Don't Go Against My Mommy

C466 I Have a Question for You

C466 I Have a Question for You

"Sheng." Lin Yuelin wrote these four words to calm his heart and adjust his state of mind. He had already neglected Qin Sheng because of Mo. Furthermore, he did not give her a good explanation for his marriage with Qin Sheng. She must have a lot of questions now and wanted to know everything. But she did not know anything.    


"Sheng, if there is anything you want to ask... Ask now. I will tell you everything." Lin Yuelin felt that father and daughter should be more honest with each other. Besides, he was not a strict child anymore. She should know about these things before she understood the painstaking efforts of adults.    


This was the first time Lin Yuelin took the initiative to talk to Qin Sheng about Baiyi. Qin Sheng was in disbelief and looked at him with doubt.    


"Dad, you are not going to lie to me, are you? Will your answer be true? I do not want to hear some answers that are not true. It does not sound meaningful to me. Qin Sheng asked uncertainly.    


All along, Dad liked to hide everything in his heart. He would not tell anyone. It was as if no one could enter his heart. Even if she was his daughter, it was the same. Now, he suddenly wanted to be honest with her. She was really caught off guard.    


"I will, but you don't have much time. You have at most half an hour. You better put the thing you want to ask the most in front of you." Lin Yuelin said it very straightforwardly and decisively.    


Qin Sheng saw how serious Lin Yuelin was, so she did not say anything else. After all, her father was a businessman, and he was a very successful businessman. Therefore, the concept of time was very important, and she cherished time very much.    


"Dad, why did you push Mom away so decisively on the day you married her? You want her to follow Uncle Soong?" This was the topic that had troubled Qin Sheng the most during this period of time, because this question had once been filled with hatred towards him.    


After all, letting her father and mother marry was the thing that Qin Sheng wanted to do the most in her nine years of life. She was about to sit down, but Lin Yuelin ruined her dream.    


"It's not that I'm willing, because there are people who are unwilling to see their parents reconcile." Lin Yuelin stopped and said.    


Qin Sheng felt relieved when she heard this answer. Qin Sheng was very angry before, but after a few days of calming down, she felt that there must be something fishy about this matter. After all, her father's kindness towards her mother did not seem to be faked, so there must be something wrong with the entire matter.    


"Then who asked you to do this?" Qin Sheng did not know why her father only gave a general answer.    


"It is Luh Cheng. He called me." Lin Yuelin did not know what kind of grudge Luh Cheng had with him. It was just that after what he had done, the hatred between him and Luh Cheng would be irreconcilable.    


Lin Yuelin had a bottom line, and Luh Cheng had crossed all of his bottom lines. Now, no matter what kind of hatred he had with ___, Lin Yuelin would never let this man go. There was only one thing left between them - either you die or I die.    


"Why do you listen to Luh Cheng? That's the woman you love the most. How can you treat her like this?" Qin Sheng was still a little unwilling. Just a little bit more and she would be able to see her father and mother truly together.    


"Sheng, did you forget that Mo is in his hands? I can't ignore Mo, and your mother won't allow me to do this." Lin Yuelin had never been restrained by someone like this before. All of this was because Luh Cheng had controlled Qin Mo.    


Qin Sheng suddenly felt that she was so stupid. This matter was so simple. Why didn't she think of this before? Mo had always been in the hands of that bad guy. Her parents had been trying hard to find Mo. But it had always been a failure.    


Qin Sheng did not know why Uncle Luh, who looked so gentle, insisted on destroying her family.    


"Dad, what happened to the news a few days ago? Why did you and Auntie Qinghuan get together again?" Qin Sheng saw this on the news. She did not like to watch the news in the past. But because her father would appear on the news sometimes, she developed the habit of watching the news every day. When she saw this scandal the other day, she was so angry that she almost flew into a rage.    


Previously, Qin Sheng hated Qinghuan very much, but fortunately, she quit in the end. She did not expect that in such a short period of time after her father and mother separated, she would pester her again. She naturally felt that the reason why her parents did not get married was because of this woman.    


"Making a scene." Lin Yuelin seemed to be tired. His words were concise and concise. He only answered her question and would not say another word.    


"Why do you want to put on a show? Who do you want to put on a show for?" Qin Sheng did not understand the meaning of his words and could only ask about the last part of the leaf.    


"Luh Cheng called me again to make me feel cold. Then let her leave this city. " Lin Yuelin had even made the worst plan. At most, he would just die together with Luh Cheng. But before that, he had to let Qin Mo safely return to Qin Fei's side.    


This was the only debt Lin Yuelin owed to Qin Fei.    


"Dad, we can't let Luh Cheng lead us by the nose like this. We should take the initiative." Qin Sheng was a child after all. She did not know how tense the situation was. There were many things that Qin Sheng was not mature at all in terms of intelligence and passion.    


"Sheng, these are the matters of our adults. You don't have to worry about them. Dad knows what to do." Lin Yuelin smiled. Qin Sheng was like a child. However, she was not like Lin Yuelin at all. When he was young, he was already very calm. She was now more like Qin Fei's childhood.    


"Dad, I miss our family, including Mo. Our family is together." Qin Sheng returned to the days without her mother and brother.    


Why was it so difficult to reunite?    


Lin Yuelin did not close the door of the study very tightly. He deliberately let people eavesdrop. Lin Yuelin had been sorting out his thoughts during this period of time. He always felt that there was a spy in this house. Otherwise, why would Luh Cheng be so clear about his every move as if he was right beside him?    


He had once suspected Cheng Luo. After a period of testing, he had finally cleared his doubts. However, other than the spy, he really did not know how Luh Cheng had grasped his whereabouts.    


"Sheng, you haven't touched calligraphy for a long time. Do you want to learn from Dad today?" Lin Yuelin's heart was very heavy, but he did not want Qin Sheng to be affected by this kind of heavy emotion. He deliberately said it very casually.    


Qin Sheng nodded and then thought of something. "Dad, did you go back on your word? Half an hour hasn't passed yet. I still have a lot of questions that I haven't asked."    


"Dad, do you think you changed because of Mom, or did Mom change because of you?" Qin Sheng had long felt the change in her parents, but she didn't know if this change was good or not.    


The most important thing was that she felt that this change had something to do with Luh Cheng.    


"There is nothing bad about the change. No matter how my parents change, as long as you believe that we will always love you, it is enough." A gentle smile hung on the corner of Lin Yuelin's mouth.    


"But sometimes you are very enthusiastic, and sometimes you are very cold to us. It makes my sister and I nervous. We don't even dare to get close to you." Qin Sheng felt that during the time when her parents were together, she had always been afraid. In the past, she felt that as long as her father and mother were together, it would be good. She did not think that they could actually be separated when they were together. Furthermore, there were so many trivial matters in life. Many things could become the reason why they could be separated.    


Qin Sheng's words reminded Lin Yuelin of his nervous childhood. At that time, his parents often quarreled with each other. Every time they quarreled, he would suffer, so he had always lived on tenterhooks. He was afraid that one day he would wake up and become a child without his parents, so he tried his best to perform well. He hoped that everything would be done the best. He thought that his parents could live a good life for his sake. But in the end, it was a tragic ending.    


Many things were destined. How could the hard work of humans affect the arrangement of fate?    


"Sheng, I am very happy that you can tell father your heart so frankly. I have always hoped that you can live a healthy life and not be like father when he was young." Lin Yuelin felt that he had never done this in the past. Now, he wanted to do it well, but such a thing happened again. He could not take every aspect into consideration.    


"Dad, you don't feel that I'm unhappy at all. I don't want a lot of money, and I don't want a good life. I just hope that dad, mom, brother, sister and I can live happily together. We can live the most ordinary life without snacks. Not eating a big meal. Dad, I don't think I'm as happy as I was when I was young, but I'm always thinking about a lot of things right now. I feel like I'm a child's body, but I have the heart of an adult." Actually, Qin Sheng had already said it very conservative. She felt that she was an old man's heart. It was not just an adult's heart.    


"Don't worry. When Father has taken care of these matters. The five of us can happily be together, and we will never be separated from mom." This was also Lin Yuelin's biggest wish at the moment. Qin Sheng had said that she would fight back. He had already started to plan. It was impossible for him to be led by Luh Cheng's nose all the time. The appropriate weakness was just to let him relax his vigilance.    


"Dad, you have always said such things to Mom. But it has been so long since the matter has been resolved, and we are not together." Qin Sheng's eyes were red. She felt that she was not better than Mo. Every time she saw the matter between her father and mother, she would feel pained. Perhaps it was also a good thing that she lost her memory like Mo.    


[This chapter is over]    


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