Don't Go Against My Mommy

C588 Her Strong Determination

C588 Her Strong Determination

Although Qin Fei knew that Zhuilei shouldn't have been exposed, her heart had already been exposed. Furthermore, Zhuilei might have already been exposed a long time ago, so she might as well not hide anymore.    


Or rather, it would be more effective to let Xin Yi hide. After all, she was a person who did not have any fame or presence. More importantly, she and Qin Fei did not like each other, so she was more suitable to be this transparent person than Zhuilei.    


Qin Fei also mentioned her considerations in the text message. Zhuilei did not expect Qin Fei to suddenly become so calm. Maybe it was because Lin Yuelin was injured that she no longer had anyone to rely on. She knew that she had to rely on herself for everything. That was why she was so heroic.    


Therefore, Zhuilei decided to rush to the hospital immediately. Since Qin Fei asked him to go there, she should have something to do with him.    


Zhuilei agreed with Qin Fei's analysis. Indeed, Heart One was more suitable as an invisible person to do covert work. Before leaving, he would tell Heart One what to do and let her take care of her own protection measures. He must not let anyone see her real face.    


After finishing his instructions, he went to the hospital. Because he had not slept for the whole night and his face was greasy, he kept himself in the hospital until he looked a little more energetic.    


In the ward, Qin Fei was still sitting beside his bed, still maintaining the same posture as when he left yesterday. He did not know if she was feeling pain all over her body now.    


Zhuilei frowned and walked to Qin Fei's side.    


Fei Fei, I'm sorry. I didn't take good care of you this time. Zhuilei's voice was full of apology, which made Qin Fei feel unfamiliar.    


Qin Fei knew that Zhuilei had come a long time ago. She just wanted to keep an eye on Lin Yuelin, so she didn't say anything to greet him.    


"Zhuilei, don't always take responsibility for yourself. You can't be blamed for this." Zhuilei was completely different from Xinyi. He had to apologize no matter what happened. Xin Yi would never admit his mistake no matter what happened.    


"It's my fault. My mission is to protect all of you, but I didn't do it." Zhuilei lowered his head like a child who had done something wrong.    


The guilt was not so strong, but Qin Fei's expression was too calm. She was so calm that he felt that he was the most evil.    


"I didn't call you here to punish you. I want you to arrange a meeting with Mong Loong for me. I need him to give me an explanation and ensure the safety of everyone around me. I'm not the only one. " Qin Fei turned around and said calmly.    


This time, she must see this legendary biological father.    


"But..." Uncle Mong was currently dealing with his business matters and did not have the time to meet Qin Fei. Moreover, he could not even guarantee his own life now, let alone guarantee Qin Fei's life.    


Zhuilei was in a really difficult situation.    


He didn't know what Qin Fei was thinking. Previously, she had been very against Uncle Mong and said that he didn't need such a father. But why did she take the initiative to meet Uncle Mong this time? These women really thought of one move and one move.    


"No matter what method you use, I must see him this time. It must be." Qin Fei said very firmly.    


"Alright, I will discuss it with Uncle Mong." Zhuilei could not give Qin Fei a definite answer. After all, Uncle Mong's current situation was also very critical.    


"Since he is my father, I do not want to hear about my relationship with him from others. I want him to tell me these things personally, and what exactly happened to me recently. He has to tell me everything clearly. I just want to live a peaceful and harmonious life. Originally, I could have had it. However, it was because of his appearance that my life was ruined. Shouldn't you give me a reasonable explanation?" Qin Fei said and lost control of herself.    


After all, from the moment he appeared, her life had been going downhill.    


Qin Fei looked like she was in pain. Even Zhuilei, who had no human emotions, felt his heart ache when he saw Qin Fei like this.    


Zhuilei had been with Qin Fei and the others during this period of time. His facial expression was gradually returning. Many times, he could see the corners of his mouth raised slightly in the mirror. It seemed that no matter how good science was, it could not change the expression of his emotions.    


"Sigh... I..." However, although his heart ached, Zhuilei still couldn't guarantee that Qin Fei would be able to see Uncle Mong.    


"Can you come with me overseas to find him?" Uncle Mong had many things that needed to be handled by himself, so he might not be able to leave. But if Qin Fei could go, then this matter would be easy to handle.    


"Do you think it's possible? Lin Yuelin was injured because of me. But I left him behind? Unless he gets better. Otherwise, I won't leave his side. " Qin Fei firmly denied it. How could she leave Lin Yuelin, who was seriously injured, behind?    


She would not be at ease. As long as he did not recover, she would not feel at ease for the rest of the day.    


"But Uncle Mong is also in a critical moment. The situation over there is very tense and needs him to personally take charge. He will not be able to leave in a short period of time." Zhuilei said faintly.    


He did not know why Qin Fei did not say she wanted to see Uncle Mong earlier or later. She had to say it now. If he knew this earlier, the two of them would have met the last time Uncle Mong was in Zurich.    


"Could it be that it's a luxury for me to want to see my own father? Then why do I need such a father?" Qin Fei's tone carried ridicule and disappointment. She also did not need such a father. But now, there was no other way. Other than Mong Loong who could help her, no one else could help her.    


Of course, Qin Fei still felt that familial love was very important, but she had never met Mong Loong before. Even if they were related by blood, as long as no one told her. Even if she saw him, she would still feel that he was a stranger. There was no difference. Moreover, this stranger even gave his friend and his family a blood catastrophe. She really couldn't love this father.    


"Can we video call him?" This was the only way Zhuilei could think of. This way could save a lot of unnecessary trouble for both sides.    


Qin Fei originally wanted to deny it, but after thinking about it, Mong Loong should be very busy now, so this was the only way that was slightly more reliable.    


"Then when can we video call?" Qin Fei was already impatient.    


"I need to discuss this with Uncle Mong. I can't make a decision on my own." Zhuilei only suggested that Uncle Mong decide if he wanted to video call Qin Fei or not.    


"You better make the arrangements as soon as possible. I hope it will be as soon as possible. I can't wait any longer. Even if he is busy sleeping, he will still have some time. One hour is enough for me. " Qin Fei was determined to tell Mong Loong clearly.    


"I will arrange it." Suddenly, Zhuilei felt that the matter was a little heavy.    


He originally thought Qin Fei was a little sheep, but when she was being aggressive, people could no longer remember the little sheep's appearance.    


Lin Yuelin's body was very weak, so even if the anesthesia had passed, he was still unconscious, so he knew nothing about the conversation between Qin Fei and Zhuilei.    


Zhuilei quickly told Uncle Mong about this matter, and suggested that Uncle Mong take some time to video with Qin Fei today, and also tell Uncle Mong about what happened to Qin Fei just now.    


Currently, Qin Fei only looked very calm, but in fact, she had long blamed everything on Uncle Mong. In fact, it was also like this. If Uncle Mong did not have a good chat with Qin Fei, it would be impossible for him to meet her in the future.    


Mong Loong had thought of many occasions when he met Qin Fei. He must have taken care of everything. He then found a quiet place and sat down face to face with Qin Fei. Then he told her about the past between him and her mother, and also told her about his difficulties over the years. He hoped that she could forgive him for leaving without saying goodbye for so many years.    


But he did not expect that the day of meeting with Qin Fei would come so quickly. It was so fast that he was not prepared for it. He was very busy during this period of time.    


Even if Zhuilei said that he was only talking to Qin Fei via video call, it was no different from meeting Qin Fei face to face. It was the first time in Mong Loong's life that he felt nervous. It was his daughter who gave it to him. It made people feel like it was a joke.    


But this was what he should bear. The sins he had committed when he was young, now was the time to repay them.    


After this incident, Loo Dong also came to visit Lin Yuelin. When he was communicating with Qin Fei, he found out that it was Wen Rann who had taken out the bomb before the explosion.    


When he thought of Qin Fei's hatred towards him, he felt that death was approaching. Although he didn't know why a weak woman would give him such a feeling, he was really innocent this time. This matter really had nothing to do with him.    


Loo Dong didn't explain to Qin Fei. Since she had already determined that he was the one who did it, then his explanation could only get darker and darker. Anyway, he didn't have any evidence to prove that he wasn't the one who did it.    


Hearing the knocking on the door, Qin Fei and Zhuilei looked towards the door. Who would come to visit Lin Yuelin at this time?    


Qin Fei hesitated for a moment and said, "It has nothing to do with the door. Come in."    


Mei Shuang and Cheng Luo did not know about this matter. Qin Fei did not want them to know about it for the time being. After all, they only knew about it because they were worried about one more person. It would not be of any help.    


So the person who would come would not be them, but no matter who it was, they would come in first to take a look. If Qin Fei was right, she would stay. Those who did not know her should leave quickly.    


When Loo Dong's face appeared in Qin Fei's line of sight, her gentle face instantly turned green and black. She had never thought that the culprit would come and visit Lin Yuelin.    


Since that was the case, Qin Fei must not have any good feelings towards such a person.    


This chapter is over.    


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