Don't Go Against My Mommy

C558 Qin Mo's Discovery

C558 Qin Mo's Discovery

"Didn't you say you have mysophobia?" After Qin Fei observed him for a period of time, he seemed to have become more and more inattentive. To be more accurate, after his death with Qin Fei, his mysophobia seemed to be getting further and further away from him.    


"My mysophobia is still there, but your mysophobia is even more serious. This is an illness, you need to treat it." Lin Yuelin was about to acknowledge Qin Fei as his big brother. His two eyes were fighting right now, so how could he let others sleep?    


Qin Fei was not only mysophobic, but also had a large degree of obsessive-compulsive disorder. She could not stop when she saw the chaotic things in front of her. She had to pack up before she could sleep peacefully. She looked around and saw if there was anything else she wanted to pack.    


Lin Yuelin couldn't convince Qin Fei. He had to help him with something. It wasn't until dawn that the two of them tidied up the house. Lin Yuelin felt that he could fall asleep standing there.    


After the two of them laid on the bed, Lin Yuelin instinctively pulled Qin Fei into his arms. "Thank you for your hard work, my wife."    


"Hubby, it has been hard on you too." Qin Fei directly kissed him on the face.    


Because they had worked hard for the whole night, both of them fell asleep very quickly.    


However, Zhuilei still could not fall asleep. After all, the country was very chaotic right now. He returned to the country not only to help Lin Yuelin investigate that person's background, but also many other things that he had to do. However, he still didn't know what to do now, so he was in a really bad situation right now.    


Zhuilei didn't sleep. He went straight to the airport at dawn. When Qin Fei and Lin Yuelin woke up, they were going to find Zhuilei, but they were told that Zhuilei had already left.    


Qin Fei did not think that she could dine with the team. It was as if they had returned to the old society's cooperative. The villagers were all eating in the same place.    


The team had a lot of breakfast. They hired famous chefs all over the world to cook. There were delicious food everywhere. Before Zhuilei left, he asked the chefs to make more food that the people in China liked.    


Today, Lin Yuelin finally wanted to take Qin Fei out for a walk. He did not fulfill his promise yesterday.    


It was the first time everyone ate together. Everyone was a little restrained and did not say a word.    


The foreign young man's eyes seemed to have grown on Mei Shuang. Soong Ze wished he could go over and dig out that person's eyes.    


So Soong Ze quickly changed his seat and sat beside Mei Shuang, using his body to block the young man's line of sight. All of this fell into Qin Fei's eyes. She knew that Brother Song Ze really wanted to do it this time.    


"Why are you squeezing here? How can I eat?" Mei Shuang did not know what Soong Ze wanted to do, so she was a little annoyed.    


Qin Fei watched the interaction between the two as she ate. She secretly laughed in her heart. She did not think that her niece and her ex-husband really had a chance.    


The people in the team saw that the foreign young man liked Mei Shuang, so they encouraged him to be bolder.    


"We will go to the church later. What about you guys?" Lin Yuelin asked lightly.    


He thought that as long as you knew what was going on, you would not follow us.    


Qin Fei was somewhat surprised when he made the trip and why did he not discuss it with her and the children. Qin Fei liked this place but the child did not have any good impression of this kind of place.    


"Shuang, Brother Song Ze, you should not have seen the lake of Zurich before right? You guys go and take a look." Qin Fei immediately gave Lin Yuelin a look, wanting him to cooperate.    


Qin Fei wanted Mei Shuang and Brother Song Ze to have their own time together.    


The foreign young man knew how to exploit loopholes. Seeing Qin Fei say this, he immediately said, "The lake in Zurich is indeed very beautiful. Mei Shuang, I can bring you there."    


Mei Shuang did not like people who came so naturally, so when she saw him so enthusiastic, she tactfully refused, "Thank you for your good intentions, but I prefer the church. I will go with aunt to the church."    


Mei Shuang currently had a lot of things to say to the Lord so that it could give her some guidance and tell her what to do.    


The foreign young man was rejected by Mei Shuang, but he was not discouraged. This kind of thing was to be repeated for the first time. This date did not mean that they would not be able to get a date next time. Anyway, Mei Shuang did not have a boyfriend.    


Soong Ze had been suppressing his anger. After hearing Mei Shuang reject him, he was relieved, but he wanted to go with Mei Shuang to see the lake. She was going to the church now, so they could not be alone.    


Soong Ze was about to say something, but Qin Fei interrupted, "Since Mei Shuang is going to the church, then Brother Song Ze should go too." Qin Fei's assistance was too obvious.    


Mei Shuang looked at Qin Fei in surprise. Why did it feel like her aunt was hiding something from her?    


"Alright, then let's go together." Lin Yuelin summarized his words.    


After breakfast, they went to the church. St. Peter's church was a classic building in Zurich.    


Along the way, Mei Shuang seemed to have a lot on her mind. Of course, Qin Fei guessed that her mind must be about Soong Ze.    


Qin Fei stood beside Mei Shuang and asked, "Shuang, I feel that you are very unhappy. Do you have something on your mind?"    


Mei Shuang was seen through by Qin Fei and the corner of her mouth forced out a bitter smile, "Yes, Aunt."    


Lin Yuelin accepted Qin Fei's orders and pulled Soong Ze to the side. The children were playing around and did not care about the matters between adults at all.    


"Shuang, look at your age. You are at the age of a flower. You should be happier. Don't always frown like you have a deep grudge with someone." Qin Fei smiled.    


"Aunt, I know what you said, but I still feel annoyed." Mei Shuang did not know how to tell Aunt about the mess in her heart.    


"How about this? Don't think too much about anything. You just need to follow the guidance of your heart." Qin Fei was also like this back then. She followed the heart. Her heart told her that she must be with Lin Yuelin again. She did.    


It was indeed like this. She did not do anything wrong.    


"They have already gone in. Let's follow them too." They've been standing outside the church for a long time, it's time to go in.    


On the other side, Lin Yuelin and Soong Ze had reached an agreement. They followed Qin Fei and Mei Shuang into the church.    


The children had been taking random photos. Qin Mo was looking at those photos when his eyes suddenly became sharp. "Wait a minute. I want to take another look at the last photo."    


Nothing could escape Qin Mo's eyes.    


After Qin Mo turned the picture back, he found that there was a person in the picture whose eyes made his scalp tingle. Instinct told Qin Mo that there must be something wrong with this person, so he continued to look at the photo. He wanted to see if there was this person in the photo. He actually found out that his chances of getting out of the mirror were very high, and every photo had a strange smile on it.    


Qin Mo felt that he had to tell his father about this matter, so he quickly chased after Lin Yuelin.    


Lin Yuelin looked at Qin Mo in front of him, and there was a trace of anxiety in his eyes.    


"What's wrong with you?" Lin Yuelin rarely saw such a panicked expression on Qin Mo's face. He thought that there was something wrong with Qin Mo, so he quickly asked.    


"Dad, we were followed." Qin Mo showed his dad his photo.    


Lin Yuelin took the camera and looked at a few pictures. He nodded. "We were followed."    


The first thing he thought of was the group of people who kidnapped Qin Fei and him. Were they really letting them go and fishing for big fish?    


"What are you talking about?" Qin Fei shouted at the father and son outside the church.    


"Nothing," the two of them said at the same time.    


Qin Fei could not let Qin Fei know about this. Qin Fei always liked to let her imagination run wild. If she knew, she would definitely keep thinking about this matter and then she would not be able to have fun.    


"You guys hurry up. Everyone is waiting for you." Qin Fei urged.    


Lin Yuelin frowned slightly. "Okay."    


Lin Yuelin lowered his body and whispered to Qin Mo, "Mo, don't tell this to anyone else. Otherwise, it will make everyone panic."    


It was not easy to come out and not disturb everyone's mood. This person was just following them and did not mean to hurt them. Then let him follow them.    


"Okay. Dad, you must promise me to tell me the truth when I go back. You must also tell me clearly about the kidnapping incident. Don't use words to send my sister away to get rid of me. I don't believe it at all. " Qin Mo was already an adult now, and his thoughts had already matured. So he felt that he had the right to know the truth.    


"Mo, you are so smart. How will dad live in the future?" Although Lin Yuelin said so, there was pride in his words.    


This was Lin Yuelin's son.    


"Dad, trust me. I can really help you." Qin Mo said firmly. Fighting was not his strong point. But his analysis was correct.    


Qin Mo was too perfect. Sometimes, Lin Yuelin felt that his appearance was just like an illusion. How could there be such a perfect child in this world? However, it was Lin Yuelin's honor to be his father.    


Today's weather was very good, and the temperature and softness of the wind were just right. It was just that Mei Shuang did not have the mood to appreciate the good scenery at all. Instead, from time to time, she would look at Soong Ze's side profile from the corner of her eyes.    


Qin Sheng had been holding Soong Yuan's hand all along, afraid that she would be lost everywhere. Qin Mo was still a child after all. She did not know why his father was so calm. Anyway, he could not be so calm. Perhaps this was the difference. It seemed like there was still a long way to go.    


It was rare for Qin Fei to have such a leisure time. She held the camera and did not even have time to stop. She took pictures all the way.    


"Fei Fei, are these buildings really that beautiful? Your eyes are all on these buildings today and you did not even look at me. I am really going to be jealous." Lin Yuelin pouted and said.    


"Aren't we going to leave this place? It wasn't easy for them to come here, so of course they had to leave more photos. In the future, they would double it. This is the place we came to together. How nice." Qin Fei touched Lin Yuelin's face and comforted him.    


Zurich was a very charming city. At least Qin Fei was deeply infatuated with it. It was not that Lin Yuelin had great ambitions. She really did not want to go back. She just wanted to stay here.    


This chapter is over.    


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