilei's arrangement, he would have died. He won't be so annoying now. The best thing in this world was to meet, but the worst thing was to meet. Because meeting was a strange and bizarre situation, the result of meeting was also a hundred and thousands of twists and turns. Not every outcome was good. He only chose to indulge with him in order to break away from a relationship, but he didn't think that he would actually fall into another kind of inexplicable mood.    


"I think you are too strange. I don't want a friend like you." Zhuilei looked at Soong Ze in confusion and shook his head. It was hard to understand if this man had a problem.    


When he thought of the crazy evidence he had made in He City, and the micromovies he had made for him, he felt inexplicably irritated. He didn't want to see ___ in his mansion again.    


Zhuilei had done what he wanted to do. It seemed that no one in the mansion welcomed him. Since that was the case, he would not force himself to stay.    


"Soong Ze, I feel that you are a coward. You can even make a little nun run away from you. You are really too weak." When they reached the door, Zhuilei suddenly turned around and said to Soong Ze.    


The reason why Zhuilei spoke so much and wanted to attract other people's attention was because of him. He was afraid of such loneliness. Therefore, as long as there was a chance to communicate with creatures that could talk, he would never let go of such a good opportunity.    


The most powerful thing about Zhuilei was not his martial arts, but his ability to gather information. Many people had tried so hard to find out about it, but he was able to easily find out about it. However, the more people knew the truth, the harder it was for them to be happy.    


The only joy Zhuilei had was that he could provide help to Uncle Mong. Besides this matter, Zhuilei basically had no happiness to speak of.    


This chapter is over.    


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