Don't Go Against My Mommy

C640 Mei Shuang Actually Didn't Agree

C640 Mei Shuang Actually Didn't Agree

"It's good that Du Ning can help us. It doesn't matter if Cheng Luo can play this move or not." Lin Yuelin was very satisfied with what his wife had done. It could be said that she had relieved his worries.    


"We have gained a lot today, not only the clothes, but also a lot of information." Lin Yuelin's face was full of smiles.    


Along the way, Qin Fei and Lin Yuelin were very happy, so they talked and laughed. They talked about everything in the world, and their hearts suddenly became very close.    


Qin Fei was really depressed. Why did she feel that she and Lin Yuelin had been itching for seven years? When there was nothing wrong, women really thought a lot.    


"It seems that I should really take you out for a walk often, because after a trip, you will be in a really good mood, and you will look even better." Lin Yuelin's mouth seemed to be smeared with honey.    


"I am in a good mood, and your life will be better as well. Is it not good?" Qin Fei felt that there was something wrong with Lin Yuelin's words. If she was happy, wouldn't he be happy too?    


"I just hope that you can always be so happy. Only then can I feel that I have brought you happiness. I don't feel a little defeated. " These were the sincere words of Lin Yuelin. When he looked at Qin Fei, he always had a frown on his face. He felt that he had done something wrong, which was why he made Qin Fei unhappy.    


"Alright, alright. Stop saying these sweet words. I feel like throwing up. You should drive your car properly." Qin Fei started to dislike Lin Yuelin. This person really treated meat numbness as an interesting thing.    


When the two of them returned to Mei's residence, it was already very late. Now that they were hungry, they quickly ran to the hall to eat dinner. Fortunately, it was time for dinner.    


After Qin Fei and Lin Yuelin went out today, their relationship seemed to have risen by a stage. In fact, life was like this. The two of them also needed to have a good relationship.    


Qin Sheng and Qin Mo had not seen their parents for a day, so after eating, they surrounded their mother. Soong Yuan even wanted Qin Fei to hug her. Lin Yuelin still preferred to stay in the quiet little world with Qin Fei. He was not used to children quarreling around.    


Of course, the children did not even look at Lin Yuelin. His family was still a little more considerate towards his mother. Lin Yuelin looked at his wife being surrounded by the children and felt really disappointed in his heart. With so many children, Qin Fei's love had already been separated. When it came to him, there was not much left.    


He was really the most pitiful father in the world.    


"Dad, I still love you very much" Qin Sheng only shifted her attention to Lin Yuelin after a long time. She felt that it was already raining beside him.    


"Dad, we are going to sleep with mom tonight. So you can go to our room to sleep." Lin Yuelin's eyes were shining. After all, his daughter still loved him. However, after Qin Sheng finished speaking, he felt that he really shouldn't have any hope for his child.    


"Mom's night will always be Dad's. I also need Mom." Lin Yuelin rejected her very strictly.    


Qin Sheng could only look at her father with tears in her eyes, hoping that he could change his mind. Although Lin Yuelin did not move the stone-hearted Lin Yuelin, he still moved Qin Fei.    


"Yuelin, you go to the child's room to sleep tonight. I have not accompanied the child for a long time." Qin Fei's voice made Lin Yuelin fall into hell.    


Lin Yuelin originally wanted to take advantage of the fact that the two of them were happy to be intimate with Qin Fei, but now it all went down the drain.    


Lin Yuelin looked at the three children sadly, but the three children were not moved at all. They already knew that their father liked to gain sympathy.    


Seeing that it was useless, he could only look at his wife pitifully. "Fei Fei, you can't spoil them like this anymore. They have already grown up. How can they still sleep with you?"    


What Lin Yuelin said made a lot of sense. No matter what, he had to defend his position as the head of the family today.    


"It's useless no matter what Father says. Anyway, Mother has already agreed." Everyone knew that it was still mother who had the final say in the family. Soong Yuan looked in the direction of Lin Yuelin and pouted.    


"Of course, dad is the one in charge at home. It's not okay if dad doesn't agree." Lin Yuelin would not sympathize with Soong Yuan. Everyone knew that she liked to use this trick to achieve her goal.    


"We still need to be fair and democratic. Let's vote." Soong Yuan shook her head and had a treacherous smile on her face.    


"You wish. Who doesn't know that you are all together? You guys ganged up to bully Dad." Lin Yuelin was the CEO of a big company after all, although he was not now. How could he be schemed against by a little girl?    


Lin Yuelin directly carried Qin Fei into his arms. "Quickly go back to your rooms to sleep. The weather is too cold. Mo and Sheng must take good care of yourselves and also take good care of little sister."    


He felt that he still needed to be a strict father to defend some of his interests.    


"Yuelin, I beg you. I haven't slept with Soong Yuan for a long time. I used to sleep with her. Just satisfy me." Qin Fei wanted to sleep with the child tonight, not to tease Lin Yuelin.    


"No, your mother likes to spoil the child. Whose child is so old and still sleep with adults? " Lin Yuelin knew that such a thing must not be precedent. Otherwise, there would be a second time. If this had always been the case, it would be even worse.    


"But I'm so young. I'm not a big child. I can sleep with my mother." Soong Yuan quickly grasped the loophole in Lin Yuelin's words.    


"That's right, that's right. Little dumpling is only three years old. She can sleep with her mother." Qin Fei really missed the sweet milk fragrance on Soong Yuan's body.    


"Alright, alright. Soong Yuan is young. Sheng and Mo are already nine years old. They are not young anymore." Lin Yuelin felt that his dignity could not be broken. Otherwise, the children would not be afraid of him in the future.    


"But I need to sleep in the same bed as brother and sister to have a sense of security. Otherwise, I will have insomnia." Soong Yuan pouted and wanted to help her brother and sister.    


But she had really underestimated her father's determination this time.    


"Since you like sleeping with your brother and sister so much, then you guys can sleep together in the future. Don't come and disturb my mother and me." Lin Yuelin gritted his teeth and said.    


Letting her sleep with mom was already enough to let her laugh secretly. She even wanted to pull Sheng and Mo along. This was simply too much.    


"No way. Mom just wants to sleep with me." Soong Yuan could only act coquettishly with Qin Fei.    


This father was really too fierce and was not easy to talk to at all.    


"Tonight I will sleep with mother. Father is joking with you." Qin Fei was afraid that this little ancestor would cry, so she comforted him.    


"Yuelin, you are already a father. Why are you arguing with your own daughter about this?" Generally speaking, for a mother, the position of the child was more important than the position of the husband.    


"But Sheng and Mo are already so old. Are you sure you still want to spoil them? Lin Yuelin felt that he had been wronged too much. The child did not care about him. Now, even his wife was not on his side.    


"No matter how old my child is, he is still my child. In my heart, he is the little darling." Qin Fei looked at Sheng and Mo with a face full of love.    


Lin Yuelin who was standing by the side almost spurted out blood.    


"Mother, let's go to sleep. The baby is so cold." Soong Yuan called Qin Fei's neck, afraid that her father would pull her out of his mother's arms.    


"Okay, I will take you to sleep." Qin Fei quickly carried the child to the children's room.    


Lin Yuelin looked at their backs and knew he could not stop them from leaving. He could only look at Sheng and Mo angrily. Obviously, they knew that Soong Yuan would definitely convince Qin Fei, so they gave Soong Yuan an idea. To trick her away. It was true. His wife.    


Qin Sheng looked dissatisfied. "Dad, you should be a kind father. Don't look at us like that. We will be afraid."    


Qin Mo quickly nodded. That's right.    


Looking at his son and daughter like that, Lin Yuelin really could not get angry.    


"You all are so old now, you can't stick to your mother like this." Lin Yuelin felt that he would let them go tonight. If he didn't return Qin Fei tomorrow, then he wouldn't be polite.    


"We are very independent. Can't Dad see?" Qin Mo said as if it was a matter of course, "But we are still children. We just want to sleep with Mom occasionally. Dad will not be so petty to us. "    


Qin Mo did not know how to refute their words. After all, what they said was reasonable and reasonable. He really did not know who inherited this argument.    


How could Lin Yuelin know that such a debate was clearly inherited from him?    


The three children successfully tricked Qin Fei away.    


Lin Yuelin stayed alone in the empty room to repent. If he had known earlier that the children were so annoying, he would have worn a condom no matter how drunk he was or how emotional he was.    


Lin Yuelin had already suffered a serious blow tonight. In the end, Zhuilei brought another piece of news to Lin Yuelin, which was that Mei Shuang did not agree to see the truth.    


If Mei Shuang did not agree, then everything would be in vain.    


Lin Yuelin frowned and could not understand. "Why would she not agree?"    


"I don't know, but no matter what I say, I won't listen." Zhuilei told Mei Shuang that it was useless to talk to her for the whole afternoon. He did not know why a woman would be so stubborn. He was exhausted.    


"But if Mei Shuang does not agree to this, everything will not go on." Lin Yuelin felt that the matter was serious. He originally thought that Mei Shuang was a person who knew the big picture and would definitely be willing to help. After all, this was the matter of Mei family.    


[This chapter is over]    


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