Don't Go Against My Mommy

C617 Something Had Happened to the Mei Family

C617 Something Had Happened to the Mei Family

Lin Yuelin really wanted Qin Fei's hair to turn white overnight. This way, there wouldn't be so many setbacks between them.    


"I think we will be ugly when we get old, but you must be uglier than me. And you are not allowed to be uglier than me." Qin Fei did not want Lin Yuelin to see her ugly face. No matter what, she wanted to show him her best side.    


"I think you are already ugly enough." Lin Yuelin continued to tease Qin Fei. Seeing Qin Fei bickering with him, he felt that she was really a cute little girl. Who would know that she was the mother of three children?    


"How am I ugly?" What Qin Fei hated the most was others saying that she was ugly, let alone Lin Yuelin. She had to come up with an explanation with him today.    


Lin Yuelin knew that women cared about their age and looks the most. Qin Fei was really angry when he said that. But he wanted to see how angry Qin Fei could be. "It's hard to say..."    


"No, since you said so, you must have an answer in your heart. Hurry up and say it." Qin Fei wished she could slap Lin Yuelin to death.    


"Fei Fei, you are ugly everywhere. But just now, you were so ugly that I liked you." Lin Yuelin held Qin Fei's face and said with deep affection, but Qin Fei's expression did not improve.    


Initially, she thought that Lin Yuelin's EQ was a little higher. She did not expect him to be so low. Did he think that it would be touching just by saying that? He dared to say that she was ugly everywhere. He simply did not want to live anymore.    


"I know I am ugly. Since I am so ugly, I definitely do not deserve the handsome and cool Director Lin. You can go and find those pretty ones." Qin Fei's tone was sour.    


Qin Fei had always been praised by her elders and neighbors for being handsome and growing up hungry. She did not expect Lin Yuelin to be so blind. It was already very impressive to say that she was ugly, but now he actually said that she was ugly everywhere. She really didn't know who gave him the courage to say such a shameful thing.    


"Fei Fei, do all of you women care about whether you are good-looking or not?" Lin Yuelin seemed to have realized that what he said was wrong. He originally wanted to say romantic words, but these romantic words didn't seem to have any effect on him.    


"Of course, good-looking people don't care if they are good-looking or not, but ugly people like us especially care if they are good-looking or not." Lin Yuelin wanted to change the topic, but Qin Fei always wanted to talk about this ugly word.    


"Alright, alright, I'm sorry, honey. I was just teasing you. I'm not blind. Why would I think that my wife is not pretty? Besides, you often look in the mirror. Don't you know that you are very good-looking? "Lin Yuelin previously expressed his goodwill on the opposite side. He saw that Qin Fei did not fall for this trick. He could only give it his all to show his friendliness on the front.    


" Don't lie to me. I know what you said just now was the truth. I'm not as pretty as those girls you used to be, and I don't know how to dress up. I am not as sexy as them. It is understandable that you said I am not pretty. I will accept that fact." Qin Fei said a long sentence in a weird tone.    


"Don't talk to me like that again, Fei Fei. It's all my fault. It's my fault that I'm crazy. I shouldn't have used this to joke with you. You look good, you really look good. If you don't believe me, you can ask Cheng Luo. I told him before that you are the most beautiful woman in the world. " If Lin Yuelin had known that Qin Fei would care so much about this matter, he would not have joked about it. In the end, he dug a pit and buried himself in it.    


"Forget it. I see that Director Lin's praise is a little strenuous. I will not be an eyesore here. I will go upstairs to rest first." Qin Fei turned her head and looked at Lin Yuelin with a cold smile.    


No matter what Lin Yuelin said now, Qin Fei did not want to forgive him. She just wanted to teach him a lesson. She wanted him to know that there were some women that he could not mess with. If he did, there would be a lot of trouble.    


Looking at Qin Fei's indifferent back, Lin Yuelin felt as if his heart had been shot by countless bullets. No wonder people said that women were the most difficult to understand. Now he finally understood what the person who said that meant. She was simply a philosophical person. No matter what the woman's question was, as long as she was unhappy, it didn't matter. All your answers are wrong. As long as she's in a good mood when she's in a good mood, all your wrong answers will be correct.    


No wonder men conquer the world, women can conquer the world by conquering men, so women are more powerful in this world.    


But there are still many men in this world who don't understand the truth and still want to conquer women, thinking that by occupying women's bodies and hearts, they can dominate these women. In fact, they have more ways to banish men.    


Lin Yuelin looked at himself in the mirror, who seemed to have lost a war. How to make Qin Fei happy was more complicated than rebuilding a company.    


Lin Yuelin finally got up and went up the stairs. Hatred could not be spent the night, so he had to solve these problems as soon as possible. ...    


Lin Yuelin originally wanted to open the door, but he did not expect Qin Fei to lock the door from the inside. He shook his head helplessly. "Fei Fei, open the door. Listen to me. You have to listen to me and sentence me directly. "    


Qin Fei did not want to forgive Lin Yuelin so quickly. This person was getting more and more daring now. She had to let him reflect on his mistakes. Otherwise, he would make such a low-level mistake in the future.    


"Feifei, don't be like this. I am so sad." Lin Yuelin's ear was close to the door, but he did not hear the footsteps. He knew that Qin Fei did not intend to open the door.    


"There are so many rooms in the villa. You can just pick any one of them. Why did you enter my room?" Qin Fei shouted at the door.    


"But my documents are all inside. I still have important things to do. These documents are all useful." Lin Yuelin's voice sounded very urgent.    


Qin Fei and Lin Yuelin's life could be considered warm. They just hoped that time could be slower. That way, they would have more time to enjoy these things.    


Everyone felt that B City was very dangerous, but something big had happened in He City. Mei family was considered an ancient family. It had always been a family with a good life. But suddenly, they encountered a big economic crisis. The entire Mei's had suffered a huge blow.    


When Qin Fei and Lin Yuelin received Soong Ze's call and found out about this news, the Mei's Corporation had reached its most dangerous moment. Soong Ze originally didn't want to tell Lin Yuelin and Qin Fei about this matter. After all, they had something to do. Therefore, he had been using his own strength to help the Mei's deal with this matter. However, he couldn't turn the situation around, so he had to tell Lin Yuelin about this matter. Even though he did not have much strength now, he believed that Lin Yuelin, who had a business miracle, must have some way to deal with it. Perhaps he could save the Mei's from this crisis.    


Qin Fei could not sit still any longer when she heard the news, so she urged Lin Yuelin to hurry to He City. She already owed the Mei family a lot. This was the time when the Mei family needed help the most. If she had the ability, she would definitely lend a helping hand.    


After Cheng Luo found out about this matter, he also wanted to go to He City. He had always wanted to go and see Du Ning, but he was afraid that Du Ning would think that he had some ulterior motive, so he didn't dare to do so. Now, he finally had a chance and a reasonable reason.    


Therefore, the three of them immediately went on their way. Flying directly to that city was the fastest choice.    


"Yuelin. Do you think the Mei family's encounter this time was because of me?" Qin Fei was most worried that the enemy's firepower had already shifted to He City. Anyone who had dealt with her before would suffer. If that was the case, Qin Fei would be placed in a state of disloyalty and disloyalty by these people.    


"Aren't we still unaware of the reason? Don't take all the blame on yourself. You also know that Mei's has been declining for the past few years. Perhaps it is because your uncle is not good at managing things."    


Soong Ze did not elaborate on the details on the phone, so he had to listen to Soong Ze in detail about the details. However, Soong Ze was stuttering. It seemed that it really had something to do with Qin Fei. Of course, these words would not be heard by Qin Fei. Otherwise, she would not be able to sleep or eat in peace again.    


"Yuelin, how can I not think about these things when you ask me to? Economic crises were not something that could be found just like that. Moreover, why were there no economic crises in other corporations? It just so happens to be the Mei's that is related to me. I feel that they are here for me. " Qin Fei was like a snake in a cup.    


"Don't think about it anymore. Everything will come to light when we get there." Lin Yuelin knew more than Qin Fei, so he did not know what to say to her. He really did not know what to say other than these dry words of comfort.    


"Yuelin, the children should be fine, right?" Qin Fei would worry about this and that when something happened. Her whole body was like a tight strand of hair.    


"The children are fine. It is just an economic crisis. There are so many people in Mei family who only eat and don't do anything. Can't they take care of the three children?" Lin Yuelin knew that no matter how he comforted Qin Fei now, she would be nervous. She seemed to have gotten used to this kind of nervous mode.    


"Everything will be fine, treasure." Qin Fei whispered to herself, even if Lin Yuelin was by her side. Only now did she understand the cruelty of life. You will never know who the next accident will happen to.    


"Yes, Fei Fei. We will be fine." Lin Yuelin hoped that things would develop in a positive way, but he didn't want to be in a situation where there was no turning back.    


Cheng Luo didn't say anything. In his mind, he was thinking about Du Ning. When he thought about how he would be able to see her and Qinglan today, his mood became especially cheerful.    


This chapter is over.    


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