Don't Go Against My Mommy

C516 I Don't Want to Hold a Wedding

C516 I Don't Want to Hold a Wedding

At dawn, Mei Shuang was walking in front with breakfast in her hands. Zhuilei and Soong Ze were in the back, and the three children were surrounded in the middle.    


When the bodyguard guarding Lin Yuelin's ward saw that it was Mei Shuang, he quickly opened the door and let Mei Shuang in.    


Mei Shuang immediately saw the full blanket on the bed. It was obvious that there were two people inside. The blush on her face was like the morning sun at night. She unconsciously climbed up and her heart was filled with endless regret. If she had known earlier that it was this scene, she would have knocked on the door.    


"Mei Shuang, why are you standing at the door?" The three children asked the same question.    


"Father and mother seem to have something to settle. Let's go out first." Mei Shuang reacted and pushed the children out.    


The children's voices were too loud and lively. Lin Yuelin's sleep was very light. So very quickly he woke up. He hugged Qin Fei very tightly. A slight movement woke Qin Fei up, so the two of them lifted their upper bodies slightly together. They looked at the group of people at the door.    


Mei Shuang could see that Qin Fei was still wrapped in thick clothes and Lin Yuelin was also wearing a uniform. It was obvious that nothing had happened. Mei Shuang felt ashamed because of the dirty thoughts in her head.    


Mei Shuang thought that this morning's misunderstanding was too embarrassing to face Lin Yuelin and Qin Fei openly all day. How could anything be linked to that?    


It seemed like Zhuilei and Soong Ze had reached some kind of mutual understanding. Lin Yuelin had seen all of this.    


Lin Yuelin tried to see what had happened recently from Zhuilei's expression and gaze, but only now did he realize that the expression on his face had never changed. Even his gaze was like a pool of deep water, making it hard for others to see through it.    


Only now did he realize that such a person was truly terrifying.    


Lin Yuelin didn't put too much of his attention on these people. After all, the most important thing for him now was to successfully propose to Qin Fei. Qin Fei's attitude was still so firm. This kind of determination made him a little distressed. He didn't understand why Qin Fei was so afraid. This time, he obviously wouldn't hurt her anymore. Why did he not choose to believe him?    


At night, everyone had to return to the villa. Qin Fei was afraid that the fever happened again last night, so she took the initiative to ask to stay. Qin Fei cherished the time when she was alone with Lin Yue Lin. Under normal circumstances, this group of people should have been very busy. She did not know what had happened during this period of time. It was as if they were so free that there was no end to it. Running to the hospital every day made their world a mess.    


Qin Mo felt that it was too hard for his mother to take care of his father every night. He was now a man in the family, so he also requested to stay and accompany his mother. Therefore, Qin Sheng requested to stay. Even her brother and sister had to stay. Soong Yuan definitely did not want to go home, so the three children all requested to stay.    


Lin Yuelin helplessly looked at this situation. Although he still liked these three children, but it did not mean that he could tolerate them destroying his two-person world, so Yuelin looked at Qin Fei. He hoped that she could persuade these three children back.    


"Mo, I know what you are thinking, but it is enough for me to take care of my father alone. You can take the sisters back to sleep." Qin Fei would definitely not allow the children to stay up late.    


Qin Mo shook his head and firmly said, "The sisters are under the care of cousin Mei Shuang. I want to take care of dad with you." Qin Mo felt that he had been too bored during this period of time. He felt that he should let himself have some things to do. Even if there were some things to do, he would not let his imagination run wild.    


"But this is the hospital. Your father needs to rest. He doesn't need so many people watching him," Wang Yao said. In fact, Lin Yuelin did not need people to keep vigil anymore. Qin Fei only stayed in the hospital to hide from him for a period of time.    


" Mom... " Qin Mo still wanted to say something.    


Lin Yuelin saw that Qin Fei could not resist his son's attack and finally said cruelly, "Don't speak anymore. Listen to mother." Lin Yuelin still wanted to talk about the proposal tonight. If these little guys ruined it, how sad would he be?    


Thus, everyone left. Lin Yuelin seemed to be full of energy. He grabbed Qin Fei and talked to her, but Qin Fei only slept for a while in the morning before she woke up, so she did not have any energy for the whole day.    


"Fei Fei, come and lie down on the bed," Lin Yuelin invited her sincerely again.    


Qin Fei was no longer shy and quickly climbed onto the bed. This time, she was really too tired and her body could not take it anymore. Qin Fei laid beside Lin Yuelin and felt that her mind was in chaos. And it was very heavy. She wondered if Lin Yuelin's fever had recovered. Then she caught a cold.    


Lin Yuelin held Qin Fei tightly in his arms and said once again, "Fei Fei, I beg you to marry me, okay?"    


Lin Yuelin would not be ashamed to say this. After all, he had said this many times.    


"Yuelin, what nonsense are you saying? I am already your wife. So I have married you a long time ago." Qin Fei's answer was the same. She did not want to have a wedding with him. She would not be disappointed if she did not have expectations.    


"But I want to give you a romantic wedding. This is what a man should give to a woman." Lin Yuelin also insisted.    


"The wedding has been held. Although it did not succeed, it is still considered to be held." Qin Fei remembered the wedding that made her heart ache. That wedding was too absurd.    


Qin Fei did not want a second wedding like this in her life.    


Lin Yuelin did not expect Qin Fei to use the matter from the last time to ridicule him. He was really a little helpless. "Qin Fei, the matter from the last time did not count. We did not exchange the rings. We also did not say that I was willing. What kind of wedding is that? I want to hold another wedding with you. This time, I will not let anyone ruin it. "    


Lin Yuelin's tone was full of certainty, but Lin Yuelin didn't know that it was still too early to say these words. He would know that there were many things that should not be said with absolute certainty. Otherwise, it would be very easy for something to happen.    


"Yuelin, why do you have to hold a wedding all the time? Why are you like a woman?" Qin Fei was really troubled by Lin Yuelin's persistence. Even if he could hold a wedding in Italy, it was still these good friends who would attend.    


"Yuelin, stop talking. I am really tired. I want to sleep." Qin Fei knew she had indeed caught a cold. Her voice became more and more hoarse.    


About midnight, Qin Fei woke up without knowing what happened. Looking at Lin Yuelin who was hugging her, he also fell asleep. His face was calm, but it could be seen that he had something on his mind. Otherwise, he wouldn't have frowned so tightly.    


The current situation was simply the happiest moment of his life. What else did he have to frown about?    


"Yuelin, don't be like this. I know you want to give me a romantic memory. But I don't care. I just want to know that you love me, and I also know that I love you. We still have three cute children, that's enough. Really enough."    


Qin Fei could listen to Lin Yuelin for many things, but this time, she had to insist on her own opinion. She had never said that she had a bad premonition, as if she had agreed to Lin Yuelin's wedding once again. Something would still happen. She still remembered that incident until now. She didn't want to try it again in her life.    


Qin Fei kissed Lin Yuelin's mouth. His mouth was really too dry. So when she kissed him, her mouth hurt. Lin Yuelin slept very little. Qin Fei's work woke him up very quickly. He narrowed his eyes and looked at Qin Fei dangerously. This woman did not sleep in the middle of the night and actually came to light the fire. He really did not know what kind of willpower he used to make himself fall asleep.    


When Qin Fei wanted to leave, Lin Yuelin raised his hand and grabbed the back of her head. He kissed her lips fiercely again and placed his other hand on her back. The force was very heavy, as if it wanted to merge the two of them into one.    


Lin Yuelin's lips became moist when he and Qin Fei twisted and turned. He slowly deepened the kiss and did not want to let go of her at all.    


Qin Fei and Lin Yuelin had not had such a deep kiss for a long time. Lin Yuelin's already depressed flames burned again. Such an environment really made people think too much. Every cell in his body was shouting for her.    


Qin Fei felt like she was a drowning fish. She could not breathe at all. Her hands were placed in the middle of the two people's chests, and she did not have the strength to push. But this strength seemed to be useless in Lin Yuelin's eyes. In a while, her small resistance turned into catering. Her hands automatically wrapped around a certain person's neck and moved together with his movements.    


"Fei Fei..." Lin Yuelin did not know how to express his current feelings. He felt that the flames in his body were about to burn him to death. The blood in his body was boiling. He wanted to burn Qin Fei with him.    


"Yuelin." Qin Fei looked at Lin Yuelin with a confused look. It was like an invitation from an illusion. It made Lin Yuelin unable to control the desire in his body.    


"Fei Fei, now I want you. I want you badly." Lin Yuelin's body had already become unbearably hot. Even Qin Fei's body had become hot. How could she resist a man she loved? Furthermore, the primitive desire in her body had long been ignited by him.    


Qin Fei could not think of anything else in her mind now. She only knew that it was hot. It was very, very hot. She wanted to break free from all the restraints on her body. Lin Yuelin's eyes were red.    


Both of their bodies were burning with fire. Their minds gradually became unclear.    


Lin Yuelin's hot lips and tongue kept swimming up and down Qin Fei's body. He never stopped, but he was still attached to her. He didn't know when he pulled Qin Fei out of the restraint of her clothes, and she appeared in front of Lin Yuelin like a newborn baby.    


[This chapter is over]    


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