Don't Go Against My Mommy

C465 The Calligraphy He Gave Me

C465 The Calligraphy He Gave Me

Lin Yuelin stopped coughing when he heard the noise outside the door. He didn't want anyone to know that he was seriously ill. He still had a lot of things to do. He couldn't fall down now.    


When he heard Cheng Luo's voice, Lin Yuelin stood up from the sofa and walked towards the door. Cheng Luo, who was about to continue lecturing Qin Sheng with righteous indignation, immediately shut his mouth.    


"Lower your voice." Cheng Luo carefully made a shushing gesture. "I can hear your father's footsteps."    


Cheng Luo had been by Lin Yuelin's side for so long, and he was already very sensitive, so he knew very well about his footsteps.    


Before Cheng Luo finished speaking, Lin Yuelin's figure had already appeared in his field of vision.    


"Why are you standing outside the door and not coming in?" Lin Yuelin felt a little strange. When he spoke, he felt a bloody smell in his throat, and even the slight vibration in his chest could cause pain all over his body.    


Qin Sheng continued to be silent and wanted to give the right to answer to Cheng Luo. After all, she had not thought of how to answer her father's question.    


Cheng Luo quickly understood and said, "We saw that the weather seemed like it was going to rain, so we came back."    


Although the weather forecast was generally not allowed, it was an excuse to write it like that.    


"What I mean is that since you guys came back, you can come in directly. Why are you standing at the door all the time?" Lin Yuelin was a little nervous now. After all, he did not know if his cough had been heard.    


? "I want to know more about dad. If you don't tell me, this is the only way I can do it." Qin Sheng usually did not dare to speak to Lin Yuelin like this. This time, it was also because of her emotional influence.    


Normal people could see that Lin Yuelin's face was very bad. He had become much thinner. Qin Sheng could see that his body was not good, and his spirit was even worse. Previously when his mother was by his side, although his body was tired, but his heart was calm. Now that he pushed his mother away, even his heart was tired.    


Lin Yuelin tried his best to control his emotions, not letting his emotions show on his face. When a person was weak, the most difficult thing to ignore was the concern in other people's words.    


Lin Yuelin said in an indifferent tone, "What do you want to know about me? We have been together for so many years. Don't tell me you still don't understand me?"    


"Dad, do you think I really understand you? Why have you become so abnormal recently? What happened to you?" Qin Sheng still found it difficult to continue this confrontation with her father. He was really too cold. His coldness pulled the distance between them very apart. Her courage was not enough to let her cross over.    


"I feel that I am very normal. Is it because the way you look at me has changed that you feel that I am abnormal?" Lin Yuelin smiled faintly, but his laughter did not reach the bottom of his eyes.    


He knew he was abnormal, but he also became more clear-headed. He knew what he was going to do to save his child. To protect the people he cared about and the painstaking effort he had put in to protect all these years... Don't let those people who have been following him down down.    


Lia pulled Qin Sheng's sleeve in fear and told her not to continue talking. For a moment, she seemed to see Luh Cheng's figure on him. He had the same extreme and paranoid attitude as Luh Cheng.    


She did not know why she felt that it was better not to let Qin Sheng anger him at this time. Qin Sheng looked at Lia curiously. Previously, she looked like she was not afraid of anything. Why was she so afraid now?    


"Lia, do you have something to say to me too?" Lin Yuelin shifted his gaze to the girl behind Qin Sheng. He didn't know why this girl gave him a sense of familiarity.    


Lia did not want to talk to him now. Even if she had something to say, she would not say it when he was angry. "I have nothing to say."    


Lin Yuelin did not say anything and did not do anything. However, it made their hearts beat fast.    


"In that case, you should come in quickly. Don't stand at the door." Lin Yuelin stepped aside and said in a flat tone.    


Lin Yuelin's eyes finally stopped on Qin Sheng. She felt that her restraints had been released and her whole body was relaxed. When she was stared at by her father just now, it was as if her four limbs had been nailed and could not be stretched.    


Qin Sheng could still feel that she was weak in front of her father. No matter what, she was still too weak. She would always be a child in front of her father.    


The three of them followed behind Lin Yuelin and walked in.    


Lin Yuelin suddenly turned around and looked at Qin Sheng with a smile. "Sheng, we haven't had a good chat across the street for a long time. I have nothing to do today. Come to the study with me to talk."    


Sheng had just said that she wanted to know him.    


Qin Sheng did not know why her father did this, but Lia's intuition was not good. She was prepared to ask Qin Sheng not to agree, but she quickly nodded.    


Lia kept sighing in her heart, but it was already too late to say anything now. She could only look at Qin Sheng with sympathy.    


Lin Yuelin naturally held Qin Sheng's hand and walked towards the study room. Only Cheng Luo and Lia were left. They looked at each other with lingering fear.    


Lia asked worriedly, "Sheng, will there be anything wrong?"    


"Actually, the CEO has always been very good to Sheng, but he just did not say it. He will not do anything to her." Cheng Luo was very sure about this. If it wasn't because of Lin Yuelin's strong feelings, he won't be with him for so long.    


Lia still didn't believe what Cheng Luo said. She could already feel a very dangerous Qi from Lin Yuelin's body. He should be a person like Luh Cheng, capable of doing anything.    


There were many times when she met Lin Yuelin face to face. She always felt that it was the same as seeing Luh Cheng. In her heart, she wondered if Lin Yuelin and Luh Cheng were brothers.    


"What you mean is that a tiger doesn't eat its prey, but I feel that what you said isn't right. Because there are too many parents who eat their child in this world. " Although Lia felt that Cheng Luo was very careless when he spoke and smiled, she liked him very much. Because this person looked very real, unlike the adults around her who lived in masks.    


Even if they didn't feel tired, she still felt that they were tired.    


"Lia, you're a beautiful little girl. Why do you look like an 80-year-old old woman? You have to imagine this world to be more beautiful." Cheng Luo said helplessly.    


The children around him were all mutated. Each of them was smarter than the last. It made him, an adult, feel ashamed.    


"How could it be that I thought the world was not good? It was obviously you adults who made the world not good. "Lia retorted.    


Cheng Luo was speechless.    


The world of a child's heart was beautiful. If not for the environment around them, who would slowly grow old before their body grew up?    


On the other side, Qin Sheng, who had followed Lin Yuelin into the study, had been in the study ever since. She had been standing by the side. Lin Yuelin was writing on the table. After writing for a long time, Qin Sheng wanted to speak. But she did not know where to start. She simply did not say anything. She silently waited for Lin Yuelin to speak first.    


Lin Yuelin liked writing brush strokes very much, which was very similar to Luh Cheng. The reason why they liked writing brush strokes was that they could make their hearts calm while writing.    


He had been writing quietly all the time, as if Qin Sheng did not exist. He only stopped when he finished writing the four big words.    


Qin Sheng went over to take a look. It was actually, "Soft can counter hardness."    


"These four words are for Sheng. Do you like it?" He had always felt that Qin Sheng was too gentle and did not inherit his decisive killing intent. He did not want Qin Mo. Whether it was his appearance or intelligence, his personality perfectly replicated his. However, he still had high hopes for Qin Sheng, hoping that she could use her own advantages to protect him. Creating his own success.    


At this time, Lin Yuelin was still very gentle, as if he had forgotten about the unpleasant things that happened between the two of them. There was nothing unusual about him now. It was like when Qin Fei was still alive. He felt happy from the bottom of his heart.    


Qin Sheng had only learned calligraphy from her teacher for a period of time. She did not say that she liked to write calligraphy very much. She also did not have a very deep understanding of it, so she could not tell whether it was good or bad. She only felt that her father's handwriting was vigorous and powerful, very beautiful. So he nodded.    


"Since you like it, I'll give it to you. Keep it well." Lin Yuelin hoped that Qin Sheng would remember it in his heart. Regardless of whether she was a girl or not, she could stand at the peak of ten thousand people.    


As long as she was willing.    


Qin Sheng carefully received the calligraphy but still accidentally pressed it on the soft surface, thus the four words were ruined.    


Qin Sheng did not think that she would make such a small matter into such a mess, so she looked at Lin Yuelin apologetically, afraid that her father would be angry. After all, this was written by her father. How could he become like this?    


"It doesn't matter. It's just a few words. In the future, my father will write it for you. Don't take it to heart." Lin Yuelin patted Qin Sheng's head and spoilt her.    


"Sorry, sorry, Dad." Qin Sheng could see the pity in Lin Yuelin's eyes, which made him feel even more guilty about his actions.    


Lin Yuelin said lightly, "Throw it away. This piece of paper has been destroyed. I don't like to see things that are not perfect."    


Qin Sheng was still a little reluctant. After all, this was the first time her father wrote her words. But since her father said so, if she did not throw it away, her father would not be happy.    


"Don't worry. I will write it for you again." Lin Yuelin saw that Qin Sheng seemed to be reluctant, so he promised.    


"Dad, your time is very precious. Give me this word. I also like it. Even if it is incomplete, I still like it. As long as it's given to me by dad, I like anything. " Qin Sheng's smile was very bright. She had always blindly admired her father. It was as if your idol had signed on your favorite clothes and you would still be very happy.    


[This chapter is over]    


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