Don't Go Against My Mommy

C649 He Didn't Understand Reason with Him

C649 He Didn't Understand Reason with Him

Mei Shuang had already forgotten about this matter after this argument, but now that it was brought up again, Mei Shuang almost wanted to cry.    


"Alright, alright. My singing is terrible. I am a dog biting Lü Dongbin. I don't know what kind of people are good." Mei Shuang felt that she was really meddling in other people's business. Whether she slept or not had nothing to do with her. Why was she meddling in other people's business? She even wanted to sing to her.    


"Now I don't want to talk to you anymore. I want to sleep. Don't sing anymore." Soong Yuan exhorted.    


Soong Yuan was finally willing to sleep and Mei Shuang actually felt a little relieved. But after she was seriously hit by Soong Yuan, she was afraid that she would not dare to sing in front of outsiders anymore.    


Mei Shuang began to have some sympathy for Qin Sheng and Qin Mo. They always lived with her and must have been hit hard every day. She really did not know how they managed to survive.    


Time passed by slowly. Soong Ze and Lin Yuelin sat on the side of the sofa and did not say a word. The expression on their faces was similarly solemn.    


Mei Shuang wanted to sleep a little, but no one slept. She was an adult and she still wanted to sleep with the child. This seemed to be too insensible.    


"Sheng, don't sit there anymore. Quickly come over and sleep with Soong Yuan." Mei Shuang called out to Qin Sheng.    


"I want to accompany big brother." Qin Sheng tactfully refused.    


"It's fine. Mo is sleeping. It's useless for you to accompany him. Besides, you are still a child. Only when you sleep more will you grow taller." Mei Shuang thought of ways to persuade him.    


"I feel the same way as Mo. I know he is very uncomfortable. I am also very uncomfortable. " Qin Mo looked at Mo, who was lying on the sickbed, with a heartache. Why did he have to bear everything? Why wasn't she the one lying on the bed?    


Before, she thought Mo was dead. Qin Sheng felt that her other half was gone forever. Her heart ached so much that she was about to die. It was not easy to wait for Mo to come back. Did she have to experience that kind of pain again?    


Mei Shuang did not understand the so-called telepathy between twins and thought that it was just a joke. Could it be that it was true? Mei Shuang looked at Lin Yuelin and seemed to want an explanation.    


Soong Ze found that Mei Shuang's eyes were already somewhat confused. Under normal circumstances, when she wanted to sleep, she would be like this and look very pitiful.    


"Shuang, there are so many people guarding here. You are not missing. If you are sleepy, I will send you back."    


Mei Shuang's health had not been good since the last time she was shot. Moreover, she was dozing off more and more. This was all known by Soong Ze.    


"No, I have to stay here today." Mei Shuang knew that Soong Ze cared about her, but Qin Mo did not know what was going on right now. How could she leave?    


"No, you are not healthy to begin with. You will only make everyone worry if you stay here." Soong Ze's face was very serious, and he didn't allow anyone to resist.    


Soong Ze had been talking to her the whole time. She was a little annoyed. "I know what my body looks like. Thank you for your concern."    


Soong Ze could not allow Mei Shuang to use her own body to be willful, so even if he used force, he still had to bring her back. "You have to go back with me."    


Mei Shuang saw that Soong Ze wanted to use force and immediately got angry. She was even more unwilling to go back. This time, she basically did not even look at him. He actually dared to be fierce to her.    


Qin Fei saw that the two of them seemed to have a tendency to argue. After all, this was the hospital. She looked at Lin Yuelin and did not know how to deal with him.    


Lin Yuelin shook his head. This matter should be left to Soong Ze to handle. If this matter could not be dealt with, it would not be a good choice to hand Mei Shuang over to him.    


"Soong Ze, do you know that you are really annoying?" Mei Shuang's eyelids were about to start fighting, but she still kept her eyes open. She did not know what she was persisting in.    


"Do you know that you can't help much here? Instead, you are a burden to Fei Fei and Yuelin. Come back with me to sleep now. I will send you over early tomorrow morning." Soong Ze suppressed his anger and spoke softly. He sincerely expressed his opinion.    


After Soong Ze's words were very gentle, Mei Shuang could also hear them. She felt that what Soong Ze said was right, so she agreed to go back now.    


The two of them walked along the corridor of the cold hospital. Mei Shuang's footsteps were very fast. She had no intention of waiting for Soong Ze behind her.    


"Shuang, why are you walking so fast? Wait for me." Soong Ze looked at Mei Shuang's back and frowned. What was this girl throwing a tantrum again?    


"Let me tell you, don't call me by my name so intimately. We are not that familiar with each other." Mei Shuang stopped and pointed at Soong Ze's nose.    


"Shuang, did you not listen to what I just said? I really did it for your own good. You are already a big girl. You have to take care of the big picture and yourself." Soong Ze said earnestly.    


"Well, you are right," ___ said. Mei Shuang said lightly.    


"I know what you mean. You mean I am useless. I will only cause trouble wherever I go. I am a troublemaker, right?" Thinking of what Soong Ze said previously, Mei Shuang was angry everywhere.    


"I really don't mean that. How can you understand it that way?" Soong Ze felt that his meaning had been misinterpreted, but if he really wanted to explain it, he wouldn't be able to explain it clearly.    


He was now in a dilemma.    


"That's right, I just can't understand. I am an idiot, an idiot. Are you satisfied now?" Mei Shuang felt like she was going to shout at Soong Ze about all the grievances she had suffered during this period of time.    


Soong Ze finally understood why people said that women did not have reason when they quarreled. No matter what you said, she could automatically understand the other meaning of Cheng's words and the other meaning was not good.    


"Shuang, I was wrong, okay? I said it wrong, okay?" Soong Ze felt that it was better not to talk anymore. He said more and more wrong. Anyway, Mei Shuang was not very rational now, so whatever she said was wrong.    


"You, Director Soong, are wise and wise. How could there be a mistake? It was clearly my fault. It was me who was unreasonable, "Mei Shuang said coldly.    


"No, no. It was all because I could not speak. It was all because I was stupid like a pig. That's why I always make you angry. " Soong Ze stretched out a hand towards Mei Shuang. "Shuang, you're not angry anymore. Come back with me."    


Mei Shuang avoided Soong Ze's hand as if she was avoiding a plague. Her anger was about to burn her eyebrows. She angrily said, "You better not touch me, okay?"    


Mei Shuang was already very irritable. Seeing Soong Ze's obedient look, she became even more irritable.    


"I want to touch you." The expression on Soong Ze's face was very scary, but his eyes were very firm.    


"We have nothing to do with it. You are just a guest of Mei family. I am the master. Do you want to do something to a master as a guest?" During this period of time, Soong Ze had always been in charge of her as her boyfriend. It would be great if all of this was true. However, she knew that it was not true. Soong Ze would not truly like her.    


The entire Mei family knew that Soong Ze liked her, and they all agreed to her relationship with him. But that was because they didn't know everything. That was why they agreed. In any case, Mei Shuang wouldn't compromise. Soong Ze couldn't give her pure love. She definitely wouldn't want him.    


"You clearly know that I like you, but why are you still like this?" Soong Ze didn't understand why she liked him so coldly even though she clearly liked him.    


"But I don't like you. Who said that if you like me, I must like you?" Mei Shuang had already been hurt by her first love. After that, she finally fell in love with Soong Ze. Soong Ze deeply loved his aunt and did not care about her. It made her sad once again. If love really only had sadness left... Then why did it have to be love?    


Wasn't it asking for trouble?    


"I don't have a rule that you like me, but you can't stop me from liking you. I'll wait for you, and I'll wait for you one day." Soong Ze would never give up after he had determined something. In any case, Mei Shuang did not like anyone, so he had a chance.    


"When I liked you so much, what were you doing? Now I don't like you anymore, and you insist on making me like you. Who do you think you are? Does the whole world want to revolve around you?" Although there was a saying that only people who knew how to cherish something after losing it, this saying was often a tragedy.    


"I know that it was because I didn't recognize my feelings for you back then. I don't believe that I would fall in love with a woman who is so much younger than me. But now I know why you won't give me a chance to prove your love for you. "    


Hearing Mei Shuang say that she didn't like him, Soong Ze's emotions were already surging. But now wasn't the time to talk about this. He needed to calm down and comfort Mei Shuang.    


"Soong Ze, don't lie to yourself, okay? Can you be honest with your heart? If you don't like me, then don't lower your eyebrows here. I think even you don't know why you like me. What do you like about me? " Mei Shuang firmly believed that Soong Ze could not answer. The corners of her mouth still carried a cold smile.    


"Even if I like you, I did not lie to myself." Soong Ze did not know why Mei Shuang refused to believe that he liked her.    


"Then let me ask you, what do you like about me?" Mei Shuang looked at Soong Ze, who had always been calm. He did not seem angry at all. No matter how harsh and cold her tone was, he did not seem angry at all.    


"If you like someone, you must like everything about her. I like your good and your bad. I like everything about you." Soong Ze smiled very gently.    


"Don't tell me I am being unreasonable and willful now. Do you like it too? "Mei Shuang had been tired of rejecting him during this period of time. She really needed an answer.    


"I like it," Soong Ze said without hesitation. "You don't know how much I like you. I like you so much that I look down on myself."    


Soong Ze did not have Mei Shuang's permission to directly hold her in his arms. Now he could only use his tenderness to soften this woman who did not believe him at all.    


This chapter is over.    


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