Don't Go Against My Mommy

C578 Two People Who Couldn't Stand Each Other

C578 Two People Who Couldn't Stand Each Other

A wicked smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he looked like he didn't care at all. In any case, Lin Yuelin was no match for her, so she wasn't in the mood to care about this right now. She kept thinking about the Zhuilei she had met that day. She felt that this person gave her a very familiar feeling.    


Just a few days ago, this was the first time that Xin Yi had come to the country. Therefore, she didn't know where she was going, so she could only go upstream on the streets of various sizes. It was like an exoskeleton without a soul. She wasn't familiar with this place, nor was there anyone she was familiar with. So she didn't want to stay here, she really wanted to return to the country she lived in before.    


However, her heart could not leave. She still had to protect Qin Fei. This was her goal. Nothing must happen to her. Originally, she could not let Qin Fei leave her sight, but this city had Zhuilei. She felt very at ease, so she did not have to be so careful.    


It was already early autumn, and the weather was a little cold. Xin Yi's clothes were very thin. She walked and stopped on the road, as if she was interested in anything.    


Before going to see Qin Fei, he wanted to meet the awesome man, Zhuilei, whom the boss mentioned. Xin Yi always felt that she was the best among all the bodyguards at the boss's place. So after hearing that Zhuilei was a legendary figure, her curiosity towards him became even more exuberant.    


Xin Yi found Zhuilei in a very remote place. She looked around her surroundings and found that there was actually a legend living in such a desolate place. This legend really had a different aesthetic sense.    


After hesitating for a long time, Xin Yi still went forward and knocked on the door.    


Zhuilei hadn't gone out for a long time. He just relied on instant noodles to pass the day. Suddenly, he heard someone knocking on the door. The first person Zhuilei thought of was Qin Fei. After all, Qin Fei had said last time that she would bring him some fresh vegetables next time.    


Zhuilei quickly ran over to open the door. He did not expect to see a mono. He was stunned for a while and was a little surprised.    


"Mono, didn't you leave already? Why are you here?" There was a trace of joy in Zhuilei's voice that even he himself didn't notice.    


"Looks like you don't seem to welcome me very much." Xin Yi didn't explain that he wasn't Mono. Instead, he followed Zhuilei's words. ...    


After all, she had heard a lot of people call her Mono during this period of time. Perhaps this was her name in the past. In her lost memories, this was her name.    


"I welcome you, but I was also very surprised. I really didn't think that you would come." Perhaps he also didn't think that he would see Mono again. After all, he knew how stubborn Mono was. If she really decided to leave, then she wouldn't feel the slightest bit of reluctance.    


Her heart was smoothly invited into the room by Zhuilei. Her eyes swept across the room for a moment, then fixed on Zhuilei's computer.    


Because Xin Yi's body had been modified by Mong Loong, her eyesight was much better than ordinary people's. On Zhuilei's computer page was a picture of a woman.    


Heart One had heard some things about Zhuilei before. He did not know how to love or know how to love. Why would he have a girlfriend? Then what was the relationship between Zhuilei and this woman?    


When this thought appeared in his mind, Xin Yi could not help but despise himself. What did his relationship with this woman have to do with her?    


The reason Zhuilei had this woman's photo on his computer was probably because this person was his target.    


But just now, she actually felt that this woman was the woman Zhuilei liked. How could he like women? And why did she think so?    


Xin Yi could not help but turn around and look at Zhuilei a few more times. This man made her make a mistake in her judgment. She did not know why, although it was the first time she saw Zhuilei, she felt that she had seen him somewhere before. She had seen him many times, but she just couldn't remember where he was.    


Zhuilei was the legendary Death God. He was also the person who had been modified. In order to become the best assassin, he even destroyed the facial expression system on his face. No matter if it was sadness, sadness, or excitement, they were all cold. There was no change in his face.    


It was said that he did not know how to feel, nor did he know how to touch feelings. Only when he was emotionless and emotionless would he become a good killer.    


However, when Xin Yi saw Zhuilei with his own eyes, he felt that Zhuilei still had an expression on his face. Perhaps it was just that other people didn't observe carefully enough, but his expression was subtle. He finally appeared in front of her, and it was no longer just a name.    


But Xin Yi did not like the current Zhuilei, because the Zhuilei she imagined was much colder than him. He should have the mysterious feeling of being a death god.    


"Zhuilei, do you like Mono?" Xinyi didn't know why she asked this question, but she asked it purely without any feelings.    


Because of this question, Zhuilei finally felt that Mono was somewhat different. Although this woman looked exactly the same as the previous Mono, she was really too cold. Her entire body was emitting an unapproachable aura.    


"Of course I like her" Zhuilei's eyes were still on Xin Yi's face, "We have known each other for ten years. I have long regarded you as my family."    


When he heard the previous reply without hesitation, Xin Yi was secretly delighted. However, the words that came after made her joyful expression disappear completely. Not only that, she was also somewhat annoyed by the Zhuilei in front of her at this moment.    


But she was not Mono, so why would she be angry because of another woman?    


"You are not Mono, right?" Zhuilei did not know why the person in front of him looked so similar to Mono, but he was sure that it was not her. How could there be two people in this world who looked so similar?    


"How do you know I'm not Mono?" When Xin Yi first joined the team, everyone called her Mono. No one suspected that she was from Xinyi, but they didn't expect Zhuilei to discover that she wasn't from Mono so quickly. From this, it could be seen that her alertness was really high.    


Zhuilei was the first person to discover that she wasn't Mono so quickly. This was for the best. Xinyi didn't want to lie to him in the first place. Since he already knew who he was, she didn't need to explain anymore.    


"The way Mono looks at me is different from the way you look at me. Your gaze is too cold and bleak. There was no light in his eyes." Zhuilei did not know whether this person was an enemy or not, but whether he was an enemy or not, he had to subdue him first. We can't give him a chance.    


"So you guys are really family. You have such a tacit understanding." When he said this, a hint of bitterness leaked out from the corner of his mouth.    


"Who exactly are you? Why do you look so similar to Mono? Why did you come looking for me? " Zhuilei was very angry. He was furious that this person actually had a card in his hand. He absolutely couldn't tolerate Mono's face wanting to hurt him.    


"The boss asked me to come. He is the one who protects Qin Fei." Xin Yi could already see the subtle movements of Zhuilei's hands. He knew that Zhuilei treated him as an enemy. So he quickly revealed his identity. Otherwise, he would have been injured by Zhuilei later.    


"Boss, are you talking about Uncle Mong?" Zhuilei found it hard to believe.    


"Even if I explain, you won't believe me. You can just call him and ask him." Like Zhuilei, Xin Yi didn't like to explain, so he said very straightforwardly. ...    


This matter was very important, so of course he had to confirm it with Uncle Mong. Thus, he immediately took out his phone to confirm it with Uncle Mong. Uncle Mong replied very quickly. This person was Xin Yi, the woman he had sent to protect Qin Fei.    


"Zhuilei, I believe you will be very satisfied with this arrangement of mine in the future. This is a surprise for you." Mong Loong was still busy and did not have much time to explain these things to him. After saying the last sentence, he hung up the phone.    


He didn't expect Zhuilei to be unable to tell whether he was one of them or not. He had to call his boss to confirm. It was really useless. A legend might just be a legend. Her face naturally revealed a mocking expression.    


"Don't look at me with this kind of mocking expression. I look very uncomfortable." Zhuilei's voice was very cold, causing all the expressions on Xinyi's face to instantly withdraw.    


"If you don't want me to mock you, you have to do something that won't make me laugh at you." Xin Yi looked down on Zhuilei. "I really don't want to be your partner."    


"You still want to be my partner. I don't think you are my partner. You are just a woman who suddenly appeared out of nowhere. You want to be my partner. You're still too young. " Zhuilei only treated Boyi as his partner. He didn't like having companions. This was just a burden to him when he carried out his mission.    


"Do you want me to get your approval? I told you that my existence is recognized by the boss. As long as the boss approves, who will care about you?" Xinyi still had a disdainful expression. This man was just too arrogant. She had already lowered herself before. Since this man did not accept it, then she could only stay in a stalemate with him.    


"I feel that you still have some temper. I like it. But I don't like the people around me having tempers. The people around me can only listen to me. You want me to listen to you? You wish. " Zhuilei said lightly.    


Zhuilei now realized that Xin Yi was probably Mono, just that he had no memory. After all, if the boss had not known Xin Yi before, he would not have given her such an important task as protecting Qin Fei.    


Xin Yi was more arrogant than Mono. He had always thought that Mono had another side to him. He never thought that when he truly discovered it, it would actually be at this time.    


"Although your martial arts are indeed better than mine, I only want to listen to my own. I will not listen to you." Xin Yi said it very straightforwardly. He wasn't afraid of offending Zhuilei.    


"Xin Yi, it's not good for you to be so arrogant if you don't have the ability. Don't tell me you want to be equal to me?" Zhuilei was a remodelling himself, so he naturally knew that Xin Yi was a remodelling.    


Xinyi frowned. Until now, no one had discovered that she was a remodelling, but Zhuilei had seen through her easily.    


[This chapter is over]    


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