Don't Go Against My Mommy

C512 I Want to be Your Best Man

C512 I Want to be Your Best Man

Qin Mo bit his lip and looked at Qin Fei. His mother did not know what had happened in the past few years. That was why she was so full of fighting spirit. Although she knew that Luh Cheng was a bad person, it was not like they had no feelings for each other in these two years. He just wanted to leave something about Luh Cheng as a memento.    


"In that case, I don't want it anymore." Qin Mo broke the card in his hand and said with a smile, "There will be no Luh Cheng in our life anymore."    


Qin Mo originally wanted to take revenge on Luh Cheng, but now he knew from his father that he was going to die soon. The hatred in his heart had been put down. Didn't Luh Cheng think that hatred would torture him until he was neither human nor ghost? He did not want to become the next Luh Cheng.    


Qin Mo wasn't an extreme person. After Luh Cheng died, he would pretend that he had never seen such a person in his life.    


Qin Fei looked at the broken card in Qin Mo's hand and finally felt that the relationship between her and Luh Cheng had completely broken.    


Many years later, Qin Fei would understand that there was no relationship in this world that could be completely broken. More or less, it would have an impact.    


Lin Yuelin was a little regretful. Why did he let Qin Fei go out to buy things when he had nothing to do? He looked at the clock on the wall that had turned several times but did not see Qin Fei come back.    


Waiting was too torturous.    


He did not know why, but Lin Yuelin really could not leave Qin Fei for even a moment now. Otherwise, he would feel like he had no strength left. He wanted to go out and find Qin Fei, but he was still in the hospital. If Qin Fei found out, he could die at her hands.    


Qin Fei had been fighting bloody battles in the shopping mall all this time. When the time came, she looked at the time. It was already so late. She did not know what Lin Yuelin was doing during this time.    


Qin Fei had almost guessed that Lin Yuelin must be waiting anxiously now.    


"Little dumpling, come here." Qin Fei waved at Soong Yuan.    


Soong Yuan did not know what her mother wanted to do, but she still broke free from her brother and sister's hands and ran towards her mother.    


Soong Yuan carried Soong Yuan up and said, "Little dumpling, do you have anything else you want to buy?"    


"A dress." Soong Yuan continued to mutter.    


"Baby, I've already bought you a lot of dresses. What else do you want? Do you really want Mommy to get angry?" Qin Fei was really speechless.    


"It's not my skirt, Barbie's skirt." Barbie was also her good friend. What was wrong with buying a skirt for her friend? Wasn't it very normal?    


Qin Fei remembered her childhood. At that time, she was also very fond of Barbie dolls and other things. She did not think that Soong Yuan also liked this kind of thing now.    


"Let's go. Mom will take you to find Barbie dresses." Qin Fei would still satisfy Soong Yuan's small wish.    


In the hospital, Zhuilei had been observing Lin Yuelin's expression. He was really bored. During this period of time, he had been trying to get in touch with Uncle Mong, but to no avail.    


This country looked calm and peaceful, but with his killer instinct, he felt that it was not peaceful anymore. It was as if he could smell the scent of the storm before it came.    


After all, Boyi didn't come to find him after Qili got into trouble. This really didn't fit the title of Aiwa Crazy Devil.    


Zhuilei even went to find Boyi, but he couldn't find him. He had a bad feeling about this.    


Soong Ze also noticed Zhuilei's concern, so he casually said that he wanted to see him, and pulled him out of the room.    


Mei Shuang was very fond of Lin Yuelin, this kind of man. Seeing that he was very anxious because Qin Fei did not come back, she was very anxious.    


"Uncle-in-law." Mei Shuang called out naturally.    


After all, he was ten years older than her, so it was normal to call him uncle.    


"Uncle, don't be so impatient. Aunt said she will be back soon." Mei Shuang took the WeChat that Qin Fei just sent and said.    


Lin Yuelin raised his eyebrows and inadvertently looked at Mei Shuang. Although he really wanted to see Qin Fei, he still observed the expressions of everyone in the room. Mei Shuang and Soong Ze did not seem to be so simple. At least it was not the first time they met.    


"Tell Qin Fei to go around and buy some clothes for herself and the children." Although Lin Yuelin missed Qin Fei a lot, he could not be so petty. After all, Qin Fei was not his alone. She was still the children's.    


Lin Yuelin suddenly started to dislike children a little too much.    


Mei Shuang felt that whenever Lin Yuelin talked about Qin Fei, his entire person would become cute.    


In order to test whether Mei Shuang had some secret relationship with Soong Ze, Lin Yuelin deliberately mentioned it unintentionally, "Where did Soong Ze go?"    


"He was still here just now. Now I don't know where he went. He seemed to be with Zhuilei." Mei Shuang was stunned and said uneasily.    


She did not dare to be overly concerned about Soong Ze. She deliberately ignored his existence, so she did not see where he went at all.    


Lin Yuelin asked seriously, "I feel that you and Soong Ze seemed to know each other before this."    


Mei Shuang's chest suddenly jumped continuously. There were too many unspeakable meanings in his eyes, which made Mei Shuang feel a little embarrassed.    


"I don't know him." Mei Shuang denied it while disregarding her conscience. After she said that, she felt that what she said was meaningless.    


Mei Shuang only wanted to escape from this place now. "Uncle, I still have some matters to attend to now. I will go out first."    


Actually, Mei Shuang really liked Lin Yuelin's style, so she thought that she actually had a relationship with Soong Ze. She was completely unhappy. Moreover, this person who made him unhappy did not even look at her directly. She almost suspected that she had lost her charm. Even an old man didn't like her.    


Mei Shuang opened the door in a hurry and crashed into Soong Ze's arms, who was about to enter the door.    


Mei Shuang became even more embarrassed and apologized, "Sorry, sorry." Before Soong Ze could say anything, she ran away.    


When she was in Soong Ze's arms just now, Soong Ze felt like his heart was beating like a deer. Behind him, Zhuilei looked at Soong Ze with an expression that said, You two have a problem.    


"Soong Ze, don't insist. You just like Mei Shuang. What I said is definitely right." Zhuilei said excitedly, as if this was a great discovery.    


"Can you shut up? I don't need you to care about my business." Soong Ze would think of Zhuilei whenever he thought of Mei Shuang. If it wasn't for him, he wouldn't have met Mei Shuang. He wouldn't have done such a ridiculous thing. How dare he tease him now? He simply didn't want to live anymore.    


"You are such a person. It is embarrassing for you to like Mei Shuang. She is so young and beautiful. I just hope that you will follow your heart. Don't do anything against your heart. Anyway, Fei Fei cannot be yours anymore. Zhuilei patted Soong Ze's shoulder and warned him as a friend.    


Actually, the most important thing was that Soong Ze was with Mei Shuang. He was a big matchmaker, so he would get a big red packet.    


Lin Yuelin saw that Soong Ze and Zhuilei did not come in for a long time, so he looked over curiously. He heard what they were talking about, but it was too quiet to hear what they were talking about.    


Lin Yuelin did not know why these two people were so familiar with each other. Could it be that something had happened to them before? Or was it that they were planning something?    


Soong Ze and Zhuilei dawdled for a while and finally came in. Lin Yuelin looked at the two men coldly. These two men also had no expression on their faces. The three of them felt that no one could afford to look at each other, but they could still stay together peacefully. This might be because of Qin Fei.    


Lin Yuelin shouted, "Soong Ze."    


This was the first time Lin Yuelin took the initiative to call Soong Ze's name after he had asked for it. Soong Ze did not know what he needed to do. Soong Ze had already started to guess what he wanted him to do, and he was slowly thinking of rejecting his words.    


"We have nothing else to do here. Your company in England has not gone back to take care of it for a long time. Italy isn't very far from England. I think you can go back to the company to manage the big picture." Soong Ze had been staying here for a long time and had delayed a lot of his business. Now everything was settled. He can't continue to drag him, right? He can abandon Lin. However, the Song Clan had just prospered not long ago, so he could not give up either.    


"I don't want to return to England. Didn't you say that you are getting married? I want to be the best man." Although he was still a little uncomfortable in his heart to let Qin Fei be his wife, he was still very willing to be their best man.    


Lin Yuelin looked at Soong Ze in disbelief. He did not expect him to make such a suggestion. When he chased after Qin Fei with Soong Ze back then, he did not budge an inch. Now that he had given such a blessing, Lin Yuelin couldn't help but suspect that there was a trick behind it.    


"Lin Yuelin, don't tell me you have already arranged the best man?" Soong Ze just wanted to give Qin Fei to Lin Yuelin personally. So whether Lin Yuelin was willing or not, he had to be the best man.    


"No." In the end, Lin Yuelin chose to believe that Soong Ze truly wanted to bless them. Since that was the case, he had to show his generosity and magnanimity.    


Apart from being the person who gave Qin Fei the ring, Soong Ze could do anything he wanted.    


"But let me tell you, this wedding might not happen. Qin Fei has never agreed to marry me and hold a wedding." Speaking up to this point, Lin Yuelin felt a little sad.    


He wanted to give Qin Fei a grand wedding, but Qin Fei always said that she had already gotten her certificate. He wanted the whole world to know that he married the most beautiful woman in the world. During this period of time, he wanted to change Qin Fei's mind. He had already proposed to Qin Fei countless times, but Qin Fei only accepted his sincerity. She did not say that she wanted to hold a wedding.    


When Qin Fei brought the three little fellows back to the hospital, it was already dark. Lin Yuelin had long missed him and was lying on the bed, not wanting to say anything. Zhuilei was still in the room, but Mei Shuang and Soong Ze were already gone.    


After the little fellows came back, the entire ward became extraordinarily lively. Because he saw Qin Fei, the bored Lin Yuelin finally revealed a smile.    


[This chapter is over]    


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