Don't Go Against My Mommy

C646 Qin Mo Was Hospitalized

C646 Qin Mo Was Hospitalized

Every time he fainted, Qin Mo would feel that his condition had worsened. He even started to calculate the time of his death in his heart.    


"Mo, you have to believe in dad. I will make sure nothing happens to you." In order to convince Qin Mo, he increased his decibel by a few degrees.    


One. His father would never allow his child to face life so negatively in front of him.    


Qin Sheng and Qin Mo stood by the bed without saying a word. At this time, they did not know what to say and could only look at their brother with eyes full of heartache. Qin Fei also did not know where to start.    


"Dad, I know that you love me and I also know that both of you love me. But my body is mine. I can feel it slowly decay. My internal organs should be useless now. Recently, I feel my life slowly withering away." Qin Mo didn't want to leave just after meeting his parents, but if this was the truth that the heavens had prepared for him... Then he could only accept it.    


"Mo, you can't be so passive. The results of the examination haven't come out yet. Even if it has come out, the current science is so advanced, and the medical skills are so advanced. You will definitely be fine. " The patient's emotions were the most important. Many medical miracles were because the patient had a strong desire to live.    


No one spoke. Even their breathing became very light. This silence made everyone feel uncertain.    


Qin Fei pulled Lin Yuelin's sleeve. He looked back at her in confusion. He could feel Qin Fei's body trembling slightly. It made her sad again. He had failed as a father and as a husband.    


There was guilt in Lin Yuelin's eyes.    


Only then did Qin Fei realize that this seemingly omnipotent man, even though he had acted so calm and composed in front of outsiders just now, in fact, he was afraid and even blamed himself.    


"Yuelin, let's not stay here anymore. Let the children stay for a while." Qin Fei still had something very important to tell Lin Yuelin.    


Qin Fei looked at Qin Sheng. She knew that she must be very worried about Mo. Although she would also be jealous that Mo and Soong Yuan were close, she was always the closest person to Mo. Mo was one with her from the mother's womb.    


Qin Fei really hoped that Qin Sheng could persuade Qin Mo to keep an optimistic attitude. No matter what the result of the physical examination was, the adults would think of a way. As long as he faced it with an optimistic attitude, they would see hope.    


Qin Fei understood what her mother meant, but Soong Yuan was still too young. She did not understand how these things happened and why her healthy brother was lying on the bed.    


Qin Fei and Lin Yuelin went out of the ward. After they went out, Qin Fei's entire body collapsed. In the ward, in order to not make Qin Mo worry, she had been pretending to be strong. At this moment, there was no one else. Her eyes were full of helplessness. She was more worried about the physical examination results than Qin Mo. She was afraid of those incurable diseases. The happiness that she was afraid of not being able to obtain flew away just like that.    


"Yuelin, do you know how scared I am right now? I don't know what to do with Mo, do you know?" In Qin Fei's heart, she wanted to find Luh Cheng. After all, he was the only one who knew about this.    


"I know you want to find Luh Cheng." After being with Qin Fei for such a long time, how could Lin Yuelin not understand her thoughts?    


"Don't worry. I know my thinking is wrong. I am just thinking about it. Qin Mo's situation was already bad enough. Why would she take the risk to find her enemy?    


"Fei Fei, we are Mo's pillar now. We should face all of this with confidence. Only in this way can Mo be optimistic." Lin Yuelin did not know what Qin Fei was thinking in her heart, so he could not comfort her with the right medicine. He could only give her a strong hug, hoping that she could gain strength from it.    


"I hope there are no problems with the medical report." But it was clear that even she herself did not believe such a statement.    


"Fei Fei, it's still the same sentence. Trust me. I won't let anything happen to our only son." Lin Yuelin had the best medical resources. He did not believe that the scientific team formed by all the medical experts would not be able to save Qin Mo.    


"My mind is like a pot of porridge. It is very messy. I can't think of any problems." Recently, things had happened one after another. In any case, none of them were satisfactory.    


"There are ways to solve everything. It's the same this time." Lin Yuelin and Qin Fei were worried about Qin Mo's health. As a father, he should have taken Qin Mo for a physical examination at the beginning. How could he be so careless? If he had found out earlier, he could have treated ___ earlier.    


What Lin Yuelin was worried about the most now was that he had missed the best opportunity to treat ___.    


"But I'm really annoyed. Nothing good has happened to me. Do you think my life is really so sad?" Qin Fei obediently lied in Lin Yuelin's arms. Fortunately, he was there at this time. If it was not for him, she really did not know what to do.    


Qin Fei knew that these things could not be solved with tears, so she tried her best not to cry to express her sadness.    


"Fei Fei, I think you have been infected by Mo's words. Don't listen to him. He is just a child." Lin Yuelin felt that Qin Mo's words were just his pessimistic thoughts. Things would not be like this.    


"How can I not think about it? Mo's words have been repeating in my mind. I'm really worried about what happened to Mo's body." Thinking of this, Qin Fei felt extremely guilty. As a mother, she didn't even know how the child's body was. She simply didn't deserve to be Mo's mother.    


"In other words, Mo is now lying on the hospital bed. Do you want to fall down and accompany Mo, and he will be in a better mood?" Lin Yuelin hoped that Qin Fei would be strong enough to face all of this together with him.    


"Yuelin, you are right. The situation will not be so bad. Mo will definitely be fine. He looks so healthy." Qin Fei forced a smile at Lin Yuelin.    


"Fei Fei, it's okay. Don't smile when you don't want to. You just have to wait slowly. Leave the rest to me." Lin Yuelin didn't want to see Qin Fei feeling too burdened. If he could find out what she was thinking... Then everything would be fine.    


Alright, I am not that sad now. Let's go back. Qin Fei's smile had disappeared. Indeed, Lin Yuelin was right. She did not want to laugh. She did not want to laugh at all.    


Qin Fei and Lin Yuelin quickly returned to the room. Qin Sheng did not know what to say to Qin Mo. Soong Yuan, who was standing beside the bed, was better, but her face was still a little pale.    


Lin Yuelin walked to Soong Yuan's side and whispered, "Little dumpling, your stomach did not hurt just now and your complexion is still not good. Go and lie on the bed."    


Soong Yuan was really a very sensible little girl. She was usually very willful and unreasonable. But she still knew what was the most important thing. She knew that her brother was sick. Even if her own health was not good, she still had to follow to see her brother.    


"Brother Mo, what's wrong? Is your stomach hurting too?" Soong Yuan could feel everyone's uneasiness, but she did not know why.    


"Nothing will happen to Brother Mo. Nothing will happen to him." She didn't know whether this sentence was meant for Mo or for Lin Yuelin himself.    


"Mom, tell me." Soong Yuan knew that her father wasn't telling the truth, so she could only look at her mother, hoping that her mother wouldn't lie to her.    


"Soong Yuan, quickly lie on the hospital bed for a while." There was also a bed prepared for the staff in Mo's ward. Qin Fei was now sitting on the bed.    


Soong Yuan shook her head. She wanted to stay here and watch Mo. This way, Mo would have the courage.    


Qin Mo felt warm in his heart when he saw Soong Yuan like this, but her expression was also not good. He could only persuade her, "Soong Yuan, be good. Go and sleep next to brother. Only in this way, brother will not worry. You also don't have to worry about brother. I'm fine. When brother recovers, I will play with you. "    


Soong Yuan looked at the persistent Mo and then looked at the tired Qin Fei. In the end, she still walked towards her mother. Now was the critical moment. Everyone was worried about Mo. She could not let everyone be unhappy because she was so insensible.    


When there was still some distance, Qin Fei carried Soong Yuan and placed her on the bed.    


Soong Yuan did not cry or make a fuss at this time. She just looked at everyone cautiously. In the end, her eyes followed Qin Mo. She had a bad feeling. It was as if she could not see her brother anymore. Previously, she didn't think that her brother was very good, so she just played with her sister. Every time, he would be cold to Luh, but recently, he realized that his brother was also very good.    


Thus, the family of five stayed in the hospital. After the people of Mei family found out about this matter, everyone came to the hospital to visit. Regarding this, Qin Fei was still very pleased. After all, the people of Mei family were not that cold-blooded and heartless. However, the three children of Qin Fei had been loved by the people of the Mei family during their stay in the Mei family. Their concern for Qin Mo was sincere. They felt that it was a pity to let such a beautiful child suffer.    


Everyone stayed in the ward for a long time. It was not easy for them to leave one after another. In the end, only Soong Ze and Mei Shuang were left. Zhuilei did not come because he received the news and went to investigate. He did not know anything had happened to Qin Mo.    


Mei Shuang looked at Qin Mo, whose face was as pale as a sheet of paper, and her heart ached. What a good child. He was still alive and kicking when she saw him yesterday. Why did he suddenly become like this? Looking at the expressions of her aunt and uncle, she knew that Qin Mo's condition must be very bad.    


[This chapter is over]    


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