Don't Go Against My Mommy

C491 The Girl Song Ze Is in Love with

C491 The Girl Song Ze Is in Love with

"If you know so much, why don't you do it yourself?" Zhuilei thought of the thick chest outside. How could the things inside be damaged? It was simply making a big fuss out of nothing.    


After they finished preparing these things, the group followed Mei Zhu to the dining area. The entire family ate in this place.    


Soong Yuan and Qin Sheng held hands. This was the first time they saw so many people eating once. It was lively and lively, but they felt that they would not be able to eat their fill.    


Qin Fei did not like eating when there were too many people. She thought that if she ate like this every day in the future, she would not be able to eat her fill.    


Mei Zhu only just came back after Qin Fei and of course, she had to pull her up to sit with him. It was already difficult for Qin Fei to sit still just by sitting in a random seat. If she sat next to her uncle, it would be even more uncomfortable. Hence, she postponed it again and again. Finally, she chose a more comfortable corner and sat down.    


Qin Sheng and Soong Yuan sat on both sides of Qin Fei. The eldest daughter of Mei family, Mei Yu, sat directly beside Zhuilei.    


Zhuilei disliked this eldest daughter very much. If he had known that this eldest daughter would be so clingy, he wouldn't have saved this woman back then. It was simply too troublesome.    


Mei Yu's voice was sweet, "Zhuilei."    


Zhuilei didn't want to pay any attention to this woman. He turned his gaze to the side. If it wasn't for the fact that she was from the Mei family, he would have already killed her if she was so close to him.    


In Zhuilei's eyes, women were the source of trouble, except for his younger sister, Qin Fei.    


"Zhuilei, why didn't you tell me before you came? I can talk to you." Mei Yu thought that Zhuilei was just embarrassed and did not talk to her, so she said happily by herself.    


Zhuilei was originally a talkative person, but after meeting Mei Yu, he had nothing to say. He had never met such a troublesome woman.    


"Where's Mei Shuang that stinky girl? Why didn't she come out?" Mei Zhu said angrily.    


When he heard the name Mei Shuang, Soong Ze's heart began to ripple. He originally thought that they would definitely meet during the meal, but he didn't expect Mei Shuang to not come. He was already secretly rejoicing, but now Mei Zhu actually lost his temper.    


"Miss Shuang is ill and has been bedridden for a few days." The butler said respectfully.    


Soong Ze recalled Mei Shuang in his memory. She was always weird and lively. How could she suddenly get sick? And she had been lying in bed for a few days. Something must have happened. He couldn't help but worry about her health.    


"What illness did Mei Shuang have?" Mei Zhu asked in a low voice.    


"This..." There were some things that the butler was really unable to say.    


Mei Zhu also did not know what was going on with Mei Shuang. She had always been the most eccentric and also the most difficult one to discipline. But recently, she actually did not provoke any trouble and instead made him feel strange.    


"You don't need to say anymore. Let's eat first. After eating, I will go and see her."    


Soong Ze's back was already sweating. He had almost guessed that Mei Shuang's illness was related to him. If it was really him, he would be in charge. After all, this was a true responsible man.    


After dinner, Mei Zhu asked the servants to arrange accommodation for them and then went to Mei Shuang's residence.    


Zhuilei originally thought that Soong Ze and Mei Shuang would walk all the way. After all, the two of them already had a real husband and wife. But he did not expect Soong Ze to leave without doing anything. As the only person who knew about this matter, Zhuilei expressed that he didn't understand this matter.    


Qin Fei had already settled down in the Mei family, but Soong Ze should have already returned to Lin Yuelin's side to help. Furthermore, Zhuilei had reminded him many times that he had to go on his way as soon as possible.    


Soong Ze was pushed to the point of trouble. He retorted, "Why are you in such a hurry to let me leave? Could it be that you want to do something bad?"    


Zhuilei said meaningfully, "You have a responsibility on your shoulders. You promised Qin Fei to help Lin Yuelin. Now you want to stay in Mei's residence for some selfish reasons?"    


Soong Ze naturally knew that he was referring to Mei Shuang for selfish reasons. He was a little angry and angry. "Shut up. You better not let me hear these words again."    


"Soong Ze, I really didn't know that you were such a coward. Since you want to find Mei Shuang, then go. If you don't dare to go and find her, then hurry up and leave. Are these two directions very difficult to choose?" Uncle Mong said that this method was called goading her. He really hoped that Mei Shuang could be together with Soong Ze. If that was the case, he could be considered a matchmaker.    


"Who are you to me? I don't need you to care." Soong Ze's mind was in a mess right now, so he did not have a good attitude towards Zhuilei.    


"You are really making me look down on you. You should leave quickly. I will feel sad if I look at you one more time." Zhuilei tried his best to ridicule him.    


"Zhuilei, don't think that you can bully me just because I can't beat you." Soong Ze had already decided to fight Zhuilei in his heart. Even if he couldn't beat Zhuilei, it was better than being humiliated by him.    


Qin Fei had been watching the battle from the side for a long time. She had always wanted to understand what they were saying. However, after listening for a long time, she still couldn't figure out what they were talking about. She simply stopped them. "What are you guys doing? It's early in the morning and you guys are causing trouble."    


They had just arrived in Mei family not long ago. If the people of Mei family knew what they were arguing about, they would probably say that they did not know etiquette.    


"We are discussing something. We are discussing something intense." Zhuilei knew that Soong Ze didn't want Qin Fei to know about this matter. Although he didn't like him, he respected his thoughts.    


"Brother Song Ze, I have already settled down in Mei family. You can return to Yuelin's side now. All of you should focus on dealing with Luh Cheng." Qin Fei was worried about Lin Yuelin's safety the most. She was still worried about him fighting alone.    


"Fei Fei..." Halfway through his words, Soong Ze was speechless. He still had something to worry about in the Mei family. Mei Shuang had been sick for a few days. He wanted to see her before he left. If it wasn't for this, he wouldn't be able to feel at ease even if he left.    


"Brother Song Ze, I know you have something to say to me. I have been asking you all the way, but you never said it. Don't you want to say it now?" Qin Fei was a little anxious now. She looked at Soong Ze, who seemed like he wanted to say something but stopped himself.    


"I want to tell you, but I don't know where to start." Soong Ze was also very distressed when he talked about this.    


"You told me that you came here to live in a friend's house. Were you lying to me?" Qin Fei would not believe what Soong Ze said.    


Zhuilei knew all these, so he did not plan to avoid it.    


But Soong Ze did not want to talk about these things in front of him, so he glared at Zhuilei. He pulled Qin Fei and said, "Some people saw that he was going to reveal secrets, so they did not know to avoid it. Fei Fei, let's go somewhere else to talk."    


Zhuilei felt that Soong Ze was not only cowardly, but also hypocritical.    


Qin Fei felt that the quarrel between the two of them was more like a quarrel between two children. She smiled and nodded.    


Soong Ze knew that there were some things that could not be hidden from Qin Fei. After all, Qin Fei still had to stay here for a long time. She and Mei Shuang would have some communication. So he simply told Qin Fei everything.    


Of course, when it came to the relationship between Mei Shuang and him, Soong Ze still could not tell Qin Fei their real relationship.    


"Is this really Zhuilei's arrangement?" Qin Fei found it hard to believe that such a serious person like Zhuilei would do such a thing. She also found it hard to believe that Brother Song Ze would really do as he said.    


She really did not know what Brother Song Ze was thinking at that time. Did he not understand these things? ...    


Soong Ze felt that if he continued to be with Qin Fei, Qin Fei would find out about the things he didn't say. He said in pain, "Fei Fei, I will go back and help Lin Yuelin now."    


"Then what about Mei Shuang? Aren't you going to take care of this matter?" Qin Fei did not expect Brother Song Ze to have such a relationship with her niece. Her ex-husband was related to her niece. This was ridiculous.    


"It's because I don't know, that's why I feel pain." Soong Ze and Mei Shuang not only had a difference in age, but more importantly, she was Qin Fei's niece. He was Qin Fei's ex-husband. If they were together... The relationship was too chaotic.    


Soong Ze had always wanted to use other things to numb his thoughts. He temporarily did not want to think about these things. This was what he subconsciously wanted to avoid.    


"When the matter here is resolved, I will think about it again." Soong Ze said.    


"Then tell me the truth. Do you like her or not?" Although Qin Fei could not imagine what Soong Ze looked like when he was with her niece, she still had to ask these questions.    


Soong Ze thought for a while. He had not figured out the answer to this question yet, but he still said, "I just think she is a cute little sister. I do not have any other thoughts about her."    


"Little sister, are you sure?" Qin Fei saw Soong Ze's sparkling eyes and already did not believe what he said.    


"I will not lie to you." Soong Ze felt ashamed when he thought about what he had done to Mei Shuang.    


"You are the only one who knows whether it is true or not. You can lie to me. But you can't lie to your own heart. This is related to your happiness. Just think about it carefully. " Qin Fei patted Soong Ze's shoulder.    


Soong Ze did not tell Qin Fei about what happened that night with Mei Shuang. He did not know if he should bear the responsibility or not.    


After Soong Ze told Qin Fei everything, Qin Fei supported him to return to Lin Yuelin's side first and deal with all the matters before coming back to deal with Mei Shuang's matters.    


When Soong Ze left, he didn't inform anyone in Mei family. When Mei Zhu found out about it, he had already left for a few hours.    


Qin Fei stayed in the Mei family, but ever since she heard about Mei Shuang from Soong Ze, she had always wanted to see her. She really wanted to know what kind of woman Brother Song Ze would fall in love with.    


This chapter is over.    


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