Don't Go Against My Mommy

C645 It Was All a Mess Caused by a Picnic

C645 It Was All a Mess Caused by a Picnic

"We are all adults, so there should be no problem with the stomach. But the children will definitely have a stomachache. " Lin Yuelin had long thought of this. BBBQ was not a clean thing to begin with. In the past, he would never eat it, but now he knew that this was life.    


So he was not as worried as Qin Fei. It was common for children to have diarrhea.    


"The thing I'm most worried about is Soong Yuan. Tell me if something happens to her. I told the doctor that I let her eat barbeque. Do you think we will be scolded as parents who have the least common sense?" Qin Fei looked at Soong Yuan with a face full of excitement.    


"It's just diarrhea. There shouldn't be a big problem." Lin Yuelin said.    


"Soong Yuan, if your stomach hurts, you have to tell mom quickly." After all, it was a piece of flesh that fell off her body. Qin Fei would occasionally turn around to look at it. Soong Yuan.    


Soong Yuan shook her head and had a proud look on her face, "Mom, you don't have to worry about me. My stomach is also very strong. I will definitely not have diarrhea."    


"Sheng and Mo, do you two feel uncomfortable?" Although Sheng and Mo were already so old, they had never suffered in their stomachs. Who knew how weak they were.    


"Mom, don't worry. It's fine. Let's go back and eat some digestive pills." Qin Sheng felt that her mother was just blindly nervous. What could happen to them?    


Qin Mo was a man, so he did not care. "Yes, Mom. We are all adults, so there is no problem."    


In the past, Qin Sheng's health was the worst, but after that fire, the one with the worst health was Qin Mo.    


If he was fine, then everyone should be fine.    


Although she was still a little worried, Qin Fei knew that it was useless even if she was worried, so she turned around and sat down, thinking about other things.    


After returning to Mei's residence, Lin Yuelin directly dragged Qin Fei into his room, and the children naturally returned to their rooms. Today, he would definitely not give Qin Fei to the children.    


"Mom, you want to sleep with me. You said you want to tell me a story and also sing for me." Soong Yuan looked at her mother's back as she left and shouted in grief, Mom, you want to sleep with me. You said you want to tell me a story, and you also want to sing for me.    


"You better forget about it. Last night, her father was already angry, and tonight was even worse. " Lin Yuelin had already walked a long distance away. He coldly rejected Soong Yuan's request.    


Soong Yuan saw that her mother was getting further and further away from her, so she wanted to chase after her mother. However, she was stopped by Mo, who was quick to react. "Little dumpling, let's forget about tonight. If you make Dad angry, then... Dad will hit you."    


Qin Mo had to remind her that it was not that dad could not beat her, but that he usually felt sorry for her. That was why he didn't bother with her. However, if she continued to be so naughty, her father might get angry.    


Qin Sheng already knew that her mother could not sleep with them tonight, so she easily accepted this fact. She just quietly stood by the side and did not say anything.    


"Alright, alright. Let's go back to sleep. We have been tired for the whole day." Qin Sheng waited until Soong Yuan no longer cried and cried before saying.    


Soong Yuan still insisted on standing at the door. She felt that her mother would definitely come back. Qin Sheng and Qin Mo shook their heads and tacitly dragged her into the room. Only then did her brother and sister persuade Soong Yuan to sleep.    


They originally thought that it was a quiet night, but they did not expect that in the middle of the night, Soong Yuan would start to cry and say that her stomach hurt. Although she was stopped by Qin Fei, she still ate a lot. This kind of shouting woke Qin Sheng and Qin Mo up from their sleep.    


Qin Sheng and Qin Mo looked at each other and immediately knew that their sister must have had a stomachache because of the barbecue. Although they did not want to disturb their parents, this situation was really urgent. They did not know how to deal with it, so they had to call the adults.    


When Qin Fei and Lin Yuelin rushed over with their clothes on, Soong Yuan was already drenched in sweat from the pain and her small clothes were all wet.    


It was so good that it did not work. Qin Fei had hit the nail on the head.    


Lin Yuelin decisively picked Soong Yuan up from the bed and said to the person behind him, "Let's hurry to the hospital."    


No one had seen such a situation before, including Qin Fei. Everyone was stunned. At this time, only Lin Yuelin needed to be more decisive.    


A few people rushed to the hospital and hung up the emergency room. After the doctor understood the situation, he told Lin Yuelin and Qin Fei sternly, which made the two adults feel ashamed.    


Qin Fei clearly knew that the child's stomach was not good, but she still did not stop the child. This was originally her fault.    


Lin Yuelin had always supported Qin Fei and knew that she was like this. As long as something happened to the child, she would blame herself and feel guilty for a long time. Actually, Soong Yuan did not have any major issues. It was just that she had a stomachache, so hanging a bottle of water was more or less enough.    


Qin Sheng and Qin Mo were not as active as before, because they also felt uncomfortable. So when Soong Yuan was done with everything, Qin Mo was the second one to fall.    


Qin Fei's originally relaxed heart was once again suspended because of Qin Mo's fall. She knew that Qin Mo's health was not good. It would be fine if he had a stomachache, but if he had other problems, it would be fine. Qin Fei would never forgive herself for the rest of her life.    


Very soon, Qin Mo was pushed into the emergency room. Qin Fei was pacing back and forth outside the door.    


When Qin Mo came out of the room, the doctor's expression was a little serious, which made Qin Fei and Lin Yuelin hold their breaths and concentrate. They were afraid that something terrible would happen.    


"Doctor, don't just look at us. Say something. What happened to Mo?" Qin Fei said to the doctor anxiously.    


The doctor said that Qin Mo's body did not faint because he ate the junk food. It was because his body had been very weak before. During this period of time, it had been deteriorating rapidly. His immune system was facing the result of a complete breakdown, so those ailments that were not completely healed before were all coming out.    


Qin Fei completely did not know that something like this had happened to Qin Mo's body. This mother of hers was really too incompetent. She did not even know about these things.    


"Doctor, what should we do now?" Lin Yuelin had to remain calm. The child and Fei Fei both needed him. The head of the family could not fall.    


"We need to do an in-depth physical examination on him to see how bad his condition is." The doctor could not define it yet. After all, he had not figured out the situation yet.    


After finding Qin Mo, Qin Fei and Lin Yuelin did not think that they would do a full body examination for Qin Mo. No one knew what happened to his body before. Qin Mo had never talked about his broken body to Lin Yuelin and Qin Fei.    


Therefore, no one cared about him. This caused Qin Mo's body to deteriorate day by day. The doctor had never seen such an illness before, so he did not know where his problem came from.    


Soong Yuan only used a hanging bottle, but Qin Mo had to be hospitalized.    


When Mo woke up, Soong Yuan's stomach did not hurt anymore. She put her hands on the edge of the bed and looked at Qin Mo in pain.    


Her brother had been sleeping for a long time and had not opened his eyes. Her mother said that her brother was sick. She thought that her brother must be in pain, or else he would not have been frowning when he fell asleep.    


When Qin Mo woke up. He saw his family standing by the bed and looking at him with heartache. Although he didn't really like to smile, in order to make them feel at ease, he still forced a smile on their faces. Of course, he didn't know how pale his face was right now, so this kind of smile was even more lovable.    


"Mo, what's wrong with your body? Why didn't you tell your parents?" Lin Yuelin frowned and asked softly.    


Qin Fei originally wanted to say some words of concern, but she did not expect Lin Yuelin to be ahead of her. Furthermore, he spoke with a questioning tone as soon as he opened his mouth. What exactly was going on with this person? He clearly knew that Qin Mo's body was very weak right now, but he still dared to be so fierce to him.    


In fact, Qin Mo didn't know how to explain to his father about the illness in his body. It had been several days since Luh Cheng rescued him, and it was only after Luh Cheng forced him to do so that he could barely escape from death. But from now on, his body had been very weak. Even the dirty air would make his body immune to it.    


"Dad, I don't know about my body's condition. Luh Cheng didn't tell me about it." Qin Mo also wanted to know what happened. Why did he look fine, but his immune system was slowly collapsing.    


"How do you feel now? Do you still feel uncomfortable anywhere?" Qin Fei did not know how to care about Qin Mo at this moment. She was originally a responsible mother.    


"Mom, I'm fine." Qin Mo knew that his mother liked to cry the most. She also liked to let her thoughts run wild. He didn't want her to worry about him.    


"Impossible. Your expression is clearly not good." Lin Yuelin looked at Qin Mo suspiciously. He didn't know why, but he felt that Qin Mo was hiding his condition.    


"Nothing really happened." For Qin Mo, it was normal for him to have a pale face for a longer time than a normal face.    


"Mo, let me tell you, you can't hide the condition of your body. Dad, mom, and sisters will be very worried about you. You can't let down people like us who love you." Whenever Lin Yuelin was in such a situation, he would feel powerless. No matter how much money he had, he couldn't let his child go of pain.    


"I really don't know what's wrong with my body. I have always been very weak. I have asked Luh Cheng about my body, but he never said it. Many times, I thought that I might not live to see my biological father and mother. " Qin Mo's expression was somewhat painful.    


This chapter is over.    


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