Don't Go Against My Mommy

C486 Secret Place of Landing

C486 Secret Place of Landing

Lin Yuelin had never thought that this was the reason Luh Cheng wanted to take revenge on him. This secret was too unbelievable. "I can't believe what you said. When did I have a brother?"    


Instead of saying that he couldn't believe it, it was better to say that Lin Yuelin didn't want to believe it. He felt that he had suffered a huge blow.    


Lin Yuelin was very clear about his father's character. He had thought of this possibility before, but the moment this thought appeared, he rejected it. He never thought that it would really be like this in the end.    


"Luh Cheng hates your father very much. He feels that all the suffering that he and his mother suffered was because of him." Du Ning only understood these things. As for the changes in his heart during these years, only he himself knew.    


"My father died. His enemy died, so he transferred all the hatred to me. So he wants to destroy Lin Clan and destroy me?" Lin Yuelin finally understood everything clearly.    


"You are right." Du Ning nodded with a heavy heart.    


Luh Cheng had been tortured by hatred. She should not have helped him. Now was the time to stand up and deal with him.    


"Luh Cheng has gone mad. He will do anything as long as he can get revenge. He can't forgive me. He can't forgive you. He wants all of us who owe him a debt to go to hell." Du Ning had seen Luh Cheng's madness. His means of revenge was too terrifying. Just thinking about it made her feel very afraid.    


Luh Cheng's entire body carried a dark aura that made people feel fear just by looking at him.    


"Could it be that he has already done something to you?" Lin Yuelin thought about it. These things did not have much to do with her, so he used more gentle words.    


"The reason Luh Cheng hates me is because I overestimate myself and fall in love with someone I shouldn't have. But you are different from me. Luh Cheng is too unfair to you. " Du Ning's nature was kind. From the beginning, she felt that it was unreasonable for Luh Cheng to deal with Lin Yuelin. She also knew that no matter what Luh Cheng did to her, she should accept it. After all, she had the life of the person he loved the most.    


Du Ning did not have the courage to tell everyone about what happened in Lia. Of course, she did not want her daughter to know. She did not want her to know where she came from. She did not want her to know that she did not have a father. She was different from other children.    


Lin Yuelin had been guessing about the grudges between Luh Cheng and Du Ning in America. Now, he finally had the chance to ask. Although she might not say it, he still asked with a fluke, "Can you tell me what happened between you and Luh Cheng in the United States?"    


"I'm sorry. It's not that I don't want to tell you, but I don't want to talk about what happened before, but I have paid the price for my mistakes." Du Ning did not want to recall those painful memories.    


Du Ning also did not want to think about Baiyi, that kind woman. In fact, she was responsible for Luh Cheng's madness. If Baiyi was still alive, he would not be so extreme. Perhaps he would give up the so-called hatred for her.    


Lin Yuelin knew that she did not want to say it, so he did not ask. However, he still sincerely invited her, "Du Ning, are you willing to work with me to deal with Luh Cheng?"    


Lin Yuelin did not know the power behind Luh Cheng, but his intuition told him that the power behind Luh Cheng was very powerful, so he needed more friends to help him.    


"Do you really want me to join you? I feel that I can't help you too much." Du Ning didn't know how to say that she had done something wrong.    


She also did not know how Lin Yuelin would treat her if he knew that she was the one who helped Luh Cheng set up the Lin Clan.    


"The Lin family and Du's are both old businesses in this city. A small Luh's wants to take care of both of our families. This is just a pipe dream. We should work together. Treat the difficulties that Luh Cheng has given us as a turning point for our internal reform. " Lin Yuelin now knew the identity of Luh Cheng, which made him feel even more relaxed. He didn't do anything to let Luh Cheng down.    


He was the one who had the most help, and Luh Cheng was the one who had lost the right to help.    


"Director Lin, you might not know this, but our Du's has been an empty shell for a long time. Luh Cheng has already made the Du's exist in name only," Du Ning said. She knew that Luh Cheng wouldn't let her go so easily.    


"Luh Cheng also used the Luh's to do a lot of bad things to the people. What he wanted was for the Du's to never gain the trust of the people, no matter who it went through." Du Ning had never thought that the Du's would fall into her hands. She had failed to live up to the expectations of so many people. All the responsibilities that she had shouldered had been overturned. She could not face the Du's that was riddled with holes now.    


Lin Yuelin initially thought that the Du's had come back to life, but he never thought that the situation in the Du's would turn out like this. Previously, Luh Cheng had used the Du's as a disguise to cooperate with him. It turned out that he wanted to hand over the mess of the Du's to him at that time. Then, he would directly dye the Black Forest.    


What a vicious Luh Cheng.    


Lin Yuelin finally understood why Du Ning came to work with him last time. Now that he thought about it, it must have been Luh Cheng who urged her to leave.    


"Du Ning, I don't care what you did to the Lin Clan before. I just want you to tell me. Can I trust you now?" What Lin Yuelin needed now were people he had to trust. He did not want his internal affairs to be on fire.    


Du Ning took a deep look at Lin Yuelin and nodded.    


Qin Fei pulled Lin Yuelin, meaning that she wanted him to be more careful with his words. No matter what Du Ning said, she was just a woman. The suspicion in his words was too serious.    


Lin Yuelin thought about Du Ning's direction and stretched out his hand, "From now on, my Lin Clan and Du's will share glory and glory, and we will share difficulties together."    


Lin Yuelin once again threw out an olive branch. This was the greatest sincerity he could show.    


Du Ning saw the frankness in Lin Yuelin's eyes and guessed that he might already know about the deal between her and Luh Cheng.    


"Sorry, Director Lin. I didn't have a choice back then." Du Ning lowered her head guiltily in front of Lin Yuelin. If it wasn't for Lia, she wouldn't have done such a treacherous thing.    


Lia did not know why her mother had to face Uncle Lin in such a humble manner.    


Lin Yuelin's eyes were still locked on Du Ning. Even the Du's of Lin Clan still had a collaboration. This collaboration was the only cooperation that had no problems at the moment, but it was also very normal for problems to arise in the future. The most important thing was to nip all the problems in the cradle before the problem arises.    


Luh Cheng wanted to destroy the Lin Clan, but he just did not let him do as he wished. Even if he did not want the Lin Clan now, he would not hand the Lin Clan over to such a person.    


"Du Ning, it is useless to apologize. If you are sincere, then... Just wholeheartedly stand on my side." Lin Yuelin had decided to forgive Du Ning since he agreed to meet her. He did not care what she had done before. ... As long as she was willing to give up on the dark side and join the light, he would completely trust this woman.    


"Thank you, Director Lin, for forgiving me. From now on, I, Du Ning, will follow your lead. You can trust me." Du Ning could no longer make up for Luh Cheng. What she could do now was make up for Lin Yuelin. She could not let the crazy Luh Cheng hurt the innocent people like Lin Yuelin.    


Lin Yuelin wasn't afraid of Du Ning going back on her words. He seemed to understand the new torture and complicated emotions in Du Ning. He felt that with Du Ning's participation, there might be a turn for the better, but it might still be a tough battle. Or maybe their alliance was in Luh Cheng's scheme. What he wanted was to catch all of them in one fell swoop.    


"Although I know you won't go back on your word, we still have to mean something. Let's high-fived and form an alliance."    


The two of them high-fived in front of everyone and reached an agreement three times. After Du Ning and Lin Yuelin high-fived, she felt a burning pain in her palm, but she felt very satisfied. She could only swallow all the bitterness in her heart before, but now she had a friend. With a comrade she could rely on, she would no longer be afraid of Luh Cheng.    


Du Ning was not a walking corpse. She had her own thoughts. If he had not used Lia to threaten her previously, she would not have helped him do so many bad things. Now that Lia had returned, she could face Luh Cheng wholeheartedly. Du Ning knew more about Luh Cheng than anyone else here. She had set up a few plans to deal with Luh Cheng based on this understanding. These plans seemed to be waiting for this day.    


Lin Yuelin whispered into Du Ning's ear, "Your desire for revenge can be seen in your eyes."    


Lin Yuelin had the same thoughts as Du Ning. He also hated Luh Cheng. He thought he was sorry for something, but now he realized he was lying on the ground. Therefore, his hatred for Luh Cheng became even deeper. Only those who had the same deep hatred would understand the feelings in Du Ning's heart. Right now, everyone's heart was burning with the flames of revenge.    


Soong Ze, who hadn't been able to find Zhuilei, finally found him. There was no need to persuade him. Zhuilei took the responsibility of protecting Qin Fei and the other two. Soon, it was time for Qin Fei to leave. Soong Ze really didn't know Zhuilei's identity. If he really handed Qin Fei over to him, he wouldn't feel at ease. He was prepared to send Qin Fei and her daughter to the Mei family in He City.    


"Soong Ze, I think you want to follow me because you don't trust me. Do you think I have ulterior motives towards Qin Fei?" The two questions on his face made Soong Ze speechless.    


Soong Ze had never seen such a straightforward person. It was so direct that he did not know how to answer.    


Soong Ze looked at Zhuilei seriously. There was hesitation in his eyes. "If you can sit upright, are you afraid that I will follow you?"    


He thought about it and still felt that Zhuilei's appearance was too strange. If Zhuilei was really Luh Cheng's man, then the whole thing would become more complicated. Lin Yuelin would be even more controlled by others.    


Qin Fei was different from Soong Ze. The first time she saw Zhuilei, she felt that this person could be trusted. At least he did not look like a good person, but she was sure that he would not hurt her.    


In Lin's residence, Lin Yuelin stood in front of the French window and looked at the scenery outside. Cheng Luo and Lia stood behind him and looked at his back, guessing what he was thinking.    


"Uncle Lin knows that Aunt Qin Fei and Sheng are leaving today, right? If I don't find my mother, then... I am also willing to go with them. I seem to be going to send Sheng off now. I don't know when I will be able to meet her again." Back then, their departure from Angel was rushed, and Li said with some regret.    


Her mother said that in order to not let the bad guys know about these things, Qin Fei almost quietly left the city. Everyone who was familiar with her should not send Qin Fei and the children. This kind of uncaring was the greatest protection for them.    


[This chapter is over]    


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