Don't Go Against My Mommy

C539 Let You Go

C539 Let You Go

The assistant did not think Qin Fei's attitude was bad. Even if someone was kidnapped while they were getting married and arranged to come here, they would be in a bad mood.    


"Miss Qin, I have good news for you. Don't you want to know?" The assistant's attitude was still very good.    


Qin Fei felt that what this person said must not be trusted. What was good news? What kind of good news would they have for the hostages?    


"The door next door opened." The assistant pointed to the room next door.    


Sure enough, Qin Fei heard the sound of the door opening. While guarding against the person in front of her, Qin Fei listened to what happened next door.    


"You can leave now." A coarse voice came from the next door. This was clearly said to Lin Yuelin.    


Qin Fei looked at the man in front of her in surprise. This matter was too strange. She had attended the wedding well and was kidnapped. This kidnapper did not need any ransom and wanted them to divorce. ... In the end, after finding out that they wouldn't get a divorce, he directly let them go. This kidnapper was f * cking crazy, right?    


"Lin Yuelin can leave now, and you can leave now," the assistant said with a smile.    


"What do you want?" Qin Fei did not dare to leave. Normally, when she saw the real face of the kidnapper, would the kidnapper let her leave?    


Qin Fei was hesitating when she heard Lin Yuelin walk out, so she did not want to stay here anymore. She quickly pushed the assistant away and walked out.    


The assistant looked at her Miss helplessly. He was the one who brought good news. Did he need to push her away so rudely and disdainfully?    


Moreover, the person who did bad things was not him. It was clearly the boss, so how could he not please her?    


Qin Fei totally did not expect that she was still wearing pajamas. She missed Lin Yuelin too much anyway. She couldn't wait to see him. She didn't know if they had hurt him. Did he have any injuries? He had just been discharged from the hospital. If he was tortured again... Her heart ached so much.    


Lin Yuelin heard familiar footsteps and looked in the direction of the sound. He saw Qin Fei in her pajamas. The two of them looked at each other for a long time. The disbelief in Lin Yuelin's eyes was, of course, much stronger than the disbelief in Qin Fei's eyes. These days, he did not have any news about Qin Fei.    


"Fei Fei, why are you here? "Lin Yuelin's voice was a little tense. The feeling of regaining something he had lost made him not know how to express his joy at this moment.    


"Yuelin." Qin Fei had always known that Lin Yuelin was next door, so of course she was very calm.    


"This is not a good place for you to reminisce about old times." The assistant reminded him awkwardly.    


Lin Yuelin pulled Qin Fei and walked towards the door. The assistant saw the two of them leave in such a hurry and quickly said, "Don't be in such a hurry to leave. I have something for you."    


Lin Yuelin already had strength and glared at the assistant. If he dared to play any tricks again, he would kill him now. He had ruined their wedding and made them not see each other for so many days. He deserved to die.    


Qin Fei did not see him carrying a bag when she was talking to her assistant. She had no choice but to think of Lin Yuelin. Who would care about a little assistant?    


"Also, both of you are wearing pajamas. You can't just go out like this. It's better to change into a new set of clothes before leaving." The assistant was a little anxious. Why did these two people not care about others?    


Qin Fei and Lin Yuelin looked at each other and saw that they were indeed wearing pajamas.    


"Give me the clothes." Qin Fei thought that their clothes should be in his backpack.    


Lin Yuelin did not understand what the kidnappers were thinking. They were not afraid that they would go back and expose them to the police. They even dared to talk to them in such a blatant manner. They were not even afraid that they would see their faces.    


What was wrong with this world? Why were these things so confusing?    


Qin Fei took the backpack and walked to Lin Yuelin's side. Lin Yuelin's eyes were still sharp as he looked at his assistant.    


"Yuelin, I don't want to stay here any longer. Let's go back quickly. The children will be worried about us. " Qin Fei did not know if these people would immediately go back on their word, so it was best to leave this dangerous place as soon as possible.    


"Clothes /" Qin Fei was wearing the exaggerated flower pieces of the '50s and 60s worn by an old woman. Lin Yuelin could not help but laugh when he saw Qin Fei like this.    


"What are you laughing about? Do you think your pajamas look good?" Qin Fei glanced at his pajamas. Of course, his pajamas were very ugly, but they were still pretty on Lin Yuelin.    


Qin Fei could not help but sigh that the sky was really unfair. How could he be so good to Lin Yuelin? He had given her all the good stuff.    


"We don't need to go into the room to change. There is a camera in the room. We just need to put these clothes on the outside." Lin Yuelin took out the sportswear from his backpack.    


Qin Fei nodded and then the two of them quickly changed their clothes. They held hands and left the place.    


Qin Fei was tightly held by Lin Yuelin. The hesitation and helplessness she felt when she was alone was gone. Because as long as Lin Yuelin was by her side, she would feel that everything was good. Even if something bad happened, it would still be sunny after the rain.    


It was raining outside. Qin Fei took out an umbrella from her backpack. When she took the umbrella, she found a lot of money.    


These things were really strange. There were also kidnappers who gave money to the hostages. She really did not know if she earned or lost.    


When Lin Yuelin walked out of the villa, he looked back a few times. After all, he had been inside for a long time. He still had to see what kind of environment he was in. This villa looked pretty good. However, the rooms inside did not have any human taste.    


"Fei Fei, which path do you think we should take?" Lin Yuelin looked at the many forks in the road in front of him and decided to believe in a woman's intuition.    


"Let's go to the left." Qin Fei only casually said it without any basis.    


Lin Yuelin looked at the surrounding scenery. There was not even a landmark building. Besides, he did not know much about Zurich. He did not know where he was at all.    


"We need to contact Zhuilei and Soong Ze now." Lin Yuelin thought that the most important thing right now was to inform them that he and Qin Fei were safe.    


If they hid in the room during the rain, they would feel that the rain was good. It was quiet and the air was fresh. But if you were doing things outside, you would find that there were all kinds of inconvenience.    


Anyway, you have money on you, so after seeing a taxi, you directly sit on it. He asked the driver to let them stay in a relatively high-class hotel nearby. The hotel had a phone. Then he could tell Soong Ze and Zhuilei the news that they had come out.    


Qin Fei did not understand Italian, nor did she know German, so she asked, "What did you say to the driver?"    


"This is Zurich, Switzerland. I did not expect them to bring us here directly. I don't know if Soong Ze and the rest have returned to China or are they still in Italy." After Lin Yuelin escaped, he felt angry. It was not easy to get Qin Fei to agree to a wedding for him. In the end, he did not expect that he would be kidnapped. If he let Qin Fei marry him again, she would definitely be even more unwilling.    


Thinking of this, Lin Yuelin felt very depressed.    


For some reason, after Luh Cheng appeared, Lin Yuelin's smooth-sailing life began to be filled with danger. He received one blow after another. Now, Lin Yuelin was starting to doubt his ability. Was he still the man who could call the wind and summon the rain? Why did he feel like he was nothing and could not do anything? He could not protect his wife or his child. I can't even protect myself. How did he become like this?    


Lin Yuelin had never felt such a sense of defeat. As a man, he couldn't find his direction anymore. He didn't know how to get rid of this sense of defeat.    


"Fei Fei, it's all because I'm useless that I brought you danger twice. I said I would give you a peaceful life, but I always let you live in danger. I can't do anything. " Lin Yuelin finally knew how tiny he was. He had always been in B City. He was like a frog in a well. Now, he finally knew that there was always someone stronger than him. There was someone stronger than him, but this feeling made him feel unpleasant.    


He knew that only by controlling a bigger force could he protect the person he loved the most.    


"Yuelin, I won't allow you to say that about yourself. In my heart, you will always be great." Qin Fei knew that Lin Yuelin had been suffering a blow during this period of time. It was normal for him to doubt her ability. But this was also a kind of torture for Qin Fei. She did not want to see the negative Lin Yuelin.    


"Yuelin, you will always be a hero in my heart. Don't think about it. When we go back, you will pull yourself together. I believe that you will return what you have suffered today. " Qin Fei also had a lot of things that she couldn't figure out. It was the same for Lin Yuelin. Since that was the case, no one should think about it anymore.    


So the two of them tightly held hands and turned to look outside the window at the same time. The rain outside was no longer as violent as before. Lin Yuelin turned his head to look at Qin Fei. He forced a smile at Qin Fei, but Qin Fei knew he did not want to laugh. He was just afraid that she would be worried. His eyes were full of confusion and hesitation. There were also many complicated emotions.    


"Yuelin, didn't you say that what you want the most is for us to be together forever? Look, we have nothing to do here. As long as we are together, we will definitely be able to create miracles." Qin Fei held Lin Yuelin's hand tightly. She really did not want much. As long as she could be with Lin Yuelin, she would have to live a hard life for the rest of her life. She was willing to. It wasn't like she didn't have a hard life.    


[This chapter is over]    


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