Don't Go Against My Mommy

C463 They Almost Exposed Him

C463 They Almost Exposed Him

"When you were little..." Soong Ze saw Qin Fei's puzzled look and instantly swallowed the rest of the words into his stomach. Then, he held back his laughter and very quickly, it bloomed in his mouth.    


He did not know why, but Qin Fei was really cute at this time.    


When Soong Yuan and Qin Fei were young, they were practically carved from the same mold. This was also the reason why Soong Ze liked Soong Yuan so much. Every time he looked at Soong Yuan, it was as if he saw Qin Fei when she was young. It was just that at that time, Qin Fei, who was called quick-witted, was not as powerful as the current Little Witch Soong Yuan.    


Qin Fei was even fatter than Soong Yuan at that time, so no matter what she did, she would feel that her movements were very slow. She would drag her round body and follow behind him at all times. No matter how he chased her, he would not be able to chase her away.    


When he was young, he originally thought that he and Qin Fei would definitely be together. Actually, if it was not for that incident, they would indeed be together.    


After the tea bar discussion, although the result of the discussion was very bad, but it made the atmosphere between them become much better. Suddenly, he thought of his bad attitude towards Qin Fei just now and felt a little regretful. Fei Fei only cared about him. Why was she being so mean to him?    


"Everyone says that Soong Yuan is very similar to me but I feel that we are not the same at all." Qin Fei felt a little emotional.    


Soong Ze smiled. He could take a picture of ___ when she was young and look at it. It was clearly exactly the same. Qin Fei did not want to admit that she was even fatter than Soong Yuan when she was young.    


"Do you remember what you looked like when you were younger?" Soong Ze almost laughed out loud again.    


Qin Fei followed his words and thought about what had happened before. She suddenly realized that she really could not remember anything.    


"I remember too little. My memory is only of the fish." Qin Fei said somewhat helplessly. She felt as if someone had deliberately snatched her memory away. Otherwise, how could she not remember so many things.    


"You were very stupid when you were young. Even when you were three or four years old, you still looked silly. At that time, your parents thought that there was something wrong with you and even found all kinds of doctors for you." At that time, Qin Fei would only play with him alone, even though he was not very willing to play with her. But he could not shake off this little tail.    


"I will be very stupid?" Qin Fei could not accept her very stupid childhood. She thought that her intelligence had always been online. Otherwise, how could she have given birth to three intelligent babies.    


"You were really stupid at that time. You said that you would only respond after a long time. It was as if you were half a beat slower. At that time, my mother said that she wanted you to marry me when you grew up. At that time, I felt miserable. I wanted to marry a silly wife in the future, but I didn't think of that stupid girl from back then. I can't believe he's so smart and cute."    


Qin Fei still did not quite believe what Soong Ze said, but his expression was so serious that it did not seem like he was teasing him.    


"Why did my mom tell me that I have been very smart since I was young?" Qin Fei pouted and was very dissatisfied with the setting of being an idiot when she was young.    


"Your mom lied to you, but there was one thing that you were very smart about at that time. It was to trick people into eating. No matter what, you could always find something to eat from adults." When Qin Fei was young, she could eat as much as Soong Yuan, but now she actually still seriously cared about Soong Yuan.    


This did not corroborate the old saying, Only the officials of the state are allowed to set fire to the town, and the people are not allowed to light the lights.    


Qin Fei shifted her gaze to Soong Yuan, thinking that this fellow's eating habits were really inherited from her.    


"Seeing Soong Yuan is like seeing you when you were young. You guys are really too alike." Soong Ze said very straightforwardly.    


"Brother Song Ze, you clearly said that your memory of when you were little was very fuzzy. Now you are so sure. Are you trying to hurt me? You said that I was as fat as a ball when I was young. " Qin Fei let out a long breath and suppressed the anger in her heart. ...    


Qin Fei's self-esteem was very strong now. Soong Ze also did not want to hurt her self-esteem too much. So he directly ignored the time when she was fat and stupid, not to mention that even he himself had forgotten how she changed from a fat girl to such a beautiful woman now. This time was really a magical thing.    


"I remember. I just never had the nerve to mention it, so I was afraid you would feel embarrassed. At that time, you were like a blank piece of paper, with no other thoughts besides eating. How cute. "When I think of that youth, I'm afraid that it will be a time that Soong Ze will never forget for the rest of his life.    


"Since it was so many years ago, and it wasn't a good thing either. Don't ever mention it again." Although Qin Fei had a good figure now, she still did not like people saying that she was fat when she was young. How could she scold Soong Yuan in the future if she said that?    


Qin Fei had always been a woman with high self-esteem, so he had misspoken just now. Soong Ze immediately restrained the impudent smile on his face.    


Qin Fei saw Soong Ze's stern face and immediately realized her mistake. She nervously asked, "Brother Song Ze, are you angry?"    


"It's nothing. My Fei Fei has been so proud since she was young." Soong Ze liked the proud Qin Fei. He liked her smiling and crying. Only this kind of her was the happiest and most perfect.    


"In the past, I was quite proud. However, as time passes, as I grow up, I don't have the right to be proud anymore. " Qin Fei had not done anything meaningful all these years and had even lived her life in a complete mess. So she truly felt that she had no use, and that she did not have the capital to be proud of.    


Soong Ze saw confusion in Qin Fei's eyes. He had seen this kind of situation before. He did not know what he was going to do. It seemed that doing something did not mean much. He even questioned why he was living in this world.    


He didn't want to continue discussing this topic. Today, Qin Fei and Soong Ze finally had a proper conversation. Both of them talked with their hearts and lungs out. Qin Fei and Soong Ze took off their disguises in front of each other in front of each other.    


"Fei Fei, life is already so difficult. Why do we have to live so tired? Can't we be ourselves? Why do we have to pretend to be someone else?" Soong Ze asked.    


Qin Sheng and Lia were planning to secretly look for Qin Fei, but they were caught by Lin Yuelin before they could carry out the plan.    


Qin Sheng had never violated his words. Lin Yuelin was somewhat curious when her courage had become so big. His face was gloomy. No matter how handsome he was, he still looked very scary. Qin Sheng and Lia looked at each other. Both of them still felt a little scared.    


Their minds were spinning rapidly, thinking of what kind of reason they should come up with to give Lin Yuelin a perfunctory answer.    


"Tell me quickly, where did you guys want to go just now?" Lin Yuelin said angrily.    


Cheng Luo knew where the two kids were going. He knew it, but he still turned a blind eye to it. During this period of time, Lin Yuelin was unhappy, and so was Qin Sheng. His mother was not far away, but he could not see her for a long time. Cheng Luo also felt sorry for Qin Sheng.    


But he definitely did not expect Lin Yuelin to suddenly come back at this time. After all, he should have been in the company at this time.    


Qin Sheng resisted Lin Yuelin's aggressive gaze and changed the topic with a coy smile, "Dad, why did you come back so early today? Did something fall at home?"    


The reason Qin Sheng changed the topic was that she really did not dare to lie to her father.    


"Hurry up and tell me, what exactly do you want to do?" Lin Yuelin asked for the second time, and his voice became even louder.    


Qin Sheng knew that her father was really angry this time. He rarely repeated a question twice.    


Lin Yuelin was supposed to be in the company now, but when he was in the company, he suddenly became flustered. Furthermore, he couldn't do anything, so he just came back. He didn't expect to see Qin Sheng and Lia go out. This was the first time the two little fellows held hands. They even had smiles on their faces.    


Lin Yuelin felt that something was not right, so he walked in front of the two of them.    


"Lia has been at our house for a long time. She hasn't gone out to play yet. I just want to take her to play." Qin Sheng had never lied, so her eyes sparkled.    


Lia saw that Qin Sheng had already said so, so she nodded fiercely, indicating that they really just wanted to go to the park to play.    


She originally thought that Lin Yuelin was not as fierce as Luh Cheng, but now before he even started to get angry, she already felt that the world was spinning and her chest was stuffy as if she could not breathe.    


Lin Yuelin saw that the two little fellows were not telling the truth, so he looked at Cheng Luo coldly. Cheng Luo did not even dare to look at him directly. It seemed that these three people must have something to hide from him.    


"You guys are so sneaky. I thought you were going to do something bad." Lin Yuelin said doubtfully.    


"Cheng Luo, you can go with them and protect them." This was a very special time. Lin Yuelin would not be at ease with these two young children walking around in the park. If Qin Mo did not find them and lost Qin Sheng, then... Qin Fei would definitely go crazy.    


Qin Sheng and Cheng Luo looked at each other and reached an agreement.    


Cheng Luo walked to the back of the two children. He used to be the follower of the president, but now he should be the follower of the little princess. Why did it feel like his status was gradually declining?    


The CEO had previously said that she would assign him an important task. Could it be that this was an important task? She did not expect the CEO's brain to be so clear and strange.    


Looking at the three of them walking away, Lin Yuelin raised his voice. "You can play, but don't forget the time. You have to come back early."    


Lin Yuelin originally did not let Qin Sheng go to school because of Qin Sheng's safety. The best way was not to leave this villa. However, she was a child after all. It was not a big deal to keep her at home. So it was better not to lock her in the villa. It was also good to go out and take a breather occasionally.    


[This chapter is over]    


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