Don't Go Against My Mommy

C594 An Extremely Ashamed Lei Zhui

C594 An Extremely Ashamed Lei Zhui

"Hey..." Regarding this matter, Mong Loong did not know where to start. How should he tell Qin Fei that this opponent was personally nurtured by him? At that time, he was young and arrogant. He felt that if he let the tiger go back to the mountain, he could catch the tiger back. In the end, it caused his wings to grow bigger and bigger.    


It could be said that Mong Loong had personally created his enemy.    


"Dad, if the blood relationship can't be severed, I only have one last request. Protect my family and friends, and don't let them get hurt. Otherwise, I won't forgive you for the rest of my life. " Qin Fei almost begged. Those people were very important to her. She could not lose them.    


Mong Loong did not expect Qin Fei to call him father, but he was not as happy as he expected. He knew that she did not call him father willingly. She was forced to compromise helplessly. If it wasn't for the fact that he was at the end of his rope, the proud Qin Fei wouldn't have begged him like this.    


This was his daughter, the person Mong Loong wanted to protect with his life. The request she made was something he would do even if he had to cut a mountain and cook a pot of oil.    


"Don't worry, I will definitely use my life to protect everyone around you. I won't give you the chance to not forgive me." Mong Loong solemnly promised.    


Mong Loong had been doing whatever he wanted all these years. He had never promised anyone. He knew that promises were heavy and he could not shoulder them. But now, in front of Qin Fei, he was willing to promise her.    


This time, Mong Loong would not have pity for that person anymore. Since he was destined to stand, then this battle would start with him. He must end the war as soon as possible. Only then could he give his daughter a stable and harmonious life. Otherwise, she could only live in fear for the rest of her life. As a father, he really couldn't bear it.    


After Mong Loong ended the call with Qin Fei, he quickly called for his assistant and told him that he had to arrange it immediately. Mong Loong had never lost in his life, so he would definitely win this time.    


Previously, it was because that person had the same face as his brother that he showed mercy again and again. But this time, he had really touched his bottom line, and almost cut off his daughter's relationship with him. He definitely could not tolerate this.    


This time, Mong Loong had already aroused his killing intent. He didn't want to continue waiting passively. Instead, he wanted to take the initiative to attack. He wanted to kill all three parties and exterminate them all.    


Previously, Mong Loong had been investigating who was the one who opposed him behind his back. When all the evidence pointed to him... Mong Loong still didn't believe it, but the series of events that happened later forced him to believe it. The person who had instigated all of this was precisely that person.    


This person had been fighting Mong Loong for his entire life. He thought that this person would be the one to accompany him till the end. He also thought that this person might be fighting to the end. After all, he had let him go so many times. He would also restrain himself a little, but he never thought that this man would become more and more unscrupulous. It refreshed his worldview and bottom line time and time again.    


And now, he even used Mong Loong's daughter and the people she cared about to threaten him. Mong Loong couldn't stand it any longer. The thing he regretted the most in his life was to let Mei Xue down. Now, there was one more thing that he regretted. It was the time when he had been merciful and let him go.    


If he had not let him go back then, he would not have had the chance to become stronger. All of this was because of Mong Loong. He had already given in for more than half of his life. This time, he would never give in, no matter if it was because of Qin Fei. Or because of ___. For him, he had to win.    


His assistant had been with Mong Loong for a long time. He had seen the murderous look on Mong Loong's face a few years ago. He had been standing at the peak of power all these years. No one could pose a threat to him. His hands were no longer stained with blood. The assistant almost thought that he was going to become a Buddha.    


This was the first time in so many years that he had seen such a bloodthirsty expression on Mong Loong's face. It was like a sword that wanted to drink blood. When he unsheathed his sword, blood would flow out and seal his throat. The assistant sighed with emotion. That person had really angered the boss this time. It was enough to show how detestable that person had done.    


Qin Fei hung up the video call and came out of the narrow room. She thought that her small voice would not be heard by Zhuilei. However, she did not know that Zhuilei was a remodeled person. His five senses were more sensitive than ordinary people. Therefore, he heard every word of her conversation with Mong Loong in his heart. He understood Mong Loong's painstaking efforts the most, so there were many things that he couldn't take the blame for.    


Zhuilei looked at Qin Fei apologetically and lowered his eyes. "I'm sorry, Fei Fei."    


"Why did you say sorry? It's not like anything happened." Zhuilei's actions surprised Qin Fei.    


"This is between me and Mong Loong. It has nothing to do with you. If it really has something to do with you, then I have to thank you for not asking for any protection during this period of time." Qin Fei had always been grateful to Zhuilei.    


"No, no, no. This matter is also related to me. There are some things that I didn't tell you, but I have to tell you now. I can't let Uncle Mong take the blame for me. " Zhuilei said it with some difficulty. He didn't know what to say after he said it. He and Qin Fei were still not friends.    


Qin Fei seemed to have a premonition that what Zhuilei said would be something bad.    


"I am very tired now. I don't want to listen to you anymore." Initially, she thought that everything would be fine after she explained it to Mong Loong, but she was too naive. She was already very weak now. She didn't want to hear more things that made her sad.    


"I don't want you to misunderstand Uncle Mong. Actually, you can't blame him for this. He didn't know about you..." Zhuilei frowned nervously.    


Qin Fei heard him mention Mong Loong and felt depressed in her heart. "Can you stop talking about it? I already said I don't want to hear about it. Don't force me like this. The matter between Mong Loong and me is not something you can explain in a few words. If this kind of blood relationship between Mong Loong and me endangers my life, who would be willing to be his father and daughter?"    


No matter what Zhuilei said, he would not change Qin Fei's opinion of Mong Loong.    


Qin Fei saw Zhuilei open his mouth and was about to say something again, so she quickly pushed him away and let Lin Yuelin walk into the ward. She did not want to hear anyone talking right now.    


Now that the situation had reached a point where it could not be saved, she had to be associated with Mong Loong. Then let it develop. Since she couldn't change the current situation, then she had to work hard to live. He had to see how the other party failed.    


Looking at Qin Fei's furious back, Zhuilei's eyes were full of anxiety. Men didn't really understand the heart of a woman. Furthermore, he was a modified person, so he didn't understand the complexity of a woman.    


Although Qin Fei always caused trouble for Lin Yuelin, Zhuilei knew that Qin Fei was a very smart woman. Perhaps he did not need to say anything to guess what he was going to say, but Qin Fei did not want to listen to his explanation. She just did not want to give Uncle Mong a chance. It seemed that the gap between her and Uncle Mong had become difficult to reconcile.    


When she returned to Lin Yuelin's side and saw his peaceful sleeping face, she felt that the world was peaceful. When Lin Yuelin was still healthy, Qin Fei felt that he was responsible for everything. Now that he was lying on the hospital bed, it was the first time Qin Fei had to face so many things. Only then did she know that she was really tired. She was already mentally and physically exhausted. She just did not know how long the heavens would joke with her.    


Actually, Lin Yuelin had already woken up a long time ago. Previously, when he saw that Qin Fei was not around, he continued to close his eyes and think about things. Now that she had returned, of course he had to open his eyes.    


Qin Fei always said that she relied on him. Actually, he also depended on her. As long as Qin Fei was around, he would have the courage to defeat everything. As long as Qin Fei was not around. He felt that there was no meaning in doing anything.    


He opened his eyes and saw that Qin Fei's face was unusually red, as if she had been angered by something. Fei Fei, where have you been? I can't see you when I wake up.    


"Yuelin, I..." Qin Fei looked at the person she deeply loved because she was injured. She wanted to do something for him but was unable to do anything. She was really angry.    


"What do you want to say?" Lin Yuelin was a little worried.    


"I just talked to Mong Loong through video call." She clearly wanted to hide it from Lin Yuelin, but now she was like a frightened child. The person she relied on the most was concerned about her, and she couldn't hide it from her heart.    


"What did you say? Why didn't you say it in front of me?" Lin Yuelin hated that Qin Fei had something to hide from him, so he asked unhappily.    


"I think this is between the two of us. I don't want to implicate you." Qin Fei told him her original intention.    


"Then what exactly did you guys say? I want to know everything. Don't hold anything back." From Qin Fei's depressed mood, it could be seen that she definitely did not have anything good to discuss. Although Lin Yuelin was not in a good mood right now. But the most important thing right now was not to be angry, but to comfort this fragile woman.    


"All of our disasters are caused by me being Mong Loong's daughter, so I want to cut off our relationship as father and daughter." Qin Fei wanted to laugh when she spoke of this childish idea. She was too naive.    


"My little fool." Lin Yuelin did not know what to say. He paused for a while and said. " Do you think a blood relationship can be broken just because you say so? Even if you don't like Mong Loong... But your blood is flowing with his blood. This is a fact that you can't deny. "    


Lin Yuelin didn't have any feelings for his father, but he never hated him because he was one of the few people in the world who had the same blood as him.    


"Now I know. I thought it was too simple. I told you I was stupid when it came to big things. It doesn't matter if we cut off our relationship or not. As long as my enemies know that I'm his daughter, they won't let me go." Qin Fei really wanted to break her head and see what was inside. To be able to say such childish words.    


[This chapter is over]    


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